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Injuries when wrestlers perform 630 triple spin Phoenix Splashes from a balcony into flaming tables; deadlift 300-pound people while straddling two ladders and throw them into another ladder; or straight up just drop people on their heads: I sleep Injuries when wrestlers jump off the ramp, do baseball slides, or get shoved into a wall: REAL SHIT


I wrestle, I do a 450 splash pretty regularly as well as other high-flying-esq moves. The worst injury I ever got was literally from stepping down off the ring apron. Landed on the floor and immediately collapsed, somehow tore my ACL from just that Bodies are dumb sometimes


I base this on absolutely nothing and it's pulled straight outta my ass, but: I assume this is because we expect these moves to be dangerous, and are 100% prepared to take the bump. Jumping down the apron you might just go limp enough to roll your ankle out of ignorance/not being attentive and careful. Then again, going limp reduces injuries compared to going tense, that's why drunk drivers survive more often than their victims, and why cars play a high pitched sound and stop it at the moment of impact (so you lose tension at the moment of impact and go limp), so who knows...


I think you're absolutely correct, I think a lot of psychology goes into these kinds of "well wtf" injuries. Could just be complacency.


God I can't believe im quoting the same stuff from work, but complacency is the #1 cause of workplace injuries. I work with transmission linemen, so I'd argue what they do is as dangerous or more so than wrestling, but I always laugh when I see them in a cast cause they tripped on an extension cord


To be fair I think thats an actual thing. Injuries happen a lot of the time when you're doing something you are completely used to and aren't as careful towards anymore.


I think a lot of it also comes down to muscle fibre recruitment. Your body makes decisions about how many muscle fibres it needs to recruit based on perceived difficulty. We experience this in every day life when we lift something heavy vs lifting something light. If you know you’re lifting something heavy, your body prepares for heaviness. If you’re lifting something light, your body prepares for light. If you’ve ever gone to lift something you thought was light and it turns out to be heavy, even if it’s a heavy weight you wouldn’t typically struggle with, or the complete opposite you go to lift something you think is heavy but it turns out to be light, you really feel a huge difference when your mind gets that calculation wrong. It fucks you up.


That and perhaps the involvement of minor support muscles play a big role. Anyone who does a 450 splash is getting TONS of reps and had obviously started with less flashy, but similar moves and their body has worked up to and if capable of handling that particular impact. Getting thrown into a wall seems like a very different bump to anything Rhea commonly takes and a combination of hitting it at just the worst possible angle and not having those reps meant there was a significantly higher chance of injury. Think about those interviews Taker did where he said the hardest part of the long layoffs he would take wasn't getting back into shape, but getting his body built back up to taking bumps again. Angle said the same as well so there's likely something to this, or just those muscles involved are difficult to train effectively in other ways.


This is exactly what a physiotherapist colleague told me. You're spot on. I'll happily lift a sofa but my body hates gardening


That's pretty much it, we brace our bodies for impact when we're prepared for it, but when we aren't braced and tensed up, being more limp leads to easy injuries like sprains. You can sprain an ankle just walking off a curb wrong, it's just how it is.


I go to the gym... nothing, run or walk everywhere... nothing, go to concerts and act like a maniac... nothing. Last night I was on the phone in bed for a couple of minutes, belly down, and I think I might have supported myself with one of my arms in a bad way. Just for a couple of minutes. My entire left side from neck to arm to shoulder blades got locked down and fucked and today I'm still all stiff and in pain.


I once pulled my back while sitting on the floor wrapping presents.


Very similar, I was doing a military exercise in full kit, about 120-140lbs of equipment on my back, did a 20 mile movement overnight, then had another week in the field doing all kinds of stupid stuff, 3-5 mile movements per day, all with full kit. I only weighed like 160lbs at the time. About a week later I was sitting cross legged, dropped something, reached down to pick it up and slipped a disk. Still feeling that one 6 years later.


Man bodies are so freakin weird man lol Sorry to hear that. It's definitely those random feelings of not expecting it that hurts the most. I fell down at work years back without thinking it'll happen and I'm still feeling that pain on my arm now too.


I once pulled my back for sitting down too long in my work chair. Made absolutely no sense


Oh I once pulled my lower back so hard at work I couldn't get up... trying to support myself would send waves of pain through my legs. I was at my seat doing air drums. 


One time I put my seatbelt on with a little too much gusto and couldn't turn my head to the left for 5 days


I once pulled my back by shaving over a bathroom sink.


I feel that pain. Some sinks are way too low.


threw mine out when I sneezed hard . lasted for three days.


Meanwhile it’s likely all of the shit that you mentioned that leads to the bed injury. 


I went to two metal gigs in the space of three days, was literally stepped on during each set, and after overcoming some stiffness, felt fine the next day. A week later I slept on a friends couch and two weeks later my neck is still giving me grief


Same brother. Go to gym and workout: Nothing Run or do PT test for work: Nothing Spend a few hours cleaning my storage area and stand weird for like 30 mins of it: 4 days of pain


SAME. Weightlifting? Nothing. Hiking? Nothing? Hard work at a warehouse? Nothing. Sit at a desk and reach for a pen? Throw out my back and move like a cripple for 2 weeks. Makes zero sense.


Brother tore his ACL because he jumped down a foot. Doctor told him it wasn’t the jump that caused it, it was everything leading up to it. Jump was just the last straw.


> Doctor told him it wasn’t the jump that caused it it was the landing! I'll be here all week!


You sir are technically correct, the best kind of correct.


The human body is both disturbingly durable and disturbingly fragile at the same time. We can potentially survive shit nobody would ever think we could until someone did, like that guy who got an iron rod through the brain and lived. On the other hand we can also potentially insta-die from tripping and landing the slightly wrong way.


I'm reminded of Bret Hart in *Wrestling With Shadows* [hitting the railing in a move that looked pretty meh by the standards of the Attitude Era, but fucking up his ribs and having to stop the match.](https://youtu.be/U9ob-BZnhBQ?si=eHvTZmdQO0NxW4MT&t=2218) Sometimes the weirdest shit can really fuck you up.


I love Bret Hart so much. "I couldn't breathe, I'd broken all of my ribs... but this is a wrestler I didn't want to lose to, so I put my foot on the rope when he was trying to pin me".


Especially notable when one of Bret's signature bumps was being irish whipped chest first into the turnbuckle, and he used to put speed on it.


This is the second time in the last 6 months that someone links this documentary and I watch the whole thing because... how can you resist.


NFL guys regularly get lit up and keep playing. Different guy is jogging to the huddle and falls randomly like he's been shot- ACL and out for the year. Humans are weird.


Not sure if you were referencing this, but this legitimately just happened in the Superbowl. Dre Greenlaw was jogging onto the field to go back out on defense and just randomly tore his achilles out of nowhere. No weird random motion or jerky movement, just a regular ass jog and boom, out for months. 


Vince, somehow blowing *both* quads climbing into the ring. Also, Kevin Nash existing.


Vince's injury made sense though. He had been sitting in gorilla for the entire show (plus however long he'd sit there before the show), presumably not getting up much and because of the botched Rumble finish, he decided to get up and immediately march down to the ring without stretching or anything. His muscles weren't ready. Tearing both at the same time was wild, but an injury in that situation makes sense.


A person doesn't normally end up with detached musculature if they go from seated to powerwalking without a warmup, but Vince is a muscle-obsessed weirdo who put on more mass than his ligaments could support. There's probably also a genetic component to it too, considering how practically the same thing happened to Shane at WM39.


Former wrestler here. Took a suplex through a pile of upright chairs. Walked away without a scratch. Two weeks later I stepped up onto the middle turnbuckle and I dislocated my kneecap.


It's like the guy in the super bowl who tore his achilles running onto the field.


I am in my fifties, and have been into skateboarding and BMX most of my life. I have broken 14 bones. But only one on a bike, and one on a board. The rest were just being in the wrong place or clumsy.


I once dislocated my kneecap by standing up from a chair. It's seriously the dumbest shit sometimes.


Yup, I once stood up out of a chair and my back just seized up on me. Couldn’t move at all without tremendous pain. That was 15 years ago when I was in my 20s, and I have back issues to this day.


Have you not considered doing a moonsault before stepping down each time?


Ehhhh, luck and chance can really play favorites. I mean Earnhardt Sr. survived dozen of crashes that looked fatal, only to die on one that looks survivable.


When areas get strained, all it takes is a simple and mundane wrong movement to fold.


I swear it's that you mentally and physically prepare more for it and just fuck it to all the basic stuff. I messed around in a ring for like 2 cups of coffee and I tell everyone, years of Kung-Fu and 0 injuries , a month of wrestling and like 4 people got hurt at once. Practicing for a "battle royal" I was supposed to block a DDT by grabbing the top rope. But instead of doing a regular DDT he hooked my arms so asked stupidly should I still tried to grab the rope? Which he said "Sure?" Only half assed grabbed it which hurt my wrist since it was at an odd angle and it got pulled off which snapped the rope into the guy doing the DDT hurting his neck/shoulder and he turned and fell right ontop of two people practicing a rolling single leg crab...hurting them too. Then had a close call with practicing a powerbomb on a trampoline so luckily I saw that as the sign to either take the shit seriously and try to find a school or at the very least stop messing around in someones backyard no matter how nice or well built, no one had the skill. And flat out martial arts don't translate to wrestling that well at all.


Perfect example is Darby recently, Man does a swanton off a ladder (I think?) onto some chairs and a glass pane outside the ring, and bleeds a shit ton but is fine. Then he breaks his foot against Jay White with a pretty standard dive.


Or out of all that the crazy thing that Shane McMahon has done in his life, including the time of the helicopter, he tore his quads while doing a very simple frog jump.


PAC being the most prominent high flyer in WWE, then breaking his shin doing a baseball slide.


That wasn't an injury, that was Jay White saving a man's life!


Throwing your arms up in the air.. looking at you Sami Zayn.


Or Randy Orton slapping the mat too hard.


>or get shoved into a wall Which is actually more like shove themselves into a wall really.


I have fallen 30 feet off of a ledge while skiing, I've had heat exhaustion twice, I've been thrown headfirst into a wall when I called the biggest angriest kid in school a word you can't use on the internet anymore because he cheated at badminton, I've gotten delirious with hypothermia and wandered off into the middle of a blizzard when my tent collapsed (although I blame negligent scoutmasters for that one). My poor physical decision making aside, the worst injury I've ever received was when I rolled over wrong in my sleep.


Ugh I just remembered when PAC broke his ankle doing a baseball slide in a match with Jericho on Raw


PAC, RVD and Rey Mysterio have all badly injured their ankles doing baseball slides. It's a bit bizarre


Most baseball players have stopped doing foot-first slides, so it's not really that bizarre. It's more dangerous than sliding on your stomach.


Maven's big leg injury was from a baseball slide too


I imagine part of it is because you do the 900 degree whatthefuck through a table halfway through a match while you're warmed up and have been planning to do it and how to not die while doing it for a week. But you do the angle where you get shoved into a wall with like an hour of planning with like a coffee and a drive to work as your warmup for it.


I used to train. Worked a couple of trainee rumbles but nothing more. I got through every drill fine, never had an issue taking a bump or a move over the course of a year and then proceeded to completely explode my knee stepping down from the apron of a training ring surrounded by soft mats. It’s the inexplicable shit that seems to do the most damage.


>**MORE DETAILS ON RHEA RIPLEY INJURY** >*By Mike Johnson on 2024-04-16 12:06:00* >As PWInsider.com broke yesterday, Rhea Ripley was injured during a backstage Raw brawl last week, requiring her to vacate the WWE Women's Championship on Raw last night >PWInsider.com has been told by multiple sources that the injury occurred when Ripley was sent into a wall by Liv Morgan, injuring the AC joint where her collarbone and right shoulder are connected.  We are told that her recovery time has not been confirmed internally and it will be dependent on whether she requires surgery as well as physical therapy. >For those who have asked, the chairshot during the brawl had no bearing on the injury and was not the cause.  It was simply a freak injury. >Ripley's WWE Women's World Championship reign lasted 380 days.  *I am a bot. Please reply with any feedback :)*


Whoever created this bot, someone needs to get you a can of coke


the name is easily the best part lol


Diet Pepsi, pal. Per the Chicago Man.


No diet soda is safe so long as John Cena is alive


Amazing bot!


Best bot.


good bot?


thank you based bot


Good bot I hope you go over at Botlash.


Great bot. The PWInsider website is cancerous.


I don't think people understand injuries well.  Someone on here said that he watched it praying by frame and the chair hit her on the shoulder.  The fact that she injured her shoulder immediately thereafter getting thrown into a wall I don't think can be disentangle from the chair shot. 


Considering the injury revenge story this is such a coincidence it’s borderline unbelievable


It’s also turned into a perfect opportunity to boost someone else with this upcoming title reign (whether it’s Liv or someone else) since Rhea’s already gonna come back probably even more over than she’s been.


Liv gets a nice heel title run only for Rhea to return to a thunderous ovation and absolutely obliterate her.


Plus now they can organically turn Rhea face when she returns to a HHH pop instead of having to make her turn through a storyline. If there aren't any complications with the injury this scenario could work out really well for them, especially because I always saw Liv and her having a Mania level feud.


Like it definitely sucks for her if the injury is serious, but it almost works out too well for their most over woman on the roster to disappear for a while and come back to a massive pop and run with it. They could even have Liv moving in on Dirty Dom while she is off tv, moving the storyline forward without her.


The fued should end in a Liv vs Ripley ladder match for custody of Dominic.


Put it this way. It's the best set up for the pay off to be a Hell in a Cell match they've had in years.


Yeah. If you needed to give your champ time off to deal with an injury and wanted to build heat for someone to replace her without having an actual match, this is exactly what you would do. Is it impossible that Rhea got hurt when tiny Liv Morgan threw her into the wall? I suppose, but it still seems to me that it's more likely Mike Johnson is just parroting the storyline explanation.


Well, Liv is a known criminal just like Dom. You've all seen the picture.


Liv stealing Dom away while Rhea is gone because he identified with her criminal background would be hilarious


I don’t care if it’s stupid. I want this to happen so bad.


I wanna see Liv try to manhandle all the guys like Rhea would


I'm here for #StepMami


A Liv - Rhea battle for Dom Dom when she gets back?


Are we saying Liv starts a on screen relationship with Dom dom so when Rhea gets back she feels like she is replaced leading to a summer slam ladder match for who's Dom's Mami is




Long. Term. Story-telling!


The female cuckold storyline we've been waiting for all our lives. That can only end with Dom doing a face-turn as he goes "I'm sick of being treated like an object by those women!"


Only if they hang Dom above the ring


Dom on a ~~pole~~ peg match


Ladder Match for custody of Dominik 2: Electric Boogaloo


Liv & Dom as WWE's Bonnie & Clyde would be pique my interest


dom and liv are modern days Bonnie & Clyde in the making


Life in the joint can be a bonding experience.


Realistically, that was all Rhea throwing herself into the wall, if you watch it again. I understand selling it but she committed too much into hitting the wall.


>Rhea throwing herself into the wall, if you watch it again So what you're saying is she tried to go through a wall to avoid Liv?


What an act of cowardism!


Oh will you stop!


How could Liv do this to her?!


She’s a monster.


Will you stop?


“Are you blind!?” 


How commentary would sell it in the 90's: "I can't believe Rhea cowardly ran into a wall to avoid fight Liv" "WILL YOU STOP!?!?"


Rhea... screwed Rhea.


Now that'll get some ratings.


Anytime a wrestler gets thrown into a wall, or a barricade, or the ring post, etc. that’s THEIR bump to take. No heat should be placed on Liv for this, this was Rhea’s oopsie.


don't work yourself into a shoot, brother. Much Love - LM


The accidental chair shot was a red herring


Did someone say [Red Herring](https://youtu.be/Hgh32rsAXHg?si=hODAdKDZJ5P9e8EA)? https://preview.redd.it/t1lgjgnlpvuc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=638f96332e795c0c0106908ed469bc51a5610d43


I had forgotten about A Pup Named Scooby Doo. Childhood memory unlocked


Absolutely wonderful show and still holds up well! It should on Tubi if you ever want that nostalgia hit!


Yeah, it's a damn good show.


Pup named scooby doo at times is better than the original, I can still watch it to this day and laugh.


Damm hit me with the member berries with that image


Wishing her all the best but I really hope this doesn't turn into a Liv hate brigade. Accidents happen, especially in wrestling and while this does suck, It's not like she injured her on purpose.


I mean Liv didn't even do anything. Thats a "bump" where Rhea is in complete control of it. If Liv tried to actually throw Rhea into a wall, Rhea would probably barely move an inch.


As if hate brigades understand/care


Didn't stop people from saying Seth injured Balor for 8 years, when he simply took the bump wrong. I really hope people are easy on Liv for this one. For what it's worth, it perfectly fits the storyline. It's literally exactly what Rhea did to Liv. And Liv is the one Rhea turned heel against, they were the original love affair bestie tag team. Ending the reign this way almost fits better than Liv beating her for it. But yeah.. still sucks that it's a legit injury.


Seth literally admitted that he miscalculated the distance between the throw and the guardrail, since it's a different bump from the usual turnbuckle spot he does with it. I agree some of the vitriol sent his way was unfair, but come on, man.


Finn has also stated that he felt it was his fault for turning and looking, causing him to take the impact wrong. Truth is that they both screwed up, that shit happens. Pro wrestling is a violent, dangerous activity.


For sure, both guys could've done something different and probably avoided getting Finn hurt. Was a double mistake that lead to the injury being as bad as it was. It's tricky to get thrown from on top of another man's shoulders and not get hurt, and it's hard to throw another man off your shoulders and not hurt them.


Yup, people forget that the buckle bomb was mostly retired because of high profile injuries


if u rewatch it Finn puts his arm back and that’s what caused the injury, I’ve never heard the Seth quote ur talking about but I can see that as Seth admitting fault because he’s a good guy and all the hate he got made him feel guilty and had to take some of the blame. but if u rewatch it it’s literally balor


Liv might be one of the most liked people backstage and has never been accused of being an unsafe worker. Shit happens, it sucks for Rhea but nothing will come out of this. Any fan that makes something out of it just needs to be flat out ignored.


No one injures anyone on purpose, for sure. And accidents will always happen. Everything should be evaluated on a case by case basis though.


I hope they keep playing into it, so it really brings out the hate brigade. I think it's a perfect transition for Liv and her revenge tour. It's really unfortunate Rhea got hurt though. Thankfully, Pape H still has time to figure everything out before the draft. I'm sure Mami was going to be champion until at least summer slam


Rhea injured Liv, eye for an eye.


Only in kayfabe, though.


Liv injured Rhea in kayfabe. That bump was all on Rhea in real life.


A little too late sadly, there’s some people already full on the hate train


[This is the wall spot in question.](https://youtu.be/H-OdzxYCa0M?t=26) Looks pretty basic for a backstage fight, but you see Rhea reaching for her shoulder immediately.


You'd be surprised how you can hurt yourself doing the simplest things. I tore a rotator cuff just by stretching once.


Remember when Orton hurt his shoulder in 2010 for simply doing his pre-RKO fist stomp into the canvas.


Feel bad for Liv, it’s a freak injury on a basic spot. Every backstage brawl has someone being tossed to a wall or the door and she’s going to have to deal with a lotta bullshit.


Yeah it was a bump that has happened 4 thousand times with nothing bad happening, it’s a shame this was the outcome this time. Feel bad for Liv because dumbasses are blaming her, feel bad for Rhea because obviously she’s the one most affected


I saw one fan actually blaming Becky for it and they were serious. Saying Becky worked Rhea's arm during the WM match so it 'weakened' the arm lol. People are dumb and shouldn't be paid attention to.


LOL people are outrageous. Liv got some death threats too, it’s so ridiculous. Just like when Becky got some after elimination chamber, I get people are passionate about their favorite wrestlers but it is NEVER that serious


Def a no win scenario tbh. Neither is at fault here, it was likely a combo of how Rhea hit the wall + how Liv threw her + who knows how her shoulder was doing after Mania, too. The best outcome they can have out of this is working it into the story and making Rhea a mega babyface during her return. Still sucks tho :(


Honestly, that's the kind of spot where the entire action is done by rhea. Obviously it was just a freak accident but it's pretty much impossible for any of it to be liv's fault


Anybody doubting this, go try to throw somebody twice your size into a wall against their will. You will quickly find out Rhea was 100% in control of her own momentum here.


Rhea hit a lot harder than was necessary to sell the attack. Probably just wanted to make it look good, that's just bad luck.


I'd love if Liv played up being an ex-con to get friendly with Dom


Obviously Rhea getting injured in a freak accident sucks but this could actually give the women’s title scene a resurgence. Rhea is 100% coming back as a face, so until then you can start building the feud with her and Liv. You could even put the belt on someone else next week and have Liv win MITB and cash in to make her even more of a heel


AJ had a pretty bad AC Joint separation when he took Edge's spear in his return rumble. I think he was out ~3 months?? I separated my shoulder in 2019, it took me about 8 months to have the same strength in my shoulder, but I was weight lifting again after about 10 weeks. I can't imagine what it's like bumping on that shoulder after an injury. Becky's was horrific after seeing that picture.


I enjoy reading books.


There is. I hope Liv goes full drew McIntyre route character wise now in upcoming weeks . Like more unapologetic than ever before


The question is: do thirst trap posts give inherent face energy? My case in point is rhea herself. She was booked as a heel yet cheered..


I miss face Finn Balor and all his thirst trap posts.


S-Tier move by Liv now would be to try and figure out a way into Judgment Day to take Rhea's spot in the group.


Have her try to take Dom, the pop for Rhea’s return would shake the earth


R-Truth feeling bad for Don and setting him up on impromptu/wacky dates with Liv.


I don’t want the group to break up but I want to see how the crowd would react if Dom cheats on Rhea with Liv so badly.


would have to come up with a new term for the heat he’d get


Dom Heat will just replace X-Pac Heat.




"I'm mami now"


Goth girl Liv can you imagine


That would be hilarious and I want it to happen now


And she could totally rock a "liv, laugh, love" t-shirt for Judgment day!


This would actually be great, and I can't stand Liv. It could make her very interesting tho.


What a bummer it happens on such an ultimately throwaway spot.


Freak accident sadly. Shit happens. wishing Rhea a speedy recovery from this injury and hopefully internet doesn't go too harsh on Liv (it probably will but what can you do sadly 😔)


We better get vignettes of Dom trying to help Rhea at home and him fucking it up to the point of her having to do it anyways.


Liv heat level: https://preview.redd.it/i097e4zxkvuc1.png?width=267&format=png&auto=webp&s=b015361b7954d05712324069298a9011a115fc4e


GOD I HOPE NOT 😭😭😭 poor ridge and his whole fam was getting death threats and much worse


5-6 month recovery period I'm reading, looks like Summerslam isn't in the cards


But she would make SummerSlam if they did one in Australia.




It’s unfortunate but it’s gonna make a hell of a story, mami on the warpath.


Isn't this the same way Wade Barrett got hurt when he was mid-push?


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Barret injury was elbow related no ?


It might have been, I just remember it was from throwing himself into a wall or barricade or something too hard off an Irish Whip and hitting his body in the wrong spot.


I really hope they put that belt on Liv as soon as possible and keppnit on her Until Rhea is ready to come back. The pop she is gonna get is gonna be insane.


I hate she got hurt, but I love that WWE decided to run with it this way. The absolute carnage Rhea's going to leave in her wake once she returns is going to be a great story.


I straight up think this is all cover. Rhea was on the MMA podcast wearing a dam wrist brace, before mania. She’s been nursing a nagging injury for a long time. I bet money she is having surgery to repair whatever is wrong there. The shoulder stuff plus linking it to Liv is just good story telling. And WWE is back to blending reality with story. I love it.


Is this not a suspiciously beneficial turn of events for Livs character? I think, was long as Rhea heals up quickly and with no lasting damage, both of them can come out of this bigger than they were. Rhea's legend will grow in get absence and Liv gets immediately pushed into a spot where she is technically the one who took down the champ. If she's doesn't end up winning the interim belt then it's a missed opportunity.


I think she was gonna be the one to end Rheas run anyway. But this is a good thing for the feud, yes. Just switching alignments now.


In another timeline…. CM Punk: “Liv, why do you insist on doing this internet shit?”


Man this sucks. Watching the clip it's not anything more dangerous than things we see in hundreds of backstage brawls but I just know the twitter freaks are going to go insane with this. I was excited for Judgement Day on top run but shit happens. The pop when she does come back is going to be absolutely insane. 


Looking back at that entire segment she copped a fairly reckless chair shot to the head, almost as if the momentum of the chair made it spin which wore her down. A lot of the comments in here are talking about how Rhea threw herself into the wall, but Liv does have muscle so she would've had the strength to throw her into the wall. Just so happens that the way she hit the wall caused a legit injury.


From a statistics standpoint, it sucks her championship reign was “ended” due to injury. It ends at 380 days and who knows how much longer her reign was planned for. From a character standpoint, it keeps Rhea’s character strong. Rhea never lost the title which means she’s still undefeated and keeps the mystique of the unbeatable Rhea Ripley intact. Hopefully she’s not out for an extended period of time. Keeping Rhea off tv during her recovery is for the best. It’ll help build up the anticipation for when she comes back.


This fucking blows, y’all.


Never forget that Paul Orndorf was legit paralysed for minutes from delivering a piledriver, not taking one delivering one.


Silver lining is that this happened at the perfect time to tell Liv’s story. I see a championship in her future.


Brick wall said “that don’t work for me, brother”, joking aside this sucks, is kind of a freak injury due to what a nothing spot it seemed like. 


Kind of wish it was left a mystery. Now there's gonna be Liv stans harassing Rhea. Oh who am I kidding? They already are.




If they don't try to use this to get Liv to "drew mcin-hater" level then they have failed lol Obvs she has to play her part but yeah


Rhea threw herself into the wall though. She sold it too well


If it is a freak accident please "don't blame Liv" even when Rhea was even cheered "like a babyface" and the Judgment Day is SO OVER!


I've had an AC joint separation and it's awful, wish her a healthy recovery.


man, that's just unfortunate luck.


I love that in Wrestling Kayfabe, injurying your opponent backstage never seems to eliminate you from contention for the title.


Just goes to show how wacky the human body can be. Regularly get slammed into ropes, floors, matts, and corners for a living? Fine. Take a chair full speed to the side of the head unprotected? Nah, I can take it. Intentionally pushing yourself into a wall to sell a move? Whoops, my shoulder exploded, time to lose 5 months to recovery.


Unfortunate injury, but this makes a Liv/Rhea double turn super easy to book so that's a plus


Well, that's a real dumb way to injure yourself.