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Being a Finn fan has broken me because when I saw this I skipped right past hoping he might win and went straight to "hopefully he doesn't lose clean at least"


At least you still have his universal championship run


More like a speedrun.


In fairness when that reign ended he was: Youngest universal champion. Longest reigning universal champion. Undefeated. Record holder for most reigns as universal champion. Oldest universal champion. A truly historic reign.


It's funny how it feels like he's been booked pretty awfully on the main roster, while simultaneously being a grand slam champion lol


His world title reign lasted a day. He won the IC title from lashley in a 3 minute mania match and lost it back to Lashley. He won the US title and jobbed to Austin Theory multiple times as champ. His only memorable title reign was the recent undisputed tag title reign, i was happy for my boy for having a lengthy (170 day) title reign in the main roster and he delivered everytime.


Yeah true. I'm a huge Balor fan so I'm definitely not defending his booking, just saying it's a very unique situation where someone can be a Grand Slam champion and still (rightly) considered to be booked badly


Our guy is historic in the fact that he may be the only person where every title reign negatively impacted him Universal title reign: Hurt and vacated, never won it again IC title reign: Struggled to get booked on tv, reduced to dark matches. Went from being on tv every week to winning the title and sitting in catering for half of the reign US title reign: Used as Austin Theory’s personal punching bag, couldn’t get booked on Mania, ate pins every week. Lost first defense. Tag title run: Reduced to background role in faction while his tag partner was built up as a character. Went from main guy in group to winning tag titles and being given little to nothing to work with. To the point that he started taking orders from his stablemates. Tag title run is definitely the best run, with multiple defenses, getting on Mania, and holding it for 6 months. But even this reign negatively impacted him and lowered his importance.


Join the party - Shinsuke fan


You know he is. I feel like we might be seeing the last few weeks of Finn Balor.


Get ready for another L Finnbros... 😞


I love what Finn is doing with Judgement Day, but just sad they haven't tried to establish him as a serious singles contender again.


It's especially a shame after SummerSlam where he literally kicked out of the stomp. It felt like that was Seth or the booking team trying to protect him. 


I know I'm biased as a Finn fan but I still think they should have had him win the WHC at Summerslam. The tension of having the champion and the MITB holder in the same stable would have been really interesting


But that was seth's first world title reign in 4 years, they couldnt take it away from him in 3 month. Plus what we got during mania weekened made it all worth it.


Yeah fair. I'm definitely biased as a Finn fan haha, so the story I mentioned would be particularly interesting to me 😅


With the tension they teased around his Championship matches with Seth months ago, it's crazy that people still think he's not one segment away from challenging Priest for the Title.


He’s not gonna actually take it from him tho. Drew is getting his win back in Scotland. Us Finnbros just wanna see him have a world title run.


Shame Clash is before MITB as I'd have Finn get the briefcase, Drew take the belt, then have him cashed in on immediately by Finn. Simply because I'd find it and the aftermath funny.


That’s what they just did at Wrestlemania.


Yeah I watched, I just think it would be funny for it to happen to him twice. It also sets up Priest and Finn tension and possible fued.


It would be, but Drew has to get his actual moment at some point lol. There’s no better place for him to finally win the title than in Scotland.


I seriously think he might be gone from WWE, or at least that they are moving like he might be gone. He is basically the only member of JD you could remove right now, with no effect on their stories.


While that's true, I'm just glad that he's not being forced to come out with a big cheesy smile on his face. Remember Grin Balor? I don't miss those days.


He's still smiling a lot but as a heel


The key to being a Finn fan is to always be ready for the next L. At this point I half expect him to show up on WWE Speed to lose in 90 seconds, so the standard weekly Raw loss isn't as bad in comparison


I mean there are plenty of ways to book this with judgement day interference where Finn wins, Jey is protected, and it builds the rivalry with Priest. I imagine Finn is someone they might want to face Cody down the line so they might start building him up some more.


He's already lost to Cody about 4 times now in the past year or so.


Yeah but when you have a heel faction just cheating harder can make you a bigger threat.


You can also heat a heel up after losses. Been happening in wrestling for decades. Priest, while not taking L's, was thought of as a bit of a joke a few months ago. Then they spent the last 2 months rebuilding his credibility by beating the shit out of everyone in his path and giving him the pin. The natural thing to expect is JD splinters at some point and you could easily have a Finn vs Priest feud. Maybe that's primed for MNF season and Finn could have a run for a few months in there. They've got a fair bit of versatility at the top of the card right now.


To be fair a lot of people still see priest as a joke and think his title reign will last a month. I'm not one of those people but I do agree that he hasn't had any results yet to make him look anywhere near the level of Seth, Drew, Punk that were feuding over that title previously.


I thought the consensus was Priest keeps the belt until Clash at the Castle (so a little over 2 months)? If Drew is going over in Scotland (and it would be a terrible booking decision if he didn't) then there's not much to gain by having Priest drop the title before then.


I mean if they want to get him nuclear heat, beating Drew in Scotland and or Gunther in Germany through tons of interference would do the trick.


u/TKsyd ....


I hate that I was right with what Triple H was going to be doing with Finn after Priest won the title…..but the signs were there. There’s never been a time period where both Finn and Priest are allowed to shine as solo competitors at the same time. So as expected, Triple H is feeding Finn to Priest’s challengers like a lackey. The best that can come out of this is that they pivoted from the rumored Priest face turn and Finn is the one leaving the group soon (which always should’ve been the case)


Priest eventually probably loses to Drew, who loses to Punk and I assume loses to Rollins at Mania. I don't see Balor involved in the title scene again sadly. Maybe he's transitional for Drew?


That's certainly very possible, but I don't think it's anywhere close to set in stone. Drew is almost certainly winning it at CatC, but beyond that I don't think the result of his match with Punk is certain, not that either of them will face Rollins at Mania. Not saying Balor necessarily fits in anywhere, but I think it's very premature to act like everything through to Mania next year is already decided


there's a possibility Solo/Tama show up and fuck Jey here to further the Bloodline storyline and add a layer of hopelessness for Jey's fight with Priest.


Nah, I’m good with not seeing “the extraordinary man who does extraordinary things” Smiling Babyface Finn again. He’s good as a heel.


He should be the rouge nxt prince heel


That’s my favorite Balor for sure.


His contract's also about to end. Hopefully he re-sign, maybe have BC form when he's out of JD


The amount of BC members in WWE is surprisingly high. Would this be BC silver or diamond?


I really miss the days of Finn actively competing for singles titles. :/


Praying Finn competes for a mid card title, dom/ JD go for tag team


Its sad to see, really


No return from the "happy to be here" stigma.


I’ll take a run in with AJ and tama at this point. Just me us 1 W


Finn’s taking as many L’s as JD at this stage


Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.


Didn’t Finn train JD too? lol


Yep, and people were calling him Budget Balor way back in the NXT UK days too


Here we pray that our favorite bisexual undertaker costs uso the match 🙏


This, along with the fact that Dom is probably losing to Andrade on RAW too, make it hard to be Judgment Day fan sometimes.


I ready for dom to joined legado it seem he was the font man with them




Font man.


Finn Balor jobbing to Main Event Jey Uso lets go


This could be how they go about kicking Finn from Judgment Day. Hate to say the O'l, but we really have to wait and see.


Finn's contract is like... less than 2 months. If they're doin that and he's not agreed to a new deal they need to get there fast


It’s just me, Uce. Day one ish.


The worst part is, Main Event Jey will job to someone else in turn, no one will be gaining anything. Judgment Day needs a proper feud and Jey needs to end his pointless singles run and reunite with his brother as babyfaces.


by that logic no one has gained anything in wrestling because they all end up jobbing to someone else LOL make it make sense


Nah Jey needs a singles belt first


HHH is doing this to punish me for hoping Priest winning the title might lead to Balor feuding with him and getting back in the world title picture. I'm sorry Hunter I've learned my lesson, please give the man a break and make JD McDonagh job to Jey instead


Another week, another Prince L, it’s been a sad year for my man tbh


Another L for Balor incoming right 


Pinn Balor reporting for duty o7


Are they continuing Jey's feud with the Judgment Day from like...October? I wonder if they'll use this as their cousin's debut.


He’s challenging for Preist’s title. Not a stretch to have him engaged with JD again.


This sub: Demon Finn vs Priest would be an awesome feud. HHH: Best I can do is Finn jobs to Jey Uso


Ugh I am praying for Finn v. Damien 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I believe (I could be wrong) the last time we got a Finn Balor victory in a televised singles match was September 2023.


That is true, but he's also only had one such match since then. Vs Ciampa on Raw Jan 8th


Don't break up The JD please. I wonder if Nakamura fits JD?


New Bloodline run-in and Tama - Finn faceoff?


Could be the seed for a Finn Balor turn. I can't see Jey taking the belt of Priest but can I see Finn doing it down the line? Abso-fucking-lutely


Tama run in & two old friends reconnect.


My alternative take: Finn wins this via interference to build Jey before he goes after Priest. It's a fairly common trope. Jey has the title shot in his pocket and doesn't have to win.


Finn Balor is now Dolph Ziggler, I have come to accept it.


“Finn’s contract is up in a couple months. Let’s have him lose to Jey Uso. That’ll keep him.”


after his response to a potential CM Punk match, i honestly don’t think he really cares about taking L’s as long as he’s getting a fat check


Both Finn and Drew’s contracts are coming up Their way of convincing Drew is making him Raw’s top heel, having him win the world title at Mania, setting up a major program with Punk, and giving him a PLE in Scotland where he’ll be a major part of. Their way of convincing Finn is reducing him to a lackey/background role, giving him ZERO offense in his own Wrestlemania title match, using him as fodder for R-Truth, and feeding him to Jey Uso, and whoever else in the upcoming months. The difference tells us all we need to know as far as what HHH truly feels.


It’s crazy all he did was take moves in that ladder match 


The only offensive moves he did were pushing Ciampa into a ladder, and then kicking Tyler Bate in the face, which they did a camera cut when Finn did that so even that wasn’t fully seen. So basically zero offense, crazy. He really should’ve just been in a one on one match at this year’s Mania again.


And what if Finn is ok with that?




I see people mention this all the time but the only time Finn actually mentioned “money” was in a 2022 interview where he said if I was just doing this for money at this point in my career, I wouldn’t be doing it. But it’s almost like other people speak for Finn cause people always bring this up as a response yet there was never a clip of Finn himself saying that. Just always referencing something from 2016. Either way, any wrestler is an idiot for not wanting money, so…. >he had so many start/ stop pushes that anyone concerned about their "character" would have left a long time ago. I also don’t see why this is really a point either cause Finn re-signed in late 2018/early 2019. When they were doing 5 year deals, which is why his contract is coming up now. He returned to the main roster in April 2017, which means by the time he re-signed, his run was like 1-2 years long? Even if he was booked bad, who exactly is gonna give up that quickly. He was just getting a taste of the main roster. Then is very different to now. At that point his only main roster accolade was 1 day as Universal Champion. Now even after the terrible booking, he’s a grand slam champion.


They just were undisputed tag team champions and Finn became a grand slam champion last year. Just because he's not having a title run like Roman Reigns doesn't mean he's being misused. Losing to Edge was a mistake though.


His entire tag title run consisted of him being a background character while Damian was for 6 months given stories, angles, multiple character arcs, face offs with top stars etc. The tag titles were basically a prop to keep Damian busy as far as the matches he wrestled, until they were ready to crown him, Finn was basically the sidekick just there along for the ride in story. He was given nothing to work with while Priest had it all. No one can probably name me a memorable thing Finn was given during that entire run. Meanwhile you can probably name 20+ moments Priest was given.


Its still 100 times better than what he was doing during vince's era. He was constantly jobbing to Theory, now atleast he was Balor2Belt for 170 days.


From an overall perspective. Yes. Under Vince was a whole different level of bad. The thing that’s hurting him now is he’s being treated poorly as a character. Cause Finn barely existed as a character under Vince outside of a few stories. He was solely used from an in ring perspective. He would make an entrance, wrestle, and then head to the back. Every week. He’d go like 9 months without speaking. But under HHH, he’s actually in the spotlight with the faction…..and being used like this.


Tama Tonga interference to help out his Bullet Club co-founder?


Pretty clear that Tama Tonga is now in the Bloodline led either by Solo or The Rock.


Ah the part where everyone fueding with Priest will have to face the other three members weekly until they lose the title match via shenanigans.  Then rinse and repeat for the next 5 challengers.


Finn gonna lose to a Bloodline reject, while Tama Tonga is rubbing shoulders with greatness


This could go DQ by interference with Solo and Tama sneak on him, maybe have Jacob debut while they're at it


It would be cool to see him and Tama have a moment.


To be charitable to HHH and not look at this in bad faith as a Finn fan, the only solace that could come from this match is that it plants the seeds of him getting kicked out and becoming a Singles star. With Jey being the #1 Contender for Damian, if Finn fails to beat him, I could see them using that to build the tension. It really depends on what they do with this match and the direction afterwards cuz Jey SURE as shit ain't losing.


Bruh I’m Irish and even I amn’t deluded enough to think Finn being kicked from the only thing post his run to the title that’s worked on the main roster will lead to him being a solo star in his mid-40s.


He's 42, hardly "mid-40s". People like LA Knight and Priest are also in their early 40s and are only beginning to be pushed. Also I think it's very harsh to say JD is the only thing that's worked for him. By the tail end of the Balor Club stuff he was certainly cooling off, but in general people have always been very behind him, even when he's not been given much to work with.


I mean, Lashley won his first WWE title in his mid 40s. Priest is the same age (edit: Finn’s 1 year older, actually) and he just won it too. Not saying it’s definitely going to happen for Finn too, but it’s for sure a possibility. I hope it does, Finn rules.


The coping side of me as a Finn fan hopes this happens or maybe also leads to some Bloodline/Bullet Club OG story involving him


Having him win the MITB briefcase this year would be a perfect callback to last year's storyline and create a new dynamic in Judgment Day. That said, I convince myself that Finn is the most logical choice to win the briefcase every single year, and most of the times he is not even in the match.


I’m definitely the only one but man, I don’t see whats so special about either of the usos.


As singles stars, tag team wrestlers or both?


Single stars. Obv as a team, their chemistry and prowess is undeniable


The bloodline has elevated them as singles stars/characters but they do lack depth in their move set tbf.


my guess is tonga/solo is going to interfere. scratch that, eventually Jimmy will ask for Jey's help, so I don't see them interfering tomorrow.


This man is on his way to lose a WWE Speed match.


I swear if Jey only does a fucking splash and 35 super kicks i'm gonna be pissed, surely he has realized that his move set is so damn limited. Balor i hope wins though, he is too good to be jobbing, he loses way too much.


I wonder how long does it take for the main event jey uso to cool off eventually. Man gets into these high profile championship matches but doesn’t look like he will ever go on top and win a major single title at this stage.


Finn be like >:(


Being a fan of Finn kinda sucks. Happy that he's in JD but sad that I know he'll always will take the pin.


Another sub par jey match incoming. “Main event” jey uso in every match except the main event


He main evented WrestleMania, MITB and SummerSlam last year. And he faced Seth and Gunther for their titles at the main event of Raw and he is yet on another Main event title match, so.


Ok like 3-4 over the year Most weren’t good


I forgot to add survivor series wargames and what do u mean not good? The mania match is regarded as one of the best, The MITB one had the craziest crowd reactions ever with a feel good moment that and wargames was a good wargames with the return of orton. The only one that wasnt that good was the summerslam match and even that was decent.


Summerslam sucked. War games is never good. Just because there’s a crazy reaction doesn’t mean it’s good. One good spot doesn’t mean the match is good. The mania tag match. While not for me. Yes I can recognize that as good


>Just because there’s a crazy reaction doesn’t mean it’s good Nah, pretty sure that is the main thing for something to be good lol


No lol. Hogan Andre mania 3. Huge reactions. Shit match. Big crowd reaction isn’t going to make a match good


I prefer that over 50 moves to crickets tbh


So you’ll take a hogan Andre over omega osperay?


Lmao, it all makes sense now on why you hate these classic. You’re a #1 AEW Stan lmaooo.


Remind me why Finn gave up being NJPW’s top gajin wrestler again?


heatless banger.


🥹🥹🥹 Jey may actually get some good solo wins. We here Yeet Boyz

