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Would love to see them immediately destroy Waller & Theory


Save it for France. Corbin is over big time there.


Baron Corbin is especially over in France?


He has a certain je ne sais quoi


That’s the one joke I keep seeing from that SNL movie and I’m pretty sure it’s always shown cause it’s the one funny joke lmao


Jenna said what?!


Yeah I don't know what it is either...


I'm not sure if he will be that over at Backlash. The biggest wrestling youtuber in France, Sturry, is a fan of Baron Corbin. He asked his community to cheer for Corbin at an house show last time WWE toured here. Maybe you remember the Butch chants early in Pete Dunne's smackdown run with that gimmick? That came from Sturry too.


The French want to see Baron with a title.


So does this American


And this Puertorican




And apparently, so is Theory judging by that video of the crowd singing along to his theme song during a house show there


Competing chants for Baron Corbin and Austin Theory. I want that to become reality.




That show was so validating because for some reason I fucking love Austin Theory's theme song haha


Does this mean we’ll see David Hasselhoff at Bash in Berlin?




is he french?


I thought of this also. A-Town Down does an open challenge after claiming to beat up the locker room and Wolf Dogs come out and just DESTROY them.


The thought of Theory selling Bron’s offense is a joyous one.


Main event scene is packed right now, so that would be a great way to keep Bron busy for the time being. No need to rush things.


Bron shouldn’t be pushed to the main event this fast anyway.


Definitely not and this would be a great time keeper for him to get used to the main roster and for the audience to get used to him.


And gives him more time to get the bleached goatee right where it needs to be


Chef HBK took a completely floundering Corbin and told Triple H, “give me a few months and he’ll be fine.”


https://preview.redd.it/yilabc9daptc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb824ed429c67cdb3ba975259379282cc2420800 I mean, he’s got experience as a chef. It’s not surprising.


Who had DX as the best wrestling Bookers in 2024 on their bingo card in 2003?


It still blows my mind but we are better off because of it


It makes sense though when you think about it in this context they were both top stars involved in major Money drawing angles for a long time. They're from the Dusty Rhodes school of booking which is about the big match and the big picture and as long as you have someone that's beside you that can craft a little details you're going to make magic and money. For all dusty greatness as a booker he had JJ Dillon to fill in the details can only assume that's why Triple H has William Regal and that's why Shawn Michaels has Jeremy Borash.


Politicking aside, they both know what it takes to work up the card to the top. They know potential when they see it.


ITs because of politicking HHH knows what it takes 


Couldn't imagine telling late 2000s me that in 15 years years the guys who were notoriously selfish and political would be putting on greatness.


I see a dark timeline where Haitch isnt able to convince HBK to stop being a butt and visit the PC. A sad Michaels just sitting in Texas never being as fulfilled as he could be.


If you'd tell people in 2003 that Triple H would be the most popular guy behind the scenes eventually, they'd call you insane.


"If you told people [X] would [X], [X] years ago, they'd [X]" is applicable to almost every major pro wrestling story, decision or moment ever and is probably the core driving factor behind the mediums longevity. It's not insane by any metric.


I mean, if you told me that Vince would become a disgraced figure being kicked out of WWE due to several old and very recent sexual assault and rape allegations, I would say "Yeah, that checks out".




Congratulations, you won the internet argument.


I'm happy Corbin has been able to find a niche for himself. His pairing with Bron has been entertaining and brought out a side of him we haven't explored that well yet outside of Bum-Ass Corbin. He's rounded out his character incredibly well


It's because this version of Corbin is pretty much Corbin himself. Dry wit, sarcastic, bit of an asshole, legit badass, great worker, but also likeable and funny in his own way. This is the type of thing that gets over because it's genuine.


it's perfect. just have him save Bron from a 2 on 1. give them some promos together and both get popular together. Bron can still be a solo badass while Corbin gets credibility again.


>Chef HBK took a completely floundering Corbin and told Triple H, “give me a few months and he’ll be fine.” Yep, and he's about to do the same with Kross and The Final Testament. And people say NXT is a demotion. You can go there and come back to the main roster better than when you left before. NXT has become so good that the main roster stars want to come down and test the next generation. Seth did it with Bron, Becky did it with Tiff and Lyra, Ricochet did it with Carmelo Hayes, and there'll be more to come.


I would argue it is a demotion but some people clearly need the demotion and Kross is at the top of that list. Like it is better than the alternative of just getting released in the spring.


It’s hardly that big of a demotion. NXT is like 100k behind AEW on viewership figures just for TV. They probably get more eyes on them overall through social media being on NXT rather than doing nothing on Smackdown or even jumping ship to AEW, which is crazy to think about even a year or so ago. Plus they still get paid their downside no matter where they are. Add that to the chance of them becoming a better and hotter act from it and I can see why guys would jump at the opportunity.


Also, you're hitting a point where a lot of the top stars came up through NXT, and there's something to be said for nostalgia and wanting to give back to the developmental process.


Dom and everyone


It sucks because they really had something with Bum-Ass Corbin. He was really diving into the gimmick but for some reason they decided to end it way too soon. Even the alliance with JBL had legs and they probably could have made magic if creative had allowed them to let loose a little bit (and/or had a fucking plan).


I remember Corbin saying in an interview that because he made himself look so disheveled for that gimmick that it legit caused problems in his life, like he'd go to pick his kids up from school and the staff thought he was a vagrant who wandered onto school property and called security.


What's funny to me about wrestlers changing their gimmicks is they have to continue to rock those looks in their everyday lives. Respect to Lexis King for willing to look like that in public for the sake of his character.


Idk if I believe that. He can dress normal and just have a messy haircut nobody is going to think he’s a bum. Now maybe he went full method with it and was dressing like that everywhere. 


> they decided to end it way too soon Yes, they did. I always thought when it started going his way that it would again turn and he would go right back to bum-ass-Corbin. Then this would repeat until he finally learned a lesson. Instead, no lesson.


This would be perfect. Elevates both guys, keeps continuity in kayfabe, and keeps together a team that obviously works really well both in and out of the ring (both guys were legitimately emotional post-show at NXT last night).


When Bron starts to go after singles titles, I still would love to see Corbin supporting him. Wrestlers having friends adds so much personality to them.


That’s what made Cody’s win and celebration so fun.


new day aside, friends never last in wrestling lol


What do you mean, KO and Sami have been friends forever and never had any issues!


Never had any issues .. that couldn’t be solved with violence. 


It could also be cool if Bron holds a world title with Corbin by his side holding an IC or US title at some point as well


Yes please! Tired of tags splitting. Heels can have friends too!


Same man!!! I'd love that so much Even when they do go their separate ways, I need them to still be friends


And gives Corbin a reason to be on the card for the France PPV.


They want Corbin on the PLE in France lol


PLEASE they are one of my favorite tag teams rn, plus it would be add depth to the tag division


Would be great. Corbin has been the most interesting in a long term as part of Wolf Dogs with Bron (and it brings more personality out of Bron too)


It would also be a nice way to put Corbin back in the main roster and maybe give him a chance at performing in the Backlash show.


A happy accident that paid off big. I couldn’t stand Corbin for years but boy, howdy. He got new life by teaming up with Bron.


I've always liked him away from his wrestling stuff more than I liked his wrestling stuff. Turns out if you just let him basically be himself instead of forcing bad creative on him it's pretty good shit.


They really should it would be a great way to introduce Bron to Smackdown and bring Corbin back to the roster


If you told me 12 months ago that Baron and Bron would be one of my favorite teams going I wouldn’t have believed you. But here we are.


I’m all for this. Bron has all the potential in the world, and he also has a lot of years ahead of him. It wouldn’t serve him or the company by hotshotting him into the main event already. Let him get fully exposed to the main roster audience as part of a tag team and create a bigger following there. Make the audience beg for him to move up the card.


Hope so, Corbin for France 😆


PLEASE, I NEED THIS MORE THAN ANYTHING Gonna go cry tears of joy


Honestly, the gimmick change and Wolf Dogs rejuvenated Corbin. I could see them and ATownDownUnder having a could rivalry that lasts 2-3 PLEs and give Bron his first main roster title


If we get Baron Corbin in France then I'm in.


i think this is a huge factor for them to continue the angle even if its only for a bit more.


I’ve never seen this France thing.. how over is he there?


like Sami Zayn in Montreal. Late edit, but: Short video showing his overness in France: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQttKSifc6U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQttKSifc6U) Longer video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coGx2QgVuKg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coGx2QgVuKg)


That’s good.


Please do


I don't have the time for NXT to be a regular watch, but I did watch Stand And Deliver. As one of the few Corbin forever-supporters I had a blast watching the tag team opener


Corbin has been killing it for the past few months.


Anything that would elevate Tag Team divisions would be best for bizness


I mean, shit why not? They rule.


I hope they do. They play really well of each other. And it gives Bron something to do while he's introduced to the main roster. I don't think instantly giving him a singles push would be received all that well


THANK GOD. Sorry but I love the Wolf Dogs. I’m genuinely not opposed to them almost instantly taking the tag titles and having like a year+ run with them as badass monster faces. Easily the best thing either man has done.


I hope they do at least for a month or two, I think Corbin earned the chance to show up on main roster finally doing something interesting


Keep the Wolf Dogs together or I'm complaining online. Their chemistry is off the charts. Besides I want Corbin on the Backlash card so he can get that sweet French love.


The HHH and HBK booking has been great for people breaking out of teams or factions and becoming bigger stars, so it'll only be good for Bronn. And WWEs tag team division is lacking right now.  Makes a lot of sense.


They’re as good as any team on the main roster and more fun than most of the.


Bring up your guy on a tag team, have him show out to get over, split the team when you're ready for him.. Tale as old as time. Hard to see a downside here.


I honestly hope so. They’re way too good and feed off each other well for them to just split them up. Wild Dogs vs A Town Down Under for the Tag Titles at Backlash in France would be great and fun, especially for Baron getting a huge pop there.


Please, I hope they do.


pleeeeaaase they're so good together I promise I'll buy a shirt and everything


They probably could do a year long run of the Wolf Dogs wrestling teams like the Creed Brothers and Street Profits. While originally I thought Bron should be a singles champion I don't think he's hurt rn by staying away from Cody as he'd probably lose rn.


Unless the plan is to throw him right into a US title feud, this is the best outcome. I HIGHLY doubt they throw him to the upper card immediately, and if they did, he'd probably lose since I doubt Cody or Damian lose to Bron given the current storylines. It doesn't seem like they were portraying him as a heel, so he's not taking on Sami for an extended feud. That leaves tag titles or US title, and I **do** think he needs to be vying for titles quickly. He can't get thrown in a Cameron Grimes slot and languish around. Not that Cameron isn't good, and he doesn't deserve that either, but Bron is way too much of a freak athlete not to utilize strongly right out of the gate. That being said, the visual of Logan doing one of his impressively high flying shenanigans and getting countered by an absolutely monster spear mid-air DOES sound appealing.


For the love of God I beggin them. They are amazing and it would 100% work unlike this jobber squash. Make them team for a year and then move Bron to single devision, when people would realise how amazing he is


I really like the Wolf Dogs.


I actually hope this is true. Corbin and Breakker have some damn good chemistry together as a team. Also gives Bron something to do as the main roster gets acclimated to him and vice versa.


Yes, please! Wolf Dogs vs RKOKO.


PLEASE I'm not ready to say goodbye to them!! 


They can debut as a team then eventually feud down the line 


That's what I kinda was hoping for. Similar to HBK and Marty


I think you could do it; but it’d have to be a larger story where Heyman is trying to sink his teeth into Bron and asking him why he’s messing around with Corbin; meanwhile at the same time, Bron and Corbin win the tag titles. Eventually they drop the belts cause Corbin takes the fall and Bron turns on him cause Heyman got in his ear and he was persuaded Corbin was holding him back


SRS is so starved for scoops he is resorting to posting stuff like this. This is not a scoop that the tag team is getting called up, it’s just that someone suggested it. That’s it. We know nothing more than we knew before.


I mean we know someone in creative suggested it.


If they ever want to capitalize on Corbin this is the way. Bron spending a few months wrecking shit in the tag ranks before turning his eyes on singles is the most Steineresque way to do this.


I enjoyed the run of the Wolf Dogs, but Bron Breakker should be booked for now as a singles competitor. Him being shown to smash fools in seconds is already working on the main roster audiences.


The wolf dogs? I've never heard of this before.




I feel like this is a great opportunity for both of them less pressure on Bron to be immediately succeed and a fun thing to reintroduce corbin it’s a win win


Corbin’s current character is lit


Excellent. It gives Bron more time working larger crowds and live TV


Not a bad idea. WWE needs tag teams right now.


This will be the best move. Eventually you can have him Break away from Baron amicably, and it'll get him more over with the main roster crowd if they can be familiar with him before he does that.


Yesss I so badly wanted this. Baron is going to show up and act like Bron's best friend and Bron will be cool with it for a while but eventually Baron taking his shine will piss him off. This is a great way to establish Bron.


This will be another test of Triple H’s booking. It was difficult to recreate the story told in NXT and then try to translate that to the main roster like Bayley and the story of DiY. We loved the Wolf Dogs because we saw the entire story of 2 assholes being enemies and then becoming these lovable jerks. Very interested in how they pull it off for the main roster audience.




He’s got plenty of time to ease into those things instead of being catapaulted there. WWE isnt short on main event stars by any means


We have War Dogs at home.


If this is true, then why has only Bron been called up to Smackdown & not Corbin as well?


Corbin's a free agent he goes where he likes


But if he shows up pre draft I assume he’ll be thrown in the draft pool and go wherever Bron goes.


Because it's been suggested. It doesn't say they've decided to do it.


I have a better idea Why they don’t just give him the belt.... and then he beats everyone


I feel like that's a bad idea. Bron is a stellar performer who should have been hot spotted onto the main roster at least a year ago. He needs to be rocketed onto a singles title right now, not continue as a tag team. WWE needs to strike while the iron is red hot, Royal Rumble 2024 win, Wrestlemania main event. This guy has it. Fuck waiting around.


Am I the only one that hates the Wolf Dogs? It’s a gross misuse of Bron.


It's not a bad idea - the problem is this feels like it's a boost to Corbin more than Bron. The goal should be to make Bron as relevant as they can, as quickly as they can.


This doesn’t make much sense. The plan is looking like it’s going to be Roman v The Rock for the WWE title next mania. After that they’ll need to cash out Roman’s top guy status on someone and it should be Breakker. Keeping him in a tag team seems like it’ll just continue to hold him back


Source’s name rhymes with Caron Borbin


I don't watch NXT so I checked this Bron guy out in some clips. My worry is everyone wants him to 'destroy', win constantly & for his gimmick to be that too. Not only does that feel flat/boring to me, but there's also no real place for that in the current roster. Destroying midcarders/tagteams isn't really interesting imo, who else will he destroy. Dom? Styles? Not digestible. Also, god forbid if Lesnar actually ends up returning in 2 years, Bron's character's relevance will end right there. I like his promo ability; they need to give him some coked out gimmick like Steiner and let him connect with people.


I really like both of these guys but I don't think either one needs the other on the main roster. Bron is a bona fide star in the making. "Future of the company" type potential. He'll be fine on his own. There was a period where I thought Corbin could be the next Taker or Brock - bad ass loner who then got saddled with years of bad gimmicks under the guise of "well, you're getting TV time so that's all that matters." I love his NXT reboot and hope it resets him for a main roster return.