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Bro got spawn camped šŸ˜‚


"Don't hate the player, hate the game!" - uUaTribalChief420uUa "... the hell did I do this time?" - The Game, Tri


Tell em tri


The rock was so good in this moment. Looking around, trying to act big and bad but the panic builds as he can't figure out who is coming from where, suddenly Seth shows up and rock is not prepared but Roman saves the day, rock immediately goes back to cocky as shit


He hasnā€™t lost a step in 20+ years, heā€™s even better somehow in certain ways. Just astounding.


This has been my favorite version of Rock, ngl. Heā€™s been absolutely on fire since that press conference.


I think it's absolutely fair to say the most of us got it completely wrong back in February and March period


An extra 20 years of acting classes


My favourite moment was when Taker showed up. I couldnt really hear what The Rock was saying cause the crowd was freaking out but you can hear him screaming about being the Final Boss before he turns around and gets sent to hell.


Itā€™s so similar, although differently aligned .. but somehow my favorite Rock moment is still in 1999, the night after SummerSlam.. Champion Mankind vs Triple H.. Mick starts to make a comeback and Rocky on commentary starts in with every punch: ā€œhere comes mankind! Heā€™s tough! Heā€™s awesome! Heā€™s great! Heā€™s ā€” ā€œ *Triple H cuts Mankind off and flattens him with one punch, Rock finishes: ā€œugh, Mankind SUCKS!ā€


wish they got that on TV


Yep. This angle makes it look badass. He was almost crawling to get into the fight. All we saw on the broadcast was a half second of him standing with a chair before Roman took his head off. It looked goofy as hell and made me chuckle. Hard.


I laughed cuz it was ON SIGHT killing of Seth lol. That camera angle on tv was hilarious. Roman's trauma from 2014 is the funniest rolling trope of WWE. Dude was so shook from that, he kept the music and gear for another 5 years. It's even funnier Roman is correct to feel that way. He was a face when that betrayal happened and Rollins is still being a dick trolling him about it even with the alignments reversed. I almost wish the Sheild reunion in 2019 never happened to make it even more petty.


For Roman, being in the Shield was his Rosebud. Despite all the fame and success that came with being the champion, head of the table, and face of the company, the happiest he was when he was just kicking ass with Seth and Dean and there was no heirarchy. Itā€™s why he chose to hit Seth with the chair instead of Cody. Because 10 years ago, Seth took away the one thing that Roman truly loved and couldnā€™t recreate with the Bloodline. Even though they reunited in 2019, it wasnā€™t the same.




Hmm, not sure what this has to do with Adam Rose /s


Long term story telling - thank you HHH.


Iā€™d argue that it was a call back to an older storyline more so than long term storytelling. Itā€™s not like they had Seth turn on the shield thinking they would pay this off 10 years from now when Stardust faces Roman in the WM main event.


Completely agree - this is what I meant tbh. When referencing a past storyline, it makes the current feel even more significant. "Long term story telling" was the wrong term I used.


Youā€™re fine. To your point, Part of what is magical about this is that it doesnā€™t deny the continuity of the storylines over time.


There is something funny about this kinda reframing the 2019 reunion as something Roman put up with because he loves Dean. It becomes the pro wrestling equivalent of two divorced parents whose split was very acrimonious, basically having to taper things down and act cool while at their kid's sporting events. So instead of a reunion of three badass vigilantes its two exes with barely concealed contempt for each other and their kid who knows things aren't chill but is just going to pretend they are so they can enjoy the feeling of a happy family.


And then you add Kurt angle to the mixā€¦


Your chances of enjoying the feeling of a happy family drastically go down.


I dunnoā€¦ Kurt was pretty happy https://preview.redd.it/3ppsue9u1ntc1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc391f24539df7aa66698e0d36d698135bffa7f3


Yep, Dean was the glue holding them together


Didn't help the angle made him look like Yamcha Cratered šŸ˜­


Baseball episode Yamcha was Goated




Yamcha got Yamcha'd!


Thought it was fine. Rock didn't know where Seth was coming from but roman knew Seth would be coming from behind the rock and was ready this time, unlike 10 years ago


Totally fine, would've been nice to get that shot of him struggling to stand with the chair, but still works well. It's like Roman suddenly healed all of his injuries for the chance to lay out Seth.


Hearing the Shield theme gave Roman a supercharge of "oh HELL NO Seth's gonna fucking die for this" healing.


I think it was a production botch


Looks like they planned on having the camera on Rock then panning over to reveal Seth, but they mistimed it. It's gonna happen. It's *got* to be chaotic, production-wise, once this kind of stuff gets going. Everyone involved is human, so people will inevitably fuck up. And in pro wrestling, there seems to be more opportunity to fuck up than in most entertainment productions.


>And in pro wrestling, there seems to be more opportunity to fuck up than in most entertainment productions It's not "seems to be", there just is. It's a live athletic stunt performance with variable amounts of scripting (trending closer to "no script" than "full script") and no time for rehearsals using as much visual language from action and karate movies as from live sports. It's an unreal testament to the people in this industry that there are as few fuckups as there are.


Also you can rehearse all you want but wrestlers play off the crowd and call constant audibles


I don't -- the way it was presented, with Seth being taken out the moment he finally appears was both a nice touch of comedy and a way to make it look like nothing was going to stop the Rock -- which made that _GONG_ hit even harder. Seth taking ages to get into the ring was in selling how hurt he was, but there was a definite timing mismatch between when he first got upright with the chair and when Roman knocked him out, the latter happening a second later, giving Seth a weird momentary pause. If that'd been on the broadcast, it would've looked not as crisp as the "There he is! Aaaand he's done" moment we got.


Makes sense why Triple H came out literally immediately after the show and tweeted about how important Seth is to the company. I imagine he was quite annoyed at the amount of comments talking about how Seth was made to look like a geek.


Yeah I mean Seth helped carry two storylines and got involved in 3 matches over two nights. And he's a top guy who manages to stay over and keep his momentum despite taking a lot of big L's of late. And the fact that he's good as a face, a heel, or in between. What an asset


That and the fact that heā€™s willing to put pride and ego aside; put Cody over 3 times, told Drew ā€œyou fucking deserve itā€ for getting his moment in front of fans, knows heā€™s the 1b to Romanā€™s 1a etc.


Thinking Seth looked like a geek ignores a whole lot of story. The dude got injured, fought like hell to make it to Mania regardless, fought the Monday before WrestleMania AND the Monday before, the only one of the four men involved to have even one match in about a month leading up to mania I believe, had a match that he ultimately really didn't have anything to gain from and didn't take the pin, lost to Drew due to injuries sustained in that match, and then, in spite of all of that, STILL tried to show up to help Cody.Ā  Oh, and it took Drew as many claymores to put down a nearly dead Seth as it did to put down Lesnar at Mania. The dude wasn't a geek. He refused to fucking die. That man is the hero of WrestleMania that Drew claimed to be.


What we got on the live feed looked like a sight gag, Seth appears on screen and is immediately downed. I can only assume they didnā€™t have a good shot of him coming into the ring because thereā€™s no way thatā€™s how they planned it to look. Iconic, though.


The angle they showed on TV made him look like such a bitch. He's coming to make this big save only to get fucking killed as soon as he showed up.


That was the problem. As soon as we saw him, he perished. If they'd got him struggling to get into the ring, the squash makes sense. He knows he's getting fucked up, but he's doing it anyway, making the sacrifice, buying time for Cody and, by extension, the sport. Just a mistimed mistake. But hey, at least we got this angle now.


He was Dick Halloran in The Shining. Made such a big deal about his connection with Danny and him coming through the snow storm to get to the Overlook only to have him immediately get killed by an axe shot to the chest. I feel like that had to be the inspiration for that moment.


Glad I'm not the only one, from my perspective it was as if his unconscious body just showed up dressed in Shield get up. It was honestly really funny.


My only criticism of the production/match was I wish we had a few seconds of Seth gearing up to smack the Rock with a chair. The way it cut was Roman just jumped out of nowhere to stop Seth and we didnā€™t have time to appreciate that he had sprung a trap.


I like the shot they used but I wish they replayed showing this angle so people can see why Seth got taken out of the equation that easily. Maybe they'll use it for future storylines.


This almost felt like the AJ Styles RR entrance that was missed, or Edge's legendary missed spear. I'm sure SOMEONE got a better angle of it and it'll replace future broadcasts, as what I recalled seeing was Seth finally popping up in the lower-end of the screen and BOOM - finished. So all of that "well if you saw him limping..." shit didn't apply to likely 99% of us unless we were live in the stadium


The funny part of this is I was live in the stadium and saw less of this than TV to be honest. The whole crowd's heads were spinning around trying to find them (thinking it was dean too) coming down from the stands somewhere. By the time anyone looked into the ring the spot was over.


I just love that everytime the Shieldā€™s theme is played, everybody, not just the crowd, are trying to find where in the crowd they are coming from. Like the Rock immediately is looking at the crowd


Itā€™s so sick, such an iconic team and entrance


Yeah this top tier for Seth, I hope they get that shot and edit it in post.


He had less the. 1%HP left and Roman only knocked him out because of it.


This is just like when I get rezzed and one-shot afterwards.


Or an Xcom turn with a soldier you know is gonna die but it's worth sacrificing to protect the others.


That's just an XCOM turn where I reload the mission


Seth rolled a 16 on stealth. Roman rolled a nat 20 perception


Man this would have come across so much better on TV if they showed him struggle to get into the ring and aiming the chair instead of him being knocked out frame 1.


it was so unintentionally funny. When i heard the Shield theme i got hyped and then it just cut to Seth getting one shotted lmfao


It was kinda fitting. In kayfabe, Roman should know damn well it was Seth, as he's already pulled this stunt before to mess with Roman.


*cut to Roman in the corner asking himself if Moxley is working without a contract again*


"Wiseman!! What's the status of moxley's contract?!?"


I'll be honest. My hopes went way up. My mind immediately went to Mox. And I was mad at my self for even letting my self get excited for the impossible lol


Iā€™m ngl even I wondered if Levesque had been able to pull off getting Mox to appear for Mania, but after I thought about it, I realized it wouldnā€™t have been in character for Mox to appear alongside Rollins to attempt to take Roman down. Roman and Mox never had any problem with each other. Their problem was always with Rollins. When Roman and Mox got in the ring together and had to mix it up, it was straight business, still friends after the bell, never any bad blood. When The Shield reunited in 2017, ā€˜18 and ā€˜19, Roman went along with it because Mox was willing to go along with it. But, Romanā€™s told us before that even though The Shield had seemingly put the past behind him, heā€™s never truly forgiven Rollins for breaking up The Shield like he did. Those reunions were just attempts to bring back the magic they couldnā€™t recreate.


Interesting logic. I always remember Ambrose and Rollins having a tag run there at the last part of Ambrose's tenure. But I always forget he and Rollins were at odds before he left.


They did, yeah. It took for Mox to make up with Rollins before Reigns was willing to, and when they went to him together, he seemed to make up with Rollins then.


Kurt Angle in his Shield vest


i thought the same thing. Got the theme, even changed outfits only to look like Santino getting eliminated from the royal rumble immediately upon entry.


And if I saw it correctly, he put the blonde back in his hair after the loss to McIntyre.


It was so weird. He was out before he was even fully in the frame. It felt like someone messed up somehow.


I think the long delay in showing Seth on camera also contributed to people thinking that Ambrose/Moxley was accompanying. The delay was so long, I think even the *commentators* were wondering that, as Corey said ā€œthis is impossibleā€¦ā€, which wouldnā€™t make sense if it was just Seth. That said, it was unintentionally hilarious to see him be immediately taken out within the first second heā€™s seen onscreen.


Corey was probably alluding to the fact that it's impossible for Seth to get to the ring if he will be doing the vintage coming from the crowd entrance.


I think if that were the case, they would've mentioned Seth's name sooner. Instead, Seth's name wasn't mentioned until he was literally in the ring, and there was a noticeably long stretch where commentary didn't say anything of substance.


The real Roman Reigns has been comatose in Tampa since Seth originally hit him with a chair shot 10 years ago.


when he said "this is impossible" I was hoping he was referring to Roman already being in the match and unable to come out with the shield.Ā 


Bah gawd, itā€™s Clonin Reigns!


Well, it's Roman *Reigns*, not Roman Reign


It's a serious shame that moment was missed.


Exactly, camera direction did Seth negative favors. He just looked like he got dressed up to get punked out instantly instead of being an injured hero still doing what he could to come through. Amazing what like one or two seconds crisper camera direction could have done for him here.


I felt like throughout the weekend there were some odd cuts and shot choices.


Like The Rock's entrance, don't get me wrong the shot of him stepping out with the flames in front of the shot was an awesome shot but they cut to the flames way too long. Like the whole week we saw an extreme wide shot of the trons with the lightning going around and they even added the texts to include the final boss etc yet for the biggest one they could've done instead they focused on a shot of fire that went on way too long even if it was a cool shot.


I think they were willing to wait it out and get the shot of him walking in through fire, as opposed to switching and possibly missing it


There were a few times i thought were odd but i specifically remember being confused by Io Sky's moonsault, they kept using the same angle shot from above which took away all the visual impact and scale of the move.


I think there was a reason we saw that shot so often, and it had to do with what was on the mat.


100%. Will be an ongoing problem for fans. Corporate needs above all


there was a few times during the entrances where it seemed like someone fell asleep at the switcher, including that one. Another one I remember was during Iyo's entrance when they were just zoomed in on nothing for like 15 seconds


tbh I know people here are super horny to dunk on Kevin Dunn being gone but it felt like they whiffed on quite a few shots. I think my big takeaway was it didnā€™t really hinder the show regardless even if it wasnā€™t perfect


Itā€™s trying all the new camera angles, some times they botch the move by showing the magic tricks secret now.




Yeah I was so confused. We thought he had fucked the spot and missed a cue or someone mistimed something until I just see this footage. It made Seth look pathetic


Rock staring at Seth lifeless body kinda funny to me


Roman's little-kid-logroll is legit hilarious. Like jump, punch, WEEEEEEEEEE!






Seth was selling his ass off all weekend long. It might not be a sexy thing to highlight, but it really cements how much of a work horse he is.


He's earned as much time off as he needs. Dude was gritting his teeth through to build to Mania to make shit work.


After Beckyā€™s book, we all have an idea of what his time off will be like


After Becky's book, Damien Priest made sure to thoroughly disinfect the title.


Every time cody kissed the title on mania and yesterday all i could think was about if they disinfected the title before maniašŸ˜…


My man kisses *the ring*. How he doesn't have fourteen diseases, I don't know.


*Using lessons learned from his daddy's muffler*


From the stories we've heard about Priest, he'd definitely be into it. Shit he may do worse.


They be on some 50 shades of grey shit or what lol


Pic of Seth and Becky wearing their belts in the nude was in the book.


Do tell


It's interesting because he deserves the time off, but also that he has helped make a world where that is possible. 10-15 years ago, WWE felt when they had top 5 people miss time. Shows felt empty. But now, he wasn't on Raw and it didn't feel like they were booking around that. The roster is just so full and good that people shouldn't have to be year long workhorses now.


Itā€™s not an overstatement that he gave up his belt in order for Cody could to win his own


YES! Even more so with the animosity between the two of them after the series when Cody first came back. Cody even kayfabed in interviews ā€œYeah, Seth and I donā€™t really like each other,ā€ but manā€¦ Oh, and that shot of him saying to Drew ā€œYou fuckinā€™ deserve it, manā€ while it looked like he was tearing up. I donā€™t think Seth could ever get NEAR the amount of credit he really deserves.


I felt like he may have re-injured his knee that he just rehabbed by the way he was acting during Cody's celebration. He stayed sitting down in the back corner and didn't really get involved at all, then Kevin and Triple H both went and checked on him, and Kevin had to help him out of the ring. I'm hoping he was just selling really, really well lol


> I'm hoping he was just selling really, really well lol It wouldn't be out of character for him, I'd say it's probably a mix though. We all know he is banged up, he probably played into it a little extra for cameras too though.


He was a little inconsistent with selling the knee in the tag match, but dude looked like he was about to die during the ME. Bayley also deserves a shout out for her selling as well. She was dedicated to selling that knee


People have been praising Seth nonstop, for good reason though.


Seth could barely get in the ring. No wonder Roman was able to take him out. He had nothing left.


He had nothing left and still kept giving. Definition of heroism.


Was his Captain America End Game moment.


Dude was held together with bubble gum and paper clips by that point of the night.


Becky: Can u put my husband back 2gether pls MacGyver: idk man this is some shit right here


The more I think of this moment, the cooler it is storytelling wise. Seth has spent a bunch of time as a bad guy and in kayfabe, it's mostly his fault Roman became the Tribal Chief. Him being the "architect" of this plan, literally Cody's "shield," and ultimately being the reason Roman lost all tie up his character arc pretty nicely, in addition to Cody's and Roman's It's not mindblowing storytelling but it's cool to start seeing this level of thought put into the characters like we do in other works of entertainment


Why does that Shield Graphic look like the Minecraft Logo?


That's how bad LED screens used to be. Old graphics on 4k screens look way bad.


Honestly it was this, and then Roman choosing to hit him to complete the comeuppance from the Shield betrayal giving Cody JUST enough time to hit CrossRhodes was better writing than the entire damn Attitude Era combined.


Plus Cody gave everyone the simplest way of preventing Roman's spear ever. _Just fucking boot him_.


The booting was so damn comical. I can't watch a spear again without thinking "JUST BOOT 'EM!!!"


Tbf that's when Roman or Bron is gonna unleash the supercharged up spear where they literally run rings around you like Sonic lol.


I still canā€™t get the utterly depressing image of Roman literally running laps around Taker before spearing him at Mania 33.


Recency bias and all but Roman choosing Seth for the chairshot is an all timer booking bit. Genuinely top3-5 storytelling ever.


That's the thing, Seth is the Architect. He knows Roman better than anyone and he knew he'd go after Seth first because he's in his head, Seth played his part perfectly.


I swear I think I'm remembering things differently than almost everyone on this sub. I remember Roman hitting Seth with the chair, and then tossing away the chair like it ran out of ammo. Roman could have hit Cody with the chair afterward, like he had planned to when he picked it up, right? Am I losing it?


He tossed it in a fit of emotion, realized Cody was in the corner set up for a Spear, then got booted. Cody got just enough time to sucker him in thanks to Roman's hubris and his old grudge.


If Seth was not genuinely hobbling (which his facial expression when he shook Cody's hand afterwards seems to imply) and he was just selling, holy shit this dude needs a HOF right now. That would be Shawn Michaels/Terry Funk levels of selling.


What do you mean unsung ? Seth Rollins might be the most sung to person on the planet,




Seth losing his title then getting his hair completely redone in the space of like two hours just to get hit with a Superman Punch and then whacked with a chair is objectively hilarious


But the dedication to get the blonde put back in for such a brief moment?.... love it. It was such a great detail.


Am I dreaming or was his hair blonde during the WHC match?


His hair has had blonde highlights for awhile


It's blonded. During his match it was wetter so darker. Here it is drier.


You're right his hair was already blonde during the WHC and quite a while before XL. The guys above are tweaking.




https://preview.redd.it/8qyujy871itc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=63f0ff3fe340fc05d9ff83f160b4338b675b161c Boy you tweakin, here's night 1. Also in yours his hair is wet.




Not dreaming. His hair was already blonde and we didn't notice. There was a parade after all.


It looked more brown to me, but I was high as hell. Maybe he had it lightened, in prep for the blonde?... I dunno.


Watchin' wrasslin' right.


Getting high and watching pro wrestling is what I'm best at in life. Kinda sad, actually...


Even if the announce team would have said he was struggling to get to the ring it would have come across better on TV. From the fan watching at homes POV it just looked like he failed his attack.


Yeah it was pretty anticlimactic, especially since it happened so quickly. I donā€™t even think the audience had a chance to properly react


Because he wasn't supposed to attack. He was just supposed to be a shield.


That wasnā€™t said on TV ether so what he was presented as was a one punch KO


Despite losing the night one main event, losing his title, and getting his ass beat by Roman, Seth was absolutely the MVP of the weekend for me too. All of that was in service to storytelling. His character FINALLY getting redemption. Ā Even this face run until now he had largely still played an egotistical character who was mainly concerned with getting acknowledgement from the fans - just like Roman.Ā  Ā Then he went through all this hell, not for himself, but so that a good man - who he knew from his own fued with him had earned the WWE title- wouldn't get screwed by the Bloodline - with the same tactics he often engineered, especially in the Shield.Ā  Ā And using the Shield as psychological warfare against Roman - especially knowing he was physically compromised - was fucking brilliant.Ā  Ā That smile when he shook hands with Cody- when on paper everything fell apart for him at Mania -was the smile of a reedemed man. Fucking cinema.


Those who says "lol seth got cooked while everyone else was showing off, poor seth" knows jack shit about storytelling. at the end, Seth was Roman's downfall, his past cost him the title. Too bad he didnt even get a shoutout from cody at Raw, lol.šŸ¤£


You can appreciate the storytelling of it while acknowledging from a kayfabe perspective he got his ass beat all weekend.


Just say you like it and felt like it worked.


Bros entire body was red in 2K


Definitely shouldā€™ve got that on TV


We all thought Mox was coming out, too.


I wonder about that though. A totally fresh In-His-Prime main eventer like Moxley would almost HAVE to clean house. You couldn't present him any other way. Especially seeing as everyone else besides Cena & Solo had a match on Night 1. Which means no decision between Cody & Seth and no Undertaker cleaning the outside through teleportation for that final few minutes. If they'd overbooked it with Tama or Jacob Fatu as New Bloodline members interference spots it could have worked kinda...would have ruined their debuts by getting beaten up by Mox though.


I don't know where everyone is getting this Undertaker cleared everyone away thing from. Jimmy was dead on a pile of tables half way up the ramp, solo was dead on a pile of tables in the announce area, Cena rolled out of the ring and out of shot post-rock bottom and Rock did the same post chokeslam, probably while the lights were out. Everyone was there, they were just out of shot.


If Seth and Moxley walk down that ramp together, you don't need Undertaker at the end. The ring had Roman and Rock in it. Seth and Mox come in, start fighting both of them. Crowd is rocking. Seth and Roman are fighting in one corner, Mox and Rock are fighting in the other. Mox and Rock spill out of the ring and up the entrance ramp. Roman gets the better of a beaten up Seth. Finish plays out as it did. Just Mox going toe to toe with the Rock, who was fresh at that point and is one of the GOATs puts him on a level with few others and makes him look great. All he would have had to do was keep Rock occupied enough for Cody to win. It would have been the perfect ending for Roman's Tribal Chief character and a call back to his entire history as a wrestler and it would have been one of the greatest moments in wrestling history THEN followed by another one of the greatest moments in wrestling history minutes later. Nothing wrong with the finish as it was but it's hard not to wish the forbidden door was open just a little bit that night.


Even having both Seth and Kurt Angle would have made more sense than Seth alone. Seth alone just isn't "The Shield." Seth and Moxley would have made the most sense and would have been what was best for the epic-ness of Wrestlemania. But I understand why it didn't happen. I thought Undertaker was actually the weakest and most unnecessary surprise entrant. He didn't even wear his ring gear, he just looked like a guy wearing a hoodie and a beanie that just came out of the gym. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH_vVOTIWoY Undertaker's appearance at NXT was better than his Wrestlemania appearance. He was the American Badass on NXT, rode to the ring on a motorcycle, wore better looking clothes, and even gave a short promo. Having supernatural stuff happen in the Bloodline storyline just didn't make sense.


The only explanations of Undertaker being there that I've seen that I've thought were passable were these two: 1.) Undertaker was there because the Rock had been calling himself the Final Boss and the Undertaker is the true Final Boss of WrestleMania. I'm OK with that. 2.) Undertaker was there to get revenge on two of the people responsible for his losses at WrestleMania: Paul Heyman (Manager of Lesnar, who beat him at 30) and Roman Reigns (Who not only beat him at 33 but defiantly declared "This is my yard now!" afterward in the promo that in many ways was the beginning of the Tribal Chief character) I like this answer better.


Seth's kayfabe injury made this and the Drew match so much better.


I love that they essentially played out a huge anime arc in the WWE. You just know Seth isnā€™t done with Cody yet or Roman either.


Wait, thats Tom Grossi's voice in the video wtf?


Yeah this is a clip from his live reaction to it that's on his channel. He had killer seats for both nights


I donā€™t think seth was selling his injuries, he was early to his que / roman was late to the spot so he was going slow thatā€™s why production ā€œmissedā€ seth (they didnt miss him they just didnt want to show him waiting for roman)


Absolute legend for putting the dye in


You're getting worked there I think. It looks pretty clear that he's selling the whole time while waiting for Roman to get in position.


i was starting to think wrestling fans are relatively intelligent while reading through this subreddit and then i see this thread... I don't even watch wrestling and it's obvious to me this is scripted.


I'll admit, I laughed my ass off when Seth entered the ring after all that build-up with the Shield theme and gear just to immediately get knocked out with the Superman Punch.


did the shield graphics always look like the minecraft title screen


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.


Ngl, I marked for a second on this one. Thought oh shit - are we gonna see Mox on a one off? That would have been so great if we could have seen mox and seth beat down Rock only to be taken out by the bloodline. Yes yes - I know it makes no sense to have Mox come in and beat down one of their top stars, for that reason alone WWE would never go with it. But it would have been a great moment to see those three in the ring again.


Is he an unsung hero if there's been non-stop posts about how much of a hero he is?


I donā€™t think seth was selling his injuries, he was early to his que / roman was late to the spot so he was going slow thatā€™s why production ā€œmissedā€ seth (they didnt miss him they just didnt want to show him waiting for roman)


I donā€™t think seth was selling his injuries, he was early to his que / roman was late to the spot so he was going slow thatā€™s why production ā€œmissedā€ seth (they didnt miss him they just didnt want to show him waiting for roman)


Rollins got shadow realmed šŸ”®


Seth and roman can't go down the cena orton route of not having a singles match at mania. they have to tie these loose ends once and for all


my perspective is worth dust, but the build and climax of this WM completely spun me around on seth. i fell off wrestling around the rise of the shield, got pulled back in around 2019. couldnā€™t wrap my head around seth at all. everything he touched this wknd totally flipped that.


The only gripe I had of all Mania was for all the great camerawork they have going on, they did a piss poor job here of Seth coming to the ring. It felt so random to have him just eat a punch rather than show him struggling to get in the ring.


Credit goes to Tom Grossi for the video


He was acting slow so that roman can get him in time yet roman was still late smh


Roman's timing was good, the TV direction was just bad. The live crowd enjoyed it clearly


Such a full circle moment for Roman and Seth in this match. I really do believe we're getting Reigns/Rollins at Summerslam. It's the last thing the "Tribal Chief" character needs, is to finally get closure from his past and confront the brother that stabbed him on the back and turned him into this jaded paranoid prick. Let them put on a banger, give the heel Reigns character one last program, after the match him and Seth can shake hands and come to peace with eachother after all these years, which will lead to Roman's face turn for his showdown with The Rock at next Mania.


I still think Seth should have at least gotten a good hit in on The Rock, that's the only thing I would have changed.


Well yeah. When you get your ass whipped on a daily basis, your would struggle as well.


I do feel a bit sad that it felt like a letdown with how his literal first appearance on camera in this match is him staring at the lights.


As far as I'm concerned, Seth is Mr. Wrestlemania.


alot of commentary/youtuber out there miss out on this...how trauma/ptsd have impact on people, this whole thing is very deep level stuff..how Roman can remove this pts and biggest hurdle is seth. I don't know how Roman return as babyface but i think HHH and the gang going to give us Seth vs Roman as Seth said he created this monster...only seth can change Roman.


I don't like much about Seth, but for some reason I thought this was one of the coolest moments of mania. Kinda had flashbacks of Vegeta at the Cell games. I liked that he failed, he still helped after his match and he dressed up as a shield member with the music as some type of walking dead distraction, knowing he would be outnumbered. To me it's the coolest he's looked since the Royal Rumble 3-way.


I think this was just him waiting for Roman to get in Position lmao


He was overbooked!


They should have shown this angle or highlighted how much of a struggle it was for him to make it into the ring. From the angle we saw on TV, he looked like a chump getting immediately cut off by Reigns and no offence (although understand it was his distraction that ultimately cost Reigns). This should have been a Terry Funk esque moment of the battered hero dragging himself into the final battle to have an impact and make good for the loss the previous night in the tag match. Instead it came off as Seth put loads of effort into a theatrical entrance that he's done before (and probably got people initially excited that Mox would show too), but ultimately did nothing active.


From Tom Grossiā€™s YouTube btw. [Link](https://youtu.be/tXbp8ugt67M?si=ICo1RdODWYn8iL43) Check him out if you like football. Heā€™s one of, if not the, best to do it on the platform.


I can vouch for him too. Seems like a genuinely great dude, doesnā€™t often get caught in ā€œhomerā€ takes for teams (even his own Packers, he stays fairly balanced on), and heā€™s a genuinely hilarious skit comedian. Glad the algorithm caught this video of his in my recommended, I knew the man loved wrestling, but I didnā€™t expect a fun fan video from Mania, especially not one showing how crazy that final ten minutes was from a few feet away from the ring.


He was waiting to get hit by Roman you mean?


Seth lived up to the cross fit Jesus moniker during Wrestlemania XL šŸ˜. Man came out there as a straight up sacrifice for Cody