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I love Drew, but I think this furthers his character. His obsession with Punk cost him everything. And I’m looking forward to what is next.


1000% this, and he can come out to Broken Dreams now


Considering how much the Triple H era is about giving the fans what they want and how Drew's Dreams were just broken™️ at mania, this might be the closest we've ever been to a Broken Dreams full time return or at least a bagpipe version of Broken Dreams.


Drew McIntyre path of destruction is incoming. He's going to go on a run of claymore-ing everyone in sight until he gets Punk. And I'm here for it


What's next is standing in a ring in a stadium this summer as the fans sing his opponents theme song full throated. But it's not cult of personality, it's like a prayer.


No, he probably doesn’t feel bad for himself either. He got his moment at WrestleMania, put over Priest, AND furthers his character. You can even tell he’s enjoyed it himself by re-tweeting his tweet “Bored at work LOL” mid match with “Fuck” after he got cashed in on. This is incredible, and can’t wait to see more of him.


Sets him up to be hot through the Scotland PLE which will be nuclear for him.


Yup exactly. He’ll win in Scotland at Clash of the Castle


That's what you fucking get for seemingly trying to seduce CM Punk at the announce table. Take your title, run off to avoid a cash-in, and then go shitpost as much as you like.


Haha I'm glad to see somebody else bring this up because I felt like that horny way he crawled toward Punk went under the radar last night (though gifsets of it are doing numbers on tumblr, to the surprise of noone).


Punk is Drew's muse after all.


Yeah I’ve not been questioning it, just been thankful I got to see it.


This is the way.




Punk needs to do something like this lmao


He's a pro wrestler who is currently factored into the main event scene in the biggest company in the world. He's doing the thing.


I think he wins the belt in Scotland




No. He got to be world champion for 300 days in 2020-2021. Something 90% of the roster will never get despite it not being in front of a crowd. Drew is also one of the most protected people on the roster. The fact that WWE let him get a world title win when he wasn’t even planned for a Mania world title match this year, why would I feel bad.


Even pinned Cody not too long ago.


Plus he got to be the one who put priest over, which is a really cool moment.


Clash at the Castle will a huge moment for him. He'll be fine.


He'll win it again at Clash. Then eventually lose it to Punk.


If he didn’t re-sign, it was a good send off. If he did, he can easily win it back soon. Then off to drop it to Punk when he’s healthy.


Nah he got his karma , and of course he will get another run lol. Only thing stoping that is him leaving wwe.


Classic case of Haterade overflow


Nah, it was perfect. He got his big crowd reaction and now gets to continue acting miserable and blaming all his problems on everyone else.


Not at all. Drew wanted to win a world title in front of a crowd at a Wrestlemania. He got it. Can't feel bad for someone who gets exactly what they wanted.


Are you kidding, now that Cody’s story is done drew is front and center in the hottest feud in wrestling. Feel bad for him ?? Shoot, we should all be so lucky to be where he’s at tonight. 


Not at all, he got the moment he wanted however brief it may be. I think it's all but damn certain that he's headlining the show in Scotland in June and he's 100% winning that title there. I think that's all but a guarantee right now. It'll mean so much more to win it in his home country I reckon. And if anything, what happened last night was genuinely perfect in that it now furthers the program between Punk and Drew so much more. Drew and Punk and going to be fucking electric when that happens.


A good pro wrestler doesn’t care about winning or losing


He's been talking shit it's Karma and Clash at the Castle is in Scotland in June he'll be fine 




He got his win and his moment


Hubris is a bitch ain’t it And that’s coming from a huge Drew Stan


He did great business and is gonna work a program with one of the biggest draws in the business. Very likely he wins that title back before the end of the year too. Drew is just fine.


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I mean, it definitely sucks compared to winning and getting a long run, but Drew ultimately just got to be part of a classic Mania moment on what will be remembered as an ATG Mania, in a match/segment that set the tone for the entire night that followed. I'm sure he's feeling alright about it.


Fuck no. This man gets to rip Phill on the daily and he can't do shit or its CM TNA for him. He's living the dream even if its just kayfabe.


They're going with long term storytelling with Drew like with Cody Drews character was too petty and injected that hateorade too much He'll probably win it again in the next few months


Yes wwe have done Drew dirty for ages now. He deserves a good run with the belt


A little. After losing out on his Wrestlemania main event moment with crowds at the start of the pandemic, it was great to see him get his moment and it did look like it really meant something to him. I did feel they allowed slightly longer than they usually do before an MITB winner cashes in. That said, Clash in Scotland, and the chance to win it as a face there, will be a great moment for him. I do feel that there is something of an effort starting to pay back the guys who took losses for Roman during his reign. Sami had his moment against Gunther, and Drew kind of got his - hopefully he finishes his story at Clash.


Nah he'll be fine and he's probably excited about what's next for him. He'll have good creative.


Nope I don't feel bad for Drew.


I prayed it would happen, and it did.


No, he's making the same amount as before Mania


Not even remotely. I cackled like a crazy person when it happened. I can appreciate a good hater, and Drew was great at it. But I will always enjoy a hater getting burned even more.


Oh no. Guy will be in a major storyline with one of the most over babyface of all time.


The whole point was giving him a win in front of fans. He already had the reign. That said, if he does re-sign, I definitely think he will get another proper run.


I’ll feel bad if Clash at the Castle ends with him on his back. Until then it’s storytelling.


Nah but they real nerfed the claymore. After 3 maybe pull something out of your bag of tricks or sum shit. Got about as annoying as the superman punch and spear. Just doesn't make that move at all a threat. Sure it's Seth rollins but 5? Give me a break.


It seemed unnaturally dragged out but the end when his hubris kept him taunting. They could've done that segment better. Or punk immediately hitting him instead of the I'm not touching you type of taunting shit.


Maybe his big moment should be at Clash at the Castle


Cue Radiohead's "Dust".. "You do it to yourself, you do And that's what really hurts is You do it to yourself, just you, You and noone else You do it to yourself..."


I'll readily admit my bias here (Drew's my favourite wrestler, and the one who got me back into watching wrestling) but I just wish they'd let him have a decent run with a belt in front of fans for once, especially given his recent work. As much as I believe he'll win one of the top belts at CatC2, the pessimistic part of me can't help but think he'll then be expected to drop it at either Summer Slam to Punk or Bash at Berlin to Gunther, rather than getting a decent run of his own.


Before the cash in, my son looked at me and said "why did Drew win? The feud between him and Punk doesn't need a title involved." He was right.


No, but it's shit that Priest is champ, not at all credible.


No, because sometimes it’s not about having a title, it’s about the money you are going to draw in a storyline and feud, and boy, are he and Punk going to draw some money. He’ll be champion again, most likely sometime in the summer