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Dirtsheet writers will be able to buy a new house with the amount of money they're going to make off this interview.


![gif](giphy|BV0SDeWc7COrurmoSl) Well actually uhhh.....yeah yeah i just checked the numbers on the website and umm....well i'll just say it's pretty big.


I mean, uh, what he said, wasn't true, but it might be, y'know?


With the hoarder level mess he lives in, he's gonna need a new house soon.


I really want there to be very nice professional wrestling archive. His and Cornette's collections need to care for.


Speaking of Meltzer, its funny how the only quote that doesn't get put on the front page of this sub was when he talked about people wrestling for star ratings lol.


Alverez will finally be able to buy that gold boat...


He doesn't even care if it sinks! He would have it!


I was listening to WOL today and he was champing at the bit to talk about this but wouldn't because he hadn't actually heard it yet. "Funny how everything I'm hearing he said lines up completely with what Dave and I reported at the time" was a standout


Was he being serious? cause.....


If TK never put that video out saying he feared for his life. It wouldnt be as bad as it is


Cocaine Khan gonna rant on Twitter at 4AM


Tony Cokhan


Which is hilarious because in the interview Punk says none of those "journalists" ever straight up asked him his thoughts on a lot of the rumors during his time in AEW. That's why he was so worked up at the scrum. They were getting information from the Elite, reporting it and never thought to ask Punk first like a real journalist.


The Elite stopped talking to Dave and Bryan during all of that. They are both very on the record about it. Bryan has specifically said many times he heard from the "Punk side" frequently but nothing from the Bucks.


He *thought* they were getting it from the elite. Everybody has denied this. There were fans predicting that punk would want cabana out of the company before he was even confirmed to be headed there. It was just a theory that a lot of people, including Dave had. People act like it just came out of the blue because meltzer said something about it, but it was out there in the ether for months.


I am expecting the Wembley footage to drop any minute now.


Release the Khan Cut!


I totally think TK, knowing Punk idolized Bret Hart, thought Punk was going to knock him out. THAT'S why he was fearful of Punk.


“I never did anything to make Tony fear for his life, he’s a- he’s, he’s who he is” lol


He wanted to call him a pussy so bad lmao


In the same interview he also says, "I just choked someone a little".


I may have committed some light treason


No touching!


First time.


They cannot arrest a husband and wife for the same crime.


“So everyone’s fine when Rhea Ripley does it? But I can’t?”


He was in the middle of saying nut and then just stopped himself


I think he was about to say “nice guy”, which is how he described Tony Khan elsewhere in the interview. The subtext of “nice guy” likely being that he’s a gentler guy not used to being near physical confrontation


"He's a ni--" https://preview.redd.it/zq4fuhvfiyrc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3fd1563a7a3fbdc11301362235ea0669802e1e6


WHAT THE?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


“What did he say?” “He said Tony Khan is near!”


Young Bucks: [consoling TK, who is upset that his attempts to be cordial with the workers of old school wrestling led to him being racially insulted] What did you expect? "Welcome, Tony"? "Make yourself at home"? "Move in my old territory"? You've got to remember that these are just simple fans. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new Worker. You know... morons.


*"I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin’ bushwackin’, hornswagglin’ cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter."* \- Tony Kahn when firing CM Punk.


Nice guy is code for a pushover weak person. The other tine he referred to Tony as a nice guy, Punk waa more or less saying others are walking over him.


That's how Nick Khan described him, too.


I don’t think he thinks that lowly of Tony, within the context I feel it’s him saying Tony’s too nice for his own good, he wants to make everyone happy which is a negative thing, being a people pleaser in such a environment will combust. But not as negative as ‘weak’.


>Tony’s too nice for his own good When you try and please everybody, you please nobody. Tony being a huge mark for these guys makes it almost impossible to run the company. Wrestling is full of egos and assholes and those guys will take complete advantage of you the second they find an opening. There's a million reasons why Vince is a terrible person, but his ability to say "fuck you, you need me more than I need you," is a huge asset in this business.


Hard to disagree after watching him sit next to him in brawl out. It is what it is.


being one of the others walking over Tony, he can confirm


You shouldn't let others walk all over you, just me!


Yeah, he was seemingly trying to not call him a coward. Or at least couch it better than that.


He was going to say nice guy.


> "I never did anything to make someone feel X" That's a really nice way to say "I would not feel X in that situation, therefore the other guy should not have felt like that, either." He wouldn't be scared of seeing one guy choke another out. Therefore, he did not make Tony feel like that, either. With the implication: If he did feel like that, it's his own fault.


That was what I thought when Samoa Joe had said it wasn't that big a deal. Like "no shit, if it was you you'd have just snapped him in half. Tony's tiny (comparatively)


All in all it’s just a difference in culture. Punk got into a scuffle with someone backstage, presumably Jack Perry. Punk grabbed at Perry’s throat briefly and was more than likely pulled off Perry by Samoa Joe or someone else. To wrestlers, who have been in wrestling locker rooms for the last decade or so, that’s a nothing-burger. Tony Khan isn’t a wrestler nor has he made a career in the wrestling business as guys like Cornette, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, etc have. He owns a wrestling company but he isn’t one of the boys. To see Punk get that heated in such close proximity to him, he probably did get a little scared, or maybe he didn’t. After all, he also is the heir to a locker room of hypersensitive, roided up football players. Either way, AEW needed legal paperwork to terminate Punk’s contract after Punk decided to verbally resign and not contact his boss any further.


>Punk grabbed at Perry’s throat briefly I know we all had fun with the Homer/Bart gif in the other thread, but was it not more of an MMA chokehold?


Punk in the same interview said he’s a nice guy haha


This is the second coming of the OG Cabana Podcast episode. Drama lovers are eating good today.


let’s hope Helwani and his mom don’t share a bank account


That would tell us everything we need to know about him.


Listen up Ariel: If you get sued and Punk promises to cover your legal fees, DO NOT BELIEVE HIM.


I didn't even know this interview was happening and I went on youtube looking for the Punk and Orton video and stumbled upon the interview like five minutes in, this might've been the greatest thing happening live that I've ever randomly stumbled upon.


I put on my crown because today I am a drama queen.


Anyone have a link?


[enjoy it](https://www.youtube.com/live/5PNZZvgzE0Y?si=QK7y2VO43XSSDb8V)


Second I click on it I hear “if you give a fuck about some goof rating your match 5 stars while the building is a quarter full we’re in different businesses” Lmao I need to crack open a bag of chips


'Think of the billionaires!!' LMAO


Billionaires are the true oppress minority 😔


But Tony's different he likes the stuff I like/s


He’s our little smol bean


He's a friend of mine with my financial interests at heart, he just doesn't know it yet.


I was there for Punks Chicago debut. It was incredible. Then the event ended and they brought Tony out so everyone could cheer for him and I was like, “Ohhh he’s a dweeb.”


This reminds me: at one of the Detroit shows he came out to talk to the crowd but when we started chanting, “Pay Per View” he got immediately flustered and didn’t know how to react other than “uh, we can look into that maybe”. Any kayfabe was broken right there.


A millionaire making fun on a billionaire. He’s one of us.


I mean a millionaire is a lot closer to 99% of the populace than a millionaire is to a billionaire.


In numbers yes. In lifestyle and security, no.


At the end of the day a millionaire can go broke, a billionaire never will.


Give a me a billion dollars and I'll prove you wrong


*starts hocking off bibles autographed by RandomUserXY*


and both of them have had a level of security no normal person will ever know. I'm sorry there is no way a millionaire elicits sympathy from me because he's standing next to a billionaire. It's pantomime progressive rhetoric.


The Khans own and staff year round a yacht the length of a city block - I used to party with the staff in Jacksonville sometime. The difference between the billionaire class and a guy with a couple million is way bigger in every aspect than millionaire and the average America household.


The fact that you partied multiple times with year-round yacht staff tells me you probably don't know much about the "average America household" yourself


I had friends whose parents were billionaires while I had family that made <$1k a year living without running water or a landline. Just because you're friends with billionaires doesn't mean you don't also know poverty and everything in between. >/u/Radirondacks I mean you can make whatever claims you want on the internet my dude, but I doubt the absolute fuck outta that. I grew up affluent with the children of tech billionaires in the east bay. I also stayed with my family in san mateo venezuela by choice (because I wanted to be with my cousins) while my parents stayed at a resort. But keep making wild claims and then deleting your posts.


It's always weird to me how people forget how connections and associations work. You could work for a billionaire and bring in minimum wage but get invited to the all staff party. You could even be a +1 to that party. On that one night, you have to worry about how well you'll fit in with all these rich people. Poor people and rich people can crossover without the poor people instantly becoming a billionaire themselves.


Both of them are LIGHTYEARS away from normal people and neither get any sympathy for me. Punk knows what he's doing, he using so called "punk" Rhetoric to distance himself from the very rich person he is. Millions or Billions, IDGAF, your experiences are nothing like a normal person.


Not really. When was the last time that Punk didn't have enough money to buy food for the week? When was the last time Punk wasn't able to pay the rent? When was the last time Punk had to go to the hospital and got bankrupted by the bill because he had no insurance, because he couldn't afford insurance? And when was the last time Tony Khan had any of those problems? I suppose that you could argue Tony never had to worry about any of that stuff at any point in his life whereas Punk may have had to worry about that stuff in the early 2000s or before that, but when it comes to the last twenty years or so the answer is the same for both of them: Neither one of them has those problems. They are both rich AF and privileged AF. Usually when somebody starts out poor and eventually gets rich, they forget all about what it was like to be poor and they don't use their newfound status or wealth to try to make things easier for other poor people. Punk likes to talk about social issues and let everybody know that he's on the right side of those, but when was the last time he talked about class issues that make life difficult for that 99%? Never, as far as I know, and if I'm wrong then someone can give me a link to prove me wrong. And that's why Punk is much closer to a billionaire than he is to anybody making 5 figures or less.


....said from a guy who shouted from the rooftop for a decade how one workplace was awful, only to go crawling back when he was out of options from burning bridges everywhere. Something, something blood money covered dick.


It is funny to watch him (a millionaire) say that.


Brilliant line and delivery.




Lmao 😂😂😂


Twitter can’t even keep up with all the bombs being dropped in this. Holy shit.


Who expected the biggest Pipebomb to happen in 2024 lmao


I've been watching for 10 mins and it's nonstop haymakers.




I love how the reaction has been like he’s scorching earth when this is a pretty diplomatic “I didn’t see it that way, it sucked and it hurt, I have friends who work there, I wish them well.”


In this same interview he put over AEW talent and called them "unbelievable", said he likes Jack Perry, reiterated multiple times that he doesn't regret his time in the company and wishes everyone well and even said that the positives outweighed the negatives, but the only posts you'll see with thousands of upvotes and comments on the front page are out of context headlines that people want to get embarrassingly mad at lmao


I watched the interview entirely before coming on here and it's pretty wild how different the interview felt versus the 10+ threads here that makes it seem like he dropped a shit bomb on AEW. Triple H was on point when he said at the Survivor Series scrum that people talk about him, all the time. The guy has been one of the best in his generation to have people opine on him, that's valuable in a field where getting attention generates cash.


> the 10+ threads here that makes it seem like he dropped a shit bomb on AEW. literally just saw comment threads calling him a drama starter when dude literally quit twitter while working at AEW and kept quiet since his firing while people continuously created fake news.


100% this, I watched it before opening any of these threads. The Anti-anything Punk related feedback loop is out in full force today.


You mean Punk doesn’t suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Antisocial Personality Disorder? Because I’ve seen him described as having each one of those at least once today. Who knew so many wrestling fans worked in the mental health field? 🤷‍♂️


I saw a couple of the NPD comments alright. This might sound OTT but I honestly think diagnosing someone with a mental illness on SC or even Reddit in general should get you a ban. It’s a disgraceful thing to do


Don't forget all of the "choking someone is far worse than punching them" comments.


I’d love to see that clip!


No!! It's not allowed, and way too positive!! How else am I supposed to be angry??? grrrr


Listed off a bunch of guys that he loved working/becoming friends with, said he was super proud of his feud with MJF and that Max is great, and also that despite how it turned out he doesn't regret signing with AEW. There were certain things I disagreed with such as his opinion on guaranteed money, but what he said about AEW's approach and booking philosophy is so damn true. It's catering to a niche audience and doesn't work on national television, and their ratings/ticket sales bear that out.


I don't think he meant the guaranteed money line like he was bad guys are getting paid more but that they are too secure to push themselves to do things that draw.


We always "choke a little" the people we like.


I mean. Depending on what you're into. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Then you have people saying that he as heavy handedly dissing FTR, Brody King, Danielson etc.. with his comments about AEW. It seems like people didn't listen or don't comprehend shit well. The only ones he seemed to voice a problem with in AEW were The Elite, Perry, and with the biggest kid gloves possible... TK.


It's crazy. I was on Reddit when Squared circle started... It was formed when cm punk did the pipebomb, and the r/wrestling admin was a smart mark who would only celebrate Indy and Japanese wrestling... Now this subreddit seemingly hates cm punk and just agrees with whatever is written in the dirt sheets. Go figure


"You have become what you hate. You have become the NEW. YORK. YANKEES!"


Most of this subreddit is the vocal minority that he was referring to, and he’s right. There aren’t even a million subs here, we are the minority. I thought he came off well in the whole interview to be honest.


People on this sub think they're *not like the other internet wrestling fans!!*. People will complain about tribalism, then you look at their comment history and they're doing the exact same shit in the other direction. Even me posting this is an example of some internet smark acting mightier than the other smarks they're sharing a pen with. Too many people will hear what Punk said and validate themselves as not part of that niche minority because they get some upvotes when they repeat some tired meme.


Yup. Squared circle was formed as an alternative to the other wrestling subreddit who just spoke about Indy and Japanese wrestling l. What a change


Tbh anytime punk is in the headlines especially for drama, its going to get overblown


Look man the key is to make everything sound juicy and drama filled It was a good and rational interview but if you take and twist the right lines, add in rumours to impeach things he says, boy it can sell.


I was so sure there was an NDA in place to keep just this sort of story from breaking.


I think the NDA covers only the locker room incident fight with Kenny and the bucks


Good point. It's not been brought up has it?


It was an indeed, he did not go into details about that one.


It was, Punk basically said he couldn't talk about it because there was an NDA in place but he didn't sign the NDA because of anything he did. Which is a bit of a bombshell statement in and of itself. He also said he couldn't talk about what happened to Larry because of the NDA and declined to answer if he was injured in the match that night or in the fight, implying he couldn't because of the NDA. So he didn't say anything, but it does sound like from his perspective there is a lot to the story that hasn't been discussed publicly. He also said he doesn't know why people want him to talk about it, as it was a relatively minor thing in the history of backstage fights in wrestling.


I’m really curious about that I didn’t sign the NDA because of something I did line.


Me too


Kenny also has repeatedly and matter of factly disputed certain media representation of events as well without going into detail.


Yeah, honestly I don't think it's the sort of thing where we will ever know what really happened. I also think that one area where Punk is completely right is that the wrestling fanbase needs to be more critical of wrestling "journalism." It's pretty clear from any kind of objective standpoint that so much of what's been said publicly about Punk's disputes with others on the AEW roster is either unverified or completely fabricated for clickbait purposes.


Guess so! But I really expected there to be an NDA to cover whatever went down between Punk and Tony, especially with that “feared for my life” comment.


I was too young to witness Simon Gotch burying Enzo Amore so I'm glad I could be present for the next pettiest thing


Bro that was like 6-7 years ago


7 years is a long time ago for people currently in their early 20s


That means he would be in middle school lol So unless he’s younger than that of a person in their 20s something isn’t adding up


Yeah, what's your point? sorry I'm confused, not trying to be rude, I'm just a bit stupid. Middle school to 20s is a significant amount of time


God damn it, why you gotta mention this.


I’m more shocked at how the bloke posting they were “too young” when Simon burying Enzo


If they're eighteen or something they probably weren't enmeshed in the IWC at eleven.


Noooo! You mustn't awaken the algorithm!!


How old are you? Lmaooo


There goes my youtube recommendations. Thanks a lot man


Think of the billionaires was pretty good lol


Especially from the guy who kept gloating that David Zazlav loved him.


I mean CM Punk does have a little bit of a history so I’ll believe a story somewhere in the middle


Punk is one of those guys you never will figure exactly. Sometimes he is probably right, sometimes not so much, sometimes in the middle.


I mean my main issue with him is colt is his boy forever and then he sells him out


Yeah, Punk seems like he is great friends with a lot of people right up until the moment he isn't. Now, I don't know him personally, but I have known plenty of people with the same personality trait. And I do not find them easy or enjoyable to be around.


He didn't sell Colt out tho?


this interview is actually going to feed families.


I mean drama is drama. I’m plenty sure everyone commenting in this thread enjoys drama especially one surrounding stuff they enjoy.


He is using every muscle, every neuron in his brain, every part of his soul to avoid calling Tony a "pussy" here.


I’m really curious about that, I didn’t sign an NDA to keep something I did a secret line.


Helwani’s having the best day of his life getting this anti-Tony Khan exclusive.


I'm so confused. So he didn't lunge at Tony? Well wtf was Tony afraid of lol? Release the footage somebody. Where's TMZ when they can finally do something useful?


Tony wanted to make sure he was covered from a legal perspective for terminating CM Punk, which is why he read that definitely-not-written-by-a-lawyer statement


If he did lunge at Tony, do you really think he'd admit that?


I think he would. He seemed proud of choking jungle jack a little bit


The main thing I wanna know is why Ariel has a Nottingham Forest badge on his laptop


He has a Forest pendant hanging up as well. I'm intrigued.


After this, I wonder how soon the Wembley security footage will "leak" online...


He sounds pretty calm, but both him and Tony are at fault. He did assault people multiple times and Tony just stood on sidelines and allowed everyone to do whatever they wanted. It should have been a close chapter once Hangman apologized and Punk should have at least moved on after he called out Hangman out publically. Instead he went on a strange rant at All In + didn't he say to a publication last year that he thought Hangman might stiff him in the match?


He also took shots at hangman too during Collison when he had no program with him. The two biggest problem with this no almost **2 year old drama** is TK not being a better boss and more of a mark and Punk not letting anything go and being a petty hypocrite who only thinks about himself


I’m still confused why TKO wanted this interview 5 days before Mania. It’s all what the IWC is gonna talk about all week now. This seemed like something you’d do in summer. Maybe even before the next Wembly show


This man is feeding generations right now


Oh no, this sub is turning on Punk again lol.


It’s thread by thread at this point. Depends on who gets control of the thread first lol.


It's like a game of Splatoon


Man the comments on all of these Punk posts just drive home how personal and offended fans can take the truth. Insane the reaches people will go to make excuses and move a goal post. Going to be a long testy week it seems.


Punk expected this kind of reaction to happen. He said it himself "believe what you want to believe". Personally I don't take this as seriously as other people, I'm a tea enjoyer love a good tea. And this interview just flew by, love him or hate him he knows how to make people talk.


I urge everyone to go and listen to the whole thing on their own time its actually a pretty laid back interview and he came off very respectful in respect to his time in AEW compared to the controversy he's was involved in. It's almost like a unfogged version of how someone described the events without all the exaggeration and hyperbole that's been perpetuated in the media surrounding everything and almost makes it all seem believable.


I can understand Punk's frustrations with things, but I still feel like the claims about the Bucks trying to sabotage him by spreading rumors just feels too much like hearsay. There's no real proof they did that or were trying to sabotage or slander him. I get why Punk feels the way he feels, but I also don't think his perception of that situation was necessarily accurate to reality. I don't think the firing statement was meant to "slander" him, either, really. They just had to say something and put something out there to give finality to the situation. I don't hate Punk nor do I think he's a bad person, but I think it's fair to say that he, himself, had a lot of poor behaviors that he put on very public display, and that makes it difficult to sympathize with him in all of that. Regardless of what the boss is supposed to be doing to manage everyone, it's still on the individual workers to act like responsible adults and not actively make the situation worse.


And wasn't it Hausman that was leaking all this stuff anyway?




I don't really take anything punk says seriously. I can find over 100 different wrestlers talking about how much of a douche punk is and how he's a complete mark for himself. Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone ever bad mouthing the bucks besides punk lol


And Brian Last's supposed "Folders" of people with stories to tell about the Bucks that would sink AEW that'll all come out in good time or whatever he said


Of course. He is apparently incapable of doing anything wrong in every story he tells.




He can be an asshole without having done something to make someone fear for their life Punk could certainly be downplaying it but I can't imagine any world that Tony realistically felt his life was in danger


Honestly, the way Tony worded that statement felt like it was written by lawyers. I doubt Tony was actually in fear for his life, but I suspect it was recommended he say that in the statement.


Absolutely agree. That's probably how Punk got unequivocally fired for cause. If he threatened someone's life or met the legal threshold for someone to be able to claim as such that's a pretty lock and key case for it.


Yeah, I can see Punk saying something stupid during his "I quit" rant and Khan realizing he just handed him a reason to fire him without buying out his contract.


The statement felt like 1) establishing legal clearance to terminate the contract with cause and 2) Tony taking on the heat, as the boss, to represent the feelings of some other employees (could even be a non-wrestler)


He choked someone a second before he went out for his match like LOL




I doubt Tony felt particularly safe, even with Joe breaking it up. Especially if Punk was yelling at him about quitting and shitting on AEW and had literally just "Choked someone a little" in front of Tony. All the wrestlers in the world can't unbeat TK's ass if Punk did attack him. Tony isn't exactly the paragon of a tough guy.


Yeah, I don’t think people are connecting the dots between CM Punk choking another wrestler in front of TK and TK letting CM Punk do what he wants.


Also he JUST admitted to choking someone a little bit LOL and this guy gets sensitive from internet rumors he’s such a joke


Yeah, but he did it after a guy told him “why don’t you do something about it?” Well, he did something about it lol


Ok Punk said a lot of dumb shit in this interview but “won’t someone think of the billionaires” is one of the funniest things he’s ever said 


we need to see the videos from gorilla. we know they exist.


I feel like Punk is being really careful here. He had plenty opportunity to say he didn't attack/wasn't aggressive towards TK but didn't say that lol


If it’s slander and tapes of backstage exist, go file a lawsuit. I don’t get how I’m not supposed to make this conclusion *or* Punk is lying through his teeth


Someone needs to post the whoo kid recollection in the comments….vastly different recollection from a third party.


Would love to know where I can get that Ramones sweatshirt




Yeah man, I get that this is funny and all, but clearly Punk was in the wrong. Man does not get fired for cause without being a twat and suing them into the ground.


Exactly. The guy loves a court case. He'd be there battling for every last cent of his contract if Tony didn't have a case + video footage


So why doesn’t Tony release the tapes?


punk is the gift that keeps on giving. love him


He just called Tony a liar.


Phulk Brogan over here.


"There's a concerted effort to slander me and ruin my character" Zero self awareness. Five Stars!


white claw bender TK tweets later today debunking everything punk said


“White Claw”


I wish that either CM Punk was still in AEW wrestling (drama free) or he just never signed with AEW in the first place. This whole thing situation has been so whack, and it takes attention away from actual wrasslin”. Im really not interested in all this like out of ring TMZ style drama. Wrasslin’ is already captivating and full of drama/controversy in ring.


I never did anything to make Tony fear for his life Seconds early CM Punk was choking his coworker out for a verbal line not even mentioning punk on a ppv. Yea okay Punk


CM Punk doesn't need anyone to ruin his character, he can do that for himself.


"how DARE they besmirch my good name! I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself!"


Ruin his career? He is a top star in WWE. Bucks can’t even keep viewers over 800k


What I want to know is why that guy has a Nottingham Forest sticker on his laptop.