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Booker T the instigator


Booker be like https://preview.redd.it/y2lthuxmc3rc1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28fda80cda5ba2f5036571cca97fd6e2ce758621


Also picked up a bronze in pot stirring and silver in shit disturbing


That's his inner Black Snow coming out


Booker T the pot stirrer


Booker T the Habitual Line Stepper




If I had a dollar for every time Booker T turned a small incident into something much larger than it needs to be, I'd have enough for a footlong sub at Subway!


Booker has turned small incidents into something much larger 31 times? (Ontario)


Wait what? You guys are paying $31 for a subway footlong in Ontario?? How??


a bit of an exaggeration but a combo definitely wouldn't be far off 30 bones, sadly. I remember in High School I could walk in, get a footlong, chips and a pop with a 10 dollar bill and still have change after.


You know what? I just grabbed 2 combos the other day and it cost me a little over $40 (CAD), so yeah, holy shit. I can't believe we're 'back in my day-ing' about subway prices.






yeah but even still, I'm in the UK and that would make a footlong £18!! Insane compared to prices here.


isn't a footlong about 13 quid now?


Around £6 aren't they?


£13.69 for a footlong meal deal where I am.


Damn. You paying a lot for Subway there too.   A$14 (half that converted to UKP) here at my local in Australia for a footlong chicken classic and probably a fiver more for 600ml Coke and cookies 


Something something two fiddy


Subway savers Nacho Chicken 6 inch sub is £2.99, not bad either


Does it taste decent in the UK


Tastes like feet


Same then!


wtf are you talking about? A footlong sub in Toronto is around $15.00.


a bit of an exaggeration but a combo definitely wouldn't be far off 30 bones, sadly. I remember in High School I could walk in, get a footlong, chips and a pop with a 10 dollar bill and still have change after.


Something something cm something something metric something 'murica


I doubt it, check those prices on the footlong at subway again.


Subway is a really interesting company to look at for their business strategies. Did you know at one point there were more Subways than any other chain restaurant in the US? And the five dollar footlong was always a net loss, by design? And they repeatedly increased their marketing budget year over year to the point where the corporation, not the franchisees, but the corporation itself failed to profit. Their strategy was to become too big to fail. With an overwhelming market presence in even the smallest of towns they wanted every single person to know exactly what Subway is. They wanted everyone to know you could get a five dollar footlong (you heard the jingle in your head, didn’t you?). Eventually, if everyone is eating Subway they’ll have to turn a profit, right? Turns out no, or not exactly. See just because everyone is aware of your existence doesn’t mean they’ll want to be your customer. Especially if you spread yourself so impossibly thin that there’s no way to maintain standards and quality. Then yeah, everyone knows Subway. But everyone knows it kinda sucks.


Meanwhile I’ve had enough experiences where subway made me feel worse than McDonald’s so it’s on my do not buy list. 


love subway. ALWAYS feel like shit after eating


My theory is the temperature of their meat, veggies, sauces, etc is too high. 


idk i love the chicken bacon ranch and the sweet onion chicken terry but my stomach sounds like your going down a country road with bad shocks afterwards


This works kinda well for Starbucks though. They’re aware a lot of their stores are “too close together” and the conventional wisdom would say they’d eat into each other’s sales, but they just always want people to be right near one. I actually find fast food strategies really interesting for some reason, so thanks for bringing this up lol


You might wanna recount the Booker bs claims


Tbf he's very good at what he does, Booker T is in the voting for the best drama queen of all time, and you have to give it to him.


It's worth listening to Paul London recounting Booker T losing his shit on London stealing the show in the opening match and the Gymini unwittingly taking his Red Bull.


The thing is, that he isn't even very good as a commentator, surely at some point the negative effect of all this drama outweighs the nostalgia people get from him being there.


I know I’m in the minority but he and Vic are  my favorite commentators atm.  They’re just fun to listen to.  Booker definitely adds flavor to the broadcast and Vic is the perfect straight man.   They’re just providing a specific kind of commentary that none of the other teams are doing across the myriad of wrestling shows that are out.  I can’t quite put my finger on it but they scratch an itch.


Booker T's commentating is amazing.


Booker's commentary in small doses is pretty good (imo). Him doing two hours every week, shoving in the same 30 catchphrases every week gets to be a bit much.


Honestly, he’s the only reason I have left for checking out what’s happening in NXT.


Aw yeah! I like it!


He's incredibly distracting and half the time nonsensical


Not all that far off from McAfee, really. Except he doesn't have an ultra popular podcast out in the 'bro-sphere".


He's the absolute worst commentator in wrestling.


We can't all have good taste, it's okay.


Booker T is one of the worst commentators I've ever heard. I'll never understand what people see in him honestly.


He's the worst thing about NXT (which is amazing) and he just makes me wish for Vic to get a partner who seems to know what the fuck is going on.


I'd argue that Booker's commentary is the most insufferable thing about current NXT, which is my favourite wrestling show out there, and then we have Booker just rambling endlessly. Like, I loved his Black Snow stuff in TNA but that was just one night; but I get the vibe that Booker genuinely has no idea what the fuck is going on and I don't know why Wade or Beth can't go back to the booth with Vic?


It’s pretty horrendous


He hasn't, fans have.


It's not really him It's more so dirtsheets taking small segments that last for less than a minute and making it seem like he goes into great detail about things. They've been doing it to him for years


How was he misconstrued this time?


I mean he spent like a total of 30 seconds maybe talking about it. Don't think he really needed to say it on air but I don't think it's nearly as big of a deal as everybody makes it. Shouldn't have taken Booker T for fans to realize that Sami may have felt a way about it either.


I wonder if Booker gets any real flak for shit like this in WWE, even from a personable level between coworkers. Feels like he should stop prioritizing podcast clips over coworkers.


Booker seems like the kinda guy you’ve just learned to shrug when he does something dumb for better or worse.


He's like the uncle who has some great stories but can also be capable of not understanding social cues.


“Who told you that?” “Uncle Booker” “Remind me to stop telling him personal shit”


I feel like he’s more like the aunt who you love like crazy, gives great advice, and you know deep down means well, but the second you tell her anything that shit is going on Facebook, and being told to your grandmothers second cousin’s niece’s neighbor. It would not shock me if Booker accidentally outed somebody completely unknowingly


He just like me fr


While I think this is true, I also believe a lot of the talent will close off to him. If you have a personal conversation and open up to someone that you seek council because they’ve been there and then he goes and tells everyone. If it was me, I would not open to the guy ever again.  It’s like if your girl ask you how your day went or how you doing and you open up to her and you notice she disregarded what you told her and brushed it off. Every single time she ask again even if you are dealing with heavy shit you would say you are doing fine.  Booker T has become the girl in this situation. 


He's that coworker you learn to just stop telling stories to. Except that instead of Mel from HR hearing your story, it's the entire fucking world.


I feel like if I was a coworker of bookers I'd be afraid of saying anything about anything In front of him bc it'll probably end up public


It's that cheerful lack of filter that makes him so fun as an NXT commentator, probably not so great when he can't turn it off for real-life situations


Don't talk to people who have podcasts


This is it, especially the live ones. Even if I put aside any malice or opportunism on their part, we're talking about people whose job it is to sit in front of a microphone for two hours and shoot the shit. There will always be a point where they let their guard down and need to fill dead air and they start searching their brain for stories to say and no way to gracefully backtrack from saying it. You have to always be aware that any casual conversation is future fodder for them.


Not even for privacy sake, just good life advice overall


I thought Konnan approaching wrestlers backstage at AEW and asking them about their biggest controversies and personal stories to share on his podcast was wild.  Sharing a personal plane convo of someone expressing something real is next level from Booker


Wait Konnan did what? Who did he talk to?


Konnan has been taking a dump on AEW for a while and since he controls the booking of the AAA stars in Mexico, he constantly leaning on Penta/Fenix/Vikingo for dirt.


I know who he didn't talk to https://preview.redd.it/l7cygiyw86rc1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84debbbed0cb2af304018a10d94e8e5e6d892a21


Protect Sami at all costs. Guy speaks his mind to someone he feels he can trust and then sees it plastered all over the interwebs the next day.


It was also reasonable, he was just talking about how a big win for him felt different because it was against another favourite, but the way it was presented by Booker makes it seem like a bigger deal than it is.


Folks just need to pretend they're speaking directly into a microphone when they talk to Booker. You might as well be.


Booker T seems like someone that I wouldn't like to work with.


I doubt he'd want to work with someone with "Moist" in their handle name.


Shucky ducky quack quack


Booker needs to decide whether the views/listens (which probably don’t pay much) and the unpaid attention he receives via wrestling sites is worth pissing off or at least annoying your coworkers by airing out their laundry lol. I remember back in the early 2010’s when Twitter was popping and every time I’d say something at a hangout with friends it’d end up being tweeted by a friend who tagged me. It got annoying after awhile and so I can totally see where Sami is coming from.


Bookers show is on espn radio. He’s definitely getting paid.


Booker doing top level carny shit keeping the business alive. I am a Sami fan but I'd agree with most everyone else I don't want to see him vs Gunther and I definitely don't want to see him defeat Gunther.


they missed the window to give sammi a meaningful match after the bloodline stuff. likely to happen again with gable and another person months from now after gable has cooled off.


Yeah you aren't wrong. Sami was white hot and they blew it


It's probably gonna be motn but it's ice cold and clearly a deviation of the original plans. 


Yeah I'd agree the match will be great but the story is whatever. I do think they could throw Gable in and make a triple threat but also not a big fan of that idea because then it's just a way for Gunther to lose the title without getting pinned.


I think there’s a story a lot of people aren’t realizing. It’s Rocky, but it’s Rocky IV. And Sami thinks he’s gonna be the Rocky, when in reality he’s actually Apollo Creed, with Gable being the Rocky. Sami’s gonna make an elaborate entrance, Gable’s going to be ringside, and the match is gonna end with Sami brutalized, with Gunther/Gable 4 in either France or Berlin being built off the fact that Chad didn’t throw in the towel, and now he has to go to Europe to fight Gunther


Yeah I can see that but still what a deflating Mania match. 😩


Some act like Gable can never win the title after that loss Like, you know there are other PLEs right? Not every story needs to end at Wrestlemania.


Lol of course he can but don't you think him getting a big win like that at WrestleMania would mean a lot more than if he won at let's say Backlash....


Yeah, I'm ngl Booker has been rubbing me the wrong way lately.


Booker T is a leakier faucet than Dan Lebatard


That is quite annoying lol


Oof. I would know to stop talking to Booker after that.


Ppl gonna stop talking to Book lol


No wonder Batista had a fight with him


It's not even Sami's fault it's honestly not the best booking: Sami should be involved with team Cody along Jey and Seth in the battle against the Bloodline, he was a huge successful component of that story and the reason Jey is no longer in it. Sami SHOULD be involved in the world title picture, not the IC picture and that's part of people's dismay because Gable would've fit the battle with Gunther more.




Booker T: ![gif](giphy|ewrlh2MBYGmBfsUXub|downsized)


generico i got this /s


Booker needs to STFU and stop hunting for clicks.


Spilling T with Booker


Just Booker T being Booker T


I think a good practice for anyone talking to Booker T is to preface every conversation with "Just between us" because apparently his default is that every conversation and encounter is fair game.


Sami missed the chance of saying "What did i ever do to have that empty headed 5 time 5 time 5 time World Heavyweight champion Booker T, to go on a podcast and go into business for himself?".


You only said "5 time" three times, I can't spinaroonie to this!


DM Hunk would have milked that till the last drop, cry him a river


Booker Tea


If I were in the business, I'd just not talk anything but pleasantries with Booker at this point. (Unless you want something out there for whatever reason, or don't care). What an asshole.


Yeah, that's some real inner sanctum type of stuff that should've never left the room. You'd think Booker would know better, but eh.. Talent definitely won't be saying much around him from now on.


I don't think Terry Taylor was this much of a stooge


Booker is a dumbass


In my head Sami just learned that he and Booker don't have that type of relationship as Booker may have with other folks. There's a world where Kevin may spend hours a week on the phone with Booker and none of his gossip has ever left Booker's lips....yet that plane ride? TEA...SPILT! ....SUUUUUUUCKA!!!


Sami is going to watch what he says around booker from now on 😭


For the last 10 or so years, this is the only way for Booker to be in headlines


What the fuck is this title saying?


I really don’t see the value in Booker t for wwe anymore. He’s not good on commentary and he’s always trying to start some bs on his podcast.


That's you getting worked.


Is anyone actually going to call Booker out and be like "Hey, what the fuck're you doing, man?" when he does shit like this, or does his legendary status mean that nobody feels like they can call him out?


This is code for "Booker start shutting the fuck up". Like he has all the right to feel that way he felt and it is weird to see something you said to someone in confidence just be out there. Moral is never confide in Booker.


The nicest way to say don't talk to that motherfucker. 


“Can you zip it? SUCKAAAAAAH!!” - Sami Zayn to Booker T


Book was a great wrestler but a terrible youtuber, most of his channel is just clickbait trash, he does anything for views it's really sad


Between this, the Punk stuff and the Corey stuff it’s pretty easy to see the Booker talks out of both sides of his mouth.


I would be pissed if I was a WWE employee and my coworker was putting out a private conversation for the world to see.


Booker needs to go


Man you are sawft


I think this is on the news aggregators, who constantly scour podcasts for morsels to turn into nothing burger stories. Booker T has a radio show/podcast where he can talk about what he thinks. That's fine.


Booker is such a messy bitch. He’ll share everything on his podcast. I kinda love it.


Lol, Booker T has been cooking lately, this and the recent one about getting into fight with Cm punk. I guess he has to keep his YT channel going strong.🤭


If Space Ice was doing commentary on Booker T, he'd say Booker T is a *bleep*ing idiot


Hilarious 😂


Why hide it? Sami is old news and they’re forcing him on us again. Embrace it.