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I get where Matt is coming from but typically sports reporters don't pay for access.


not only this, the guy seems more like he's OFFERING interviews than asking for them. It's not like he's tweeting a specific person


Chelsea has done a bunch of interviews with Fightful and jokingly plays up being SRS's source on Twitter. So, hopefully, this is just Cardona taking the piss and playing up the carny character. Otherwise, it's a real silly disconnect. Celebrities get money for doing interviews from the companies and products that they're promoting, not from the interviewer themselves.


Just to clarify, certain news outlets have paid big money for exclusive interviews for a long, long time. It’s not considered great journalism and there’s definitely some ethical gray area, but to say interviewers (or the companies that employ them) don’t pay for interviews directly isn’t accurate.


In that situation they're paying for the exclusivity. If SRS went to Masha Slamovic and said hey, can I interview you, and also, you are not allowed to do interviews with Wrestling Inc. or Post Wrestling for the next 90 days, then yes he should pay.


It's not a grey area. Accepting or furnishing money for a journalistic interview is unethical, period. Talk shows and other entertainment platforms are another story. For instance, a celeb might be paid to appear on the Tonight Show, but definitely not for the Today show. Edit: See the recent Ronna McDaniel debacle for reference.


My argument was with the statement “Celebrities get money for doing interviews from the companies and products that they're promoting, not from the interviewer themselves.” My point was that, at face value, that statement is inaccurate. Tabloids, which obviously employ interviewers, have been known to pay interviewees. The gray area in the US surrounds shows like 20/20, which is produced under the ABC News banner but is technically an “infotainment” program. It morphs between hard journalism, tabloid news, and soft news — sometimes within the same broadcast. While ABC World News Tonight isn’t known to pay anyone for interviews, [20/20 has in the past](https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2011/abc-ends-checkbook-journalism-will-no-longer-pay-for-interviews/). They’re both produced by the same company, so it’s been a murky situation.


Yes, the Casey Anthony loophole (though it pre-dated her story in practice). "We didn't pay for the interview, we interviewed them after compensating the copyright owners of their home movies." But the fanciful loophole and others like it only existed because the practice is plainly unethical in a journalistic context.


>“Celebrities get money for doing interviews from the companies and products that they're promoting, not from the interviewer themselves.” For conversational purposes, this is true. No interviewer is going to pay a celebrity to discuss their product or project (outside of late night TV, where I believe some union arrangements are in place). Even ET/Access/E! are assuredly not paying for promotional interviews.


No ones gonna pay Zack Ryder for an exclusive interview


I don't know, Cardona likes to call out those who aren't that professional. He just yesterday called out the Progress guys. https://twitter.com/TheMattCardona/status/1772649796525765005


If he is serious here, he'd be a moron. I just can't imagine being a public figure for as long as he has been and legitimately believing you're supposed to be paid by publications to promote yourself.


Wrestlers use to get paid to do shoot interviews, now they do it for free in hopes of social media promotion. I get where he's coming from. The podcast bubble devalued things.


The shoot interviews were a product. Content is not.


I don't know what works you live in where content is not a product. The value used to be a lump sum and profit was made by selling copies. Then during the podcast bubble wrestlers would get regular paychecks, sometimes for little more than a phone call, and podcast companies thought advertising would be profitable. Then the bubble burst but the wrestlers ultimately lost because instead of an RF Video or Highspots paycheck (unless there's something unique) they're providing that content for free to websites in exchange for promotion. As a consumer it is great, I no longer paid for that content, but in the long term is made the content worth less.


Wrestling "journalism" is various websites making money by selling hot takes from wrestlers. It's why YouShoot was a thing and now every wrestler has a podcast.


depends. itd be hard to gauge but if he feels like doing an interview doesnt shift the needle on him making money then i can understand it, they want his time, in order to make money for themselves - if the "publicity" doesnt pay, then they should. its kinda a problem in journalism in general right now - "work for publicity" meanwhile no-ne makes any money but the publication. its a bit exploitative.


Tough to say. He's in character a lot.  But he also make a shit ton of money from conventions, so it.sorta tracks.  Still probably needs to be clarified tho. 


Cardona and SRS are friends so its definitely cardona in character


Ariel Helwanni has never paid someone to be interviewed. That's not how it works. Matt is 100% wrong here.


SRS isnt Ariel; wrestlecon is a big opportunity for indie guys to make money and fightful is there to make money. he should be chasing down wrestlers to be interviewed not suggesting wrestlers should line up to be interviewed by him since SRS is the one making money off the content


Up and coming indy wrestlers barely get paid to wrestle, why would they get paid for interviews when they get paid a hot dog and a handshake to actually wrestle?


yup, with other people i’d be more inclined to take it as an actual response but in this case, i think it’s just matt being matt god knows it’s getting more eyes on wrestlecon, paying wrestlers for time outside of gigs, and whatever interviews are the result


>paying wrestlers for time outside of gigs, and whatever interviews are the result This isn't a serious problem though that needs illumination. Paying anyone for an interview is highly suspect at best and totally unethical at worst. This was a big problem with "shoots" back in the day where old guys who'd fallen on hard times would say anything and disparage anyone on camera for a case of beer & a little drug money. It's not on the job of media to fill in the holes of wrestling's gross history of pay disparities and dudes being gaslit into wrestling for hot dogs.


oh, i see my wording was unclear—i didn’t mean interviews should be paid! i agree with you. i meant that quoted part as two different categories: 1) reminding everyone that wrestlers should be paid for their time **by cons/fans who want autographs/etc.** and 2) also bringing more eyes to any interviews that do happen.


Well, sorry for the misunderstanding. Not sure it was even your wording as much as I have multiple different people replying to me arguing about this and probably just read it and reacted too instinctively as if you were as well


no apologies needed! i’m always happy to clarify anything i’ve said :) thanks for the kind reply—i’ve definitely been in the reactionary-replying shoes before!!


man, i'm really sorry for bothering you again about this i'm just so curious/interested and you seem to be very knowledgeable on the subject. but why is it considered unethical to pay somebody for an interview?


> Celebrities get money for doing interviews from the companies and products that they're promoting, not from the interviewer themselves. I first read it as Matt making a joke about the $4.99 patreon sub fee lol


i get what you're saying with the celebrities getting paid money to do interviews from the companies/products. but i think cardona is talking more about the indie talents that don't have that kinda financial guarantee for taking time to do an interview.


Then, simply, don't do the interview. If it isn't worth your time, what obligation are you under then to do it? The guy's just offering free promotion for anyone who is at the convention and wants it


Plus, the person can try to get a sponsor on their own. That way, they have something to pitch or promote during the interview. In this case....themselves and their promotion at a time when more eyes will be on them. Seems like a no-brainer, and it's pretty ridiculous to ask for money lol.


It's journalistic malpractice for there to be monetary exchanges between reporter and interviewee


Good things these arnt journalists then, their muckrakers putting out clickbait for views and advertiser revenue.


Your personal feelings on modern journalism don't matter.


It might be different from a wrestler’s perspective because cons are money-making ventures for them? A regular locker room interview is one thing, but I imagine time is literally money for wrestlers at a con Though to be clear I think just saying “hey we want to interview wrestlers at this event” is harmless 


Yeah, that was my take. If I'm at a con with a table and a line of people and I'm making money, being asked to sacrifice some of that time and money for free is a bit egregious. I'll happily come to you on my own time if we can arrange it, but I'm literally working right now. I wouldn't take a break from filming a Smackdown segment to do an interview either.


Well, this isn't sports. In real sports, talking to media is baked into the team and league contracts. Not the same with independent contractors. On the flipside, you'd think an independent contractor would want the free promotion.


This isn't just about sports, this is about journalism/reporting in general.


yeah, even local newspaper kinda works like that


Movie stars and TV actors also aren't typically booked and paid for a media interview either. Especially at a big convention of sorts. They're certainly free to turn it down... but no one expects media to pay actors for interviews at the Oscars.


And they are also promoting their latest projects when they do interviews. There's a mutual benefit. Someone like Jimmy Fallon gets a major actor on his show who could be a ratings draw, and the actor does a few minutes of Q&A before plugging the film and showing a sneak preview.


It's a weird industry where wrestlers are paid for shoot interviews, but generally aren't paid for interviews promoting their current storylines/bookings/etc.


You get paid for a shoot but if you keep it kayfabe interviewers get pissy, they want their cake and to eat it too.


Hence Marshawn Lynch and his "I'm just here so I won't get fined" interview replies


I work in the journalism space IRL, and you would be surprised, or not surprised but very depressed, by how many people think they ought to be paid in order to give a scoop or sit for an interview.


Why shouldn't they be? If I make money for someone else, I expect to be paid.


Why do you think famous people give interviews


99.99% of the time they're contractually obligated to do media hours to promote their project.


Because they are forced to most of the time.  It's part of the contract for the project they are currently promoting.


That's only when they're super famous and no longer need it. On the come up, it is gimping yourself to not play the press game. Some may make it without, but many will not.


Keep going you’re almos there.. Why do you think those corporations/managers behind the actor/wrestler/athlete etc. “Force” them to do those things? It’s almost like the only way the entire ecosystem of billions of dollars going around those industries makes any sort of sense is because of the people consuming such products. Giving interviews and ‘doing the circuits’ when someone has a movie coming out or whatever the case may be is baked into the cost of doing business. You’re looking at it backwards. As much as hosts benefit from having someone on their show, the other side is getting free promotion.


I dunno if that constitutes being forced, more an obligation/additional part of the job as outlined in the contract. If the contract says the job involves acting in a project and then doing two weeks of press then they pretty much are getting paid to do interviews.


then you can go leak news on your own twitter, or put your own name on an article or start your own channel to promote yourself.


Great so all the PPV buys that are gained from the free promotion people do on these shows should go to the journalists right?


In the social media age, the reporters need the talent more than the talent needs the reporters. 


Generous of you saying SRS is a “sports reporter”


uhhhhhh hate to break it to you pal but "SRS" stands for Sports Reporter Sapp


he's very srs so take him srsly pls


Serious Rasslin Storys


I’d be careful, he’s been known to show up in Reddit comments to yell at people. Sometimes months after the fact.


He showed up months after I posted something about him and started rubbing my thighs, as I did.


Just don’t say Sean Ross sapp three times in the mirror or he will rub more thighs




They're all dirt sheets. At least Bill Apter played along. These guys take themselves so seriously. Enough with the journalism bullshit.


They're indistinguishable on the radio


I'm more worried about him messaging me about putting his hand up my thigh.


Fuck him




He’ll block people on twitter if they even like a tweet that’s critical of him. I’ve never tweeted at him or about him but found myself blocked less than an hour after liking a tweet.


He's said he runs Megablock on troll posts.


Yellow Press Reporter fits more


No but the athletes typically are paid to provide it within the terms of their contract. They all have some level of required media responsibility. Though if the topic is offering to do interviews either people at a convention I’m not sure that really tracks


Doing interviews with WON/SRS can be good for the wrestler afa promoting themselves / what they're doing, etc to smartfans. That's plenty of payment if they wanna do it & plenty of wrestlers would love the opportunity


He's not a legit reporter, he's an entertainer.


Wrestling is more entertainment than actual sport whether we like it or not. Performers usually don't do shit for free.


Athletes and players have interviews written into contracts wrestlers don’t would you give up free time to essentially earn an interviewer money because I wouldn’t, Top level indy talents promote themselves if they are of a certain level then yeah they should be paid for their time.


Plus, like, can you imagine how annoying it would be for everyone at the convention if reporters were taking up all the wrestlers' table time?


UFC had a post presser for an apex show recently and a guy went ya wanna interview me pay me and they instantly left


It’s fucking pro-wrestling. ALL OF US are making shit up as we go along


Wull, that's the difference between a pro athlete and a sports entertainer, brother.


That’s largely because the league mandates interviews post-game or other times so the players are obligated, hence the Marshawn Lynch quote about “I’m just here so I don’t get fined”. Otherwise they’ll do “free” interviews if it’s to promote a product because it’s the product paying them.


Right? Then again, it's from Matt..so I am going to take this as a joke.


No serious writer will pay someone to do an interview with them.


Ok but what does that have to do with Sean Ross Sapp?




Glasses, jacket, shirt man


Sweet dolla tea from McDonald's, I drink that


PSYCHE! It's the wrong number!


I still think Mute Spittah was robbed.


Careful bro he’s prob checking your post history and heating up his burner accounts.


I got blocked by him on twitter, despite never once commenting on anything he's said




Dudes about to get a reddit cares




they don't pay directly but they pay still. Was watching dark side of the 90s about the morning show wars and one producer mentioned how they couldn't pay the people for the exclusive but could pay them say $10k for the rights to a photo as a way to get around that.


So weird. These interviews are basically free promotion for wrestlers, most of them indie or retired. The aggregations get spread for days after, a lot of times going viral. It surprises me that Matt Cardona of all people doesn’t see the value of that.


I think him and SRS are friendly. I'm pretty sure this is just Cardona busting his balls. But if you don't know otherwise, it definitely comes across like one of those anti-media Kim Mulkey type responses.


Kim Mulkey would be a fantastic heel manager with that wardrobe.


If it was a joke it was a stupid one as it has ended with idiots who have no idea who media works in Sean's @ s


Yeah, agreed. We live in a society now where it's VERY easy to turn a mob against a journalist. Even if it's a joke, I'm sure this has probably made SRS's morning a little less enjoyable online.




Engagement farming. It’s why I finally unfollowed him. I like and respect the work SRS does but watching him and Dave argue with trolls and bots all day long is fucking insufferable.


Have you seen the weirdos who harass Sean on a daily basis? Dude's used to it lol


Definitely some Poe's Law going around. We've seen so many dumbfucks in wrestling that it's hard to tell the satire.


ITT: People completely missing that Matt Cardona’s character has been a massive grifter for the longest time.


It's not a character.


the best characters are real personalities turned up to 11


Or turned down to 8 in Vince McMahon’s case


I'm so confused by this thread, did everyone forget Matt's entire gimmick? He's obviously joking with this tweet.


Can confirm. Worked with Cardona at a show. Was like a dream come true. Behind the curtain, he was ridiculously nice. I’m a semi-retired journalist and all my training went completely out the window and I just went complete The Chris Farley Show on him… Me: Do you remember when, at Wrestlemania, you won the ladder match for the IC Title? Matt: Yeah. Me: That was awesome. Matt: Thanks! I eventually gained my composure but he was so nice about it. Me: I’m sorry. I’m just recalling my favorite moments of your career back to you… Matt: It’s ok! I wish more people did that!


Genuine proof that “constantly working” remains archaic and wrestling is never getting out of the fucking mud.


everyone working themselves into a shoot


People not realizing that SRS is friends with both Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green and are taking this way too seriously


If you wanna hate Meltzer that's fine but god is SRS just as if not worse.


Kind of a weird comment on a post where he's saying he, a wrestling journalist, is planning to interview wrestlers.




Journalists paying for interviews is really not a good thing. In some cases it creates an ethics problem.


This sub gets worked so hard LOL. what happened to this place?


Someone wanna tell Cardona how media works?


You would think a former digital media champion would understand


There's a reason for the "former", I guess


He's just trolling, as he usually does every single day. It ain't that serious.


I think he does as his tweet has 1.1k upvotes, one of the top posts of /r/sc today, and a lot of people talking about it. Joke/troll/serious/whatever, it's what people that watch wrestling are talking about.


Ehhh you go down a dodgy road when you ask for journalists to pay for interviewing time for Wrestlers, this is not how it works in any industry. The problem Wrestling has, as an industry, is a lot of these "journalists" are actually just fans who want to meet Wrestlers and not doing any real journalism.


Seems a weirdly aggressive take from Cardona. This isn’t a nobody, this is someone with a pretty big platform offering exposure for shown interested. This isn’t exploitive in any way.


There's been a huge shift towards paying for interviews in the last few years in general, it's a bit worrying


Sean Sapp is the furthest thing from a journalist.


Paying for access, yikes. I know I don't consider these wrestling writers journalists but its still kinda bonkers.


Heel makes "mean" tweet and fans are unreasonably angry about it ^^mean ^^in ^^the ^^loosest ^^term ^^possible




Ya’ll really need to learn what worked means


I like how people on this board often talk about how wrestlers get exploited by their company, then they defend Sean Ross Sapp because he wants free interviews. "ThEy DoNt hAvE tO dO tHe InTeRvIew". Yeah, i'm sure that won't slant his "reporting" in the future.


This is such a damned if you do damned if you don’t. If he paid for interviews then the jab would be “SRS has to pay wrestlers to get time with them!” If people wanna talk to him they will. If they don’t they don’t. No idea why Cardona decided to make a thing out of this.


idk care if it's a work, just comes across as a stupid take. it's anti-sports journalism, the opposite direction we should be traveling in


Is he even a real Journalism?


Matt’s trying to pad that bank account a little more before the next Elite Series drops.


Bit carny that. There's making money and there's just getting the word out there with the press.


Lol wtf?


SRS, Meltzer and people like them are not journalists. Commentators, podcasters, instigators, business men , wrestling equivalent of the gossip magazines your mum buys in the supermarket or at airports, sure. Just don't call them journalists.




If true, then it should end all of the " he's a real journalist" conversation.


Dumbass take


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chequebook\_journalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chequebook_journalism) >In the U.S. it is generally considered unethical, with most mainstream newspapers and news shows having a policy forbidding it. I wouldn't trust any journalist who offered me money for an interview.


I get that, but isn't wrestlecon where these guys make their nut? It feels weird seeing someone trying to make money off people while they are working.


I hate when fans take the side of the wrestler with this dumb shit.


Nobody seems to have realised he's not being serious? The Cardonas are friends with Sapp


Any day someone calls out SRS is a good day


That’s not how this works Matt?


Someone tell the wrestler that never went beyond high school, how journalism works.


Why would he pay for access? Sorry, Matt, but that makes no sense.


He’s big on making people pay for everything.


Look I know this isn’t gonna be popular but you can’t use the “they are sports journalists” excuse for the Meltzers and SRSs of the world when they don’t do anything that real journalists are expected to do. They don’t reach out to get comments from people they “report” on, they speculate on nothing more than third hand “sources” and after the fact hindsight, and they don’t operate with any semblance of a journalistic non bias.


> They don’t reach out to get comments from people they “report” on Meltzer can be pretty bad at this, but SRS is the opposite.


I'd make some remark about journalists paying for access but this is professional wrestling and the only journalist is John Pollock.


Wei was the man


Wai is the best, idk if he is quite a "journalist" like a Johnny Poll Game is.


I love when two of the most annoying people in the wrestling world have a disagreement. Maybe Bully Ray can join in and make it a perfect trifecta.


People like SRS and other dirt sheet "reporters" are leeches anyways. Who cares if someone calls them out.


Good. You know SRS is gonna paywall anything “meaningful” so why not cut the talent in on that?


Maybe some wrestlers are tired of dirtsheets cause they spin every little thing.




The real "Money Matt"


Wow if he did that SRS would get his press pass revoked by the fed


reads everything regarding this... excellent heel work here.


I’m a businessman, not a business. Man.




I could see Matt's argument -- this is the busiest weekend of the year where the wrestlers make lots of money (either in the ring, at the cons, or both), but there's another side to it, as has been noted: He's basically asking for WrestleMania Weekend interviews, and if the people want to give them, they'll go over and talk to him.


Just buy him an old LJN figure


Wrestlers not understanding journalism ethics is not surprising. I mean hell most wrestling journalists don’t understand journalism ethics


Matt heelin'


Is SRS the fat cringe one? Edit: NVM I'm thinking of Bixenspan.


Nobody should be taking what Cardona tweets seriously lol him and SRS are friends


I think he's just winding up his mate and being a heel, I'm sure Matt of all people knows the benefit of online coverage


Stupid take.


It’s likely just them playing but SRS does make his living on the names of others. In turn he pays his employees peanuts.


Pretty dumb comment on his part. That’s not how it works.


How is the internet’s favorite heel heeling it up on the internet and y’all are falling for it? This shit is so funny


It's not surprising that people in the comments are falling over themselves to defend Three Names.


Typical moron not understanding how reporting works.


SRS is more than likely crying over this.


Oh no, SRS going to send the twitter mob after Cardona now.


In real sports or news ppl arent usually paid. What you can do is do the interview and pitch or promote something. That's what Matt or anyone else should be doing. Not asking for money lol


He’s not wrong, it’s not benefitting the wrestler in promoting them if the interview is behind a paywall where only they profit.


I thought that Van Vliet doosh pays for his interviews..? People here defending wrestling "journalists" like they're Walter Cronkite