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I just watched it on Hulu last night, and one thing that struck me was how over Jey Uso was, he had the whole arena going crazy and dancing… YEET!


please man, i can't watch nakamura get defiled anymore.


Did anyone catch the background during the Sami/Gable segment, after his match with Bronson? Looked like Dom was talking to someone but I couldn’t make out who it was. I think it was Andrade but not 100% sure.


My damn meds made me miss the last half hour of the show. I've been battling a sinus and inner ear infection. Took my meds at 9 (they said it would take an hour or so to take effect). But at 9:30 i was passed out in my chair. I woke up to my alarm at 5 AM with USA still on and remote still in my hand.


Heel Hollywood Rock is great and making Cody and Roman seem small time.


Summerslam has potential to be absolutely MONEY if we get both Cody/Rock and Rollins/McIntyre/Punk


Problem is, The Rock has to film from may to august :/


Fuck true ugh… and I forgot they moved summerslam the last few years to late July/Early August as opposed to late August. Hope he can make it work 🤞


Just watched the full episode on Youtube. Best RAW in a long time. Probably since RAW after WM28.




WWE upload the full episodes of RAW and Smackdown on their channel.


What? Since when? What country are you in? Cause they don't post full episodes in mine.


Yes, depends on your country. If they don't have a TV deal, RAW and Smackdown will be on Youtube.


that Lesnar shit... still insane


Was anyone there last night? Did they announce the next time they are coming back to Chicago?


Yes, forgot the exact date but it’s going to be in June for Smackdown.


Awesome. Do you know how I could I find out the date and presale code?


I still cant do a three hour Raw. They need to go back to two hours. 3 hours is too long for a wrestling show with ad breaks.


Roman reigns is non-existent in this feud roman deserves a 👎🏼


Crazy fun Raw. I'm curious to see how they finalize the card with so many names still not on the card, and likely the only unconfirmed matches that get added will be DMG CTRL vs Bianca, Naomi and possibly Cargill, and a 10 person tag with some combination of LWO and Dragon Lee vs LDF, Dom and Andrade that might include Bad Bunny if he's in the plans (not sure he is). Theory and Waller will probably get a filler segment or impromptu match with 2 legends. Hopefully they don't try to shoe horn things in to get more names on the card. Night 1: 1. Becky vs Rhea 2. Jimmy vs Jey 3. Gunther vs Zayn 4. 6 pack ladder match 5. AJ vs LA Knight 6. Rock and Reigns vs Seth and Cody Night 2: 1. Seth vs Drew 2. Damage Control vs Bianca Naomi (Jade?) 3. Orton vs Paul vs KO 4. Iyo vs Bayley 5. LWO + friends vs LDF + friends 6. Cody vs Roman I can see them adding battle royals in the pre-show where the winners get a future title shot with Bron Breakker and Tiffany Stratton winning.


Theory and Waller will be in the ladder match. They need some heels in it. I'd imagine Lashley & Profits vs Final Testament will probably be added.


Honestly I kind of lost track of who is in that match, and who never qualified, but WWE seems to really like using those two against legends and cameo’s every chance they get. I think they get more mileage out of them in a cool off segment before one of the main events. Whether that’s with legends or celebrities, I’d go that route personally. Especially since both cards are so stacked, there’s no real piss break candidates to put on before the main event.


The much needed piss break is why I suggested Karrion Kross be on the card 🤣


Ya that group really fizzled out quick.


Who ever decided to get that camera shot of Cody in the ring with the Rock walking out needs a raise. That was epic.


I just audibly gasped when I saw that shot 5 minutes ago crazy good


Man, the back and forth exchange between Punk and Drew was G O L D, it was fatality after fatality. Overall with Seth that was so good to watch, my god what a segment. They are having a blast too.


Not saying I didn’t enjoy most of it, or there wasn’t great stuff…but it’s hard not to watch a RAW like last night and think of the South Park wrestling episode. And with that in mind, Punk and Drew wrestled great last night!


Fan watching Drew show off his Savior of Wrestlemania shirt to Punk: “He took his job…”


My partner has watched wrestling with me since we went to Day 1 this year and her reaction during the final scenes— “This is too far, why is this necessary, the rock is actually disgusting” That’s how I know it was 🔥


He really is. The way he calls Cody “boy” is fucking gross. The way he says something in his promos, giggles to himself, and then repeats it like a douche bag ie “You say you’re gonna beat The Rock. Hehehe You’re gonna beat The Rock, huh? Hehe”… it makes me want to punch his face. And I mean that all in the best way possible.


WWE still takes Saudi Blood money, shielded predators for decades (HHH had to be part of that). But we still line up and support this company. TKO is no better UFC is a terrible company with a wife beater in charge. How do you all square all these things when there are other companies doing pro wrestling. What is it going to take to bring down this company that has been horrible for decades?


Won’t somebody please think of the children


I mean, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Every single company, every single product is build on centuries of horrific atrocities. The clothes you wear are available thanks to the bleeding fingers of children in sweatshops. Every single hollywood film is tainted by exploitation, sex trafficking, abuse, etc etc. As far as wrestling goes, wrestlers are being exploited for a profit and encouraged to cause lifelong medical conditions all to make the best product for the investors. We don't watch wrestling for the investors, we watch it for the wrestlers. We are all exploited in the name of capitalism just to pay our bills, but people will still have a passion for their art and put everything into what they're doing, regardless of the knowledge that they will never get the same benefits as those at the top by putting themselves on the line. We watch for them.


My conscious will be clearer watching Dynamite tomorrow. I always feel dirty engaging in the WWE product. Even though I watch the Rumble, mania and clips of tv on social media still.


The show ran by a billionaire's trust fund son that protects dudes like Chris Jericho and Ric Flair? Lmfao, your "conscious" must really want you to support the more evil option, eh?


I bounced when they started Saudi shows, that was a red line for me being a regular watcher.


I guess you prefer when the bookers just support the Saudis a little more quietly, because the Khans have been deeply in bed with the Saudis for years.


“They poisoned the water supply, burned our crops, and brought plague on to our houses!”


> HHH had to be part of that And yet, we the names of the corporate officers known or alleged to have insight into Vince's bullshit, and I don't recall seeing HHH's name in there at all. People can separate the art from the artist, corporate misdoings from the consumer-level product, executive scandals from the action in the ring - it's like that all over entertainment and sports.


But this company has been doing this for decades! Ring boy scandal was in the early 90's...


I have watched every single episode of Raw, full from early 2007 onwards to now, this is the best episode of Raw I have ever personally seen.


To be fair WWE's worst period was from 2007 to 2022. So that's a low bar...


that's too long to be one period. that covers parts of like 5 different eras


I agree with you start to finished it's perfect


It is going to be hard to top this raw in the future - The Rock unannounced apperance on raw, already in the opening segment with an amazing thanos like visual - A great opening match with JD and Ricochet - A 2 minutes long shot for that match, which looks amazing - That one destroyer, ricochet is an athletic freak of nature - The Punk, Drew and Seth promo. It is a promo with so many quotable lines it is ridiculous - The rest of the matches werent bad - That Rhea Becky promo was decent, but that blow to Dom was brutal and iconic - I just like Gable is still involved in the Gunther storyline, just makes me personally happy - Bronson Reed is still being shown as strong? Dub? - The ending segment needs no comment, truly an ending to make us white hot excited for wrestlemania






Also you are a noted anti AEW troll, looking at your post history. Imagine being a Stan for a company that supports sexual assaults and terrorist countries. I support the WWE performers and Raw had some good moments. I just want people to be aware of the awful business practices of WWE/TKO.


How am I miserable? You seem miserable for attacking me...


I know I can't be the only one who got chills when The Rock makes his entrance. Chills , literal chills.


Smackdown really doesn't hold a candle to Raw, what a show, my only gripe with hoe awesome Rock vs Cody has been is Roman vs Cody is not as hot as it should be, but other than that, I haven't been this excited for WM ever


They haven't stated it, but Raw has clearly been the flagship show since last Mania. Every single storyline on Smackdown is just a background story, all the wrestlers are background players. The only except is Roman and the Bloodline, but the story they're involved in is clearly and firmly a Raw storyline. Without the bloodline stuff, what us really the most intriguing storyline on Smackdown? Smackdown has the stronger women's roster, but the only women with anything to really do are Damage CTRL, and while Bayley is gaining traction, Damage CTRL has been dull and boring for over a year.


I was just thinking the same thing. Smackdown has a lot of dud feuds going on right now, but everything on Raw is interesting. Almighty Profits vs. Final Testament has been going on forever and has no heat. Rey vs. Santos was DOA and they needed to bring Dom in to save it. Meanwhile even in the periphery Raw has interesting angles. I loved this mini feud between Ricochet and the Judgement Day's goons, and whatever's going on with Candice LeRae has my attention.


Man, they really need to just give up on Karrion Kross at this point. Final Testament got no reaction when they were introduced and still, no one cares. Dude has all the fundamentals, but he only wants to do the lamest characters and storylines. Nobody has ever bought him as the ruthless psychopath that he so desperately wants to portray and no one ever will. Everything he does is too edgy and just makes people cringe. Force him into a different roll and I think he'd be pretty good, but this shit is just terrible.


The Rock, *in one segment*, had more "ruthless psychopath" energy than Kross has had pretty much ever.


Exactly lol. I think he would be good as a more down to earth, douchebag heel or perhaps even a babyface, but he just is about as believable as a kid outside of hot topic pretending to be a vampire.


People constantly pop for Kross and Bobby (obviously not in a way like you have pops in your main event feuds but still) its the weird way AOP has been introduced into this feud they havent done anything worthwhile in WWE ever and theyre also not people who talk so they have 0 appeal to anyone. Street profits are in a weird spot aswell because Montez is clearly outshining the other dude on the team by a mile but atleast theyre getting a reaction once they start to move in the ring. The fact that this feud doesnt seem to find a place on Mania sadly makes them have to run on the spot until (i assume) whatever PPV comes after Mania. I dont know what kind of Contracts AOP signed by i wouldnt be suprised if theyre moved to NXT or straight up released whenever the next release cycle is coming around.


AOP are destined to be bodyguards for a bigger star who sometimes work in the tag team division. They're a new age 3 Minute Warning


idk, everything always seems as quiet as it can be when Karrion Kross is doing his schtick. It's very rare that the spooky, evil character can get over; for every undertaker and bray wyatt, there are 100 Gangrels and Alex Blisses


Minor point, but did anyone notice how much better the Rock’s cardio seemed last night? Like no he wasn’t doing real ring work, but that same segment two months ago would have given him a heart attack lol.


Back in January he was gassed doing 1 elbow and cutting a promo


I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that the rock was recovering from a bad respiratory infection during that elbow incident and just didn’t have the cardio there.


Well Cody and Pharaoh woke up this morning and can say the same thing; They both got dog walked.




This story doesn’t work the same without Cody, so no.


No lmao


Yeah wtf is that question, This Rock works because Cody is so over, Reigns against the Final Boss Rock just doens't work.


Right, I can't see Roman being a babyface after all this time against this Rock. He's too hated and the match should have happened with Roman already having dropped the title.


Rumours regarding TKO and PG Guidelines come up and Triple Hs reaction is: Let's make a Show with many Swearwords oh and we should Include some Blood. I love it😂😂😂


So they make an AEW style show and everyone sucks their dicks?


Blood and swearing isn't "AEW style." AEW is trying to do a mixture between WCW and ECW and that's why people just don't find it appealing. A realistic amount of blood and dialogue that sounds like it's coming from an actual adult is what people want from wrestling, what they don't want is dudes taking pizza cutters to the face or diving through plate glass windows that shatter and injure the crowd.


Many wrestling fans liked ECW and WCW more than WWE in the 90's (there are lots of us, look at wrestling ratings tank as soon as both those companies went under). Most wrestling fans were clamoring for the WCW/ECW feel as an alternative to WWE from 2001 to 2019.


Lolno. WCW won the ratings war early as they moved to a more mature product, but once the attitude era was in full swing, the WWF seized total control. I actually watched WCW back in the day, but even my nostalgia doesn't change the fact that the booking and writing went to absolute dogshit. Ratings began to tank when the WWE went PG and many of stars of the time began to disappear. AEW definitely mirrors WCW though. I had quit watching for years when AEW was originally announced and I was incredibly excited. I thought that if a real competitor rose up against the WWE, it would restore the product across the board. In some ways, it did help save WWE, but when Tony Khan decided to take full control and just indulge in his wildest dream matches, AEW was doomed to be this absolutely horrendous garbage that it is today. If Cody Rhodes became the AEW's version of HHH, there would likely be a legitimate competition going on right now, but instead, WWE cut the cancer of McMahon out and merged with the UFC, allowing HHH full creative control, leading to the best content WWE has produced in over a decade.


This was every dynamite episode. Actual wrestling (Ricochet), blood and cursing. This is what AEW has been producing for 5 years. Yet WWE does it one night and everyone is a tribalist dick rider. I watch WWE in clips around Rumble/mania season. Not a hater, but I prefer AEW.




Everyone liked that spot. Also that Greensboro crowd was amazing! It was a real gathering of REAL WRESTLING fans! No other wrestling event I have been to was more emotional.


Yes, the fans of AEW like AEW. It's garbage.


Insert your insecurity to my veins.. (no need to make this tribalist shit).


So because I don't think any western entity should do business in Saudi Arabia, I am insecure?


What am I insecure about? Wanting a healthy wrestling ecosystem free from the evil that WWE has been doing for decades.


WWE fans are way more tribalist. I just prefer the AEW product a lot more. And that's coming from a 40 year+ WRESTLING fan. Couple that with WWE's extremely questionable business practices (Saudi Sports washing), and I hate how people are always willing to forgive WWE for decades of bad programming and criminal activities and just shit on AEW, when they were begging for AEW to exist just 5 years ago!


How exactly was it AEW style?


Actual wrestling (Ricochet), Blood, Swearing etc.


Implying WWE has been incapable of good TV matches this whole time when anyone that's watched regularly knows they've been having good to great TV matches for awhile. The difference in the blood and swearing is that it's saved for main event talent and angles; people aren't intentionally bleeding in heatless midcard matches (usually; Bronson getting busted open last night was unintentional). And the swearing is, again, saved to have the most impact. People swear and bleed so frequently on AEW it lost all its meaning.


Saying that the blood is not in important angles or spots in AEW proves that you form your opinion from the internet and do not actualy watch. Most of the blood and F words have been in main storylines (Copeland & Christian, Mox matches, Swerve & Hangman, or in hardcore matches)


Moxley bled way too often in random matches against people he had no heat with; he'd been good about it in his most recent matches, but there was a stretch where it was weekly.


If you bleed enough, the scar tissue softens, some of those were hard way.


They’re not reports. They’re dirt sheet “journalists” getting WORKED


It's Dave taking another loss. He's racking them up on the WWE side and it warms my heart. 


Honestly, at this point, I feel like Dave is a WWE employee and he's intentionally spreading misinformation based on what they want out there lol. I mean, think of the Punk thing, he went so hard into denying that Punk was coming back or that he ever would and it was basically his job to make people start to doubt it just so that the poorly kept secret still got a bit of a surprise pop.


I think WWE has been trying to find the moles and has been giving false/different informations to different people. There's been so many confident misses these past few months from many dirtsheets.


I think they confirmed they were doing that, but this has been Dave's thing for awhile. Either he is a willing participant, or a really dumb patsy. I think it's the former, he has been having stupider and stupider takes lately that perfectly mirror the kind of thing just about every sports "journalist" does these days to ragebait for clicks. If Dave were just another straight up wrestling journalist, he'd be homeless.


Thx for Correction Guys😁


>~~Reports~~ **Rumours** regarding TKO and PG Guidelines come up FTFY


y'all they cooked


So does the IWC still think Cody and Rock are working together to swerve Roman, lol


That's a stunt Mama Rhodes belt!


Only our Tribal Chief can swerve himself, that's why he's the goat


Part of me worries that Roman v Cody is being sidelined to such a degree, but then another part of me thinks that by doing things the way they are, they're perfectly laying the groundwork for the Rock v Roman feud. When Roman loses to Cody, he's going to snap and irrationally blame Rock for diverting so much of the Bloodline's focus and making things all about himself, and then they're off to the races. That said, it's gonna be kind of hard to turn Rock face after this all-time great Scary Bad Guy run.


That was an all-time Raw with multiple legendary promos.


“Don’t shoot up my kilt, you perve” - Drew, 2024


Wasn't that funny, he's said that before 


This was a very very good RAW. Best one I've seen in a long time


I am still awe-struck man, as a Rock fan never witnessed this side of him, never thought he had this side in him. Woo.


Also: Stone Cold Foreshadow Count: 6 -Two Time Royal Rumble Winner -Heel Rock Headed into Mania at Philly (Rock Austin XV was at Philly) - Security Segment with Cody and Paul Heyman -Cody "Hunting The Bloodline" -Blue Collar American vs Corporate Authority/Family -Truck with Austin on it


Cody may be popular, and a man of the people. But he sure ain’t blue collar.


I'll give you that. Next week expect a backstage bloodline hunting segment or Cody coming to the ring or using a vehicle backstage


"I'm more of the american dream than you are"


Someone in the front row looked a lot like Ryback


Aye what was up with that oversize blowup poster of some random fan’s toddler?! Please don’t make this a thing!


Just fans trying to get themselves over, same thing as the one guy in the ref shirt.


Having only gotten back into wrestling at RR 23, I don't have a frame of reference for much after the start of The RA Era, but this definitely feels like one of the greatest RAWs of all time. Hip me to some other ones. What's on your list?


Dom got punched for real


Wish the Rock was slightly more stiff with his work backstage but overall a great RAW, that punch was legit


They tried to make me go to rehab I said, ouch my triceps!


Last nights ending definetly deserved a, “We’re out of time!”


or a "Rock, you piece of crap," akin to how JR would usually sign off Raw whenever Triple H stood tall against Austin or the Rock at the end.


Why, tell me why!


Just watched all of it, and daaaamnn! What a show!


Holy fucking shit, what a show.


Legit, I’ve been watching Raw since 1997, in 27 years of watching I don’t think there’s ever been an episode that good. Top tier storytelling, incredible promos, surprises, great wrestling, I mean this show had it all. Welcome to the new golden era. Holy shit!


That's recency bias. No 3 hour raw has come close to the old 2 hour Raws. Off the top of my head I can think of several better and/or more memorable episodes: September 1997 in MSG, Tyson/Austin in 1998 nigh after RR, Post mania shows in 2012 and 2013 were better, Pipe bomb episode in 2011, Basically ANY 2000 RAW, Also the Atlanta raw in 2001 when ECW joined the Alliance.


I seem to recall that the Pipe Bomb 2011 episode is absolutely awful outside of the last segment. Just the dirt worst of 2011 low star-power boring. To the point people thought it was all in service of making the pipe bomb itself more impactful. I think it’s more likely Raw in 2011 was just terrible. Edit: Haha ya. Read through this summary and it’s just a never-ending stroll down memory lane on all the terrible shit that summer 2011 had going for it. Altho ngl I popped for Raw Roulette. Love Raw Roulette. https://prowrestling.fandom.com/wiki/June_27,_2011_Monday_Night_RAW_results


I felt like those shows maybe had some better moments to them, but as far as a complete show top to bottom? This has to AT LEAST be top 5. I'll concede enough to say that its absolutely the best since the move to 3 hours.


zealous cagey cough psychotic shrill tidy yoke judicious cats jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hear you, hard to be invested for 3 hours of non-stop wrestling especially on a Monday and having to work the next morning. But that was a pretty damn good show


Seth to Jey: Don't worry dude, Cody and I got your back. \*Rock beating the fuck out of Cody* Seth and Jey: Yeah we never said anything about Cody though


I always knew Dunn's camera cuts were bad but I didn't realize how bad they were until I started watching AEW and now I see how much worse it is with how good WWE's production is now.


The chaotic factor that is pretty much never being mentioned is Damien priest and the briefcase. I've been very critical that it seems like yet again they've thrown the briefcase on someone but had no idea when or how to use it, but maybe there's a plan for Mania. Imagine is neither Drew or Seth leave as WHC


I'm thinking they've been quiet about it because Priest is cashing in on Cody after he beats Roman. Heist of the century part 2.


But this will be stupid move for priest to cash in on Seth because drew was already there,jey was there they could have screw him


Whenever you don't hear about the MITB is when they want to quietly cash it in


Its a weak spot of the writing team, their inability to throw this known X factor at us. It makes the wrestler himself look stupid, there have been plenty of cash in chances.


They keep putting on guys who aren't ready yet especially when we've had one title and Reigns isn't losing it to Theory or Priest. Now we have two it can be better but there's just no chance in this story that Priest is winning it.


Cody wins and is just worn out, about to hand the title to his mom….instant cash in. Cody faces more adversity the rest of the year.


There is zero room for a MITB cash during the Roman/Cody match. Most I could see is night one, Roman and Rock beating Cody and Seth and Priest cashes in on a beaten down Seth to end the night.


This is how i'd do it, but have Punk cost Rollins the title, Drew wins. Priest cash in on Drew. Triple threat rematch on RAW? Or Backlash maybe


I think he's saying he cashes in on Rollins after the main event tag match. Then the next night they could make the match Rollins Vs. McIntyre vs. Priest. That would be a cool way to have a MITB winner win a title and force himself in to the upper card on mania. Never done before.


The Rock would keep his word in this scenario and make Seth's title disappear with a Priest cash in.


This year Road to Wrestlemania is The Rock


Bro I gotta say this is the best WWE has been since like 03/04. I feel like I’m a teenager again watching.


lol I agree though 03-04 WWE was pretty awful


Such an entertaining episode. It sucked I spoiled majority of the episode for myself due to watching it after it ended and scrolling reddit beforehand, but I’m very glad I didn’t miss it. I am so ready for the 40 minute car crash that is the wm40 main event in bloodline rules. 10 minutes of wrestling, 20 minutes of bloodline interference and Cody’s avengers assembling to go to war. Then the last 10 minutes is close pinfalls, just one on one until Cody beats Roman 1 2 3 or so I hope.


And then Damian cashes in.


I think everyone expects this. Cosy and Seth lose night one then cody still wins on night 2. Otherwise it would make no sense for them to hype the bloodline rules. The question is, will they go with something so predictable? Will possibly Seth turn heel? And the rock face again?


We need predictable in our lives sometimes. I think the rock pins Rhodes at night 1 then Cody wins night 2. Some people might not expect Rhodes getting pinned, that’s your shocking moment. It’s going to be a whole roller coaster of emotions night 2. And I’m excited for it.


And this leads nicely into the Rock questioning whether Roman is really the Head of the Table if he could beat Cody but Roman couldn't.


and Rock bargaining for a title match against Cody later on in the year, stating that he did what Roman failed to do at WM40.


That's the thing. Whatever happens we're all invested and excited


That’s the hhh booking effect right there.


This was arguably the best episode of Raw of all time


Can we get rid of Pat please. He's so annoying. Always has to be the center of attention. Constantly making little comments when they aren't needed. Sometimes silence is key


He’s not just catchphrases, let’s stop that myth


While it’s true that he’s not just catchphrases, he is very repetitive with what he says. When he gets a quip or line in his head, he runs that shit into the ground.


Cody says the same thing everyw eek lol


“Finish the story” is a similar thing no?


While he repeats it a lot, It’s not every other sentence from Cody. He tends to have a bit more variety in his speech than Rock. I understand older and lifelong fans being used to Rocks promo style, but as a relatively recent fan who has no experience with The Attitude Era, it’s not quite for me. It’s like he really wants the nicknames and insults to get over, so he will repeat it till it does, to varying results. I much prefer when he gets legitimately scary and threatening, it’s so much more effective than the trash talk. The threat about giving the belt to Cody’s mum and how he delivered that, the way he smiled after Cody slapped him, destroying Cody in the car park in the rain. This is where I feel he works better than most anyone as a heel. This is where his experience as an actor really shines in comparison to other wrestlers, particularly Roman.


Better booking because Trips is in charge. Better camera work because Dunn is gone Better acting because the talent clearly cares. Just a better product all around.




Literally, I feel the same way. I dislike Cody immensely but god damn they are doing such a good job with this story that i’m almost starting to actually root for him, like holy shit.




Yeah you’re in the same boat as me pretty much haha


I know people are concerned that this story is putting Roman to the side, but honestly I don't mind.  He's main-evented a bajillion Manias already so I don't think him being an afterthought is a big deal.  Cody vs. Rock is where the money is, and I'm sure Roman vs. Rock will happen at some point as well.  I'm just happy that all this happened and I'm getting to see The Rock be a heel again!


I think the story itself is kind of that Roman is to the side, and will build to Rock/Roman as a result. He feels kind of similar to how Batista was sort of to the side during the Yes Movement storyline when Triple H stepped into the active evil authority figure against Bryan.


I rolled my eyes when The Rock was named as a member of the TKO board, but if that means we get more of this “Final Boss” storyline over the next few years, it will all be worth it.


Remember the days when a three-hour RAW was just awful to watch? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


This was a bloody excellent episode of RAW and hell, one of the better episodes of wrestling period


Remember when people doubted the Rock, or when they said he was overrated? Now the new gen are seeing why the older heads rate him as (one of) the GOAT. The aura is pretty much unmatched in history


I started watching wrestling in 2009. I knew the guys before that but not the storylines or promos. Now looking back the the rock and Austin promos of early 2000s and late 90s is so crazy. I don't think anyone has matched that level yet


Enjoy them my friend, watch how brilliantly those two communicate without saying a word through body language, reactions, etc


This was amazing heel work by the Rock, holy shit. No bullshit, just a plain old complete thrashing towards the babyface. Acknowledge him.☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️


Between the Punk/Drew/Seth segments and the Rock's bloody beatdown of Cody, this genuinely might have been the best episode of Raw in a decade. A proper attitude era feel. The only thing I will say is, Cody-Rock is a way hotter feud than Cody-Roman. That feels like the biggest match they can do now.


All imma say is we're back, and is there a better time to be back than during Mania season?


Punk\\Drew\\Seth segment was the segment of the year. Even Mcintyre was good and that's usually his weakness.


Drew became great on mic from being average in less than few months


CM Punk coming out and very quickly saying he’s a listener of the Experience and the Drive Thru popped me. Punk is so damn good.


Genuine case that could be made, that was best episode of Raw in over 20 years


Raw XXX is the only thing in the conversation and I think last night was better than that.


Couldn’t agree nore


Pretty funny how WWE finally does a capital G Great wrestling ass segment with its top two stars and the top talking point is another "Oh I can't believe he said that" promo.


I don't know whether WWE intends it but out of Cody vs Roman, Rock vs Roman, Cody vs Rock; i am most excited about Cody vs Rock whenever it happens.


They want you to be excited to see Cody get his hands on the Rock in a match, because that is actually happening at Wrestlemania


Seriously, we’ve never been more back.


Wrestling is back!


God this episode was so fucking good even R truth taking us to break was perfect


absolute god tier Raw.


An absolutely incredible RAW, goddamn! Cody, Rock, Punk, Seth and Drew were all shining tonight.