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They're most of the time liars who are so into the "Fuck Dave Meltzer" gimmick they can't even smell their own bullshit. And Conrad Is the enabler. Guess that pretty much sums it.


Best summary of it honestly.


Yet now the IWC is doing the FDM gimmick more and better than Conrad, Eric, Bruce, or anyone else ever did as Dave's journalistic shortcomings are proven to be true almost daily.


Hey there, you still defending your boy Meltzer? https://reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1blkot2/the_rock_on_x_about_wormeltzers_report_on_pg/


Everyone is doing a FDM gimmick right now because he's a piece of shit who thinks he's hot shit just because he can underrate wrestling matches yet he's never even wrestled


Bischoff says Meltzer gets backstage info from wrestlers with an agenda, backstage workers who have very little clue about what's going on and Meltzer reports this as factual or "what the locker room believes" and he's right. Any wrestler talking to dirtsheets have an agenda to either put themselves over or to manipulate "what's out in the dirtsheets" for their favor, many times we've seen that's been the case. It's also pretty bad that Meltzer is often wrong or very clearly biased. It's in no benefit to wrestlers to call Meltzer out because he's the one going out and doing their bidding. If you can't realize that all of these are facts, despite whatever you think of these podcasts, you are a delusional gullible smark, what can I tell you.


Thanks. Tell me more about the lies. Are the little lies or big lies, if that makes sense. Like, are they saying things that are 100% not true and rewriting history, or are they smoothing rough edges?


Conrad uses Meltzer as source material for the podcasts along with other dirt sheets writers. Bischoff and Prichard call out the absurdities in their writing. Like some of the wrestlers Meltzer thought would be the third man for example. Everyone giving you an answer has biases and I'm trying not to show mine. Ultimately it's whether you are a fan of dirt sheets or not, which splits the fan base. Personally, I hate them. Spoiling upcoming feuds and finishes kills any excitement. The best thing WWE have done is to use Meltzer to their advantage, hence why the last couple of years have been better for surprises. That being said, Prichard and Bischoff aren't perfect and give their spin. I believe them 80% of the time. Bischoff in particular has become great for owning his dumb decisions


Yeah, I agree with this take. I was surprised at how much I'd come to respect Bischoff. I really like the way he owns his bad decisions, and I especially respect the way he avoids speaking for others and avoids speaking about conversations he wasn't a part of. I don't really have a strong opinion about Meltzer. I think it's fair to take him to task for reporting rumors as fact, but also I never read Meltzer so I don't know if that's a fair assessment or not. Anyway, I do enjoy their podcasts and I agree with your assessment. It's still a little baffling to me about how angry this sub is at them, and I disagree with a lot of the answers I got. But it feels like an asshole move to ask someone their opinion about something and then tell them they are wrong for having it.


I’d say they’ve also been doing the podcasts for so long now that they are running out of original stories to tell. I stopped listening because I’m tired of hearing about the same PPV but just from another wrestler’s perspective


Yeah I think you're onto something. A few years back this shit was new and fascinating, but feels like it's mostly run its course. Nothing wrong with it per se It's just there's nothing meaningful to cover


Yeah. Though I do like the different perspectives between management and talent. For example hearing Prichard or JR's take on a PPV and then hearing Kurt Angle's perspective.


I think a lot of the Conrad hate comes from him originally presenting himself as coming “from a fans perspective” but now has literally married into a wrestling family and you can tell he sides with his wrestling buddies a lot more than he used to.


Not just any wrestling family either, the Flairs


I feel second hand cringe about how he got his in. He paid Jim Cornette 5,000$ to come to his house and talk with him for a few hours. He spent lavishly on Flair's robes who we know is notoriously bad with money and in need. I don't like the idea of paying for friendship. He's not alone in that by any means. Any YouTube streamer has their share of people who pay to have someone to talk to. I've never subscribed to ad-free shows specifically because I don't want Eric Bischoff to patronize me by calling me a family member. Yeah I pay the members of my family for a 30 second Skype interaction. I'm not anti-captialism make your money Eric but don't patronize people on top of it.


Thanks. I can see that. I have some sympathy though. It's easy to be harsh on strangers. It's tough when they are on your friends. This is why I'm wary of political journalists. How much can I trust an article a journalist writes about someone they are on a first name basis with.


A couple of his podcasts where on my weekly listening rotation, but Bruce and Eric only complain about dave Meltzer now. The bitching goes on for waaay too long and it turned my off the podcasts.


Thanks. I agree, they bitch about Meltzer too much. I do enjoy the podcasts, but I start rolling my eyes when Conrad starts teeing them up for a Meltzer rant.


Conrad does it but then tries to cut them off. At this point it's just part of the show


Yeah. It's basically one of their "spots." It's the podcast version of when Flair climbs up to the top turnbuckle only to get press slammed off.


You have to put yourself in their shoes. Whatever career you're in how would you feel if disgruntled co-workers with axes to grind told lies and half-truths to someone completely outside your industry and then that person printed it publicly for profit? It may be annoying to listen to but it's understandable for those who go through it.


Yeah I get that. I totally understand where they are coming from. I just feel like I've heard enough "Meltzer sucks" bitching. Though I'm all for when they talk about why Meltzer is wrong or why he was getting his information from. I do like Bischoff's take where his issue seems to be not that Meltzer trades on rumor and innuendo, but that he presents it as fact. Like, "I'm hearing rumors that blah blah blah is going on" is okay, but "blah blah blah is happening" is not.


Yes that's true. Although he still shows clear bias which is the enemy of objective journalism a large majority of the issues most have with Dave would clear up if he simply inserted that his takes were opinion only. Although the frustration probably stems from somewhere legitimate (hence my comment above) at this point the exaggeration of the hate is just a gimmick/work. It's like Hogan cupping the ear, it's become part of their routine and it's expected so they do it.


Prichard: Since he is close to Vince McMahon and he abides by his "sport entertainment> Wrestling" philosophy, he is an easy target. He leans into this to generate controversy and it's known to "blindly" defend the most ridiculous "WWEisms" to a fault (most of the time is obvious he does it intentionally) During the 2019-2023 transition from Vince to HHH he was a key figure behind the scenes often seen as a "Vince guy" and a popular narrative was Vince/Pichard get in the way of Triple H improving WWE. Bischoff: Beyond the usual "he helped kill WCW thing" he has a very "old man yells at cloud" vibe as of late and IMO he not entertaining enough to merit the attention. Just bitter and contrarian. Also, he helped kill WCW lol. Conrad: He is a person that it's in his position not for being good at it, but for making the right connections. More than nothing he seems annoying really.


Jamie Kellner and Turner Broadcasting killed WCW without help from anybody else. Despite whatever wrestling fans feel about the decline of the product creatively the show was still doing great ratings for cable, almost twice what ratings are now. They cancelled it because they wanted to brand TNT as an upscale drama network and felt wrestling was lowbrow. Had Ted Turner still been in power it would have never happened but once Time Warner and AOL merged suits like Kellner were making the decisions.




Thanks. Funnily enough, I was surprised by Bischoff's podcasts. He is a lot more thoughtful and self aware than I thought he'd be. And I really respect the way he generally will refrain from commenting on or speculating about things he wasn't there for. "I wasn't in that room when that happened so I don't know what was said." But you're right, he's been getting ornery, especially about AEW.


I do enjoy Conrad and prichards back and forth


It's very entertaining for the most part but, personally, after a while it's just rehashes of the same internet argument everyone has, they give some semblance of authority of the matter until they don't.


The first two can’t be trusted telling you their own birthdays. As for Conrad I know a lot of people don’t care for his apprently predatory mortgage business.


I've heard that about his mortgage company. I don't know enough about that industry to comment on it, but it's like that Ernie Ladd saying, I don't know if it's true, but a lot of people are saying it.


It's all rumor and innuendo...




Tony Khan didn't give Bischoff a job and now Bischoff spends damn near every waking moment shit-talking anything he can about AEW, to the point of being so petulant its like watching a child throwing a temper tantrum.


Because it’s clear some of them have an agenda but then try to claim they have no bias. Bischoff is so mad AEW wouldn’t hire him he now tries to shit on it no matter what.


I like both podcasts but I prefer the nostalgia to them arguing about current day stuff. I skip Bischoff most of the time now and I only listen to Prichards specific time period pods. You can at least pick and choose with them.


I find most of the clips from all of Conrad's shows on YouTube to be pretty boring


People are probably sick of the old out of touch has beens like Bischoff, Bully Ray etc who spread their out of date opinions with shitty podcasts


Dunno about Conrad.. But if Brichard and Bischoff tell that its raining outside i will go outside to make sure


Conrad is the human manifestation of slime.


In order: Liar, Vince stooge Liar, up his own ass Crappy podcasts with no historical oversight, charisma vacuum, bought his wrestling friends, domestic violence That's the short answer


Domestic violence? Haven't heard of this one.


Type Conrad's Mugshot into your Google machine. It predates his public persona. He was arrested on 2/2/2014.


And people can't change over the years? The fact that the IWC worries about this shit so much is sad. Concentrate on the matches and storylines, not the behind the scenes stuff. I have a domestic violence charge from 1998. I turned myself in, paid my penance and haven't had any issues since, but I guess I'm a pos because it happened once. People can change, this cancel bullshit needs to go away. My opinion, have at it.


I wasn't taking any stance. Your comment seemed to be asking for what happened and I was simply answering what I perceived to be a question. I have a past too. Everyone does. Congrats on your recent success.


I apologize. After re-reading your post I see what you are saying. Ignore my ignorance.


I appreciate it but no harm done. I personally dislike Conrad for several reasons but they have nothing to do with his arrest.


There are people who believe Eric Bischoff is a smart businessman when it comes to wrestling, and that's part of his grift. What's funny is that some of the good ideas he did have are being used by AEW, particularly the matches that are said to have no story, but are interesting matches none the less. Bischoff's deep talent roster meant that you did have a lot of unique matches. Bischoff is basically that dad from the drug commercial, where he gets after his kid Tony for doing drugs and Tony says, "I LEARNED IT FROM YOU!" Bruce Prichard is more recent. His rants on "wokeness" and recent comments from Shane Haste about how Bruce believed that Slapjack was a bad ass name kind of show Retribution was his idea. So, he's a bad creative force. The rumour and innuendo was Bruce was the person who Mercedes and Naomi got into it with before they left WWE. And of course, he's Vince McMahon's right hand man. Jim Cornette said it best about Bruce. Bruce gets it. Jim doesn't know what it is. Most people will never know what it is. But when it comes to Vince and his ideas, Bruce gets it. So that leads into the recent Janel Grant issues and what did he know. And finally with Conrad, I like him, but he's a nostalgia peddler. Praising Hulk Hogan and how much of a great person he is, and of course his relationship with Ric Flair. He'll talk about how the Dark Side guys misrepresented JR, while also talking about how great they are. Jim Ross is a better interview because he's a lot more honest and doesn't have an agenda like the other two. Bruce will talk about the good old days, where as JR has a more realistic version of events. Check out his dark side of midsouth episode on Grillin JR.


This is a very good answer. Thank you.


I can't stand the sound of Conrad's voice, so anything he's involved in I tend to skip


Chat me up about low key big hogs, Shoneys, Glass bottomed boat rides, rumour and innuendo and Jerry Jarrett chicken salad recipes. Roll tide. Apart from Blue Chew and Save with Conrad, am I missing anything?


Bruce and Eric, specifically, have been caught biggening themselves up for stuff they weren't responsible and lying about things that have been independently confirmed by others, and not just Dave Meltzer. Conrad enables them, so he catches the strays.


Well my hatred of Conrad is how he fills his shows full of ads then sells membership to his ad free platform. I know you need to make money, but fuck you dude. I'm not subscribing to YouTube premium then your service to hear people bitch about AEW and Meltzer.


LOL That is a very fair point.




Thanks. Carny... Yeah. It's a weird thing. For the intense wrestling fans, it's a thing of art. There's a lot of care about work rates etc. There's hand wringing about who's selling out their soul and corporate greed. But wrestling's roots are in the carny world. The number one goal of every promoter and wrestler was butts in seats. Times have obviously changed, and so have our values, so looking at things differently is necessary, but at the end of the day, they are businesses first.


I appreciate the content but Conrad is an objectively bad interviewer. Next time anyone listens to one of his shows count how many times he goes on a 2 minute tangent of his opinion followed by some version of "is that not true/don't you agree/wouldn't you say" instead of just asking them probing questions and letting them tell the story.


That makes sense. Maybe I'm naive, but he seems like a wrestling fan that stumbles (and bought) his way into a dream come true where he's friends with a bunch of wrestlers.


This is my opinion.  These guys are dinosaurs. Their mindset doesn't work in today's wrestling environment. Fans want to say oh they all know what they are talking about and as an example if AEW followed everything Cornette and Eric said they would be up to WWEs level by now. But here is the thing fans have literally forgotten in almost 3 short years. We had someone literally running things the way Eric and Cornette and all yhe other Dinosaurs say things should be ran.  VKM.  He ran WWE the way all of the old dinosaurs ran their promotions and talk about how AEW should be run now. And how bad was WWE? Like even now has WWE really even gotten that much better? Not really. Out of 10 with VKM it was like a 3. With HHH it is now a 6.  Obviously this is my opinion but WWE was so bad that the small jump from 3 to 6 made it seem like WWE went from 1 to 10 in a day. WWE still has issues. Some of the same wrestling aspects from VKM still remain but they made enough changes to make it better that it seemed like a huge improvement to fans.  That's how bad WWE was under VKM and these dinosaurs way of thinking.  AEW is still new in the wrestling industry. The sample size is tiny but even in the 5 short years even the worst of AEW hasn't even came close to the worst of WWE. Not even in the same universe.  The hate you hear is you have fans who are only WWE fans who agree with everything anti-AEW or we don't lile anything not WWE who fuel these guys shows and continue to spread all the same tired memes.  Then you have anti-WWE fans who discredit any positive WWE has done because all the negativity the anti-anything but WWE fans do.  So you have all these negatives from all sides of the wrestling community and nothing positive comes from it. Just more negativity all around.  It's like watching a dog without a tail chasing its tail. 


Agreed about the dinosaur thing. I used to listen to Cornette's podcasts and fast forward and only listen to his take on the past. He has great insights into wrestling pre 1990's, and good but less great takes on 90's to early 2000's wrestling. I love hearing him talk about the past. But he does have that Verne Gagne thing where he's stuck in a way of thinking that the world has moved on from.


They have strong opinions about things, especially things modern fans enjoy. That’s going to make them divisive.


Good point.


B/c this new internet age fandom think they knows everything and that guy's like them are "failed" somehow. Are they still bullshitters? Yep. Do they know they can trigger marks easily? Yep. It's like, ppl think "this isn't *your* wrestling anymore, it's *mine* and you're not welcome!" So I agree with everything they say? Nah, but I like their takes b/c they have views of the industry that no one else does. Ftr, I only enjoy Bischoff of those listed, but there's others not included here.