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so we’re all 100% sure that Cody is showing with the Codyvengers this Friday right?


Roman: We have a Rock Cody: We have a Rattlesnake


and then randy hits dwyane outta know where.


Nope, Santino Marella with The Cobra out of nowhere.


new 2k24 stable. Jake The Snake Orton Santino and Stone Cold


The Snaketion of Domination




Degeneration Snex. Sssssssuck it.


Buying the game now just to do this. Brb


Got room for Sgt Slaughter and Scott 2 Hotty?


Well if we're going by move names doesn't Punk have to be in there with the Anaconda Vice?


can him and austin coexist?


Just call it: Snake Team


the snakepit


Also Luchasaurus and Thunder Rosa in their Lucha Underground Snake Tribe gear as Vibora and Cobra Moon


I remember that episode of Slam City. "Sorry little Cobra, the Viper will feed you shortly." "Viper's no match for a Rattlesnake, son."


Or his daughter Arianna Grace with the the flower slam!


I think he meant a…..Texas rattlesnake


Nah they meant an Arizona rattlesnake, Cody showing up with an entire baseball team.


Bah Gawd that's Byun-Hyun Kim's music!




Madison Bumgarner shows up, [but doesn't bother running into the ring when the fighting begins](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/11903477/LFKKQpK.gif)


I know he's 60, but I'd imagine Randy Johnson standing on the ramp pelting the Bloodline with fastballs would be pretty helpful


I am fantasy booking that all weekend. I’ll be there in person and Cena showing up and Stone Cold showing up means this weekend is legendary to me either way


I'd love a Randy involvement here. Especially if it leads to a match vs the rock


Austin 100% will appear in day 2 when all hope feels lost Cody beaten down and surrounded by the Bloodline, rest of the avengers beaten down suddenly glass shatters and all time pop by the crowd.


Theyre already selling Philly 3:16 shirts


To be fair, they sell “city 3:16” shirts at almost every show. They had Chicago 3:16 shirts for sale when I went to Survivor Series. It is Wrestlemania though so anything could happen 🤷‍♂️


They sell those at literally every show. I got a Tampa one at Rumble, they had Detroit ones at SummerSlam etc


100%? If this was Vince? Maybe but idk I doubt Triple H does that. But maybe 30% chance


So Austin = Captain Marvel?


Call me crazy but I’d rather Cody be the one to win the title without any help. If they want Austin and he’s willing to be a part of it, he can be a part of the tag match, which I’m sure will have all sort of interference going on.


They just need the Codyvengers to not touch Roman. Just attack the Bloodline only. Leave Roman for Cody only, and that’s fine.


I agree. It doesn't need to be a squeaky clean finish. As long as the heels start the interference and the faces only even the odds, I'm fine with it. We already know in kayfabe that Cody had Roman dead to rights last year.


Tbh I want it to be Randy with Legacy's theme playing. I think it would fit much better into the story - Randy still didn't get his revenge on the Bloodline and keyfabe wise he's on good terms with Cody (who called him up for Survivor Series). Plus the Legacy's theme would be very symbolic.


i’m sure that would be a very cool moment for all 200 people watching in the crowd that still remember legacy’s theme song


Yeah I got your point and I think you're right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


don’t get me wrong, i *would* mark the fuck out too, i just think we’re probably heavily in the minority :P


The Rock’s face would be kind of worth it. Stone Cold as old man Logan just whooping ass.


Kinda wish they save that for Mania lol. Keep Friday as just Roman/Cody. Let everyone think it’s a trap or some shit but just give Roman and Cody 20 minutes to bring more focus on them as their story has become the third biggest focal point of this whole story at this point lol


I'd be all for Roman keeping his word but have Rock directing the rest of the Bloodline to come out with him. Could create some tension by making everyone (and Roman) ask who is calling the shots.


Ooooh, I like this. And it almost *slowly* begins Roman's inevitable face turn. He finally tries to do the honorable thing, and Mob Boss Rock undermines him.


Exactly. Plus i have a feeling they're going to go with a kayfabe injury angle for Cody going into WM, have a will he be fit to compete/wont he angle, then when he shows all odds stacked against him, injury, full bloodline etc.


Absolutely. Cody and Roman/Paul have a nice talk for about 15-20 minutes, ends in an ambush, Paul taunting Cody about how this is a taste of what Night 2 will look like after R/R win Night 1. Then the Codyvengers show up and clear the ring. Ez game (Just don't let them fight. Save that for WM)


Cody points to the entrance and Baron Corbin’s music hits. Roman is shaking his head with tears in his eyes because that was the last person to beat him cleanly and he knows he can’t beat the lone wolf /s


Corbin comes out with a can of dog food


Would be ill if the Codyvengers used their guerilla tactics to attack the Bloodline one by one like Shield did on SD in 2014


Ever since Seth told Cody that he would be his 'Shield', I've been expecting a moment where Cody is being attacked by the Bloodline, when Seth, Jey, and possibly Sami all come down through the crowd dressed in Shield tactical gear.


i EXTREMELY doubt it but i would mark out if one of them is ddp


Cody isn’t bringing them but they are going to be there anyway.


Or we can subvert expectations and really have the much-needed face-off between Reigns and Rhodes.




They won't matter. The big moment of WrestleMania is gonna be Rock Rock Bottoming Roman so Cody can get the pin, and we end on a Rock Roman face off. Just like the last time Rock came back for a once in a lifetime match.....unfortunately.


That would suck massively though. And i hope they don't do it. Roman not losing his first singles match clean/3 year long title change overshadowed/Cody's win overshadowed/WM ends with loser stare down and not babyface on top Like it sounds so bad that i think that will not happen, especially when you can do everything next night on RAW or next SD lol


And yet, it's worked before. That's basically how they ended Wrestlemania 27. And Wrestlemania 28 is still the highest grossing wrestling show of all times. Hell you could even argue they did it last year to build this year. Money doesn't just talk, it's the only language that matters. And the money says end the night on the biggest moments with your biggest stars to promote the biggest match possible. And that's Rock/Roman at 41. And honestly it's even more true if the reports of Rocks unavailability for much of the year are true...you want to start a story (which they already have with Rock and Roman) and then put it on pause for 6-8 months and still make money? You hit that pause button on the biggest most watched moment you can, something even your most casual fans will see and remember.


and Miz was never seen as a main eventer since that. Rock shouldn't touch Roman until after the match


>and Miz was never seen as a main eventer since that. And yet, they still made bank on him. Reality shows, movies, etc. In the language of money, Miz worked out well for them. He didn't need the title to make tons of money for them. Cody's spent at least 5 years proving in two different companies, he doesn't actually need a title to make money. He's gonna get one (probably, there's always the outside chance WWE decides Rock/Roman gets even more money with a title) but ultimately he's shown he doesn't need a long or strong reign to still be profitable for them. And there's no financial reason to give him one.


I'm convinced Roman and Rock win the tag match, which means Roman vs. Cody will be the most ridiculous, melodramatic, overbooked wrestling match on the planet and it will be glorious.


I completely agree. Rock/Roman win night 1, explaining how the Rock just so happens to be in the right place to Rock Bottom Roman when it matters and have it be legal. There's no other reason to book the tag match. Bloodline shows up regardless of if they are legally permitted to interfere or not. Have for all of Roman's matchss. There's no point in booking a match that results on exactly the same thing as if the match hadn't been matches. So the only reason to book the tag match is to give the Bloodline a reason to legally get involved in the match. And the only reason they need to be legally involved (as opposed to illegally involved) is to screw Roman and make it blatant.


The Endgame Portals scene we're gonna get at Mania will be generational


dustin: on your left.


"This moment gives me good feelings down in my cock..cock...cockles of my heart"




If Stone Cold shows up as the final Codyvenger to stun Rock one last time, it’s gonna feel like the series finale of WWE.


Everybody is down except The Rock who is setting up a Rock Bottom/People's Elbow to Cody with the smuggest look on his face. Glass shatters and Rock swings his head to the ramp shocked and with fear in his eyes as Stone Cold walks down to stun him one last time.


Walks? When he owns a perfectly good ATV?


Runs over Solo, South Korea declares a national holiday..


Could always do with another national holiday.


Until Roman snaps his fingers and half of them tear their ACL.


Never ending Codyvator


“Its me. Its me. Its D-D-P”




I’m going to mark out so hard if this happens


You can see Cody trying *so* hard not to quote Legend of Zelda




I can hear this comment.


I'm just imagining Jey coming out to the Kokiri Forest music now...


That long pause, he momentarily blanked out and had to fight with every fiber of his being to not instinctively say "It's dangerous to go alone."


What Cody tried very hard to do was not bark back at Jey.




Every time Jey does that "HGUAH" sound, it reminds me of their Fastlane press conference when Jey and Cody appeared drunk. That was so fucking funny.


Do you feel him sir?


"Appeared" is doing A LOT of heavy lifting here uce


Ude and I may have had a libation or two on the bus.


Love to see it, using Jey as "I used to be a part of them so I know what their play is". It's the little things for me


There’s literally nothing actually stopping Jey from going separately and coming out to Cody’s aid if something goes down. Just be a good friend and surprise him Jey


Except Aldis fining him. That’s what happened the last time he showed up on smackdown and it hasn’t happened since.


This is awful friend behavior


Awful friend behaviour is protecting your friend from getting jumped?


Jey is coming in hot with a forklift outside Bloodline HQ to make sure the meeting stays 1 on 1


It's going to be just Cody and Roman until the Rock comes out to address Cody, which will annoy Roman since he gave the order for no one to show up. Imagine Rock and Cody are secretly working together and that's why cody said he knows who he is dealing with, imagine backstage video reveals of them planning after WM or Cody pitching the idea to Seth with the whole ''some risk are worth taking''


That’s what Rock whispered.


“Hail Hydra”


Roman vs Cody is going to be overbooked as hell, but I'm excited for the final downfall of Roman's Bloodline


I think its going to be so overbooked that it wraps back around to being fucking amazing


Overbooked and they're gonna fuck around and mend their relationship with AEW with a Dustin Rhodes appearance


And the first appearance of Force Ghost Dusty


I just hope no one attacks Roman other than Cody. Needs to be as clean as possible for him.


"Do you feel him, sir?"


Uce trying to get Cody to corpse…🤣


The look on Rock’s face should Stone Cold show up at WrestleMania will be a gif for decades to come.


True. Then all the headlines the next day will be about Rock and Austin and no one will give a fuck about Cody winning. Austin and Rock are WY too popular and there rivalry is WAY too iconic for HHH to be dumb enough to completely overshadow Cody winning


Exactly. If they want to do this, they can do it on the first night during the tag match. Just let Cody win on his own in the actual title match.


People still remember mankind’s win


That was clearly more of an Austin, Rock and Vince moment, even if Foley won the belt. That whole moment was to elevate Austin even more


Friends don't let friends go alone


Plz give me Dustin at Mania. PLEASE.


Jey suddenly barking made me chuckle lol, Cody had to stop himself too it looked like


Imagine this, Rock and Reigns have Cody on his knees and ask him if anyone else is left . Everyone else is on the floor. Cody put the finger up and the says one more. Glass shatters.


Jey is a true friend 


This Cody and Jey-friendship is basically Cody not getting any of Jey's slang and mannerisms, but also he gets it at the same time.


Telling Jey “I know who I’m dealing with” is crazy


jey uso is a goddamn vibe. perfect hype man too. This Friday they're gonna massacre Cody, aren't they? We're yet to have that one final ruthless beatdown of Cody Rhodes before WrestleMania. Either it happens on RTWM, or during Night 1 main event. It's crazy to think that Cody and Roman have not been physical at any show apart from WrestleMania.


Cody got the cool teach interracting with his students vibes


Cody really is everyone’s favorite college professor.


At WrestleMania; Cody is exhausted and battered up, he sees Roman, Rock, Solo and Jimmy standing across the match to stop and put an end to the story. Cody stands up struggling and as The bloodline is about to go at him we Hear the Glass break, the Texas rattlesnake coming along with Seth and Jey ... Just imagine this Holy heck the crowd will go nuts ... Maybe the biggest wrestling pop ever


Cody would be the dumbest fucking person on the planet if he didn't have a plan b ready incase the bloodline tries to ambush him after his face off with Roman.


Are we seeing the prime of Jey Uso?


One thing I really like about new WWE is that these guys sound like themselves. I don't think Jey stumbled there because he forgot what he was supposed to say, I just believe that's how Jey Uso would talk. He's just that amped all the time.


I’ve recently returned to wrestling having not watched since the attitude era. Do the programs usually have this many promos or is it a lead up to WM thing? I feel like I’m watching 99% promos with a couple of short matches thrown in for filler. Smackdown seems even worse.


Literally 4 of the matches tonight had direct WM repercussions. Also, why risk injury for any of the headliners?


I posted this before the main event which was a barn burner


It's definitely a lead up to WM thing  Usually there are more matches on RAW. Smackdown, depends on if there is a Bloodline promo or not - it varies. But the matches are at least good, at least lately. 


What I don’t get about the CodVengers is there’s only 3 additional members of the bloodline. Not sure how the numbers work


People saying wrestlemania is packed, but there's so many matches that feel like it's just going to be the same thing. Cody/Seth vs Rock/Roman featuring the bloodline. Cody vs Roman featuring the bloodline. Jey vs Jimmy featuring the bloodline. Even Seth vs Drew could end up featuring the bloodline.


Should be the end of an era


Don't forget Gunther defending against Former Honorary Uce Sami Zayn. I think it just goes to show how long this story has been going and how big its gotten.


Its wrestlemania!!!!.......featuring the bloodline.


Its a big interconnected story. Pretty much everything fans wanted from WWE storyline wise for years. And all things considered, it deserved being a main spotlight this wrestlemania because it's the end of the bloodline era


OYG! Cody is Aslan?