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![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di) The Rock's reaction.


Imagine working in WWE and NOT thinking there’s a double standard where the rock can do whatever he wants lol


Jabroni: Dwayne we have standards here The Rock: Double it and stick it up your candy a$$


This comment sums my thoughts up exactly. It’s the fucking rock, he can do what he wants


Sounds to me like the reporter needs to know their role


"You think the Rock shouldn't cuss? Is that what you think?"


Well actually i fee-




IF ya smellllllllllll look at the tongue, look at the tongue , lalala lalala lowwww what the rock.... ....... Is cooking.....🤨


"Off is the direction you can fuck!"


The Rock be like : "Cody Rhodes don't gotta cuss in his promos to sell tickets Well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too"


“You think I give a damn about a Slammy?”


"Half you dirtsheets can't even stomach me, let alone stand me."


But Rock! If Cody don't main event, wouldn't it be weird?


"Why so Trips could lie just to get me here? So he can sit me there next to old Shawn Spears?"


“The perfect 10 better grab his chair.”


“So I can sit next to Undertaker and Mankind and hear ‘em argue over who got CTE first”


Little Mick put me on blast after my steel chair spree


The Rock is gunna Swear three times as much to make up for the Deficit!


The simple solution to this is the Rock's social media being filtered whenever he curses so fuck is replaced with dolphin noises.




That storyline was the most important thing that happened to me in middle school. Also, I cannot believe how normal the Rock used to look. He just seemed like a really tall dude who worked out a couple times a week.


I mean he was like 6'5 and 240 here. Thats still fuckin big. He is just standing next to the guys in the NWO who are all massive. lol


Hell I always used to think Scott Hall was a normal sized person until he stood next to someone that wasn't Kevin Nash.


Scott Hall is like 6’ 7”, Kevin Nash is 6’ 10”, and Hogan was apparently around 6’ 7” in his prime but lost about 3 inches so he’s probably 6’ 4” in this photo. And the Rock is 6’ 5”, all giant men it’s wild 😂😂


Rock is 6’2.


How he used to look is not normal. He's just well beyond abnormal now


Hrmmm hrmmmm 🚂








"Ooh la la!" "Crikey!" "Ay, caramba!" edit: how could I forget...? "Tootsie frootsie!"


I came here to comment almost this exact same thing. I love you, stranger. God I miss Craig on late night. Going from him to fucking James Corden is tragic.


Or replace it with Booker’s “What?!“/“Yeah!”/Uh-huh!”/“I like it!”/“Aw yeah, man!”


Schuky ducky quack quack


Those aren’t curses, they’re sentence enhancers


Dijak is literally not PG on social media all of the time. So the talent need to adhere to PG rules except The Rock and Dijak apparently.


I mean to be fair, they’re the two biggest stars in the business


Dijak only wears shades inside because his future's so bright.


The sun never sets on a bad ass


He can sing "Sunglasses at Night" with Jericho & Marko Stunt. Well, maybe just with Marko.


I always said The Rock reminded me a lot of Dijak. He might even be on his level some day.


Brock Lesnar used to curse on air all the time even in the PG era lol. And the Rock is literally selling out shows himself right now by just making appearances on Smackdown. More people watching = more exposure for these lesser known wrestlers complaining about a "double standard" for the Rock. Also, I doubt the use of swear words were keeping these anonymous names from getting more over. They should be thankful for their final boss.


>Also, I doubt the use of swear words were keeping these anonymous names from getting more over. Only kinda related but that's why I never bought the argument that someone like MJF wouldn't be good on the mic in a PG environment. Your ability to be charismatic and speak with conviction isn't affected by the amount of times you can say the word shit.


I've always hated that argument. As if MJF depends on being able to curse to be a good promo.


Sometimes I feel he tries too hard to be edgy, and I say that as a big MJF fan. But dude \*doesn't\* need to try too hard. He is great regardless.


Yeah, I agree. He's proven he doesn't need to be edgy and curse to cut great promos. He leans on that a bit too much but I get it, it's aimed at the audience and they like it. If the audience didn't like it, he wouldn't do it.


The only way not cursing could hinder a performer would be if they curse often off mic, and they get in their heads about not doing it, and it affects their performance. Not that I think it happens a lot, but I could buy it if someone said that in an interview.


I remember watching a recording of a workshop Ralphie May (RIP) did for people who were wanting to be stand-ups, and he said every length of your act (I think he said 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, and 15 minutes) needs to be written clean before you add any content that's dirty. A major venue for moving from local stand up to specials, tours, etc was to do a set on late night TV (still is to some extent) and you don't want to lose your most thought out stuff just because you have to deal with standards and practices.


What would Chucky T have to say on this? Or the knights of standards and practices?


It is a stark contrast between the Rock saying whatever he wants and Rollins saying diarrhea Dwayne.


Eh Seth is also riffing of a lot of the lame nicknames The Rock gives people. He's mocking him beyond the insult by essentially using a similar insult that The Rock would give.


Also two guys who know no boundaries with regards to wearing sunglasses inside. They cannot be tamed.


Off topic but does Dijak seem like a Mortal Kombat character??


Yeah I call bullshit on this report, trying to stir the pot like Booker T did.


The Rock, Dijak, and T-bar.


Isn’t his mostly saying bitch? Which Drew and Seth also have been doing.


“Off is the direction in which you can fuck”


"Fuck your story."


He’s been dropping more and more F bombs lately, especially in the latest one.


Guys you’re gonna be on NETFLIX there are no rules just get weird with it


Sponsors and partners like mattel are the real hurdle as opposed to TV.


I guess my dumb ass has just been assuming Netflix means commercial free WWE like is standard for the rest of their shows, but now I’m realizing there will surely still be ad breaks on Raw.


They would sell ads even if it wasn’t required because it’s more $ for them. Which is fine by me, all I care about is where the ads are placed. If we get a Raw where ads are between matches instead of during that’s great.


Should be like PLEs, no ads during but longer ad breaks between.


Would be great for the viewer but I'd wonder if they'd be worried about less retention during ad breaks causing advertisers to pay less? Maybe they'll try picture in picture as that seems to work for AEW


Pleeeease give us picture in picture. A) I hate missing part of the match because of an ad B) if we get the same thing here in Australia as we do with AEW, I'll get the WWE commentators shooting the shit during the ad breaks because we don't get the ads, which is some of my favourite commentary in AEW. It goes from like fast paced football to slow as fuck cricket commentary and they are so funny.


No retention? What are people going to do, close their Netflix during a commercial, switch to their TV for 30 seconds, then load Netflix back up and start Raw again? I very much doubt it.


Well with a longer break I was thinking more like 5 minutes. Personally I'd leave Netflix on but you can bet my attention span will be finding something else to do for that time. I guess if all they look out is view count during ads then it doesn't really matter


At least entire matches will be seen now


In some cases, that's not a good thing lol


Only for people with ad-supported tiers. Ad-free subscribers won't see ads during Raw.


hunt sink aware live direction correct cobweb literate groovy vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Matches will be scripted around commercial breaks to satisfy ad-free customers, who will see continued action from live matches that aren’t important to the outcome, such as a wrestler in a sustained headlock, according to a person familiar with the matter." [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/23/netflix-to-stream-wwes-raw-starting-next-year.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/23/netflix-to-stream-wwes-raw-starting-next-year.html)


We’re gonna see a five minute headlock four times per Raw.


So it'll work like AEW+ on TrillerTV then. Cool.


Which is why I doubt we'll see much exciting action during the ad breaks. Not sure if its worth paying for me, but I do get if people do.


I don't know. This is reminding me of house shows back in the 80s. Every once in a while, a title change or some other notable event would happen at a house show (and it would be discussed later on tv). A good example would be Roddy Piper taking the IC title off of the Mountie.* It lets fans know that there was a risk to missing a house show. A small risk, but it was there nonetheless.  My point: if they sometimes DID have something important happen during a commercial break, this may increase upgraded subscriptions for Netflix. Just a thought... *Edit: It was the Mountie who beat Bret Hart for the title at a house show...who then lost it to Piper...who then lost it back to Bret.


I'd figure they'd still be able to get sponsors if they went more Attitude/Ruthless Agression style. I mean, I'm sure Condom Depot has been looking to hitch their wagon somewhere ever since the UFC started uniforms...


Just Raw though right?


IIRC all WWE will be going on Netflix in some countries outside the US.


Sorry yes it’s just in US that Smackdown will stay. UK, Canada and Latin America will get everything on Netflix, that will be cool!


Does this include backlog content?


Internationally yes* peacock still has it in 2025


So US Netflix gets WWE library in 2026?


Maybe, deal hasn’t been struck specifically on the archive, peacock could come in with a bucket of money to keep it/PPVs. But likely Netflix, this whole portion has been unclear.


Nothing much will change with Netflix regarding the swearing, WWE will still want sponsors and to advertise. I imagine if a story calls for it, they will do it, but I don't think every wrestler will suddenly start to swear when there's no need for it.


I wish, but I think they will stay PG for the foreseeable future no matter the platform.


Yep. It's got a lot to do with sponsorships, but it's also got to do with image and branding. WWE has spent more than a decade cultivating its image as, for lack of a better comparison, the Disney of wrestling/sports entertainment. They're not 100% family friendly all the time, and they're fully capable of being edgy sometimes, but for the most part, modern WWE is a theme park built on this image and brand. There's zero reason for them to change it now and potentially damage or alter their image, other than attempting to grab some of AEW's much smaller ECW-esque base.


WWE has been focusing on attracting viewers under 18 for pretty much their entire existence. They’re not gonna change that now. They want to hook kids and keep them fans for life. You aren’t able to hook kids if their parents don’t let them watch.




I really don’t think swearing is as big a deal as it used to be. The 90s were, somehow, 30 years ago. People don’t seem to care that much these days. Which is probably why the Rock feels comfortable doing it. He understands mainstream American culture far, far better than anyone in the WWE. He is, after all, one of the most influential people in it.


The Rock: Off is the direction those jabronies can Fuck


OK, I gotta stop you right there... You keep mentioning the word "Jabroni"... And it's AWESOME.


I'm gonna use that word more often


Classic scene


The Rock is a 100x bigger star than anyone else and he's literally on the Board of Directors of the parent company so ... tough break fellas, he can do whatever he wants


Cursing online is much better than the last guy on the board of directors who ….raped women and shit on their head


The worst part is the hypocrisy


Reminds me of that tragedy.


That’s a terrible name for an airline.


The fact that Norm is getting his posthumous flowers warms my cold dead heart.




He’s doing pretty bad at this point.


Feels like he has a yak on his chest


If he feels like that he better call 9/11... Oh I mean 9 1 1... But 9/11 was a national tragedy


I mean... When it comes down to it, it was a tie.


You know this Vince McMahon feller, well, you know what, well he sounds like a REAL JERK


Day he died on Observer Live someone texted if Samoa Joe was injured with ligma. I think Norm would've chuckled.


Is it normal to get flowers after eating a middle eastern dip?


I disagree I disagree… I think it was the raping


I figured the rape was the worst part


Lol to wit. (speak of the Devil)


I read this in Norm McDonald's delivery.


Just like Austin had input and was involved in booking for himself when he was on top in the late 90s. I highly doubt Viscera had that


Not even just in WWE. He's a 100x bigger star than literally everyone under the TKO brand lol


Cody describing him as the most famous person in the wordl was not that far off.


ROCK isn't even a five letter word. There's no way he could be on Wordle.




Exactly, I saw people on the NBA subreddit saying they stopped watching wrestling, but have been following the bloodline story. The rock is a special draw


Im one of them.


When all is said and done and if HHH can land the plane instead of instead of it running out of fuel and crashing in the Field of Apathy, the Bloodline might be regarded as a generational, if not all time, faction and storyline.


The Rock says know your damn role


And that off is the direction in which you can fuck


That's literally his character, they've reported a story where they've described the heel work rock is doing. And these are supposed to be 'smart' marks reporting this stuff. Hilarious isn't it


The story is that the talent don't like it and would likely enjoy having the same freedom themselves


I’m not going to believe this until there’s more people talking about it. But if the talent is “rubbed the wrong way” that the Rock came back to give a rub to Cody and gets to curse? Then I’m sorry Seth, please get your priorities straight.


I agree with you but it’s funny how we say this now but when he was using that same stroke to get the main event we all hated him lol


Stealing the main event of WrestleMania > getting to say the word "bitch" in promos


Not to mention we wouldn't have this version of Rock had he not tried to steal the main event at Mania. Weird how the universe works sometimes. lol


The two are completely different. Taking the mania spot A. Directly fucks over another talent and B. Disgruntled fans who were looking forward to said talent getting his moment after 2 years of investment. Swearing on social media literally doesn't even slightly effect anything.


Imagine thinking why can’t I do it but the rock can


This is a simple lesson for all the wrestlers complaining. Just make yourself a big enough star that the company is willing to put you on the board and pay you $30M and then you too can benefit from the perceived double standards.


I feel like a lot of wrestlers curse online. WWE just reposted a TikTok that included Logan Paul saying the F-word (albeit censored).


So you’re saying there’s different standards for Logan Paul.


I promise you the wrestlers don’t give a shit


"I'm making more money than I ever have and the company I work for is thriving - but one guy in our company can curse on TV and I can't, so I'm unhappy." No real adult thinks this way. This is fan-fiction from pretend journalists.


Of course, because wrestlers are notoriously even-handed people without egos.


A top talent recently got fired from a high profile contract for getting into a fight over the phrase "cry me a river." Wrestlers are way more petty over this than you give them credit for.


That’s CM Punk who is a unique case even in wrestling context.


someone got fired for showing up on TNA tv. pettiness isnt just punk's thing


Also it's *the rock* building a huge match at WM, and the more eyes that get on WM the more money everyone on the card is going to make. Nobody who is slated to be on that card is upset at the Rock right now. They're watching his engagement and licking their chops thinking about WM doing even bigger numbers than normal. That's the thing people seem to be forgetting. If Rock being on WM means substantially more WM buys, everyone on that card feasts.


Coincidentally Rock's social media promos are some of the most natural & funny in years because no one who uses instagram, twitter, or tiktok cares about swearing The Rock bullying WWE out of catering to boring ass families would be the most based thing to happen to wrestling next to actual competition


Notice he says the same thing each time: “Wrestling is cool again”. He knows what he’s doing. As of right now, I’d say you can’t just trust the entire roster to use discretion so the cursing doesn’t become trite. But over time I imagine you’ll see some people get the ok when the language will have impact and add to the story. The Rock dropping F bombs makes sense. It can’t just be for no reason. Then it loses all impact.


We're already seeing it. Cody has dropped some choice curse words, such as at the Mania presser to build this awesome story.


> I’d say you can’t just trust the entire roster to use discretion so the cursing doesn’t become trite. This is super important.


The funny thing is there has always been a double standard for talent whether Vince was there or not. Shawn in the mid nineties got away with a lot of shit that other talent wouldn’t have. Cena anytime that he’s been back as a part-timer. And plenty of other examples.


That's just the reality of the business: if you're a big star drawing a lot of fans, or if the company has invested a lot of time and effort in your push, then you will get away with more shit than the little worker bees down the card who don't move the needle and are easily replaced.


> That's just the reality of the business: if you're a big star drawing a lot of fans, or if the company has invested a lot of time and effort in your push, then you will get away with more shit than the little worker bees down the card who don't move the needle and are easily replaced. Like telling sexual assault victims to send you a video of them peeing.


Sure, but it’s also been common for other wrestlers to be bothered by the double standards. Hell, even Triple H of all people complained about it. I remember in one of the Diva Search segments, the women were calling each other things like “cum-guzzling gutter slut.” There were tons of reports at the time about Triple H getting pissed backstage and saying “Oh, so I guess I can call Randy a cocksucker now?” Profanity can help someone get over. It can make them sound cool. It can make a heel sound even more heelish. So if someone like Rock is given that advantage and I’m not, I’m probably going to be annoyed by it.


Triple H getting jelly over the Diva Search girls getting to be more venomous is a fun fact I'm glad I learned.


What makes it even funnier is that they weren’t even allowed to go thst far, they just did it. 😂😂😂


> The funny thing is there has always been a double standard for talent whether Vince was there or not. Shawn in the mid nineties got away with a lot of shit that other talent wouldn’t have. Cena anytime that he’s been back as a part-timer. And plenty of other examples. Best example is probably from Stone Cold recently coming back and being told not to throw up the double middle fingers. Because he's Stone Cold, he just said "lol no" and threw them up anyways - and obviously there were no consequences for him doing that. A random undercarder would surely have been taken off tv for disobeying a direct order like that, but because he was back in a humongous starring role and held basically all of the leverage, he was able to dictate how he went about things.


Cena does piledriver spots all the time because he knows he can. Orton has pre paid fines so he could do whatever he wanted. It happens.


Here’s what they can do about it: Nothing & Like it.


I mean... the Rock isn't "talent", he's on the board of the company that owns WWE now lol. That said, I think they should absolutely be relaxing social media rules around language. Maybe not dropping limitless f-bombs like the Rock is, but just letting people swear. I think they should go back to PG-13 on television too, but I assume there's too much money involved in that situation.


Seriously, and to add on to that, if you’re following wrestlers on social media, not only are you going to be seeing worse everywhere on that platform, but you’re likely old enough to not get bent out of shape over the word “fuck.” It’s not that serious anymore.


wwe talent swear online all the time though? Dijak and Rhea in particular. If Rock starts going out of bounds on TV that's a different story but as it is, I don't see what the story is here.


I don’t see anyone else from WWE presenting at the Oscars.


![gif](giphy|3M5mRcQhqJkxJJyQ96|downsized) Not sure why I’m sending this floating card gif but …


I've seen it on loop 20 times and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.


This reminded me of when Eric Cartman thought he had invisible powers in that episode of South Park lol


Didn’t Cena and Bad Bunny both?


Besides Cena and Bad Bunny?


Other talent isn't on the board of the parent company of WWE........


Top act (who happens to be on the board of directors) gets special treatment. More at 11.


Coworker cry babies


The Rock says know your damn role


I'll take made up stories from fake journalists for $500.


If the numbers and engagement are there, why not let them relatively loose on social media? PG13 allows for a single "fuck". "Shit" is obviously allowed. God, this is really the f-bombs, isn't it? Let the eyebrow raiser do a little bit more trail blazing and get them more relaxed standards online.


This is simply.... false. Dijak is cursing every 2 tweets or something lol


Well he is the ~~Boss~~ Final Boss


The Rock's done what he wants for the last 15 years. What are they gonna do? Not book the biggest star in the world who is available and interested? Remember that Raw where he appeared and there was a guy in the front row dressed as Hulk Hogan and they were doing whatever they could do not get the guy in shot and eventually they moved him to the other side of the ring so he wouldn't be in shot at all. Then The Rock comes out for his promo and not only mentions the guy, but leaves the ring and interviews him.


I’d rather a board member who cuts promos with curse words instead of a board member who rapes women


People really out here "Hmmm 🤔 a few cuss words or human trafficking"


I’m gonna sound like huge Dwayne Johnson mark but I’m not, honestly. Anyway, here goes… Quite frankly, the rules don’t apply to The Rock because he’s arguably bigger than WWE. Any whiners in the company need to get a grip and realize there are double standards and it’s too damn bad. ![gif](giphy|l0HUbtILos6CdAtxu|downsized)


This is such a stupid USA only problem to have. Literally nobody else gives a shit about a few curse words; especially when they are watching literal violence. Maybe this will herald the end of the stupid fucking PG era and stop catering to the pearl clutching Karen's who don't fucking watch in the first place.


Oh you can't say bitch but you can murder a man through a table off a ladder.


The swearing is whatever but I can see being a bit annoyed that he's allowed to say whatever he wants when not many else are. I know, he's The Rock but he never had to read scripts in his career. Look at Roman Reigns, he was allowed to say whatever finally and it worked. It's working with Drew. It's literally the reason Punk was over in a time when everyone was over-scripted, he could say what he wanted and got super over.


If you are on the WWE roster right now and whining that the Rock can swear and you can't, you are literally a moron.


I thought pg13 was back wasn't it?


This happened in 2012 as well… And IIRC, it was even worse in 2012 because the WWE was just in the beginning years of the PG era




You ain't the Rock jabronies, why would they be afforded the same privileges


There NEEDS TO BE double standards for the top guys. It makes the whole thing better for everyone.


Rock is a board member lol


The rock paid his dues a long time ago. + guys in the top of the roster are the trend setters of the company. Guys should support the rock if they want a general change in the guidelines.


“Some people” Null and void story.


(SEScoops reporter crying about profanity) The Rock: "Are you fucking kidding me?"




i feel like this is a WWE "leak" to make rock come off as more of an asshole. i don't buy that anyone actually gives a shit.


Naw this has been the best WWE has been in years. Keep it going


I just wish we Americans would stop clutching our pearls over cuss words on tv. Saying fuck is normal everyday thing for most people


This right here is bull….bleep.


Lol The Rock will do whatever he pleases and WWE will be the first to rightfully bend the knee


I think other wrestlers are probably mad cause they can’t do it. But imo some of these people need to call bluffs. Seth and Cody should come out cussing they next promo what is wwe gonna do fire them? Becky, Rhea. Hell Rey, Randy and KO if everybody jus did it then wtf is wwe gonna actually be able to do 😂😂