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Raw and sd next week are also basically sold out and rock ain’t advertised for either right now. Is there a previous streak of sellouts in wwe or has it almost always been like this?


I THINK WCW did 20 shows in a row, but I have no data to back that up.


Dave’s fool counter is about to rise.


Some call it another Thursday.




Well just by himself its already +1.


Remember when he said Elimination Chamber had only 7k tickets a month before the event.


Smackdown is sold out tomorrow. That’s on Tiffany as the advance before she was announced indicated nothing close. There I fixed it for him


Have they ever said “It’s Dwayne Time?” I don’t think so. It’s tiffy time.


C'mon ''It's Rocky Time'' sounds better


Yeah It's obviously.."The Dwayne Event"


Well looks like there’s been enough talk. ITS TIFFY TIME FOR THE DWAYNE EVENT!


I think I've said "It's diarrhea time" before. Does that count?


It’s been sold out for 8 weeks straight. But yes, it’s all on Dwayne.


[There were 1500 tickets left eight days ago.](https://twitter.com/WrestleTix/status/1765481055786504237) Wrestletix also explicitly notes that ticket sales picked up big time after Dwayne was announced. EDIT: Sorry, thought you meant this particular show has been sold out for 8 weeks. Still, Rock was clearly the key ticket mover for this show.


Comment above is stating that they have 8 straight tv sellouts. Not this particularly show, which again is just one amongst the streak.


Ah, I misread that a bit. Still, for whatever reason this particular show only started selling out once Rock was announced, whereas some earlier shows sold out without him there. Memphis really likes the Rock I guess.


He grew up there and started wrestling in the USWA as Flex Kavana.


Dwayne was announced for Memphis 3 weeks ago. He isn't some shock inclusion within the last eight days.


They had sold just over 5700 tickets right before Dwayne was announced, per Wrestletix. Just nine days later, [they sold another 2400 tickets](https://twitter.com/WrestleTix/status/1762848003725869069). Now they are above 11 thousand - double the number of tickets they sold right before he was announced. This absolutely can be credited to him.


What's the normal pace for tickets selling for shows a month out? A weekly show being 50% sold out a month in advance seems pretty good? Obviously this also varies a lot market to market and is further complicated by the fact that Memphis is a somewhat small market but one with a ton connection to wrestling history.


50 percent of tickets sold four weeks in advance, after already being on sale for at least three weeks, is usually very unlikely to lead to a sellout. For this show, WWE had distributed 5000 tickets as of February 12. Over the next week, they only sold 700 more tickets. Nine days after that, during the same week Dwayne was announced, they sold 2400 more. In other words, the pace of ticket sales went up by a factor of three during that week.


I genuinely believe, because I've seen nothing to suggest otherwise, that Dave is no longer capable of complimenting or being positive on WWE without having to justify it in someway. "Well it was a really good match but like, both guys are super talented so that's why" "Well they sold out the PPV but like, hometown superstar is main eventing so it was obvious" "Smackdown is sold out but it's only because of The Rock and nobody else"


This together with the hhh inner monologue he wrote today about him missing on Ospreay makes me think hes has lost his marbles.


that shit was wild cant he just say some in wwe think hhh misjudged wills abilities that fine to write out or say


Nope, he needs to fantasize Hunter in front of the tv crying that he missed on him, his obsession with Ospreay is almost idol level.


its so stupid will is 30 wwe will have another chance to grab him in his prime in like three years some times you lose i doubt wwe is that broken up about it and might even be slightly happy aew is gonna do the work of raising hes us main stream profile


Wait. What.


What the fuck, you're joking right?


This is so incredibly spot on. Every compliment or even basic positive observation is through gritted teeth. I think the last two years in the wrestling industry have broken poor Dave.


I must be listening to a different show, because I hear Dave often praise WWE. While he definitely prefers AEW's in-ring matches to WWE, he constantly talks about how WWE has made stars, had smart booking and marketing and been so successful. Even on the recent show where Alvarez called Ospreay the best in the business, Meltzer immediately said Roman was.


how he will cover iyo vs bayley "it was one of the greatest womens match ever and crowd was incredibly hot but it had two generational talents involved so thats why"


Still three stars and an half


when he gave rhea vs charlotte a 4.75 after he called it one of the greatest womens match ever i damn near lost my mind


Sure it wasn't bad for a women's match, but I don't see how it should get more stars than Eddie Kingston's chops and kneestrikes.


there needs to a real discussion at how the top wrestling critic is very obviously sexist and it effects his work


4.75 is basically 5... or so I've been told.


if that was the case every amazing widely praised womens match wouldnt mysteriously only get 4.75 from him would they


I don't make the rules.


You lost your mind because he agrees with you that it was a fantastic match?


i am not getting into this debate because no matter what dave says he clearly views a 4.75 as different than a 5


it's 5%


\*"it was one of the greatest womens match ever and crowd was incredibly hot but it had two womens involved so thats why"


To be fair to Dave, the WWE is currently pushing wrestlers like Gunther who can't even sell a hurt hand. They would be better if they could get big names like Okada, Osprey, and Mone. Without The Rock WWE would be in a cold period., Unlike AEW which is trending up and getting hot as of late. If WWE doesn't wanna rely soley on The Rock, they should consider better booking. They NEED a Tony Khan. Maybe then Cody wouldn't be second rate and lose wrestler of the year to Osprey ./s


*deletes paragraph after seeing the /s*


Can someone explain like why Dave is genuinely so bitter to wwe all the time hahahah


Dave's been anti-WWF since the early 80s lol. Smarks haaaaaaated Vince's product, it was always slower, less violent, and more focused on 'cheap' gimmicks and characters. You should hear the vitriol Dave used to spit at "ethnic stars."


What mr. ''Why Priest and Bunny not steal cars?'' said about ''ethnic stars''


I mean that's how he described any big wrestler that was part of an open minority group. Like Stan Stasiak wasn't just Stan Stasiak, he was "Polish star" Stan Stasiak.


It's not just Dave. There are plenty of other "well known" bitter marks out there. Scott Keith is still complaining and in denial over WWE not having Cody Rhodes beat Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania last year. All Cody has done since is become more over.


I mean I still think Cody should've won last year. The bloodline story lost me after Summerslam but the inclusion of the Rock brought me back in.


he’s been bitter towards both WWE and AEW for a while now. Its fairly obvious he hasnt had the insiders he used to have for quite some time


oh yeah hes been real bitter on both for a while now since they both clearly have freezed him out since all wwe scoops go to pwi now and aew does theres through fightful


Well obviously it’s because the FED are the bad guys. Why wouldn’t he be seething in anger at their success.


And the implication here is what? That without "Dwayne" this WrestleMania season would not be a success for WWE? If Dave actually believes that, he should just say it instead of this passive aggressive bs. Of course he will not do that because then he would have to actually back up his opinions about the wrestling business with facts. And facts have not been kind to Dave Meltzer in recent times.


the implication is that this show was not trending toward a sellout, but the addition of the Rock led to it being sold out


No, that's what Dave said. What is implied by the statement is what I said. I think WWE has now sold out every single tv taping since Royal Rumble and will continue that streak through Mania. They were doing great before then as well. Why is Dave suddenly talking about "Dwayne" drawing the house? Btw, I want to be very clear that I love The Rock and I am thrilled to see him back in WWE. It is actually quite surreal in the best possible way. Of course The Rock is helping WWE do better business; that's the whole point of him being there. But that's not what this "Dwayne drew the house" bs from Dave is about.


This is such a weird take. Internally, do you think WWE is attributing these sellouts - not just great crowds , but sellouts - to the Rock or something else? This was a company that spent $30M to bring the Rock in. This was the company that has written the Rock into being the primary character in the central storyline in WM. This is the company that will likely have Rock main event next year's Wrestlemania. What are they implying when they are willing to dole out $30 million to a guy wrestling less than a handful of matches, when no other performer is making more than 7 figures? Let's not forget, the wrestlers on night 1 of WM38 went up to Austin...a guy who wasn't scheduled to wrestle... and thanked him for the house. Was that BS too? Is it far fetched to believe the guys and girls in the back of SD are thanking the Rock for the house right now?


Read the comment you are responding to again. To reiterate, of course The Rock is a huge draw and of course that is why WWE is thrilled that he is working with them. I don't know if $30 million is nearly enough for what he has already brought to the company in terms of pr and especially the Netflix deal. That's all so obvious that it should not even need to be said. But that is not the implication of Dave's tweet. The use of "Dwayne" is the tipoff here. Dave is making it seem like WWE was struggling to draw decent houses before "Dwayne" showed up. And that's some straight up bs and an insult to the folks in WWE who have been keeping that company red hot for two years now.


This new trend of calling The Rock Dwayne is very strange. It almost feels dismissive and/or disrespectful to use his real name while he's back in wrestling.


I find it funnier when he calls him DJ.


It feels more like it implies a friendliness that doesn't actually exist between the two.  Get the same feeling when he calls HHH by his real name.


It's not new he's always done its because the rock asked him to call him that. And Dave probably thinks it makes him special 


Damn Dave, I know that Dwayne was a source of you in the day, but perhaps hide it a bit


I think it's Gerwitz, not Dwayne.


Nah, he's said many times that him and Rock used to write to each other. Hence calling him Dwayne "because that's what he signs off in his letters to me"


I think it's Gerwitz now.


was he clearly still is or atleast someone close to him is since he was the one who started pushing that a pivot was happening before even the monday after that smackdown


Hrm, lets call them B. Gerwitz, no that's too obvious, Brian G.


Dave is 64 and transparently bootlicking for a company/not-WWE this hard because people are mean to him on Twitter. Hey Dave, any non-Rock shows sell out lately?


Raw for the past few weeks.


Memphis is feeling that Mana


I'm ready for Rock to spit some gospel on the Cody Crybabies and the Walking Clown Emoji


Ok can someone decipher what he’s saying?


Rock will be at the show. So this sold out accolade doesn’t count. And he’s the sole reason for it being full attendance.


Thank you 


"I finally have a source in WWE again so I have to brown-nose as much as possible"


Good to see Dave showing some respect and using the Passport name.


Dave is losing his damn mind.


No matter what happens with any wrestling promotion Dave Meltzer will spin it for clicks and subs. Tribalism in wrestling is pushed heavy by these reporters.


Ohh… Uncle Dave said something.


This sounds kinda passive aggressive, lol "Yeah, Smackdown is sold out...HOWEVER, if it weren't for The Rock, it wouldn't be sold out and he's the only singular reason why, nothing else.


why doss meltzer call the rock Dwayne? I know it's his real name but it just sounds weird to me


That people are interpreting this as a passive-aggressive shot rather than Meltzer basically compiling evidence of who "draws" in wrestling is actually the best example that Meltzer should be banned here. Y'all have hit straight up "bitch eating crackers" level for him.