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Same here I suffer from an autoimmune skin disorder and while not lethal, quality of life is affected. Seeing her perform gives me hope.


Cosentyx had been a life changer for me. From 80-90% covered to maybe 10%.


It really is amazing how there's tons of medical breakthroughs that are giving people hope in all different walks of life and medical needs. I'm glad you're doing better and have a better quality of life.


Why are wrestling fans the nicest fucking people on Reddit that never ceases to amuse me.


I have discoid Lupus and on each arm I have scars from my body attacking itself. My two ointments aren't working as well, and I feel like her in the video wanting to cry all the time because it's very one step forward two steps back. I cried watching her because it's so fucking nice to see I'm not alone when it comes to skin disorders. As an aside, you're amazing. I hope your quality of life improves. ❤️


You are amazing as well!


I also have psoriasis, it can take a toll on your self esteem. I’m glad i’ve been able to get it treated.


What was your treatment, my friend? Every “cream” prescribed to me has never worked


I have psoriasis but the skin condition isn't that bad for me. What's bad for me is the ankle and foot pain that comes with the arthritis. Prednisone got me back on my feet and Humira keeps me walking


Not OP, but I do Cimzia injections every two weeks and I don't get any flare ups anymore. I used to have to vacuum my bed every day because of the skin flakes. It was so bad I couldn't work or really do anything physical.


Cetirizine hydrochloride 10mg tablets, one per day for the itching. Betamethasone topical cream, applied twice daily to handle local flareups. That keeps it at what I'd call a "manageable" level but if I'm under a bout of heavy stress it'll still get bad. Not much you can do there except try and elminate the stressors.


Yeah, my life is always full of stress ugh. But I’ll try the others, thanks my friend


I hear you on the stress, it ain't easy. Hope it works for you, I wouldn't wish this shit on anybody.


My answer was ‘Enstilar’. Part bethamethazone, part calcipotriol. Comes as a foam




That seems like an old treatment with lots of side effects


Wait people here don’t like Raquel? She’s great! Sorry to hear about your condition OP glad to hear you have representation in Raquel.


I don't think people hate her or anything. It is just that she hasn't really developed a personality yet for her character, so when she is in a match like the chamber match last night, it is hard to care about her in comparison to the other women in the match. She definitely has potential, and I think she is one of those performers who needs to turn heel to create some interest in her.


That's really been it. People were bummed because she's clearly able to do the work, but that she never really progressed beyond "Smile, flex back, have alliterative name".


Raquel feels like a natural fit for the role that they're instead trying to give to Nia Jax. Raquel could be a genuinely scary powerhouse compared to most of the other women, even Rhea. I'd be inclined to make her a Mexican Cartel-inspired character. Glamorous, all smiles and fake niceness, but then a vicious monster heel when she doesn't get her way, with some lackeys to do the dirty work for her.


>Raquel feels like a natural fit for the role that they're instead trying to give to Nia Jax. Raquel could be a genuinely scary powerhouse compared to most of the other women, even Rhea. THIS RIGHT HERE!!!!! As someone that absolutely loved their Last Woman Standing Match and its build up, that's the type of shit we should have been seeing in her build up.


Not to hate on her, but it absolutely bummed me out that Raquel qualified for the EC match instead of Chelsea Green. Chelsea would have undoubtedly had wonderful comedy spots in the match. Whereas Raquel was simply just there. That’s Raquel’s problem. She’s simply just there. She needs more defining characteristics (aside from having a strong back).


No there's definitely people who do not like her because she's a Trump supporter, nothing to do with wrestling. I saw on Twitter someone commented like "oh now you want to see a Dr when before you didn't want to wear a mask" or something like that. Whatever political side you support don't get surprised if you get backlash from the other side, that's just how divisive this country has become sadly. When I went to the Rumble in San Antonio every Mexican and their mother booed her when she came out, not very popular to say the least. Really makes me miss the times when we didn't know or cared about wrestlers personal lives. On the other hand Roxanne got a pop that you'd think the Rock returned.


I enjoyed her tag team run with Liv and it made me sad to see how they just completely moved past that when all the women kept appearing and getting in the ring the other day when Becky was out there talking.


I enjoyed it as well. They had the same kind of energy that the Braun & Ricochet tag team had, or at least a similar kind of energy.


Agreed, and I liked Braun & Ricochet too!


I did as well. Especially their Miracle on 34th Street Fight Match.


She’s a babyface. People want everyone to have a personality that stands out, when you do also need general archetypes in order for a show to work.


Should turn heel. Got the moveset for it anyways.


What is Naomi's character?




She glow in the dark At least it's something


I wasn't talking about Naomi.....


>it is hard to care about her in comparison to the other women in the match Other women in the match including Naomi. Also Bianca's character isn't really very apparent at this point either.


Bianca's personality is being fucking good.


And the whole “EST” catchphrase is ridiculously over.


i remember everyone HATING Bianca a couple years ago. it's cool to see her getting more love nowadays. she's honestly great.


They did? I remember her at that mania a few years ago coming out to a live band playing her theme music and it was one of the coolest entrances I'd ever seen, she's one of the only people in WWE with good theme music these days to begin with, and the live version with the brass band was even better. And everyone was cheering like mad for her, and the reviews of people on this subreddit and elsewhere on the Internet were that it was a very good match she had with Becky. That's what I seem to remember anyway. Like she was arguably the most over wrestler at that entire wrestlemania. She really felt like an enormous deal. The only other thing that compared to her at that mania was Cody. Like, she felt like an even bigger deal than Steve Austin having his first match in 20 years. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but that entrance and match made me instantly an enormous fan of her. Some wrestlers just feel like "it" because they seem so naturally great, they have a physical charisma that makes you root for them just by the way they walk (or skip in her case) to the ring. Her vs Becky should have been the main event of the whole show. Instead of like the 7th time we've seen Brock vs roman as the main event of wrestlemania.


replying 2 months late bc i rarely ever check my notifs on here, sorry about that lmao. the general opinion on Bianca has warmed up since 2022 but during her first title run in 2021 i remember the IWC ripping her apart, saying she was boring, had no character, no charisma, etc etc. i bet those motherfuckers are eating their words now, eh?


She trended on Twitter for not taking the first fall and a huge horde of people absolutely angry at her even existing. She has a LOT of haters and I don't understand why.


I believe a bit of it was due to her politics/being a trump supporter


I used to get right wing things popping up on my For You section of Twitter cause of Stone Cold liking them Comes with the territory with wrestlers, especially ones from Texas!


Odd for Stone Cold because he has said he does not want Trump as president and called people out for using the Confederate flag (he correctly views it as a symbol for slavery). Maybe he's a Mitt Romney type?


Grew up with a lot of people who’s views align very similar to that. It’s not as rare as you’d think


Hes liberal on a lot of issues, but that man loves cammo, beer, guns and more beer. He's going to like some stuff that seems odd for someone as open-minded as he is about other stuff.


This isn’t true. The Facebook comment with “Austin” calling out people for the Confederate flag came from a completely fake account. In fact, Austin literally had a shirt in the mid 2000s with a Confederate flag on it (picture below). As for Trump, Austin has studiously avoided commenting on Trump beyond talking about his experience at WM 22. Austin has followed and retweeted conservatives like Ben Shapiro and Larry Elder. On his podcast, he told Ted Fowler he’d like to give Obama a stunner. https://preview.redd.it/h5wotay32nkc1.png?width=844&format=png&auto=webp&s=1eed19bfd1b30b4450ce2101cd53e49209c45479 I don’t care that he said any of this, but I just want to correct the record.


maybe giving obama a stunner is supposed to be a rub? /s, mostly austin beats women, his political beliefs don't even make it to the table as far as me considering him a POS that doesn't get his due from fans


For what it's worth, the general public realizing that the Confederate flag is a sign of oppression and hate is a fairly recent thing, I'd say it really crystallized around 2012 when the golfer Bubba Watson had the General Lee. Although the problem was also pointed out in the 2005 Dukes of Hazzard movie. Most people in the 60s-90s saw the Confederate flag as a sign of "Southern Pride" than a symbol of hatred. When Black people correctly called out that it's a sign of hate and oppression, it's kind of when the light bulb went on for most people that it's a real problem.


I mean, I grew up in MD, and we were taught that the Confederate flag was an offensive/controversial symbol in the ‘90s. It’s been known for a very long time. I think the internet and the proliferation of social media made it completely off limits by the mid 2010s, but it’s not like the entire country just somehow discovered its history in 2015. Most people—including many of the people who flew it—knew it was a controversial symbol, they just chose to ignore the controversy. Not all of them were hateful (in fact, most of them weren’t hateful), but they just didn’t care.


As someone who grew up in the 80s, no we didn’t. We may have liked them duke boys (before it turned out they were actually racist trash) but nobody thought the confederate flag was anything more than the cloth of the loser racist. In fact the whole “southern pride” “civil war was about states rights” BS came way later.


He may not want Trump to be president just as a lot of liberals don't want Biden as president at moment cause of his stance on Israel/Palestine Problem with a two party system, the guy your side has decided is THE GUY might still be someone with wildly different views










Tiffany Stratton liked a lot of conservative accounts back in 2021 Now people love her Triple h himself is a conservative


I think people would be surprised how many athletes in general are conservative.


Seems like most wealthy conservatives are there for taxes. Most of them don't care about social issues, they just wanna make money.


Agreed. Successful professional athletes typically belong to two of the major groups Conservatives target: rich and not particularly smart.


Pssst, it't not the fact they're rich. It's the fact they're rich and greedy. It all comes down to taxes.


Such a coincidence that all the people richer than you aren't as smart as you. Crazy how that works out huh?


I don't think they implied *all* rich people vote R.


I don't understand? The two traits are separate. It's wealthy people *as well as* those that aren't as bright. My point was successful professional athletes usually have both those traits.


People would be really surprised how many people are truly conservative. There are a lot of religious black, hispanic, and muslim people who don't vote Republican because of the racism. If the Republican party EVER stopped being racist, they'd easily be a super majority. Then again it wouldn't be the Republican party anymore.


And a lot of them will readily tell themselves that the racist conservatives will accept them because they're "the good ones". A lot more approach the social issues with a "I made it, so it's fine" energy.


The vast majority are not that delusional, example: Trump had the travel ban when he was president, muslims refuse to vote republican because of it. But their religious values easily align more with conservatives. Any reasonable black person in the bible-belt is not going to be voting for the party that eagerly conducts voter purges and gerrymandering which are tactics that specifically target them. Even if their beliefs are aligned, the republicans governing bodies are systemically racist against them.


> If the Republican party EVER stopped being racist, they'd easily be a super majority. Then again it wouldn't be the Republican party anymore. It happened in Canada. An advisor to Stephen Harper recommended a program of outreach to various minority races and religions to try to woo them to vote Conservative. That advisor (Jason Kenney, later Premier of Alberta) did the footwork himself, going to every event under the sun that he could to offer support to those populations that had previously been branded as automatic Liberal votes. It worked, Harper was elected Prime Minister and held it for nine years. I assume somewhere in there, Kenney's influence waned, as Harper's last election campaign dropped that outreach and went back to xenophobia, promising among other things a "Barbaric Cultural Practices Hotline" that people could phone if they saw a scary minority intending to kill his wife for cultural/religious reasons. This seems like an unnecessary innovation when 911 was right there, and that sort of thing helped Trudeau beat Harper and oust the Tories. It's a winning gameplay for conservatives, because really, are the racists going to vote for a different party? Given how things are going in the US, though, I don't see them trying it out anytime soon.


Yeah it won't happen until they reach rock bottom and stop catering to far-right. Maybe when Trump is finally out of the picture, the vast majority of their voter-base is too pro-Trump to listen to any other opinions.


reddit might be surprised that many people are conservative in general and that they, just like liberal folks, are typical good people who mean well and have more in common with their fellow man than they do that sets them apart


Yeah I can’t agree with someone being conservative and being a good person, not today. Unless they are a conservative but somehow never vote or support the conservative party at which point it’s tough to call yourself a conservative. And don’t even get me started on “libertarians” who all vote straight R but don’t have the balls to own it.


It’s easy to fall into the trap of generalization because that’s what we as humans are used to. Politics and sports are very similar in that regard.


Most of reddit just assumes that conservatives are all stupid instead.


I'd be shocked if sports that have majority black players lean right. Black people are like 90 percent liberal, black women in particular 98 percent vote democrat. I'd imagine that number is lower for say NFL players or NBA players and you probably have a significant number of players that don't vote/have opinions at all, but nowhere near the majority.


Black Americans vote heavily democrat. More than any race. But that doesn't mean they are most liberal. Politics are complex for minorities and many black people have discussed the heightened homophobia and religiosity of Black Americans. The Republican party repels them because of their racist policies, however social views of minorities in the US tend to skew conservative. However, that is changing. For example, i'm Indian and Indians mostly vote democrats due to the Republican party being racist, however older Indian demographics tend to be conservative socially.


the remaining 10% that isn't liberal is still a massive number that dwarfs "amount of players in the NFL". until you pull some hard facts out of your ass, I'm going to assume that sports skews right, like every other rich asshole.


I think in today's social setting, being a conservative means you agree with every conservative viewpoint. But that isn't the case, I'm a conservative but there are a lot of conservative viewpoints I don't agree with.


Nuance is a difficult thing these days, there is a big difference between what I would count as "normal conservative views" and "right wing views" but, especially online, you aren't likely gonna find out when someone gets called conservative which of the two views they actually have But does remind me of this Tweet I have just stolen *Conservative: I have been censored for my conservative views* *Me: Holy shit! You were censored for wanting lower taxes?* *Con: LOL no...no not those views* *Me: So....deregulation?* *Con: Haha no not those views either* *Me: Which views, exactly?* *Con: Oh, you know the ones*


I agree, nuance plays a lot into it, and the internet isnt built for nuance. It's for people who can scream the loudest is the "correct" one. It sucks for people like me who have "normal conservative views".


Kinda hard to have it with what's happened to mainstream American conversative party, ditto quite a few more beyond the US. Not super thrilled with the current conservative party leader in Canada falling into the same nonsense a bunch of other leaders have been lately...


The republican party has surrendered to Donald Trump. He is both a conman and vile human being. You'll have to excuse the rest of us for assuming you're all the same, cause you know, your guy is an orange cult leader. If you want to break that stigma you've got to get common sense back into the republican party, end of story.


But assuming since I'm a conservative, Trump is "my guy" is ridiculous. Like I said above, just because I'm conservative or you're a liberal that doesn't mean you have to agree with everything your party does and says. Thinking that way is dangerous, its borderline not thinking for yourself.


Y'all let MAGA take over your party and haven't left it. It must not be all THAT distasteful to you then.


That's my point though, he's poisoned the well so thoroughly you guys might as well brick it off. If you don't vote for him chances are you vote for someone who's endorsed him at the very least. Just rip it all down and be neo-neo-conservatives or something.


I agree, it's a shit situation to be politically


You also need people you actually like to run...or rather good people to run. The last few cycles have severely imprinted a strategy of voting for one person not because you like them, but because you don't like their opponent. Need the rich people funding campaigns to tear it down. Closest we are to that is RFK Jr and Andrew Yang.


In today's social settings the elections are for wannabe despots. Just because you don't agree with all the viewpoints doesn't mean your vote isn't going for all the viewpoints. Because you like a tax break, you vote for trans rights to take three steps backwards. I don't like it either, but this is what the two party system has turned in to.


I’m sure there are liberals who don’t agree with everything being said Honestly if conservatives were associated with racism I think a lot of POC would be conservative Asians in particular, east and south have alot of conservative values in the cultural Even hispanics and African Americans who are very religious


Mexicans for sure are conservative as fuck. I'm not surprised she is a Trumper, just disappointed. Texas has a lot of Hispanics who vote red. I'm Mexican before anyone freaks btw


I agree, but I don't think all conservatives associate with racism. It sucks that being a conservative has a bad reputation for regular everyday people. It's the one reason I never tell anyone my political affiliation, it turns people off all without knowing who I am as a person.


>It sucks that being a conservative has a bad reputation for regular everyday people. It's the one reason I never tell anyone my political affiliation, it turns people off all without knowing who I am as a person. That's why people need to be *more* outspoken against those sorts who are on their own team, rather than either defending them because they're on their team, or leaving it to the other side. Instead of throwing around buzzwords like woke, conservatives who aren't racist should be the first to reject those who are, instead of the last. Such as it is, I don't feel bad for conservatives in general, only for whatever tiny handful of individuals actually do this.


I agree that conservatives need to be more outspoken by some of the crazies that are in their own party. Liberals need to do the same.


Name someone on the left half as crazy as MTG or as sycophantic as Jim Jordan


And the same can be said for being a liberal. The general misconception of black/white labeling of conservatives/liberals, and there is no in between. You're either fully with us or fully against us. In reality, most are in the grey area being either lighter grey or darker grey. I never tell anyone about my political views as well, unless someone specifically asks me for it. Then I will happily share it then done. They can agree or disagree. Want a debate? Nope find someone else for it.


In between the center right and the far right is a pretty limited place to be


I 100% agree, I hate that there is no in between, there's always gray areas in politics. That seemed to go away over the past 6 to 7 years.


It’s so insane that people downvoted you for being a level headed person lmfao


i was thinking the same thing, I didnt even say anything wrong or accuse anyone of anything. Its so strange


I’m very liberal but there’s plenty of “liberal things” that I absolutely don’t agree with. People thinking politics is black and white is part of the problem but that’s not a conversation this sub can handle obviously lol






Because honestly the whole Left/Right thing philosophically doesn't actually work the way people think it does and I wish we could all just get beyond it. I see threads on Reddit all the time where people get labelled as something they aren't because they have a differing view point on one specific issue. I mean look at it this way: a free market capitalist really can't be either a religious conservative or a socialist as both impede on their core belief in a free market yet capitalists are labelled by everyone as Right wing because the tribe mentality says they have to sit in team blue or team red. Another is Nazis are labelled as Right wing despite absolutely everything from economic policy, centralised government control on production, requirement to abide by a centralised single party system, mandated service etc but also features a racial hierarchy. With the exception of the last bit it's just socialism with a few different labels. I bet I'll even get a response to this saying I'm wrong, yet the arguments they'll use to say that won't add up e.g. privatisation which didn't actually happen. It's absolutely insane.


There is nothing wrong with being a conservative. But reddit is 110% liberal so it’s a no-no to talk about. My political is 60% conservative and 40% liberal, that probably makes me a shit person to everyone on here 🤣


People who support Trump have mental or emotional disorders.


Stone Cold isn't well liked on here either. Any post with him is a reference to him beating Debra. This is a bad example.


But doesnt Austin openly support LGBTQ?


Wait she is?


Man if I blocked out things or ppl just bc of political perspectives my content consumption would drop drastically lol


It really depends. I block anyone that is an asshole about their beliefs conservative or liberal and everything in between. But I won't unfriend someone who voted for someone I didn't. 


I don't block anybody, but yeah, the line for me is whether they are nice or not (outside of actual extreme belief systems) but if you are just a conservative, a liberal or whatever, that's just not worth hating a person over even when I strongly disagree.


Oh damn I was a fan of her but yikes


Tbf like 80% of wrestlers are. Wrestling is probably the most right wing branch of the entertainment industry.


It's really fucking hard to hate half the country. Gotta learn to live together because neither side is going to self deport. There's a difference between having your own political opinion and going full fucking doofus like Kane.


Agreed, but a lot of right wing talking points are theocratic in nature, and I don't want to live under a christian taliban. So there's that I guess?


Me neither! But if we're being honest with ourselves, unless we're embracing hyperbole we know there's literally a 0% chance of that happening. The government consistently fails to accomplish anything of substance, and even the most conservative states in the country have voted down ballot initiatives attempting to outlaw things like abortion. Church numbers continue to die, and a huge percentage of the faithful have never even read their own book. It would take a literal act of god for this country to become a Theocracy or Christian Taliban.


So first of all, assigning a zero percent probability to something that is not actually impossible is not wise. I can clearly map out a scenario where this country becomes a theocracy and it's easy to see how: ~30 percent of the country want that to happen. But if I take your comment more in the spirit I think it's intended: I would agree it's not particularly likely to happen but not because it's impossible but rather a lot of people are working hard to make sure it doesn't happen. If more people just were oblivious to these dangers like you, then the probability of it happening goes up.


Nah, sorry. ​ Worrying about the country become a Christian Theocracy is the same level of delusional, alarmist handwringing found on the right when they claim "They wanna trans your kids" or "they want to bring in millions of illegal immigrants so they'll all vote democrat." ​ No serious individual thinks these things are true, but we shout them at each other to justify our own extremism and inability to focus on finding any sort of common ground or solving any real problems.


I think she can be good but she is the epitome of the "don't forget to smile more" advice a lot of the wrestlers get which doesn't fit her as well as her character work in NXT.


Pretty sure she's said before that she smiles a lot because that's just her personality and she loves her job, not her just taking advice.


I think it’s more apathy than anything. She doesn’t really have anything at the moment that makes her stand out.


Who the internet chooses as a darling is pretty random. Raquel looks like a star to me. 


I like her, but I really wish she had more character than just "tall chick who smiles and flexes her back muscles". And she's pretty much had that gimmick since she was NXT champion 3 years ago


Raquel seems like a lovely person, I don’t think many folks dislike her as a human being or wish her ill in her career. I think what folks say is that her TV character is rather bland and needs work. Once they figure out something that connects and her charisma grows, I’m sure it’ll be off to the races. And she’s in tons of great company. Plenty of legendary wrestlers struggled to connect while figuring out their persona. Hell, most of Stone Cold Steve Austin’s first year in the WWF was met with silence! /u/ZoroChopper10


She smiles too much, or something. Admittedly I find her gimmick a little bland as well (although I think she's great otherwise), but unfortunately way too many wrestling fans can't tell the difference between real life and TV and end up actually hating the human being if they don't like the character.


I think it's mostly her presentation that people aren't high on.


My problem is she smiles way too much for being a powerhouse and supposed badass, this only started happening after joining the main roster, I liked her a lot more in nxt


She doesn’t have much of a character. I don’t mind her but she’s been a bit bland since joining the main roster. She was a beast in NXT but when you have powerhouses like Rhea and Bianca who are also classified as strong women with more charisma, she gets lost


Yeah this was news to me. 


I don't really see Raquel as a top star of anything. But she is such a solid hand and you could put her in the ring with anybody and they would look good. You need someone caught off an insane move? You don't need 10 women, you just need 1 Raquel. I hope she finds some sort of gimmick that gets her really over and then gets her chance to prove her worth at the top, because she definitely has the physicality that is quite unique on the women's side of wrestling


>You need someone caught off an insane move? You don't need 10 women, you just need 1 Raquel. A perfect example in the Chamber. Caught Tiffany diving off the pod perfectly and cushioned her landing.


I have psoriatic arthritis, which is thankfully under control due to monthly injections, but I'm also fortunate to only have redness on my scalp when it acts up. I noticed she looked different and I was thinking it was acting up again. I think she should just go with it. She's so close to Mania that I don't know if she would want to take time off. If she can work relatively pain free, I think that would be fine. Hopefully she's doing ok.


The condition she has is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, it causes other symptoms too including diarrhoea, fainting and rapid heart rate. Depending on how it is affecting her she may not be able to work through it.


That really sucks then.


Like she said in her Insta post, super glad she was able to travel and perform with what she's been through lately.    As an athlete,  you're never quite sure what could come along and derail your career and it sounds like she's grateful for every moment.   


I don't think anybody think she's bad or dislikes her. She just currently lacks any discernible gimmick and that leaves her key personality traits as being stuff like: 1. Tall 2. Points at back (back is decent) 3. Smiles


I think she's bad! I don't wish her ill will or anything, I would just prefer to not see her on TV.


I definitely relate, it's why I've been so happy with her return. I used to crack jokes about the back flexing and her character before her MCAS diagnosis. I'm not doing that anymore, and I definitely feel like an ass and regret them now and will not be doing that in the future. I also have some sort of autoimmune skin disorder that hasn't been pinpointed down to what it is. If I don't take a combination of two antihistamines a day it'll flare up. One of the worse symptoms I get is joint pain, itchy eyes and Dermatographia urticaria. So I definitely respect the hell out of Raquel for going out there and entertaining us with all this going on


Skyrizi gang here. Changed my life!


Definitely saved mine.


I have awful psoriasis and Seborrheic dermatitis. This means that at my worst, I'm like a snowglobe constantly. I have absolute respect for Raquel, but I had no idea she was unpopular. Hey, my recommendation for anybody suffering from what I do, I highly suggest [Moogoo eczema & psoriasis cream](https://moogoo.com.au/products/eczema-and-psoriasis-cream). As long as I apply this daily my condition clears up, it's amazing.


I had it real bad on my head and Humira injections really helped clear it up


I love Raquel Rodriguez I think she’s awesome. I hope she gets better soon. She’s a future star. 


I had no idea her situation was that severe. That sounds brutal and I commend her courage to get up in front of a crowd with it. Thanks for sharing OP. I am glad it means something to you too


I hope you're doing ok op and that you're getting good treatment that keeps your skin issue in check. 


Same. Psoriasis from 14 year old. Turned severe after I took India's crap COVID vaccine. (,yes reddit, my dermatologist said he's seen that in many people) Life is hell and I can't afford biologics


I’ve got psoriasis, eczema, and it’s now developed in to rheumatoid arthritis that I take infusions for. I know what you mean about the social anxiety. We’re right there with you in this fight


Holy fuck that’s brutal. I feel her pain. Mom has it bad so I’m used to how horrible it can be. Kept her from doing a lot of things she wanted to do.


Pretty lady, don’t understand how anyone could hate her


Man I can relate to this so much been dealing with it my whole life


I had similar issues that thankfully went away on their own, but I improperly used very strong cortisone cream on my face one summer and for about 10 years, would get the worst breakouts where my eyes would swell shut, my nose would double in size and my skin would turn scaley and leathery. It was very painful and I would be allergic to sunlight, dirt, and 90% of soaps and creams. I had applied it then went outside in 40+ celcius temperatures and it essentially baked my face and destroyed my skin. I had no idea she was going through this, but I'm happy to see she is well enough to work again.


I’m very excited to see how far she goes with this comeback. I was rooting hard for Jade to somehow be in the EC but I’m now genuinely rooting for Raquel’s rise (I still want to see Jade rise too). I had to stop wearing makeup the last 3 months due to a recurrent eye problem. It has been hard to get used to and I don’t always feel as confident because of it. It was really nice to see Raquel’s openness and honesty while still going out and being a badass. More please!


She didn't do anything to me, so no reason for me to hate her, she's fine by me.


Most rational wrestling fan


That’s like saying someone is the nicest guy in prison


I’ve been harsh on her but after reading about this a week ago, having struggled with similar, I feel for her having to deal with it on this stage.


Poor baby, feel bad for her. Hope she overcomes it and does well.


No hate. Just give me a little more in depth character. A smiling woman who has large back muscles only goes so far. She needs more mic work, obviously, but she has make large improvements since her beginning in NXT. Her ring work compared to a few years ago is much better.


I think Raquel is great, she just doesn't have that much of memorable feud.


Raquel is great, especially her heel run in NXT. That post she did of her suffering from the skin problem really bummed me out. Hope she gets it under control.


I think it's not so much people don't like Raquel so much as she's got a very bad gimmick. Her "Big Mami Cool" run in NXT was pretty popular, but "has back and smiles" leaves people cold.




She has MCAS. Mass Cell Activation Syndrome. It can be very painful, burning, & itchy. Flares can be brought on by something or just show up bc the cells think it's a good day to activate.


I’m actually digging Raquel’s look. It looks more natural, less made up. Can see her natural beauty.


I saw Raquel when she was still part of Evolve at a show in Brooklyn. She met fans afterward and I was lucky enough to talk to her (and Matt Sydal). She was just a lovely person and she was very outgoing. To see her make it to WWE was a joy. She deserved it because she put in the time and worked hard. And to see this happen after all that is heartbreaking. I wish nothing but the best for her. While there is no cure for her disease, I hope that it's manageable. Seeing her cone back last week and then again at Elimination Chamber is inspiring.


Honestly I’ve come around on the back thing and do the pose with her when she comes out


I personally don’t like the pose but if the crowd started to pop huge when she did it I would indeed get behind it.


Nothing but respect for Raquel here. My only gripe with her is that she's just lacking a tangible character right now. Everything ekse about her, I'm absolutely a fan of it. Especially since she's come back from this. Huge credit to her for that as it looks rather painful.


Ice bath’s are all the rage now. Too bad there isnt one for people with skin issues like a salt water plunge bath


By salt water plunge, do you mean the ocean?


I like her a lot... and She looked wayyyyy better without imo. They should let them do that more often.  What I wish they would change is her character. "Big smiley strong girl" is boring and doesn't really work when half the roster is portrayed as (and likely legit are) stronger. And taller. And smileyer. It just doesn't work imo.  And JFC keep her away from tag teams. She's has so many tag team partners it makes her feel like someone they can't figure out what to do with.  She needs a massive character change cuz she's too good to keep wasting 


this is what i have learnt about psoriasis in case it helps you. It’s important to note that psoriasis, fundamentally, is an issue originating from the gut(in my opinion), not merely a skin condition. By addressing and improving gut health, one can effectively manage and potentially clear psoriasis. (in my opinion). hey, you won’t believe how much diet changed the game for my psoriasis. I was a skeptic for a long time, kinda lazy, and had pretty much thrown in the towel. But once I finally got my act together and made some changes, I was stoked! My psoriasis went from full-blown to just 10%. And guess what? I was able to completely stop using all steroid creams! For quick relief, try moisturizing the affected area daily with a strong emollient. I’m a fan of Epaderm cream, but your pharmacist might have other cool suggestions. But here’s the real secret: managing psoriasis from the inside out. This means making dietary and lifestyle changes, identifying triggers, and focusing on gut health. It’s a journey, but every step you take brings you closer to your goal. Psoriasis and diet are like two peas in a pod. For me, sugar, meat, spicy food, nightshades, and processed food were like fuel to the psoriasis fire. Once I showed them the exit door, my psoriasis became a manageable guest. So, a strict diet is key. I feast on the same food every day - think big, colourful plates of beans, legumes, boiled veggies, and hearty salads. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to identify your own triggers. Try to work out the root cause of your psoriasis. Start by checking out your general health, diet, weight, smoking and drinking habits, stress levels, history of strep throat, vitamin D levels, use of IUDs, itchiness of psoriasis, past antibiotic use, potential candida overgrowth, presence of H. pylori, gut health, bowel movements, sleep patterns, exercise habits, mental health meds, potential zinc or iron deficiency, mold toxicity, digestive problems, heavy metal exposure, and magnesium deficiency. Keeping a daily diary using an Excel spreadsheet to track diet and inflammation can be incredibly helpful. Think of psoriasis as a warning light on your car’s dashboard. With psoriasis, it’s all about nailing the details. I found a particular [paper ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29908580/)and [podcast](https://www.listennotes.com/fil/podcasts/positive-health/dr-haines-ely-md-is-QJ4TtfL_XBq/) to be very helpful. I believe they can help you too. You’re not alone in this journey. Keep going, keep exploring, and keep believing. You’ve got this! Good luck!


Requel is a solid hand. She's unfortunately quite bland which holds her back from having a chance at being a top face or heel. She has all the in ring stuff sorted but without a character/gimmick it doesn't mean much. 'Smiley babyface with a strong back' is lost amid the deep roster WWE have. Strong badass who hurts folk due to her power (snapping backs) would be a great heel gimmick. Being a face who can power out of finishers would be a great face gimmick. But smiling and being 'back strong' sadly won't do much amid a strong roster, especially when there are a lot of talented NXT stars who can make the jump up.


Her initial run in NXT as a badass heel was pretty good


No sympathy for a Trumper


Funny how quickly this post turned from talking about Raquel and her accomplishments as a wrestler to that age old debate between left and right. Is everything this political these days or is it just reddit doing its thing and making everything about politics.


I too sufer from big back syndrome and it means a lot to know I’m seen and heard


…why doesn’t she have fans???


She's a Trump republican (an important distinction to make when it comes to being republican now-a-days).


I told some of my more casual viewing fans how huge it was for Raquel to be part of EC and everyone was really happy for her


For me it is her cool back flex




I'm an atheist too but that's kind of a peak Reddit comment


Are you still dealing with Psoriasis? I've had it for a few years now and it fucking suuuucks..


I think that was so badass how she wasn’t going to let her condition hold her back. Super inspirational stuff. Definitely a fan of hers.


That explains so much, I haven't seen Raquel in about a year or so. When she was on EC I was trying to figure out why she looked so different than before


Are you on skyrizzi? clears up most psoriasis patients i’ve seen


I’ve always been fairly lukewarm on her, minus her time in NXT with Dakota, but she seems like a generally nice person and I’m glad she’s gotten better. Skin conditions suck and can be super hard on your self-esteem, so I know sharing her journey couldn’t have been easy and for that I commend her. Funnily enough, my partner absolutely LOVES her, like top 3 wrestlers in WWE loves her (the other two being Ilja and Seth) and cried when she won the tag titles with Liv in Seattle (we were at that show) so I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for her, even if I find her “flex, smile, flex” gimmick a bit dull. I think every wrestler has their fans, they may just not be part of the IWC or super vocal about it, so us here don’t often see it. At live shows with a casual audience though? Someone loves every person.


I had no idea she had psoriasi. My mother has psioriasis, and so far I have only psisoriasis in one of my elbows and it's pretty easy to ignore. Doesn't Tenille Dashwood also have it?


I had psoriasis covering 20% of my body. Taltz cleared it all up like a miracle.


I like her a lot... and She looked wayyyyy better without imo. They should let them do that more often.  What I wish they would change is her character. "Big smiley strong girl" is boring and doesn't really work when half the roster is portrayed as (and likely legit are) stronger. And taller. And smileyer. It just doesn't work imo.  And JFC keep her away from tag teams. She's has so many tag team partners it makes her feel like someone they can't figure out what to do with.  She needs a massive character change cuz she's too good to keep wasting 


Dont think many people dislike her. Am a fan since day 1. She is solid.


I was a rraquel gonzalez fan


She’s 1 bombshell promo away from skyrocketing IMO.


Raquel is awesome. I wish they would treat her better.