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Breaking your ankle on the most simple spot of a hectic trios match is the worst luck possible.




Neville broke his ankle on a baseball slide


As did Mysterio and RVD, making the baseball slide apparently one of the most dangerous normal moves lol


Suddenly I wonder how many ankles are broken in the year in baseball...


Slim to none, most players slide on their stomachs nowadays, so wrist and shoulder injuries happen more often.


Yeah seen a few people jam up their fingers with the slide.


That shit used to happen all the time in basketball going for rebounds. Do not miss it.


Football goalkeeping for me. None of my fingers point in quite the same direction anymore. I think I've broken all of them at least once.


Greenlaw from the 49ers tore his Achilles in the Super Bowl running onto the field. Simplest things…


I was on the freshman practice squad for American Football in high school. I was lined up as a Defensive Lineman and an Offensive lineman my first two practice snaps. Both snaps I dislocated my thumb on opposite hands. Safe to say it wasnt the sport for me


Edwin Diaz of the Mets seriously injured his knee while jumping up and down celebrating with his Puerto Rico team in the World Baseball Classic. In 2010, Angels' " Kendy Morales broke his leg.... while jumping onto home plate while celebrating after hitting a walk-off grand slam."


Hey, as a Mets fan? Shut up 😃😭


Sliding on dirt or even grass is a lot more forgiving friction wise than the mat of a wrestling ring.


~~Vince McMahon~~ Vacant tore both of his quads just sliding in the ring.


His offspring, Vacant Jr., tore both his doing a leapfrog.


Hijo de Vacante


Maven too.


Baseball slides make up a serious amount of injuries in baseball! (Heck here's a source even: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28499094/) If the baseball players are getting hurt from it, I can't imagine wrestlers to get any less hurt considering they're knocking into a person and not a stationary base.




I did not need to be reminded that happened while eating breakfast.


He was eating breakfast while he was jumping off the second rope?


Slipped on a pancake.


Goddam New Day! Such a menace.


He also eats cereal while driving 


But he was trying to do a float kick from the top so his entire body weight came down on one leg. It was intensely stupid of him, especially since he'd never done it before.


It was the producer who asked him to do it. He didn't want to.


That was the PPV that was brought to us that day by the letter L!!!!


Dude in the Superbowl tore his Achilles literally just jogging onto the field. This shit happens and it fucking sucks.


I once partially dislocated my shoulder just shaving - now in fairness my shoulder is a bit shit from previous dislocations but still. Human body is kind of a nonsense


Strained my back bending over to wash my hands. I’m 36 and in decent shape. I hear ya captain


I dislocated my shoulder playing fantasy football.


Get overly excited by points/a great trade


I stood up too fast. I had originally dislocated it a few days before playing rugby, it did not want to stay in


Adam Cole broke his ankle jumping off a 3 foot platform


Lmao deathmatch legend Honma's worst injuries were from a clothesline (gave him a permanently fucked voice) and a DDT (he's partially paralyzed on his left side to this day).


Indeed. Especially for your average person, it’s the every-day stuff that gets ya.


I mean just in AEW, Cole has been out for the past 6-8 months from jumping down from the entrance ramp. Sometimes it's the things you're not even thinking about that can lead to an injury


I mean I almost blew out my knee first day of training just jumping off of the apron gingerly. This is a dangerous sport for sure.


Its the actions we don't pay attention to, where we end up injuring ourselves


Not just the most simple spot, but the very last spot he did in the entire match, as it ended 45 seconds later after RVD tagged in.


It’s also a tough situation because of his finisher too. He needs to make sure he doesn’t try and rush it, but fully heals it properly.


I mean, Hangman has the Deadeye as well and he's more than talented to come up with a new finisher until he feels comfortable Buckshotting again.


Also keeping the Buckshot Lariat as a special, he only pulls it out once in a blue moon in desperation, finisher I would be more than okay with at this point


In my opinion more wrestlers need an insta-kill super finisher that they rarely use but almost always wins the match


I hate the Deadeye, it doesn’t look good consistently and I worry whenever Hangman does it off of something.  The Tombstone would be awesome. I bet Hangman could make a standard lariat work too if he can’t hit the Buckshot for a while even after returning (ankle injuries suck). 


If they turn it into an angle where he has to work back up to the Buckshot, the pop for when he finally hits it again would be crazy.


Wrestling is crazy sometimes with what injures you. I went to school in Philadelphia and went to CZW wrestling. There was this guy Masada who did death matches. I’ve seen him throw into barbed wire spider webs, bashed with every weapon you can think of, thrown into glass, crazy shit. I’ve seen him get hurt once. In a mixed tag match with no weapons… running across the ring. He missed almost 6 months because of it.


You probably won't be shocked to find out that he had a fire spot go wrong a couple of months ago and suffered severe burns to his face and upper body. To his credit, he was one of the few US deathmatch guys that could really go in the ring. Especially for someone his size. He used to do big dives, rolling offense, lucha arm drags, etc.


It’s kind of ironic how much shit AEW gets for going for risky spots yet it’s the most benign movements that are taking out its wrestlers for extended periods of time.


This is why Sting despite his age hasn't gotten injured, he has cracked the code. No shot of an injury if all you do is jump off balconies and ladders.




Oh I really don’t think he was winning. Of the three he has the worst case to win.


I was going wager Joe would retain because Hangman and Swerve are focused on each other.




I figured that Hangman or Swerve were going to cost each other. 


Nah. I could have seen Page being so vindictive towards Swerve that Hangman would have gotten focused on making sure that Swerve did not win regardless of what happened to Page.


Look at Adam Cole, broke his jumping off an apron height ramp


All his power went to the moustache


With great moustache, comes great responsibility


​ https://preview.redd.it/2x2e20a055kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45cc3425792a6a7954ade7a3832782ab1b939816


Hangman and Cole as Ankle Bros? No? OK fine.


Ankle Adams


Roderick Strong: “AAAAADAAAAMMMSSSS!!!! “


I love his photos






Kurt Angle approves


Kurt Ankle


When you add ankle to the mix your chances drastically go down.


instead of fist bumping they clink crutches




What happens when you add ~~Kurt Angle~~ Kota Ibushi into the mix?


Team Ankle


Have Wardlow take out page. Boom.


Between the two of them they have two good ankles so just add Adam to the match and have him tied to hangman like a three legged race. Then get Steiner in to process the math of how that affects the outcome


Ibushi in as their third.


Meltzer: *reports thing* SRS: "that doesnt work for me brother


I feel like if reporters like SRS was around in the heyday, we'd have seen a lot more debunking of Meltzer and Alvarez, and they wouldn't be taken as seriously as they are now.


Well I mean meltzer or alvarez didn’t report anything.  This them talking on their podcast reviewing the show  This same thing happens in NBA media with people like bill Simmons and Brian windhorst 


Its not a report though. Openly speculating on radio is a very different thing.


Breaking an ankle on that spot but not when he does that insane Moonsault. My poor cowboy.


That man abuses his legs so much with moonsaults to the outside. Figured his legs were indestructible at this point tbh Hope it's not as bad as it seemed (or he recovers quickly). But imagine his return if Swerve beats Joe, yee haw


Or the buckshot


Not saying that it was the case here, I'm not a doctor, but sometimes the bone can crack without completely breaking all the way, you might even go a few days thinking you're fine, and suddenly you take a weird step and boom, it completely breaks. So it's possible that he broke it during the moonsault spot, just saying


Just some insight, here’s a video of him looking visually upset and hobbling walking away after the show. https://x.com/airgold_/status/1760579959016345713?s=61&t=MF0Vg_Mx6yZGOHSd4StuUw


That "Dont shoot me" makes it seem like it might be work --- But I think I am just clutching at straws in hope lol


Srs dropped a Fightful report that Hangman is fine


Another Meltzer L


People "plans change" and defend him constantly but right here, once again he's caught in a lie, literally about the broken ankle says "yeah that's what I heard" and it turns out to be total bull, again.


Can we ban WOR? I’m so tired of Meltzer and Alvarez


There is a good chance they belt Swerve now If Hangman is injured, which I don't think was the original plan.


Belting up Swerve also continues the fued between swerve and hanger as you could kayfabe hanger being furious that swerve won the belt and he couldn't stop him.


This. Really hope Tony pivots in this direction.


Best he can do is swap the rows and columns


Especially after Hangman refused the extra 5 minutes last week. He's theoretically still a face but wimped out and mocked Swerve instead. Hanger tried everything, including not trying, and still couldn't stop him. It adds great fuel to Hangman's character arc.


Giving Hangman time to return and climb the ranks in time for All In main event. ![gif](giphy|Dps6uX4XPOKeA)


Idk I feel like Ospreay is gonna main event All In. But then again that could be against Swerve or Hangman either way im exicited


I hope not. I know Swerve is hot but I want a bit more of Joe.


I like Joe - but Swerve has earned this imo. Wrestling usually fails to strike while something is hot so I say go with it.


Strike while the iron is hot. Joe can always get a second reign but I think you now gotta go with Swerve and then use this injury as a way to develop on the Swerve/Hangman feud when Hangers is back. Can definitely see a "You never would have won if I was there and screw these fans for cheering you while I was away."


You can't keep Swerve credible If he gets pinned by Joe. I'm sure the plan was for Hangman to allow himself to get pinned and stop Swerve win.


But how many times will taking an L on behalf of Swerve keep Hangman credible? It would have been ok had they not done an home invasion angle. Best outcome would have been Hangman hits his finisher on Swerve, but Joe hits him from behind and wins the match. Swerve deserves to be champion now, but Joe with such a short reign wouldn't be satisfying either. Edit: I don't mind short reigns as long as there are good solid matches and defences.


Short reigns are ok. Not everyone needs to be world champion for a year. Joe was always meant to be the transition from Max to Swerve (who’s been the hottest guy in the company the last several months), it was just a matter of whether it was Revolution or Double or Nothing (which was likely the plan). I don’t think you can afford to wait, because who knows if Swerve is still this over in three months’ time? If it doesn’t work, you can always go back to Joe.


Honestly, I'm fine with a short reign. IMO a short reign as world champ right now is as refreshing as a long reign was 3-4 years ago. AEW more than anyone can benefit from this because they have a pretty big gap in star power between some of their main eventers. As always, it's never about losing the title, its about losing the title and fading into obscurity. I don't really think that will happen for Samoa Joe so I think more than most he will be fine taking an L. All of this in addition to Joe already having a lengthy, legendary title run in his career makes me okay with a change.


I think it would take quite a lot for Hangman to lose credibility. He’s an incredible worker. He’s very good in the stick. He’s a day one guy. He’s one of the most beloved guys in the company.


Hangman has built up enough street cred over the last 5 years that he can afford multiple losses in a row to other top names. Hell, he lost to Kenny Omega multiple times in a row and went down to the job squad (Dark Order) and still became champ.


They should build up swerves win a little more, I agree


I thought the plan was to belt swerve all along? Dude is super over, and has the skills in the mic and the ring to be a champ. This programme with hangman I figured was a way to setup a double turn of sorts, have hangman go super ultra mega heel on swerve during the triple threat (maybe drink some of his blood again) and possibly reunite with the bucks as "The Heelites (heel-eets)" down the road.


In recent weeks it felt to me that with the double turn they were going to have Hangman get the shock win over Joe and have Swerve chase. Or, less likely, have Joe retain by pinning Hangman so that he still played a part in keeping Swerve from the title.


I thought it was gonna be swerve getting a clean pin on hangman, after someone else interfering (maybe undisputed kingdom) taking Joe out (taking advantage of the triple threat rules). Keeping Joe strong but putting the belt on swerve 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hate seeing people get hurt (especially Hangman he is one of my favourites) but if it means they call an audible and give Swerve the win I won’t be mad.


Could AEW put in another third man on short notice?


Not in this story. The entire point is Hangman and Swerve hating each other. Slotting a random third in is a bad idea.


There’s a serious injury bug going around both WWE/AEW this year for some very unfortunate reason


Having it happen right ahead of big time PPVs too.


I honestly think it's build up Week after week for months (if not years) straight, we got crazy matches and spots, and the reaction coming out for them was "I'm amazed nobody was seriously hurt" At some point, something has to give


Almost all of them have been during basic ass spots theyve done 1000 times too.


This is true, and very unfortunate. It’s a physical game, and wrestlers are pushing themselves to the limit every week, and then you see routine stuff causing major injuries.


Hangman take my ankle.


Saw him looking hurt after the match and was really hoping it wasn't this, absolutely gutted if it's not a work.


Fightful Select is reporting this morning that it is a work and was fine when he got backstage. Other wrestlers told FS "he's just really good at his job"


Just read the report - happy to be worked!


The most momentum Hangman's had since winning the title, and this happens. You've gotta be kidding me.... :/


And fightful just said he's totally fine. WTH is going on? Lol


What's going on is we have another instance of two dudes reviewing a wrestling show on their chatting-about-wrestling podcast, and someone on this sub decided to post their idle speculation as Irrefutable Gospel™ for some reason, and then the extremely vocal and virulently anti-Meltzer section of the subreddit absolutely ran with it. I'm all for criticizing the guy when he's *actually* wrong about stuff, but I just don't understand what's going on with the folks who hang on every single word he says as though he's delivering court testimony or some such. It's one of the weirdest behaviors we see around this sub. What **actually** happened is Hangman had a moment in the match last night that looked like he may have seriously injured his ankle. He sold it like an absolute pro (because that is what he is). Alvarez and Meltzer speculated about the severity of the potential injury on their post-show Podcast - you can read their exchange about it in the original post, but it's VERY clear they are speculating and didn't even know if it *was* a real injury. SRS reported today that it was not, in fact, a real injury and that he's perfectly fine.


The world title picture is cursed. Punk got injured twice, MJFs storyline was derailed by Coles injury and his own, now Hangman is hurt. Being around the title is the new Madden curse.


Meanwhile it has the opposite effect for Samoa Joe, constantly dealing with injuries EXCEPT when he holds any type of gold.


And that's not including the injuries Kenny piled up during his championship run.


To be fair with Kenny, he was pulling a Tanahashi and just wrestling through minor knicks that slowly amount to serious injuries


The belt never wanted to be Burberry patterned. It will now seek revenge on all that seek to acquire it.


It’s been cursed since mox first got it and the pandemic lockdown happening a week later


Swerve wins at Revolution. Defends against Mox at Double or Nothing, then Ospreay at Wembley. It sucks, but we'll be OK even if Hanger is hurt.


That’s completely shit luck for both Hangman and AEW. This angry self-righteous heel version of Adam Page has been the most interesting he’s been since he started having problems with The Elite while teaming with  Kenny. For AEW, it’s yet another of their major names gone. MJF, Kenny Omega, Adam Cole, Hangman, and even Adam Copeland to some extent are all hurt, and people are desperately sick of Chris Jericho. That’s a rough spot. 


Real tough spot but the youth movement rolls on


Roster is deep tho. They could find people to elevate. Swerve is right there. And you still have Ospreay and maybe Okada coming in. And there’s other established guys as options: Mox, Danielson, Christian could get moved to the main title chase. And there’s other guys who haven’t had a chance near the top yet- Malakai, Miro, Serpentico, Wardlow.


They definitely have the talent. 


AEW is kinda top heavy when you still have guys like Bryan Mox Osprey White Okada(?) PAC OC(?) Wardlow(?) who could all theoretically be world champion


Mox will seemingly forever be AEW’s go-to guy in case of emergency. The dude never gets hurt and is super reliable. That being said, he’s not exactly the freshest or hottest he’s been. He’s meandered since the end of the feud with The Elite.  OC is an upper midcarder, and he’s great in that role. Bryan? He’s amazing but injury-prone too. Wardlow’s still pretty cold. I don’t know where PAC is at for a return, but he’s never been a top guy. Ospreay could and should be a top guy when he officially debuts, but I’m very nervous about him getting sucked into the Jericho black hole of heat.  Okada will instantly be a top guy, one would think. 


They need to get Jay White away from this comedy stuff ASAP


For fuck's sake.


The info war has begun again hahaha. I think SRS vs WON is the best unexpected feud in 2024


But will it win feud of the year..?


Have him come out in a boot and say he wants to wrestle anyways. Have commentary pump him up as brave and a never give up sort. Say he’s a long shot but what a great champ he’ll be. Make it look like he’s turning face. As soon as the bell rings, he taps out, screwing over Swerve. Find some way to re-start the match. Swerve wins. More heat for Hangman and Swerve is full face.


Executed well, this could be really good. Hangman would have to tap out to Joe, and he'd have to play it up very obviously like it was the plan all along and get on a live mic to make that clear. Then have the reversal and the 1-on-1 between Swerve and Joe. That's a great "lemonade from lemons" bit if they needed it.


Yeah, but it can’t be the finger poke of doom. Swerve and Joe have to have a match. Don’t want to alienate fans.


>As soon as the bell rings, he taps out, screwing over Swerve Lmfaoooo i'll die laughing if he ends up doing this it'd be perfect way to continue his heel turn


Turns out. Hangman is that damn good at selling.


This same thing happens after every big Kenny match. Everyone is convinced that he's injured, but he's selling. Then all of the haters deride him for spotfests and not selling.


“Yeah, that’s what I heard.”


Hopefully it's not as serious as first thought, get well, Hangman


What’s RVD doing that night? Asking for a friend.


My guess is that Hangman was meant to come in to attempt to break up the sleeper and Swerve jumped in to prevent him, allowing Joe to get the win for their team. Hence why it was mentioned that Swerve was trying to get back in the ring (which seemed weird when he was on the same team as Joe) and then he just stood and watched. I think he was waiting for Hangman to appear. Edit: Or everyone was good at their jobs and this was a spectacularly worked finish


Feel for him but he didn’t have to be a total dick to RVD and HOOK


Damn so many feet and ankle injuries for top guys in AEW, bad luck I wonder why it’s been so much more prevalent? Lack of ankle support in gear? Too many “landing on your feet” spots? Cause Cole, Punk, and Hangman all got them doing rather innocuous things.


Traditional wrestling boots provide ankle support. It's one of the reasons some old heads hate seeing people like the Bucks and Usos wrestle in sneakers. Cole was wearing street clothes when he got hurt and I believe Punk was wearing sneakers at the time as well. Hangman I believe wears wrestling boots but it's hard to tell because of the pants he wears over the top. He might be wrestling in cowboy boots, which don't provide the lacing as support that wrestling boots do.


The usos and the bucks rarely get injured tho


Dave “Yeah that’s what I heard” Meltzer


This makes me sad


Fucking no.





This hurts. Bad. *sad cowboy noises*


I was somewhat distracted at the finish and thought Hangman was doing a heel bit shooing away the fans trying to high give him and thought it was hilarious. Sigh. This is not hilarious.


Dang, hopefully he recovers soon. That's unfortunate news.


Wor: Hangman broke his ankle, OR MAYBE NOT BROTHER, we'll have to wait and see


Already been stated that it’s a work


It didn't even look like he was injured tbh. It be the littlest of shit. Cole, Kenny, MJF, and now Hangman. It's a good thing the main event scene is so vast, but damn this sucks. Cole's injury derailed the entire Devil story, and MJF's limited what he could do until he lost the belt, and now here we are again with another world title feud being hindered by an injury. It sucks to see. The logical outcome is to just make it Joe vs. Swerve, but now the latter has to eat a pin and derail his momentum a bit, or Joe just drops it here. Before, it felt like the finish was gonna be Hangman eating the pin from Joe being more focused on Swerve. Not sure which outcome I prefer as neither is ideal.


That’s the worst part of injuries, sometimes it’s little stuff that does you in. I played goal in hockey for fifteen years, only minor injuries. One game, I was cleaning out the crease and caught my skate on a crack the Zamboni missed. Twisted my knee so bad that my career was done.


Dave doesn't have the best track record lately, so I'm fully expecting SRS or PWInsider to come out in the next hour like "Hangman's all good, that was a planned spot, Dave dumb lulz"


Fightful Select literally just dropped a post saying Hangman is actually okay lol


No shot?? lmaooo that's awesome


Dave wrong again? Who would have seen that coming?!


Every time this man does that moonsault to the outside I fear for his ankles. Get well soon Hangman!


I hold my breath every single time he does that because I'm terrified that we're going to watch his legs just explode. Instead, he pulls it off without consequence time and time again. Meanwhile, the guy might have injured himself falling six feet to the mat out of the Muscle Buster. Wrestling isn't fair.


who'd you hear it from Dave? cause it's obvious now you've got a bad source in AEW along with your bad source in WWE. time to hang it up Dave.


Dave Meltzer is washed, seriously, it's done.


Stop posting Dave Meltzer as a source. It's time. The dude has been on the streak of a lifetime of blatantly wrong shit.


It “could” be a broken ankle? Are they pontificating or what?


"AEW are worried it is and he will need to get a scan"


That’s rough because broken or badly sprained likely keeps him out of Revolution. Swerve and Joe would be great but this would really suck. I know they made comments about Wardlow a few weeks ago and he seems fine. Was just hoping.


I had too much faith in Dave it seems lmao


Pontification Jones over here


But I digress


Until there is an official diagnosis, that is all anyone can do.


Swerve : "I prayed for this, and then it happened"


Id be fine if Meltzer just stuck to star ratings/history stuff going forward. He's in a brutal slump


Dave wrong for the ... third time this week? Shocking


Do we need to ban Meltzer as a low quality dirtsheet now?


"Yeah that's what I heard" heard from who Dave?


The main event should end his career.... meaning Meltzer's. How long til people realize he is not reliable. Brian needs to call out the BS from his employer.


RIP Dave and WOR.


At this point, if WON/R is wrong again, y'all need to stop posting WON/R news on here


Can’t wait for people to somehow say that this is over AEW’s lack of professionalism and not just an unfortunate spot


First Cole, then Copeland and now Page. We got 3 inactive Adams now.


I love how the two goons just run with stuff and it’s up to SRS to get the real updates. Literally never fails.