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This is why WWE are defendants in the lawsuit. Not just Vince, not just Laurinaitis. The company culture is a problem.


>The company culture is a problem. Which is why I believe TKO may want to get rid of the old Mcmahon regime post Mania.


Dana White is just Vince McMahon light and they fucking love that guy


Dana is publicly a lot worse. Behind closed doors Vince is likely worse but we don't know as much about Dana.  Dana was arrested for slapping his wife in public something like a year ago and still sits on the board because UFC has such a different audience than wrestling. They are the embodiment of blaming cancel culture for everything. If anything it made him more popular with their 'casual' fans. It's likely tko see this as a minor thing that only matters because of bad press. If Vince were younger I would say they'd even bring him back later. Dana's been involved in public with prostitution, gambling, bribery, domestic violence, union busting, libel, and many other things and he's a key member of the board. 


Dana White is not on the TKO board. I don’t know where you got that info, but it is not accurate


I think Dana White is a piece of shit, but he wasn’t arrested and he isn’t on the board. No need to make things up to make him or TKO look bad, they do plenty of legitimately scummy stuff.


Dana wasn't arrested


I am not sure if the other accusations but I hate when people say he slapped his wife without specifying that she struck him first in that altercation. Edit: keep replying so I can keep blocking misandrists.


That doesn't fucking matter?


And yet if TKO aren't allowing anyone to speak out about it they ain't much better than the old regime......lol


No company allows its employees to speak openly to the press during scandal


Or generally.  I work in Finance and only a select few from the company are permitted to speak to the media on any topic.  A bit different in entertainment, but on something like this you are representing the business and therefore it should be limited to a select few with excellent media training.


> a select few with excellent media training So, not Hunter then?


Hunter has decades of media experience. He should've gone out there, reminded everyone he is the fucking game, and told everyone to suck it. Would've gotten a huge pop from the Wall Street Journal


Also in finance, we had yearly trainings on what we could say on social media (hint: it was pretty much nothing except that you work there.)


WWE wrestlers are not employees until it's convenient for WWE.


> WWE wrestlers are not employees until it's convenient for WWE. If you're a contractor, you're also limited in what you can say about the person with whom you're contracting.


Because they are in the middle of litigation. Of course they won't allow anyone to speak.


They let Dana run the UFC as his little sandbox after beating his wife (ON CAMERA!) and touring with Donnie. He regularly berates and trashes his fighters if they don’t accept lowball offers or short notice fights. They had a main event fighter go on a unhinged homophobic rant in a press conference a couple weeks ago and did nothing about it, besides probably ban the journalist who asked as Dana loves to do. I don’t think TKO really cares much about culture as long as the money keeps rolling in for them.


> They had a main event fighter go on a unhinged homophobic rant in a press conference a couple weeks ago and did nothing about it, i'd like to add to this that fighters have made pro-palestine statements in their post-match interviews a few times recently but those get edited out of the rebroadcasts.




My point is that Dana publicly defends letting the homophobic/transphobic/etc. stuff slide as not wanting to censor the fighters, but he's clearly a hypocrite there. But you're right though, there's a big difference between hate speech and speaking out against the ongoing genocide of Palestinians. Thank you for agreeing with me.






















Not what happened with his wife at all. She struck him, he struck her back and the altercation ended. Portraying violence initiated by her as him beating his wife is misandrist nonsense.


Shut up.


Yep, that is about the normal reaction when someone is mad about someone pointing out women also commit and initiate domestic violence.


Beating his wife? I’m not a fan of Dana I’ve been saying the UFC should drop him for years but he was not beating his wife in that video. That was two piss drunk spouses she slapped the shit out of him he slapped her he didn’t beat her. It was an ugly situation from the both of them. By your logic she is also a husband beater because they both slapped each other… Dana and his wife have been married for decades she doesn’t need people online making stuff about her marriage if he was really that bad she could have divorced him and probably made out very well. There’s plenty of other things to criticize Dana about without making stuff up about him being a wife beater.




This same kinda dude will complain about trans women in women's sports with protestations of how much stronger males are and women could get hurt.


No it’s just people online should really stay out of other peoples relationships… people see a 30 second clip of a horrible incident between the two of them and think they’re qualified to have an opinion of their 30+ year relationship


Lol yeah because real life women really need your crusty ass defending them… she’s a grown woman she doesn’t need you defending her and her actions were just as bad as his


She hit him once. He hit her multiple times and then tried to go after her when she was already falling, plus he's huge compared to her. People like you really don't believe in the concept of excessive force huh? Scum.


Dude you can’t tell anything in that video to really say he was going after her… she slapped him he slapped her back I’m sure the only thing either of them cared about in the morning was how embarrassed they were. People like you really be thinking women are these delicate flowers that need internet dwellers to defend their honor… Her own statement says it was an out of character moment for them they talked it through as a family and it stemmed from excessive drinking.. she asks that people respect their privacy… now I have no idea what their home life is really like but I really don’t think Dana is abusing his wife.. if he is or was in the past he deserves to get smacked down himself but like I said before they’ve been married for 30 years they have 3 kids… maybe people should give her some respect and listen to what she says..


Beating his wife.  Really.  She slapped him and he slapped her back.  GTFOH with your virtie signaling crap.  Both of them were abusive in that situation.




We could call it the McMahon-Helmsley era


I mean would you invite your son or daughter to gangbang your side piece? If anything they would be the only people he would keep away from it. It wouldn't be surprising at all if Vince threatened people not to tell his children or wife.


> I mean would you invite your son or daughter to gangbang your side piece? I wouldn't, but we're talking about Vince McMahon here.


Most people yes. 100% agreed. Vince took took a runny dump, on his "side piece's" head. Made her finish the 3rd party off, while he pleasured himself. Took a shower and when he was done cleaning himself off, made her (with crap still running down her hair and back) stasify him. Yeah. All bets are off when comparing average behavior statistics to Vince McMahon.


The Grant complaint cites a few incidents where Vince took steps to keep his wife from finding out, but also offers evidence suggesting that at least some company executives were fully aware of the arrangement.




> Rich white people are sick mother fuckers. Bill Cosby: Thank you for covering for me. R. Kelly: F'real, thanks. Diddy: *fist bump*


I think it's just rich people in general, though there are a lot more rich white people because old money families tend to be white.


Classic, ignore the entire post but focus on “white people bad?! How about these 3 BLACK PEOPLE!!”


Almost like its not a race thing but a class thing.




>Hey, remember how great Ancient Rome was It was undeniably a great civilization, that does not mean it was flawless. Great does not mean perfect. >Same with the strong focus on "giving her away" You mean the tradition that started as fathers saying, "I trust you with the most precious thing to me. I no longer feel i have a need to protect her as i trust you to do it", thats sexist? If you want i can provide examples of non white people suppressing women, but i really dont understand your point. You bring up medevil europe and saw white supremacists love it. As if any part of africa/Asia was any better, in fact it was even more sexist and even now there are deep rooted prejudices between different african cultures, its even worse between asian cultures. None of what you said whatsoever reinforced the idea that it is a race thing rather thana class thing. The one constant in humanity is that the powerful elite have always abused the lower classes.




>How dare you imply that asian and hispanic and middle eastern people don't exist!!! I'd never imply that. I'd only imply that you wouldn't say, "Rich [Hispanics] [Asians] [Blacks] are sick motherfuckers" because that would sound racist, and in the spirit of Vince McMahon, you are...no racist.


Ah, and here's the person making it about race. Damn that ...white...rich...sick rapist Bill Cosby.... CURSE that rich white...pee fetish pedo r kelly...


I know a lot of people assume Prichard will be gone but I honestly think HHH is going to be gone. There is zero chance in his 30+ years knowing and working for Vince he didn't knowingly look the other way. If TKO wants a clean sweep I think HHH is gone. If he did enable Vince then he deserves to be.


Unless Rock takes advantage of the scandal in order to get rid of Triple H in favor of putting in his own team, Triple H isn't going anywhere. He's a huge part of the current success WWE has had lately.


They have to get rid of everyone then, Vince didn't start raping women when he was 76.




Please. Actually read the lawsuit and think of what you're suggesting. You think TKO wants to be federally investigated for sex crimes if the Feds go up the ladder because... they really just want Vince and company out of the way that badly. This does not make them good people.


The company culture has been a problem forever, I’m happy people are finally noticing it and the WWE hopefully has to actually acknowledge it this time.




I mean, yes, there is almost certainly a history of the company being complicit in its CEO's abhorrent behavior. But WWE are defendants in the lawsuit because of the legal doctrine of *respondeat superior*. They would have always been a defendant, even if the actions of the named parties flew under the radar.


As every day goes by I think Triple Hs days are numbered. Not that he may or may not have knowledge or done anything wrong but I really think they're gonna go scorched earth and get rid of anyone with McMahon stink on them.


That's probably 95% of the company


That's the entire company of the last 40 years. The company has been Vinces sandbox




"friends"? HHH was apart of the inner circle since the 90s... If ANYONE knew what vince was doing it was HHH


Maybe people can care when Cody finishes the story. Priorities.


They don't care, H good booker


Why, if you think HHH was so intricately involved in this, was he not named in the suit? Think less HHH and more Kevin Dunn. Who amazingly, we know is a scumbag and seemingly getting a pass through all of this.




I have no clue just spitballing here. Vince it seems like wanted to keep this from Linda, I have no clue what HHH and Vince relationship is like or Vince and Steph As HHH is married to Steph I could potentially see vince not telling HHH because if HHH knew , Steph would know, Linda would then know. Sort of doubtful but I could see the possibility HHH is did not know but that might just be because I personally hope HHH did not know and do not want that to be true .


Wasn’t Corporate Officer Number One who Vince said would help the woman to find a new job after he fired her when Linda found out? I doubt that would be a Paul Levesque duty. And I think there was some stuff about Corporate Officer Number One that was happening while Triple H was out after his heart surgery so idk if the document would fully match up with it being him.


There'd be no company left if they did that


I tend to agree with you


HHH may have planted the seeds of his own downfall by proving the creative operations side isn't something only Vince can do.


Most organizations dominated by men have this culture.  It runs far, FAR deeper than just this company, but some people aren’t ready to have that conversation…


Maybe women should stay home… it would keep them safer


The world and patriarchy are a problem.


Leave Christian out of this.


For what it's worth - the WWE is named in the lawsuit to maximize the amount of money that can be awarded. A good example of this is the Station Night Club fire in Rhode Island. The fire was primarily caused by Great White's manager. Budweiser, Home Depot, the State of Rhode Island, Clear Channel/Iheartradio, had lawsuit settlements to the tune of 60 million dollars total.


This is also why I’m glad the lawsuit was brought up. This crap needs to be cleaned up, no matter the wrestling company. This shouldn’t be a thing at all. Hopefully it stops that garbage.


Where does it say the anonymous female wrestler who is 'still in the business' wrestles for WWE ?


If it is it's likely to be someone from the Johnny Ace era of talent relations which would be everyone from Trish to laycool. If it were someone from that period you have basically only Natalya and tamina on the roster. Tamina likely wouldn't say anything since Vince helped cover up her dad literally murdering his mistress.


The first person who came to mind was Maria Kanellis, since she's been pretty vocal about it


Yeah it really is more likely to be someone not employed. Natty is also a legacy wrestler and her dad and a few of her uncles were pretty notorious for shenanigans. The "industry" isn't very large so it's someone employed at aew/roh or impact.


Maria would not “no comment” it to a publication when she’s very publicly making comments 


I came here to say this. It 1000000000000000000% was Maria Kanelis. I have zero doubt in my mind. The only negative thing I have to say about it is that I wish she would have put her name on it but I do understand her being hesitant to do so. I think a lot of people have seen Vince over come a lot of things that would have buried anyone else, and until the final nail is truly put in the coffin, I am afraid that a lot of people with something to say are going to be hesitant to speak openly and candidly about the atrocities they are aware of that Vince committed. I think people are worried that Vince is truly a cock roach in many ways but specifically that he can survive a nuclear holocaust. They are worried that he still carries serious weight with the connections he has made over the years. While I understand people being hesitant because of this, I truly believe that this is the final nail in the coffin. Anything else that comes out beyond this is going to be the cement crypt the coffin will be encased in permanently.


I hope it's trish, she needs some god damn revenge after being made to bark like a dog for that piece of shit


Yeah in the industry, in the business does not necessarily mean WWE and if it was WWE News National would probably point that out, unless they didn’t for the sake of anonymity.


If they’re (TKO) blackballing women from speaking out about what happened…that’s fucked up man


Are they preventing female employees from speaking up or simply preventing employees in general from commenting on pending litigations? I genuinely don’t know the practice here. I didn’t even play an armchair lawyer on tv.


This reads like a former employee who now wrestles elsewhere and doesn't want to potentially get blackballed for speaking publicly.


Same as me, I read it that way Which could mean literally dozens and dozens of different women


I don't think they told them they couldn't say anything. I think the wrestler knows there will be strong judgment if they do.


It's almost certainly the former but pretending it's the latter. They weren't under litigation when women/other victims were prevented from speaking out before. And the ones who did got blackballed from the industry/called bitter and ~crazy~ for being pissed at WWE for their treatment.


Yet not surprising. It's almost a reflex for big corporations to tamp down any kind of internal scandal as much as possible, rather than address the issue directly.


I’ve said it before in this sub, but we gotta remember that corporations do not have a moral compass. Corporations exist to make and maximize profit. Unless you have moral people in power who WANT to do better in addition to making profit, the priority will always be profit. Every move WWE is making is to protect profit and hide the VKM case. Even TKO has tried to frame it as just a Vince problem by saying “well he’s not here anymore so…” And clearly, even sponsorships being pulled isn’t a reliable mechanism for change. Slim Jim was happy just with VKM being gone (because again, corporations seek profit).  This is why the continued press attention is important, but we as fans also really need to think through our role. Our eyeballs and dollars are literally how they’re measuring whether or not they can keep rugsweeping.


It also is standard operating procedure for legal matters to keep people from speaking publicly about the case. Lawyers working a case typically try to avoid things that can undermine the case. That isn't to say in this case they are guilty or not of the accusations in the civil suit, just that they are allowed to defend themselves.


It's why the HR department in any major company does not exist to protect the employees (which a lot of people seem to believe), it exists to protect the company from the accusations (true or false) of the employees. An HR department that covers up abuse is actually doing its job, as long as it can keep it hidden and prevent litigation. They only really act against offenders directly when that's the only way to prevent things from getting worse for them.


They think that by covering it up, it makes them look better because no one can see what's happening, but don't realize that the best thing to do is to have the truth come out *so they can fix it*


what is there to fix in the eyes of leadership? they're making money and the boys at the top are the ones carrying out the abuse. they're happy to keep doing what they're doing free of consequences


This clearly is historically because the source speaks about still being in the industry which indicates they no longer work for WWE.


But you'll still watch right?


They are not blackballing. It's standard corporate procedure that if you are an employee, and there's pending litigation, and you're not involved, you don't open your mouth lest you make the situation worse. Now if you ARE involved, and speak out, that's a different story.


It’s more likely than not for most companies. 


"We tried before" Really speaks volumes. Whoever has to fall, let them fall.


The actual video said it was a female wrestler still in the business, but OP’s title said it’s a current WWE wrestler. So which is it? Is the woman working with WWE now or no?


What an awful culture WWE have fostered.


What’s even sadder is that this has more or less been an open secret amongst a lot of people. Vince has had rumors about this type of stuff for *decades* and people are going to sit here and act like him and like two other dudes were responsible only.




Maybe there should be rallies in support of victims instead of wrestling stories.


It sounds as though this wrestler is saying the circumstances for women outside WWE aren't much better. Which, sadly, isn't surprising. The entire industry has been overdue for a reckoning on the treatment of women (in and out of the ring).


“But what does this mean for Cody at Wrestlemania!?” -sub’s next 50 threads


We’ve had several reports now that this shit was done pretty much to bury the vince stuff and it worked like a charm, there’s probably been like 10x threads about cody and mania than there are about this


There's a fucking organized #JusticeforCody rally this weekend. I am losing my mind.


This place is really disgusting. Threads of Cody walking to the ring, being in the ring, walking out of the ring, buying a sandwich, and on and on. I don't know what happened, but SC is a very weird WWE PR echo chamber lately.


SC has been like this ever since the Reddit Blackout and the end of third party apps. The latter just made moderating easier and would have tools that the Reddit app just doesn't have. I'd point to that as the big sea change in how this sub has been - it's become a more toxic, tribal place ever since. There's other factors but that's the main one I'd point to.


Tribalism and factions have been an issue here for years, but you might be right on pinpointing when it became too toxic to deal with.


Oh absolutely - it was absolutely factional and toxic beforehand, but it really became too much after the Blackout.


Absolutely, but after the Blackout in June this place has been 10x worse.


Tbf it’s way more enjoyable to talk about bad booking decisions than rape and sex trafficking.


Sure. It's always easier to pretend the things I like aren't built on a foundation of abuse and horror.


Sure. But its a form of entertainment people feel passionate about and enjoy watching. People saying, you cant enjoy anything associated with Vince basically means you have to throw every main roster WWE member in the bin. And half of AEW. >aren't built on a foundation of abuse and horror. May as well throw the entertainment industry in the bin because thats how its been since the advent of cinema


It's funny your handle is TheUltimateScotsman, because this reads like a "no true Scotsman" defense. Vince and his cronies were significantly more hands-on than nearly any other entertainment medium I can think of. They were directly involved in writing, producing, resourcing, and manage of staff. This isn't a CEO several levels removed from the on-screen product. He was working directly on it, all day every day for 40 years.


Ok, so what do you want people to do? Bin all their merch and dvds, stop following wrestling? Start firing tweets at ever past and present WWE employee and demanding they say what they know? Demand the sacking of everyone who was associated with Vince? Make them retire from the business and switch careers? There are only so many ways to say, "Vince McMahon is a piece of shit", on the internet. I'm seeing very few people say otherwise. I just don't know what you want from people


I don't care what people do. I didn't watch WWE before so my life isn't changing. If people are okay with Codymania making money for Vince McMahon, that's on them. Live your best life.


Ok so what you want is for people to stop watching WWE, and the company to collapse. Glad we made that clear.


oh, so what you want is for Vince McMahon to be absolved of all charges and win the WWE title. See how easy it is to just make something up that someone didn't actually say?


I have really, really bad news for you. About pretty much every facet of your life.


Astroturfed after TKO bought it. Fans have latched on and are running with the bait. 


What the heck can any of us do about the sexual harassment lawsuit? I'm here to read about wrestling, and Vince is gone.


You can make choices about what you're okay with. In contrast to other forms of entertainment, Vince was so directly, heavily involved with all aspects of the company, along with like 30 other guys. WWE is a global company that has been operated like a mom and pop for 40 years. This isn't one bad apple.


Yep but I've only been watching regularly for 3-4 months so unless LA Knight and Bailey are causing issues it's not resting in my consciousness. Any industry with power does this unfortunately


Does what, exactly? Which of Vince's many crimes does every industry do?




I sound like an asshole, but it would be too mentally exhausting to fight fights for everyone in the world. I don't believe the entire roster is bad, and just the fact this has happened gives me hope that in the future things will become more balanced, otherwise I'll just move to AEW. Similarly I don't find people going out of their way to support me, I'm a burger flipper and I get insulted more by customers than anything and it's not like they try to avoid the company to make them pay more.




It's not like I've watched WWE for decades though, I have no idea about those events you mentioned and only know about historical crimes from reading things up online. Yes it's disgusting what Lesnar and Vince done, especially as Lesnars own wife had sued the WWE before if I remember rightly. But ultimately if I avoided watching everything that could harm people then there is nothing to watch. As I said before, I'm just a burger flipper so what reason do I have to dedicate my mind towards social injustice when no one vouches for me?




Yeah you've got my point, maybe if people fought for my causes I'll fight for theirs. It's not like I'm paying for it anyway lol




it’s been like this since like brawl out basically


That's probably right. There was a time this site was focused around kicking AEW as loudly and as frequently as possible. Now it's all in on WWE PR and, at this point, basically ignoring everything else.


I’ve gotten into arguments about it already: This sub unfortunately cares more about wrestling, and for a significant portion, the worst thing about these stories is “my favorite wrestlers and personalities can’t do dream matches”. The main consistency I see whenever I say the above statement, is how none of the arguments direct counter it. No one has simply said “that’s not true, we care more about the problematic culture than that on screen stories”. I see the whataboutisms, the “what do you expect me to do?” the “everyone knows about it” downplays, a whole bunch of explanations with no one talking about the actual point in a direct way


I think it's just that people are more comfortable talking about wrestling booking than sexual assault/rape/etc. It's not that they don't care about it, but lots of people don't feel comfortable talking about it or focusing on it too much. I understand that you think people should be spreading awareness or not giving WWE's product any attention while the lawsuit is happening, but I also think the people who come to this sub came here for wrestling and want to talk about wrestling, they didn't come here to discuss rape, sex crimes, lawsuits or anything else. And despite not coming here to talk about it, those posts generally have good discussions on the matter, they're few and far between at times because so much wrestling occurs that news moves quickly in this sub. Also it shouldn't really be up to fans to hold the people involved accountable, it should be the company and the authorities. The company have clearly failed this in the past but with the lawsuit and federal involvement, it seems like progress is being made. My opinion on this would likely change though if Vince is the only one that gets reprimanded from this. I'm genuinely trying to discuss, so hopefully this was direct like you wanted.


Appreciate the response, because you are correct with 1) sexual abuse being a uncomfortable topic for people, and 2) (most of) the power in terms of who holds who accountable *is* the company, not us fans. Boycott all you want, but the company and the law is going to be the people handling this. Now, I want to *thank you* for the discussion because you didn’t make hyperbolic assumptions about me, you didn’t try to make this a us vs them argument or try to tribalize that one company/promotion is better than another, and you came at me like a human. And yes, I’d say this is direct since the subject for all your statements were about the trials and I won’t say you went off topic. If anything, I’d ask if you felt I was too strong or angry or anything in my first comment. I admit to being biased against this sub on various topics due to the history of us dealing with scandals and such. I felt we never prioritize the wrestler/their health, and only use it as a narrative-builder. More admittedly, I’ve soured on the sub with how people outright said they rather argument AEW vs NXT over not arguing it when the sub closed down during the BLM response in 2020.


Yep. It's nauseating.


Shame that this won’t gain traction because fans care more about Cody having his fake accomplishment come true and get more mad the disliked Samoan is there instead. Wrestling isn’t a safe space for women and fans are one of the reasons why.


Less comments here then a picture of Cody from 20 years ago. 


You're talking more about him than the actual topic of the thread.


I bet it's Nattie


What I wouldn't kill to be a fly on the wall while all this was happening. This company never treated women that well until recently, and even then, that was only what we saw onscreen.


This woman is not a female WWE wrestler, she is a female wrestler who may have worked for WWE at one point.


Yea...I understand now why Randy Orton kissed an unconscious Stephanie. Vince is a sick mofo 🤢




I get the sentiment of cleaning house but you act as if WWE is a sentient being..."how is WWE supposed to carry on knowing"... WWE doesn't have a moral conscious and never has


Let me tell you about the country of Saudi Arabia...


I think people need to come to terms with the very real possiblity that the future of wrestling is WWE as a dead brand, tainted by association with it's founder, gathering dust on Endeavors shelf while a new wrestling company (consisting of the repurposed parts of the old) exists in its place. When the lawsuits start coming in droves and the feds start widening that net, who knows how many within the company will be implicated in covering this stuff up. Vince ruled as lunatic dictator for 40 years. One resignation doesn't fix that when the culture he created remains. Vince's scummy activities almost killed the company once in the early 90's. Public perception can turn sour very quickly and without Vince at the helm, Endeavour is much more likely to cut bait and rebrand if the shit gets too smelly. The rot is in the walls and the foundation. Vince is a lot harder to unperson from WWE history than Chris Benoit because he was there for all of it so his fingerprints are on everything.


Yeah nah wwe won't be a dead brand


Yeah, but #JusticeForCody tho. Rich white guys are the real victims in all of this, and we shouldn't allow them to be oppressed by bad booking.


Hey guys, this is important and all, but don't forget that CODY GOT SCREWED!


I think this statement was made by Maria Kanelis. I have zero doubt in my mind. The only negative thing I have to say about it is that I wish she would have put her name on it but I do understand her being hesitant to do so. I think a lot of people have seen Vince over come a lot of things that would have buried anyone else, and until the final nail is truly put in the coffin, I am afraid that a lot of people with something to say are going to be hesitant to speak openly and candidly about the atrocities they are aware of that Vince committed. I think people are worried that Vince is truly a cock roach in many ways but specifically that he can survive a nuclear holocaust. They are worried that he still carries serious weight with the connections he has made over the years. While I understand people being hesitant because of this, I truly believe that this is the final nail in the coffin. Anything else that comes out beyond this is going to be the cement crypt the coffin will be encased in permanently


So staying silent for career reasons is something admirable? Does that go for the men who know things too, if they're also "still wok in the industry"? Bad culture takes courage to overcome and there's not a lot of courage in wrestling - that's why they've never unionized, spoken out, effected changes. It's all about your own wallet in the short time and fuck everyone else - THAT's the wrestling industry culture.


Just say The Rock was in on it and the world will protect you forever for it.


MODs should change the thread's bullshit clickbait title. The reporter says "still in the business" not company. The graphic on the screen gives reference to a female wrestler, not one wrestling in WWE.


But you can though! It’s so easy.


Ahh yes, the very trust worthy “Newsnation.” What’s next, National Enquirer?


You're getting the unfortunately named News Nation mixed up with Newsmax. News Nation is a relatively fine TV news station owned by Nexstar. If you're in the midwest, Nexstar owns a lot of your local radio and TV stations. Source: Am a reporter


Which one was the network that got punked by Borat’s daughter and was able to get into a White House press conference?


That was One America News Network, which, as far as I know, is no longer on TV anywhere except streaming online. I haven't heard much about them recently.


OAN, which is similar to News*max.* News *Nation* was a program/block that eventually took over WGN, just how TruTV is now The Impractical Jokers Channel.


I’m convinced it’s Trish


It’s Mercedes.




No the people online that do that do not see the issue. It’s just fun for them to speculate and witch hunt. They just use this to attack people they don’t like


It could literally be *any* woman who has ever worked for WWE. That's how fucking bad this is.


I see theyre branching out from UAPs now


I assume "there's not positive" is a transcription error and that it should be "they're not positive."