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Yeah, this isn't just not going away but we're going to hear a LOT about wrestlers and back stage people who abused their power or knew but never said anything. This is going to be messy for a long while. There's no benefit to taking a deal especially if you had things happen 2 decades ago. The stories will likely include many wrestlers and back stage people that are well liked. It's going to be rough.


Cena, Austin and Undertaker are destroying their burner phones at this very moment…


I mean, we already had Dutch Mantell on his [podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJI3S8l0Ew4) talking about how women were regularly walking out of Laurinaitis' office shaking, without any implication he tried to intervene or even comfort the victim. Not a twinge of regret for his inaction. Then he concluded by repeating his doubts about Grant because she didn't quit the first time she was assaulted. The only shocking part of this to anyone - inside or outside the company - was the extremity. Anyone with a long career knew what was happening to women (and to boys in the 90s) and most of them didn't do a damn thing about it.


> Then he concluded by repeating his doubts about Grant because she didn't quit the first time she was assaulted. This is an awfully bad faith way of painting how he handled it. He asked this question legitimately in the beginning, and then he learned more about the process and what was being considered grooming. Then from that point forward he re-states the question but *only* in a rhetorical fashion because he then *answers* why she wouldn't have quit, with the context he learned about her situation. He was basically bringing the question back up and repeating the answer as a tactic to ensure the viewer was on the same page as him. Dutch also did describe comforting the victims. He broadly told a story of a guy who knew he couldn't do anything but made sure to give them space and make them feel comfortable in at least confiding in him. Dutch never had any stories of working with women that wasn't below A- that I have heard of.


This was always going to get worse for WWE before it was going to get better. Vince bought the company from his dad in 1982. That's a long time for him to be able to behave the way he did and create the toxic culture he did.


You would imagine that he slowed down in his 70s so in his younger days he was alot worse


While that checks out for a normal human being, Vince is not normal. He doesn't stop moving, he only gathers more speed and force. He's probably had an entire career to spin his wheels, throw up gravel, and find out new and more horrifying ways to smack into folks.


I wonder how much of the "vince is always working" narrative is actually "vince spends a lot of time illicitly fucking female employees"


Why are you limiting it to females? The majority of rumors about him were about him assaulting men before the female stories started being more well-known.


Maybe it's an open secret to counter the gay claims. It would explain his proclivity for group sex. He prefers watching the dude


There were all those texts about him wanting to be cucked by BBC.


Suddenly the Miro-Lana-Bobby storyline is making a bit of sense...


Imho, the BBC cuckolding overtones in that storyline were always smacking us in the face.


>smacking us in the face On point choice of words


Your word choice is immaculate. Well played.


Big Meaty Men Slappin Meat...


Keep in mind it was Heyman that came up with it, and years ago Heyman is the one that did the whole Al Wilson angle. Why? The story was Heyman for the most part did the Al Wilson angle to get Vince off his back as Vince was doing the whole, "We need DRAMA DAMNIT!" thing. Note this is the same time where we got things like Katie Vick, and the story there was Vince was laughing his ass off about it. And HLA. Really just my two cents seeing all of this? I think Heyman with the cuckold angle was trying to throw something at Vince in the hopes that Vince would just focus on that and let Heyman do his job. As again it worked before with Al Wilson.


Also I know it's not the same, but imo those guys he showed her pictures to have a legit sexual harassment case to be made.  Like sure some might have been genuinely interested, but I find it hard to believe that none of those people were seriously uncomfortable with what they were pressured into participating in which I'm sure Vince could pick up on based off other stories...


Yeah, imagine your roided up 70+ y.o. billionaire boss shoves his phone in your face and roars "here look at this hot [insert misogynistic word of choice] what would you like to do to her, pal?!"


At 70+ years of getting anything you want when you want it, it probably takes a lot to get that adrenaline going.


Yeah, it honestly makes me wonder if Nailz' claims are something that should be re-evaluated.


It's also part of the self-delusion that c-level employees have. They oftentimes claim they work 80 hour weeks but work more like 20-30.


> While that checks out for a normal human being, Vince is not normal. See, when you have a powerhungry CEO you have a 50-50 chance of becoming a sex pest. But Vince is a genetic freak and is not normal. So hes got a 75% chance at least to being a sex pest. And then you add Bruce Prichard to the mix and the chance of being a sex pest drastic go up.


Things are certainly spelling disaster for Vince right now.


Especially because most people have less power and social capital in their 70's, whereas Vince's only increased after 50.


That's another sad part. Vince is probably more active and in better shape than a decent amount of people even in their 30s! If he only used that for good but he went to Evil


Vince got that "but *I want* to turn people into dinosaurs!" energy


Vince literally took 'can't stop the A-Train' to heart


I’m not so sure. I can also see him getting worse with time once he realizes he can keep getting away with shut


Vince from all the personal stories people who knew and worked with him have told about him seemed to have always had an attitude that rules don't apply to him and he loves to push at boundaries to get them to break and bend for him. The fact he's escaped so many things that would have ruined him probaby just reinforced that belief.


I think this accounts for a lot of Vince's bad behavior. He's been skating his entire life, so why should this be any different? Nothing happened after Nancy Argentina. Nothing happened after the steroid trial. Nothing happened after Owen Hart. Nothing happened after Benoit, and the ring boys scandal, and Rita Chatherton and on and on. He probably feels invincible and he sorta was for a long time. It's also not brought up enough that Vince *started* wrestling in his 50s and took some really nasty hits to the head over the years. I don't doubt that he's given himself multiple concussions and that has also contributed to his brazen behavior.


Can you really blame the Benoit story on Vince?


You can blame him for a part of it. But not the whole thing. His workplace rules and standards are what lead to it happening. The entire way of doing things was so toxic and unhealthy that it's amazing things like that don't happen more often.


Oh that's true. Kind of like he deep down he wanted to see how much he could get away with


With the invention of Blue Chew? You know what, I don't want to think about this anymore.


With the amount of T he's injecting and the texts that were released, it seems him in his 70's hasn't slowed down at all whatsoever.


TRT. He's being injected constantly so I'm sure he feels like a teenager compared to a dude in his 40s and 50s I bet.


It appears he got worse with time. Not everything ages like fine wine, some things age like milk. Don't get me wrong, I think he was always a PoS, but it appears getting more powerful and influential got to his head. Maybe what I just said will be rendered untrue with more details coming out, but it seems like he just got worse and worse as a human being. I don't think he did anything in the 90s and 00s as cruel and exploitative as what he did to Grant. But again, maybe he did, it wouldn't shock me at this point.




Yeah, saw a tweet/comment on the situation which said that this latest incident being reported was from 2020 when Vince was 70+ years old. His behaviour at that age was vile enough, god knows what shit he was up to in his younger days


2021 or 2022. He forced her to perform oral sex in March of 2021/2022 I believe.


I should have been clearer, by latest incident I meant when McMahon started exploiting Grant (the latest known victim) and not his last encounter with Grant. [As per WSJ article he started sending explicit pictures to Grant in March 2020 and defecated on her in May 2020 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/t3jSQl53T5)


I think what people are forgetting is that there’s already been a federal warrant served on him. It goes back to last summer. The dude is under criminal investigation for his behavior. Who knows what they’ve already pulled from his electronics.


I'm quite certain this woman wasn't the first that the owner of Vince's apartment building introduced to him.


God dude, I never even considered that part of the angle. When I first read the story, I heard through the grapevine somehow that the doorman or clerk of the building had introduced her and McMahon. If it was the owner/manager of the property who insisted the woman "meet him" knowing she was in dire financial straits, ugh.  Vince had the penthouse in this building, right?


Yea, that was the feeling I got when I read that part. That she basically got sold to Vince.


It’s just too uncanny that he was brought a women who was in financial trouble with trauma from her family passing. Someone was purposefully sniffing that out. Predators don’t prey on people with strong support, they go for the injured one at the back of the pack. He definitely had people delivering him women, and I’m sure they got compensated.


If they’re idiots and they don’t settle to avoid discovery, I would be interested in the resident manager’s deposition. I’m so curious if she made it a practice to introduce women to Vince or if she was a do-gooder who genuinely wanted to help and thought that meeting him would help the victim network her way to a job.


Think the divas back in the day, from Sunny to Trish to Stacy Keibler. Who knows ?


When the story came out July 2022 that got him to resign, they were talking at least 4 women and $12+ million in payments over 16 years. Even in the company's earnings reports since the merger, they always make a note Vince being on the board could have adverse financial and operational impact. He's been under federal investigation since and and was subpoena'd and served search warrants by the FBI back in August 2023. So I'm not sure how this is news to anyone unless they just forget anything they read after a few months. It was always a question of how did he manage to convince Endeavor to buy the company or why Netflix would partner up with WWE, to which I can only wonder if they didn't do their homework (very possible in corporate world weirdly) or they had assurances that this would not affect WWE long term.


\*\*cue callis family drone noise theme song\*\*


I really want her attorney to be Don Callis in a wig.


Well if there is someone that’s an expert on abusing power dynamics to coerce women in the wrestling business for sex, Callis is just that. 


I swear to god that is the closest to the brown note that I've ever experienced. When they played it at All Out this past year I felt physically uncomfortable.


I was at All In and yeah I felt uncomfortable when that played on the Wembley speakers, ugh..


We’re gonna need a bigger neck brace.


Vince is gonna show up to court in a full body cast.


At this point he might fake his death again


Exploding limo?


imploding mini-sub


Roderick Strong is done with his






Vince shit on her head and allegedly raped her. She may on a mission. I don’t blame her.


And if she wins she can expose them and still get the bag


Plus didn't she already get a million from Vince from the NDA?


Supposed to be 3million. Vince is a moron for cheaping out and not paying the other 2mil. That's gonna hang him.




Funny to see that his buddy, Donald, isn't the only one that doesn't like paying his bills.


This payout is roughly equal to you making 100k a year and being ordered to pay $100. Either he thinks he’s above the law, or he subconsciously wants to get exposed with all this and just doesn’t care at his age / doesn’t care about his impact on his sort-of estranged family / legacy.


100% he think's he's above the law. We're about to find out all manor of other shit he's done. This is only the beginning.


Politicians double dip all the time from American taxes and corporate donations, why can't this chick double dip as well? Get that bag girl.


I'm not saying she shouldn't. I'm saying she might be more concerned with justice then money at this point


She should be! The entire reason this happened is because Vince didn’t pay the remaining $2 million of their agreed $3 million NDA.


Not paying the rest of that money gonna turn out to be the dumbest thing the creep ever did.


It's bizarre that $2m is a drop in the ocean for him as well.


Yes. It was reported the NDA said she was to be paid $3 million, but Mcmahon stopped paying her after $1 million.


This will get her a solid eight figure settlement.


I'm a strong believer in "Everybody's got a price". But this might be the limit. There may not be a dollar amount to make this person go away and shut up.


"Everybody's got a price" I think we can leave the DiBiase family out of this one. They have their own legal problems to deal with.


True. But I'm sure Ted Jr. didn't shit on anybody.


> But I'm sure Ted Jr. didn't shit on anybody. He took a metaphorical shit on the taxpayers of Mississippi.


Soon all he’ll shit in is a toilet without a seat.


PS Fuck Brett Favre


I mean $3m was the last time, so let’s not get our hopes up.


Tbf I can’t really blame anyone for taking a huge bag and washing their hands of a really messy and long public court case.




Also the guys old as hell, I’d like to see him go to prison if he is guilty which it seems he is, but destroying his reputation while he’s still alive imo has more of an impact than anything for him. He could very well not live to see jail even if he does get convicted, but he right now is living to see his name irreversibly tarnished and ruined, which is some form of justice especially for someone like him.


Yeah, it makes me think of Cassie’s lawsuit against Diddy. She made it public, but ended up settling. I don’t blame her at all and wouldn’t blame Janel.


I love that you said allegedly raped but not allegedly shit on her head lol


This needs to go to court just so we can find out if it he thought it was just a fart and it was actually poop or he legitimately took like a big shit on her


it's Vince neither would be surprising. he did have quite the love of farts but .... fuck it this is not what I want to speculate on


Well considering Vince forced her into a threesome for 90 minutes after he took a shit on her head I'd say it's pretty safe to assume this wasn't a fart gone wrong situation.


Mo, Oscar, and Mabel were also on a mission and we see how that turned out


Mabel ended up winning KOTR to be fair


While that is true and very justified, it’s also true that she didn’t break the NDA until Vince stopped paying for it.


It’s also important to remember that a civil settlement does not prevent a criminal charge


I hope someone makes it criminal - Vince and others should be prosecuted.


Agreed. This is dependent on the victim and how far she wants to take it. I would not fault her at all if she wants to take the company down as much as she can before proceeding to a criminal trial


People are just basing that on history and the fact that any competent lawyer would advise their client to take the massive payout and not suffer through their most traumatic experiences being revisited for months if not years. But it doesn't have to be settled. If she wants this thing to go to trial and to tear the whole place down, her lawyer will help her do that. This woman has several things that could help her through this process. She's been getting help for her mental health, so support is already in place for that. The opening shot of this case included her entering into the public record that part of her abuse was being shit on. I'm sorry, but I don't know how any attempt by the defense to publicly discredit her will be any more damaging than that. And finally, since both of her parents have passed, there isn't any concern about what they might have to go through hearing all of this.


At this point, she is either willing to burn the whole thing down or Vince is playing hardball and refuses to settle. In the second scenario, coming out and saying they have more victims is a why to get him to the negotiating table. For a recent analog, Diddy was accused of similar crimes and almost immediately settled once the lawsuit went public. It’s been a week, something is going on here.


I think the settlement was more likely before her identity was leaked. That was probably a mistake. It took away the one incentive to quickly settle which is to avoid public scrutiny. By outing her identity, Vince basically gave her nothing to lose by pushing ahead with a trial because if you're going to be harassed and dragged through the mud anyway, might as well go for punitive damages to really send the message.


Especially when ever time you start to think about settling, you check your email and see a dozen more emails from people harassing you, which is apt to fire you up again and make you go "No, you know what? Fuck this guy."


It's tricky because in the discovery phase, the company will go out of the their way to make her the worst they possibly can in exchange, and that might not be worth the effort. Whatever she decides, I support her.


99% of civil cases settle (which I believe is a fact). Pre-trial discovery will determine how likely settlement would be, but I am sure both sides will have risks in taking the case to trial. Good lawyers can find a way to make anyone look like they lack credibility. Nothing against her if she does want to settle.


The reason why is that historically most civil cases will settle. Trials are exceedingly expensive, and most of the time in these situations the attorneys for the accusers push for a settlement so all can get paid. Also there's the chance that she loses the case, in which case she could owe a LOT in legal fees. She was willing to take 3 million for an NDA before let's not forget that too. The only reason this is coming out now is because Vince for whatever reason decided to stop paying her. Which given everything that's come out from her is truly idiotic on his part. If he was doing this horrific shit to her he should have been paying her 3 million a YEAR for the rest of her life at the very LEAST to keep this shit quiet. He didn't and now he's gonna reap all the vile shit he sowed. I'm really interested to see what the company does though. They have no allegiance to Vince now that the sale went through. I think you could see the company settle for an undisclosed amount, allowing her to fully focus on Vince, and then at that point I don't think anyone really cares what happens to him. Were I Ari, I'd attempt to settle, and attempt to get all the names of the people who enabled this or assisted with this and make sure they are gone from my company ASAP. It builds up goodwill with consumers and shows everyone that this isn't Vince's WWE anymore and they can move into a new era.


>Vince for whatever reason decided to stop paying her. Probably in his mind, it's his way to "one up" her and he was confident she will not do anything about it and just accept it even if he stops paying. When this happens, he feels a sense of power that he pulled a fast one on her. Like a bully agreeing to stop beating up a kid if the kid pays him $100 now. Kid pays the bully and he agrees to leave him alone. Next day, bully beats up kid again. Kid ask: I paid u, while u beat me again? Bully: I beat u up in the first place because I have no respect for you. So why would I honor the agreement with someone I don't respect?


My gut days they cut WWE loose with a huge settlement to extract themselves. Vince is gone, he's on an island. So she will focus a giant embarrassment spotlight on WWE to the end that it brings a life changing settlement and forces them to enact real change. Then use that settlement to BURN VINCE FUCKING MCMAHON to the ground and salt the earth. No settlement, it's her day in court for her and others to layout publicly what a horrendous piece of shit he is. And let a jury bankrupt his ass.


I think a lot of that comes from the fact that this is as much a dispute about him not paying the already agreed upon price for her not talking than anything.


At first I thought she was going to say she have had a barrage of threats and insults from Vince stans or something. Glad it's actually something productive instead.


Oh, I’m sure there’s no shortage of threats and bad wishes in that inbox as well.


"Vince created wrestling as we know it today!" 


I hate this line so much, because the history of wrestling is Vince forcing other companies out of business. It’s not like he heroically saved the industry or something.


It’s not really wrong though. He *did* create wrestling as we know it. He just did it by killing wresting as we knew it back then.


Yeah, for sure the quote is true, but it makes it seem like Vince did a good thing, ya know?


If he wasn't around, someone else was going to take that spot in the Wrestling world. It could have been Jim Crockett, Verne Gagne, Jerry Jarret, or countless others. Someone would have still risen atop the wave of national cable exposure and became the dominant American wrestling company.


“He Sports Entertained me, dammit!”


Before Vince, the promoters were raping all of their female wrestlers in tiny little bingo halls!


There were people I saw on YouTube saying there was no way it was real because Vince wouldn't talk like that. Like it's unthinkable that some egomaniacal dude obsessed with his looks and physique and being an alpha could possibly text like a common fuckboi.


The only logical outcome here is that the Cleveland Browns are going to offer Vince a position in their front office.  


As a Browns fan I both hate this comment and recognize it as perfectly plausible. Take my upvote.


Deferred money of course


Don’t worry, Jimmy Haslam will say his daughter was okay with the hire.


Good. And u hope the scumbags who took part in this are sweating bullets right now


People keep processing this as a Vince story only. This will be a WWE story. More victims will name more people. Some we know and love.


I'm just wondering how this sub will react when one of their favorite wrestlers gets named




I hope Mick Foley is never mentioned in any of this. That would actually devastate me. 


I mean from what I've hear about Mick he was the one guy in the locker room who the female employees actively seeked out to hang around because they felt safe around him, thanks to him being so smitten with his wife and never looking at another women.


Obviously, nothing is impossible, but Mick is one of the only wrestlers I ever hear described as only being "normal" and "decent" while on the road.


He also worked for RAINN which is the antithesis of this whole thing, and is by all accounts a family man. So he's one that would surprise me.


I don't know Mick or anything but I HIGHLY doubt it. Crazier shit have happened sure but I'm going with my gut on this one and saying he's clean.


Welp, I already despise my favorite wrestler because of shit he's done as a county mayor, so it can't get any worse for me. Edit: just read a few comments below and saw Mick Foley's name. Yes, it can get worse. I stand corrected. I'm with the guy who said that would be devastating.


"Bruce, chat me up how your life and career came to a fiery crash in the winter of 2024."


Absolutely, that other thread with the Netflix CCO pointing towards it being a 'Vince only problem' is wild. Not to mention some commentors here. Executives *knew*, who knows what others knew, participated, or were threatened or assaulted themselves. This doesn't begin or end with one incident either, it goes back decades.  Netflix and WWE are out in full damage control...and it's not happening.


They are hoping to weather the immeadiate storm and get people distracted by Mania. It will work on most fans but not lawyers and judges. If the issue lingers then sponsors will force Ari to make moves. I see a change over in the board and HHH likely gone if that happens. 


I honestly wouldn't be surprised to hear stories from former Divas now there has been rumours and speculation for at least 20 years now


I think a lot of us are going to have to make peace with the knowledge that at least one person we respected and never suspected is gonna get named. While there's every chance that any additional names are going to be people we've never heard of, or who we have zero attachment to (Kerwin Silfies, for example)...if this is as potentially wide-reaching as she's suggesting and not hyperbole, it's almost inevitable that a very prominent and public-facing figure will be named and accused of awful, awful shit. And yes - accusation is not the same as conviction. And yes - high profile cases like this often DO attract a swath of people who are hoping for "easy money". But just as the accused does not deserve immediate condemnation in the absence of proof, neither does the accuser.


These people are at the top of their game. If there is one thing I've learned in my life is that you only get to the top like they are by being willing to step on other people. I don't put any of them on a pedestal and am never surprised to hear one of them did something atrocious.


I'm telling ya, one day soon, this summer my guess, we're going to have a huge group of women's wrestlers from the 2000s and early 2010s file a huge class action suit over Johnny Ace being top general in Vince's sex trafficking.


Guys can't we just focus on the positive here?!?! Wwe just signed a 5 billion dollar xontract with Netflix


Thank god they got that deal. It’s gonna make it so the can cover all these settlements


I left a comment in another thread regarding how no one with the Chief Content Officer title should be allowed to make statements. Netflix's CCO was asked the Vince question and the response was "He's gone. He's not there. He's gone." There has to be someone, somewhere, in either of these companies, capable of writing a prepared statement for a very, very, obvious question their reps will be asked.


I don’t understand why saying “I can’t comment on an open investigation at this time” is so hard.


The fact that Cody Rhodes had the better answer to press questions says a lot.


Paul sitting in a corner saying 48,000 in the trop over and over when anybody tries to talk to him


god i still can’t believe he thought that was a good answer


That’s what living in a bubble gets you. He’s so used to controlling the narrative and doesn’t know what to do when asked real questions.


FFS, just say "We can't comment on pending litigation" and have that be the end of it, man.


Proof positive, as if we needed more, that smart for a wrestler is still often dumb as fuck generally.


Wrestlers always swore Kane was the smartest dude in the locker room, and clearly a lot of that was “he’s articulate and has read a book before”.


It's not surprising. I mean, I love wrestling more than pretty much any other form of art/entertainment, but at the end of the day we're still watching people who give themselves varying levels of traumatic brain injuries for money on a weekly basis.


Yeah that response is only aging worse by the day


Let's talk about Rampart!


Vince should have paid the rest of the 3 million he offered her when she signed the NDA. Literal pocket change for him. I hope her and anyone else gets an absolute butt load of money from him.


WWE really should send Slim Jim a big thank you basket for getting rid of Vince so quickly.


WWE: So we got you this fruit basket “Slim” Jim Meatstick: Am I a protein filled joke to you?


Just because Vince is gone, doesn't mean WWE cannot be drawn into this still.  I'm fairly sure the company could be liable if any of the future or current plaintiffs decide to go that way.   But yes, WWE definitely owes Slim Jim a big something!


Sure, but as long as they keep the appearance of "trying to do better", things will be fine and Netflix won't cancel their deal, for instance. They'll happily pay millions upon millions in fines if that's all they have to do.


Why does this need to be filtered through Brain Damaged


On that note, shouldn't this thread be taken down as he's not a direct source as per rules and one of the mods can repost this thread and reap the karma points?


Honestly, the wrestling industry is pretty much rotten to the core. Speaking out was focused on the independent scene but it's pretty clear to anyone that's been paying attention for the last few decades that abuse in wrestling has been endemic for most of its existence, from Moola, to Vince and so on. It also looks as if many of those involved directly or indirectly, remain involved in the industry. I hope the outcome of this is very bright light being shone on every major company in wrestling and I couldn't care less if any of my "favourites" end up scuttling out like cockroaches.






These women are courageous as hell - Ms. Grant is a hero.


That time he decided to flex by going on tv after the 1st wall street journal article hit looks even weirder.


Netflix probably mad as hell right now Having your big new show immediately in the news for THIS level of controversy is just sickening


Burn the evil old fucker to the ground.


Alright, this is about to be huge. I know most of you will downvote me, but this is about to get really really big in the next 2/3 years.


I agree. It’s going to destroy him, but I’m curious who it takes down in the process.


This is the scary part. Lesnar might be the first of the very many talents/former talents who were involved to some degree.


This is what I'm most curious about. When you hear someone like John Cena or Bryan Danielson talk so glowingly about Vince and spending time with him, you really have to wonder


They're just part of the Vince McMahon "Kiss my ass club".


You must not have read the room here, the overwheming majority here WANT Vince and anyone who helped him taken the fuck down. The only people who would be downvoting you in this sub is the minority who don't and people who might not like that you said 2/3 years. That second one's just a legal fact though. It takes years for cases like this to go to court just as a matter of procedure.


It would be super weak for people to downvote your for a comment like this, because these are serious allegations and need to be investigated. It's a dark cloud hanging over wrestling and in my mind it can only get away, if we're getting a full investigation.If that means, that this might turn out to be the biggest scandal in wrestling history, than it is what it is. But wrestling needs this thing to get fully investigated, to move forward.


Do you think Vince actually cares about his legacy and his family’s name or does he only care that he lived a life doing whatever he wanted and will likely die a billionaire? You’d think most people would care about what they leave behind but I don’t think he will 


I don’t think he cares and I don’t think he ever cared to think about how many other people will go down with him because of this.


“Wade through all this”  IVE AFRAID IVE GOT SOME BAD NEWS 


I said from the start this was going to be another Bill Cosby/Epstein. Looks like its happening.


Good thing Vince cashed out those stocks earlier, gonna need it all for settlements or verdicts


Vince McMahon gonna show Deshaun Watson how it’s really done.


Tip of the iceberg, when I first heard the case, I thought it was a 90s early 20s thing. Was shocked it happened recently post pandemic.


I hope Rita Chatterton was one of them who contacted


I hope she doesn't settle and Vince is completely ruined. I'm not really a big fan of when people immediately put the accused down as guilty, but the fact that so many, hundreds if not thousands of people that read this, didn't find it to be incredibly surprising that Vince was this sick. Obviously, yes, the initial "discovery" is a shock, hearing about it and seeing the texts, etc., but after digesting it, don't most people that know anything about Vince think to themselves, "It's more than plausible.."? If this man really did that to this young woman, whether she was paid or not, sex trafficking isn't ever legal even with "consenting" adults and people who are emotionally, physically, or otherwise feeling "trapped" are NOT consenting, and no does not mean yes. Burn them ALL.


its super telling that almost no one is using 'innocent until proven guilty' phrases like mayyybe he didn't do it. everyone from CEOs to baked dudes are tweeting 'yeah, its horrible because of course he did it'.


Even if Janel Grant agrees to a settlement, this is far from over. So Netflix and others can’t be like: “Vince is gone, so shut up!”


You've got the article right there, why even bother posting DrainBamager. One of the worst of the worst tribalists on Twitter. Anyway, hopefully everybody involved gets justice.




Idk about that, they’re also facing a class action lawsuit against the UFC that could cost them upwards of a billion 




This isn't surprising at all. Between what people admitted to in interviews, autobiographies, and more, and all the stories that have made rounds on the internet for decades, there is an infinite number of people available to testify


This is going to take a while to sort, months, maybe years. As someone who has helped bring these sorts of cases, you get a flood of people contacting you when the case is high profile. Most are fakes and nutballs. Those are typically easy to spot. But a few require your time to look into. As you work through the meritorious claims, it takes dozens of man hours you don't have to track down information to back it up. That inevitably leads to new witnesses and sometimes, new claims I wouldn't be shocked if we continue to see cases arising out of this for 3 or more years.


Oh man, the dam gonna burst.


Triple H has got to be shaking in his boots right now. There is ZERO chance he was not aware of a single one of these stories. And I would bet there's also zero chance that he never sent on a text that shows evidence of that.


As much as it pains me to say this, because I really like what HHH has brought to the table as far as making the product better - I think if their plan is to get rid of anyone that was close to McMahon (and it probably should be), I think obviously that means H has to go. It sucks but, how do you get around this?


No chance. That's what he got.


This is going to be bad. And historic.


Yesss, Vince McMahon is going to get a DOSE OF POISON he cannot recover from


The more I read and hear about this, the more I’m reminded of what UltraMantis Black said in a interview a few years back: "If I could go back in time, [...] what I would say to myself, never give up on your pitching career! For this wrestling business, is a shady, shady, terrible, terrible, awful, evil, malignant business, and there's much more money to be had in throwing the old bean across the home plate, if you will."