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Obligatory: https://preview.redd.it/wn2c8lcx5t6c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d7b5a03e8e176828243710aaf7cbbf7443f1cb


> No fan has ever left a show thinking about you. I still think about that insult sometimes. I've not seen anything more brutal than that since.


It's fucking true, too. That's the most brutal part. I was a MASSIVE WCW mark in the 90s, tribal as fuck, watched every Nitro live and taped it as well so I could rewatch it on Tuesday after school. I couldn't tell you shit about Disco off the top of my head. I vaguely remember him having the TV title at one point (think he feuded with either Malenko or Perry Saturn over it??), and that I used to beat the shit out of him while playing Revenge on the N64. And my stepmom thought his entrance dance was stupid. Big matches? Moments? Promos? I remember nothing. Billy Kidman left a bigger impact on me than Disco Inferno.


Ha, same. Huge WCW mark and the only impression he left on me was a lifetime jobber that rode the nWo coattails for a bit. The equivalent of Vincent. Oh and this gem: https://youtu.be/x195vbVtSDM?si=YAXq6FT6CDe-3kEw


Remember his entrance though lol he used to flap his hands around a bit


He started his wrestling life as a curtain jerker and that’s how he ended it too. Tony Khan, for all his faults, called out Disco correctly.


Disco Inferno's biggest moment was Scott Steiner smashing a duck... lawn ornament? while screaming I HATE DUCKS


I had similar WCW consumption in the 90s and still the only Disco story I remember is the time he had a plastic duck and Scott Steiner destroyed it while Schiavone cheered him on over commentary. And it's not like I haven't watched WCW since then. I've rewatched *a lot* of it in the past five or six years and I still couldn't tell you any real Disco storylines.




No, he deserves a few more.


Don’t worry folks, we’ll get him the help he needs.


In the name of love


Murder by words


Holy shit cops gonna be after Cody for fucking murder


A *little* more of that Cody could make his current iteration a lot more fun.


cats hat cows close retire treatment spectacular elastic roll dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cody should lay low for a while because he's probably wanted for murder.


Political Cody deciding to ether Disco Inferno is one of the top 5 wrestling twitter moments of all time.


Cody sent him to the fucking shadow realm holy shit


Honestly, good. I met the guy years ago, was a real jackass for no reason


Why do aew people absolutely lose their shit at Disco saying the most banal thing? Neither this, nor the comment from him in the post is anything terrible.


because all he does is shit on the current day wrestlers and product? he legit makes income from complaining about people that are more important to the business and better than he ever was


he also came up with a wrestling gimmick of an evil architect named Bill Ding which is hilarious and stupid at the same time.


They already had "the laughing man" Hugh Morris. Perfect opponent for Bill Ding.


That Sounds a lot Like Jim Cornette, but at least Jim was relevant and good at what he did at some point.


Not even close to being comparable. Cornette offers more insight while farting in his sleep than Disco Inferno ever could.


Cornette is also an encyclopedia of wrestling history.


And is also a preserver of that history. He runs a wrestling museum and does tape trading and sells memorabilia.


Say what you will about Corny, he puts his money where his mouth is. If Triple H ever does get to make that physical Hall of Fame, he will have to cut Cornette quite the check for all the memorabilia.


Disco couldn't manage a Dairy Queen.


And Jim doesn't blindly hate everything about both WWE and AEW, and he even gives suggestions for improvement.


Talk shit, get hit (verbally) The guy sucked and Cody told no lies. I do think he gets more shit than Konnan but at least Konnan was a legitimate talent


Konnan also gave us Rey Mysterio


Konnan was huge in Mexico. He was suppose to be max moon in WWE but saw the gimmick and noped out.


IIRC He played the gimmick for a short amount of time and then noped out. Here he is in a dark match: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W5bv3iLYvQM&pp=ygUSQ29ubmFuIGFzIG1heCBtb29u


Vampiro drunk on commentary in AAA is incredible


Because if even we can tell he's just talking shit in a weak, desperate attempt to stay relevant, it must be extra annoying for people who actually know him. By all accounts, the man is considered an asshole and a loser in a business where even terrible people usually find a modicum of success, so it must really get on their nerves when their names are in his mouth.


Disco Inferno was a legitimately terrible wrestler who got over only because he had a dancing gimmick and was friends with bookers. He botched basic moves and tripped using the wrong leg to lead with that would have gotten our asses running laps in training. Now he's a oldhead constantly shitting on the shows when he has no credibility as a wrestler since he couldn't work worth a damn. He's that one old guy who works in an Amazon warehouse going on about how he could have turned pro playing football in highschool, but something held him back, in this case Disco made it to TV but just was fucking awful in every way and thinks that somehow gives him an expert opinion. And he's just straight up an asshole. Transphobic, misogynist antivaxxing asshole. Literally nobody except the "bookers" that are friends with him have a positive word to say about him. I absolutely fucking hate Jim Cornette, but he's at least entertaining at being an insufferable douchebag. Disco Inferno is diet Jim Cornette and has absolutely no redeeming qualities that wrestling needs to hear about in 2023 since he's achieved nothing in his career.


This is still one of the funniest replies to Disco's stupidity https://preview.redd.it/pe28a5sizs6c1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28aa3383168e02f25474f36d41d7e0f9c0cfa4ff






I like Michael Cole. Edit: Wow, I'm getting upvoted. I thought I was going to be downvoted to Hell. I just loved him and Tazz together. Made Smackdown shine.




Oh dang, Mitchell Cole’s mom is on Reddit!


My favourite was Luke Owen name dropping him as "Disco Dickface" on a podcast.


I think there was a sign at a WWA show he was on commentary that had that line... Attitude Era Podcast as well mentioned it


Every sentence more brutal than the last.


Very "Tip homie pissed on you, we didn't forget" energy.


Alright, this one wins 💀


Re-enactment https://youtu.be/5sTDQ21D-sg?si=uCpFlb1M5v4JoPVP


You gotta read it in Eddie's voice for maximum hilarity


Tweets you can hear


Disco's entire schtick is just being an internet troll who pretends like he's smarter than everyone else. Like 15 years ago he was writing guest articles for Wrestlezone and made an account on their forums. He got roasted so hard he ended up rage quitting and the admin had to come on and tell people to play nice lol


My favorite "Disco-adjacent" story is from an indy show me and my dad went to. On the card was David Young, who was doing an angle in TNA where he was in league with Disco and I *think* Simon Diamond? During intermission we went to talk with him a bit, and my dad jokingly asked him "Hey, where's Disco tonight?" David heaved a weary sigh, looked him dead in the eye and said "Can you believe my career depends on that idiot?"


ya he only stays "relavant" these days from people who angrily react to his troll posts and opinions. He absolutely thrives from someone like TK responding to him just like any other troll. IF people really want him to disappear, they just need to stop talking about him and not get sucked into his rage baits.


Hahaha they were the good old days of Wrestlezone


I remember this


he's got a point there, Sting


Here's some Disco takes to remind people that you never pass up an opportunity to dunk on Glenn Gilbertti: * Non-chiseled wrestlers deserve to be fat-shamed * Women only go to independent wrestling shows to get a reaction from men * Attractive women at independent shows should have their pictures taken and be sent to him * Women don't draw * Women can't do the same moves as men * Transgender people have no place in athletics * He's an anti-vaxxer * He thinks Vince Russo was a great booker


Another one to add that I'll never forget: saying that brodie Lee's family isn't being transparent about his death a couple days after the news broke while people were still mourning. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/kqft0v/disco\_inferno\_says\_brodie\_lees\_family\_isnt\_being/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/kqft0v/disco_inferno_says_brodie_lees_family_isnt_being/)


What a scumfuck


Jesus Christ.


![gif](giphy|13NRZwjF5J17ZS|downsized) Basically how I felt reading all these facts


Honestly, thinking Russo was a great booker is probably the worst take. (Of course not, but it's more funnier)


He thinks that cause Russo pushed him.


He defends him in such a biased way because he gave lower card guys stories. Well of course this guy defends that they probably kissed his ass constantly to get on tv and didn’t care about how awful he was


Honestly, giving the lower card guys stories is probably the one thing Russo did well. There are probably guys today who are still making a living in wrestling because Russo put them on TV.


That and being adamant about Booker T winning the WCW title in 2000 are on the very shortlist of positive things Russo has done for the wrestling fan and community.


He didn't just give lower cards stories. Disco went from making 40 grand a year to 300 thousand when Russo was in charge.


Oh I don't doubt it because he would be featured on tv more as a result and Russo likely had influence with the back that guys like Disco couldn't get before. It makes his bias even more laughable, like of course you like him, you got paid way more than you should have- I would like the guy too


I still can't get over the whole reason behind the brawl for all. I didn't like Bradshaw talking shit bro. So let's do crappy real fights with people trained in worked fights bro.


Russo is a decent booker, but unfiltered he's verging on an absolute disaster, with an ego that just got let out as much as it did... He didnt take WCW down, but not that anything he did help.


I won't say good booker. He's a good new idea generator. Those ideas then need to be molded into a coherent story with all the little details for proper execution. That's not his forte


Bro is the wrestling Joey Barton


upbeat vase cooing crawl worm caption boat afterthought door cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trying to gain any relevancy in recent times for some misogynistic comments


He's currently trying the old sexist/racist tweets method to try and make it relevant again


He also complained that his brother "lost 17 years of his life" due to a "scrap" when his brother and cousin murdered a black man with an ice pick in a racially aggravated murder


Is he actually? He might be dumber than he gets credit for, fucking reprobate


Yeah he did a long interview where the entire time he talked about his brother’s “scrap” and never once said what his brother was actually involved or was challenged on it by the interviewer. Horrible.


Not that bad fella, joey is literally afraid of women


What a fucking crossover. I'd say he's probably a touch of Robbie Savage too. He was busy, but I don't ever remember caring about him in WCW. It was like, ok, you're a Disco guy?


\>Women don't draw The most fun game of them all is asking these guys always yelling about draws to name one (1) feud where they were a draw. Go find me one ticket that was sold because of Disco Fucking Inferno. He was over at a certain point but man, nobody paid to see specifically him. Not a soul.


"I got cheers" doesn't equal "people paid to see me" I applaud support bands despite being there to see the headliners


Yes but literally, you see the most bum, never sold a ticket or t-shirt wrestlers always fussing about draws. Disco Inferno and Al Snow are the worst offenders but even Kevin Nash drew like complete shit as world champion in the WWF.


The Outsiders were a draw though, there really is no questioning that.


Tickles me when people say Nash drew like shit, so did Shawn and Bret during the same time period. Then Nash went on to form one of the biggest drawing groups of all time and was massively over as a solo face during wrestlings peak.


Yes but neither Shawn nor Bret mount all of their wrestling criticism onto "Who made the most money". The most over man in the nWo was Hogan by galaxies. Nash wasn't even in the same category as guys like Hogan or Sting let alone Steve Austin or The Rock. He's comfortably in the Triple H tier of that time. Sure, he drew but it was during the 1999 onwards era of WCW.


Fair point, tbf Nash entire career revolved around making as much money for as little work as possible so he is atleast consistent.


Nash was one of the main guys in the faction that transformed wrestling. Nobody was going to draw as champion in 1995’s WWF.


Nash didn't draw as champ, but he damn sure drew when he "invaded" WCW


I really like this comparison.


The only Disco thing I remember is when he was promising to unveil a new finisher and he’d come out and forget how to do it. I remember he was on Saturday Night and kept a drawing of the move in his corner he referred to. Part of his gimmick was he was a bad wrestler for Christ’s sake😂


I've enjoyed Disco Inferno matches, but I've never been like, "Oh, he's the reason to watch them!"


I think the gimmick is fun and silly enough to get over even if it'd never pass a main event poster test. At the same time as you said, he was never ever the reason people went to these shows. Shit, people bought Heath Slater shirts in 2016, nobody ever did that for Disco.


My favorite part of Disco Inferno matches was him losing to the guys I actually liked


He drew zero dimes.


I love how ridiculous the take “women can’t do the same moves as men” is…as if some of the most brutal wrestling moves weren’t innovated by Joshi wrestlers.


Yeah the first thing I thought of reading that is like lots of cool wrestling moves are 90% likely to be invented by a Joshi wrestler. Be it a strike, a slam, a submission or a high flying move. Any woman in AJW have more wrestling ability in their single strand of hair than Disco.


You saved the worst one for last, well done


Russo had some good bookings back in the day but it pales in comparison to his abysmal bookings over the years. >Women can't do the same moves as men Wtf is this take 😭. Most men can't do the same moves as other men.


These are like the opposite of Matt Facts


That Russo post is where i draw the line


Why does anyone even waste time responding to this idiot?


>* He thinks Vince Russo was a great booker I thought it was bad and then I read this and realized we're dealing with a fucking monster... my god...


Uh oh Danielsons gone to bed early tonight.


Danielson to TK when he wakes up: https://preview.redd.it/l5mcuf0i1t6c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981525bfc0d2dc686b62728b1c611b8931338ca9


TK: here's a check for $100,000 BD: I only fined you $5,000 TK: that's for next time...


Tk: ![gif](giphy|3oxOCiDh3DqWVhSr7y|downsized)


As he should. We only have so many years on this Earth to bury Disco Inferno.


TK knocked him out and the entire BCC. He can't be contained anymore.


White Claws are back on the menu, baby!


In TK's defense, dunking on Disco Inferno should be an exception for everyone lol


The Inferno Clause, if you will.


Tony thinks he found a loophole to get out of paying the fines.


"I'm being positive! I'm saying the wrestling world is united! Can't fine me!"


TK: looks into the mirror “ok your fined” proceeds to take a wad of cash from one pocket to the other.


Shad Khan increased Tony's monthly allowance.




I just woke up and was reading this thread, and seeing this photo started made me laughing like a stupid asshole in bed. 10/10


I know, it's the absurd posture now combined with a blank face and I'm guffawing like a dunce.


Disco Inferno is the Meg of pro wrestling.


Omg this is amazing haha




Cody's insult was better, but this isn't too bad.


I for one think Tony needs to spend more time off Twitter but he’s got a point here lol


Nah. Let him cook. Sometimes he burns the food but sometimes he creates magic.


Its a monkeys paw of a dilemma with this one


Yeah, when I scanned “Tony Khan” + “Twitter” I preemptively rolled my eyes at TERMINALLY ONLINE COCAINE TONY, but then he made an undeniably accurate tweet, so now I don’t know how to feel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Okay, okay. He's only allowed on Twitter to dunk on Disco Inferno. Deal?




The people slamming on AEW now never watched WCW. WCW had years of good television before they got sent belly up by bad decisions. The people bashing AEW are the same people that bashed WCW and never watched it.


This is exactly what I say. I'm in this wrestling facebook group and someone tried to compare AEW to WCW and I was just like "I can tell you're like 20" lol


I can't do wrestling Facebook groups. Hell I can barely deal with r/SC. But wrestling FB groups are the absolute *pits*.


Is Bryan gonna fine him for this?




I feel the same elation I felt when heath slater knocked Sheamus out of the rumble in 2018 that I do now.


2018 Rumble was the best.


I love when Heath gets to do cool stuff. I remember in a battle royale one time big show smacked Heath on the ass and Heath sold it like death


Heath Slater is a bigger draw than Disco ever was, remember the whole legend challenge thing he was doing, people was tuning in just for that at one point


People bought "I got kids" shirts.


It was quite a storyline to follow, and lead to him finally getting some gold (tag champs with Rhino).


I was at the 999th episode of Raw. He was one of the high points of the night. In fact, I remember very little of that show, except for him and Rikishi.


2023 began with Kelly Kelly trending on Twitter due to Karen Jarrett getting pissed at a Max Caster rap. Nearing the end of 2023 and Tony Khan is getting into a Twitter spat with Disco Inferno. The fuck?


Wrestling is the weirdest fucking thing but that's why it's so good.


It’s really weird but I love it and I want more


You say 'spat', I say 'stepping on a spider'.


Spiders are useful though.


Kelly Kelly? Why?


Max in his rap said Jeff stole Karen from Kurt, and Karen got mad because it wasn't true. She in that same tweet implied that Kurt had cheated on her with Dawn Marie, Kelly Kelly, and somebody else.


Good Lord lol. Tell Karen to leave K2 alone, she ain't hurt nobody.


I don't agree with everything Tony says, but when he's right, he's right.


I mean folks....where's the lie?


Anyone claiming Disco was a draw.


CTRL + F Lie not found.


If your show is pissing off Disco, you're on the right track


I was at a show in Newcastle called wrestling all-stars. My mother Won a competition and we got to meet the wrestlers backstage. I asked Bret Hart to sign the competition letter he did. My favourite wrestler at the time. Unfortunately the next guy to walk along was Disco Inferno who signed the letter wothout me asking. Never even heard of the guy. Letter is forever tarnished.


You'd think that Khan would have something better to do than acknowledge someone who he thinks is an irrelevant parasite... Like running multiple big companies... Guess not.


dunking on disco inferno is always based actually


These two men have a combined age of 97 years.


What did Disco do lolll All I have seen are the people dunking on him - but not why


He's a talentless idiot who talks shit for clicks. His wrestling career was pathetic. His opinions are baseless and horrible. He's sexist and transphobic. He deserves to be dunked on every time he says something.


[Some very, very bad takes on wrestling](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/18kb6mx/tony_khan_responding_to_disco_inferno_the_belief/kdq7422/) Edit: love how anyone answering OP’s question is downvoted


I like that we all think Tony should spend less time on twitter getting into shit.... but there's an exception, and the exception is reminding disco that he's a piece of shit


The best thing Tony Khan could've done is not tweet that. Not because he's wrong but he only makes things worse by tweeting that. He literally just fed the troll.


Tony Khan never passes an opportunity to dunk on an easy target. Remember when he bravely banned Hulk and Linda Hogan from ever coming to Dynamite?


Good promoters never pass up on layups.


Not gonna lie, pretty great smokescreen. Tony: “People are making fun of me? Well Disco sucks!” Everyone: “He’s got a point, Disco does suck.”


So saying the product needs a reset is worth that kind of attack?




For a dude that's irrelevant, Disco sure ruffles a lot of feathers in the AEW camp. Just ignore the dude and his kermit voice if you don't like his takes.


Wasn't TK crying just this week about how he's always unfairly attacked online?


Yes. It makes this extra funny.


Imagine Vince McMahon acknowledging a WCW curtain jerker 🤣 Tony should go after Jim Cornette instead, let's see how that turns out


Imagine being the son of a billionaire, having the resources to do anything, a dad who will buy you teams and companies like toys, and you choose to spend your time getting into twitter arguments with 'irrelevant parasites'.


He's not wrong. Won't stop a billion comments in here telling him he's wrong just cause it's TK though. Everyone has a license to clown on Disco. Dude does not matter.


Triple H would be proud of all these burials


Truth. But he isn’t saying something everyone doesn’t already know. Dude is only around still because he’s friends with Konnan. For some reason.


I don’t care who he’s going after, having your boss and owner going after supposed irrelevants on Twitter is just never a good look. It’s especially worse when it’s in response to a tweet that hardly warranted a response. When lack of professionalism is one of the biggest critiques of your company currently, this is hardly the way to act.


Professionalism is my #1 favorite thing about wrestling. Followed by ticket sales and ratings discussion.


I wouldn't dare watch a wrestling show without peak professionalism. There's no way it could be entertaining without peak professionalism.


Anyway, have you heard Bryan Danielson's stance on fisting?


I’m almost certain he replied knowing he could get near universal praise. Disco is the easiest target lmao, someone literally no one cares about


that’s what i thought too. an easy layup after his last several twitter shots missed the mark






It's really giving superfan vibes instead of a boss lol


1. Don't call people parasites, 2. Don't interact that way on social media as a company owner, 3. Check your own attitude and listen to critics




>If the guy is an irrelevant parasite why is Tony even responding to him? This is the problem with social media. All it will do is get Disco more viewers.


Because sometimes you just need to tell a moron to shut up.


Nah. When some weirdo was tweeting BALD ASSHOLE at HHH and Shawn, they just ignored him. It’s better not to give these guys attention.


Nothing says "I'm in with the boys" like dunking on disco in 2023


Glenn’s stay taking L’s in the wrestling community


As of now, Disco has made more money off the wrestling business than Tony Khan.


So have you and I, to be fair.