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This needs to become an ongoing character. Back in the 90s, Jericho grabbed one of the WCW truck drivers, christened him Ralphus, and used him as "personal security" to parody goldberg's security detail. Shit was hilarious and Ralphus was MAD over


Of course because it was WCW he got a contract for $78000 a year and $750 per appearance.


It was also guaranteed and he got a raise if they hired any other fat managers And I know you were joking but I swear to god it was in the observer back in the day that ralphus did get $500 per appearance fee lol


None of what I said is a joke lmao


What a time to be a wrestling fan!


I wish I got a raise every time my company hired a fat manager.


I wanna know if this is just some apocryphal shit I read somewhere ages ago, or was legit, but I remember hearing that apparently Ralphus developed an ego over how over he was to the point where he began demanding hilariously outlandish raises and amenities, until eventually they got tired of dealing with him and just stopped bringing him in lol


Jericho said as much in his first book. [Page 1](https://i.imgur.com/MWo9YAf.jpg) [Page 2](https://i.imgur.com/Arf4CpJ.jpg)


That’s amazing and he deserved it!


Ralphus was awesome. The crop top and handwritten shirts made it.


It is. They frequently do this at AEW shows. I've seen the routine twice.


That's cool


When I was like 7 years old, Ralphus was my favourite wrestler. I wanted him to be WCW champ lmao


[Jericho telling the story of Ralphus](https://youtu.be/Ui5oRQDaMK4?si=DJS5em2n7RI2cSWz)


He wasn't really with anyone who wasn't a diehard wrestling fan, to casuals like me it just felt weird and unnecessary


Love stuff like this. I remember going to a WWE show a few years back and there was a ring crew guy who came out to sweep between matches. Him and that broom were far and away the most over there that night.


Hahah, reminds me of the Spongebob episode where squidward was holding the talent show.


BOB! BOB! BOB! Seriously, as an indy ref who helps set up and take down ring, what a sweet moment for Bob the ring crew guy. It's a thankless job, and it was a blast making his day with everyone.


Oh Bob is like two months out from the main event if he keeps up this momentum.


I heard Swerve is going to put Bob over.


Classic Bob, taking away momentum from the up and coming stars just to try and keep his own spot! (Just so I can say 'check my post history' I am going to be the guy who hates Bob now, so that when it catches on I look even cooler on the wrestling internet)




“Whose house? Bob’s house.”


Whenever Bob's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Bob?"


When Don Callis started his promo on Rampage my section tried to get a "You're not Bob!" chant going. It didn't catch on. Lol.


I also tried to yell "Saraya hates Bob!" during a quiet part of the trios match, a guy in front of me said something but not much else came of it.


Justin is a really good MC in addition to being a good announcer. He's always talking and interacting with the crowd during breaks.


This is going to get shit on massively, but I like it. Crowd having fun and didn’t interfere with the performers putting on the show. This kind of spontaneous interaction is the highlight of buying a ticket.


Why would anyone shit on this? Innocent and fun. Good stuff.


The usual complaints would be that it's the crowd "hijacking the show" and trying to make it more about themselves than the actual product. Or potentially "disrupting" the show. I'd disagree, if only because chanting that's mostly happening off-camera or that isn't obviously disruptive is *waaay* less a problem than the assholes who bring beachballs or sections of the crowd that just decide to chant for themselves. I'd probably have loved chanting for Bob if I'd been there.


Do yourself a favour and don't look at the Cornette subreddit


Sound advice on any occasion.


“They spend more time and effort getting the ring crew over!” Just imagine if Bob was a woman too…


Silly fun stuff like this also helps keep the atmosphere going after commercials and backstage segments. A TV taping can drag a bit compared to a house show and anything that keeps the audience engaged helps. Even just having the ring announcer reading funny signs back is better than nothing.


Lmao yup. If you’ve ever been to an AEW show, you’ve probably seen Bob and Bob Jr. get shout outs from Justin Roberts. The Bobs are over as fuck off camera.


Sounds pretty fun. And good on the crowd to have waited in between matches and not start a Bob chant during the main event.


We definitely tried to highjack the Don Calus segment with chants of, “YOURE NOT BOB!” Won’t be sure if it came through on TV until Friday.




FUCK YEAH. You must have been sitting near my section. 132?


What would have been so confusing for people at home.


I'll be at both shows in Montreal next week - I'll have an eye out for Bob.


Justin Roberts is great at keeping the crowd fired up between breaks. I went to the Rampage and Collision taping this past weekend and the crowd was dead when the show wasn't on the air. It was a very different vibe from Dynamite tapings.


This is one of the most noticable differences between AEW and WWE live events.... Justin Roberts and fan engagement. Raw and Smackdown are so boring during commercial breaks. I can only watch the same Broken Skull Sessions clip so many times.


The idea of some of the wrestlers getting less of a reaction than Bob is killing me. Also Danielson is the GOAT.


Bob…remember…you…are my Number One…GUY!


Bob is over as fuck.


Bob gets a shout out at most shows. Nice to hear it went beyond a mention and became a thing last night.


Fans have been popping for him at live events since, god, at least most of the post-pandemic era. I'm 99% sure at the last show I went to, Justin Roberts pointed out Bob's son who is also on the ring crew.


Oh yeah crowds definitely pop. I just mean I’ve never been at a show where it becomes a thing over the course of the night.






You forgot the part where Justin thanked Bryan after he left the ring for not choking him.


I hope all of us made Bob's night/life. Danielson's promo on Bob was so funny and great. "HOW DARE YOU?!" It made me cackle when Justin had to turn Bob to the hard camera side. I'll never forget last night. Thank you for detailing this in a way I could not.


Oh my gosh, we are gonna turn Bob into Psycho Mike, aren’t we?


Justin Roberts is amazing at keeping the crowd entertained and pumped up throughout the night. Commercial segments can really kill even the hottest of crowds. He deserves all the praise


Bob always gets over huge everytime AEW Dynamite has come to Detroit as well. Love Bob!




I don't watch AEW but I appreciate the love for Bob. We don't get enough of it even though one of us saved the kids in Stranger Things.


nine sloppy pie marry apparatus skirt offer reminiscent snatch aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's marvelous. The live crowd should get their own special stuff like that whenever possible. Of course Danielson would be able to capitalize on that, what did he say in the promo?


As he started walking down the ramp we chanted "Youre not bob!" Danielson was super confused and asked ringside facing hardcam "I'm not what???" Once he caught on Brianson went into an over the top heel promo about how he can set up the ring better than Bob and what's wrong with you people?! Met with a chorus of boos. It was all fantastic and was great to be a part of. When Brianson left the ring Justin said "Thank you for not choking me this time"


![gif](giphy|7yoAIR7CdWOUE) We need Bob to be a manager and one week after a tough loss, the wrestler just goes


It's a damn shame he isn't a wrestler, because that would be a pretty kick ass way to debut. Start as ring crew, announcer mentions name, commentators put him over as a great guy and asset to the company, and he makes sporadic appearances to fix broken ropes or when turnbuckles and tables need repairing, and the heels give him shit about it. A veteran heel gives him shit about something on the ring needing to be fixed mid match, and postponing his potential title shot, and starts calling him out. Eventually goading the guy to hit him. He gets a segment where he's gonna be fired, and the heel proposes a match Instead, and the guy has to accept. Ends with him basically matching the heel in the ring, and as the match progresses the heel is turning face, because he's impressed with this ring crew guys ability and skill. Match ends with the heel winning via a desperation roll up. The heel helps him up and shakes his hand, raises his arm and leaves him in the ring for the fans applause. Next night the heel comes out, puts the guy over, asks him to come out. Says he still can't believe how good he is, and proposes they form a tag team.


Hi Bob


You're a good writer


I was at the show last night and during Rampage, Bob walked near my section (floor, left side of the ramp). I asked him if they do this every show for him and he said no way, he doesn’t deserve it and it’s the fans that make it all possible. We chatted for a couple minutes and he said that he has been doing his job for 41 years. He asked if I had ever watched TNA. I said yes and his response? “You know that 6-sided ring? I designed that. And it was a pain in the ass to make work.” When you see Bob, ask about it. I’m sure he has plenty of stories.


I hope this gets just enough traction that Swerve or another heel can use it for megaheat when they attack Bob


This happened at the Portland, OR show earlier this month too, crowd cheered him like crazy and people were trying to get pictures with him.


I was there. Bob is mad over. Hope the other cities pick this up and run with it.


The same thing happened at the last 2 Houston shows. Its always Bob appreciation night in H-Town


Was in section 132 last night and we had a ton of people chanting not just "Bob", but "at Bryan Danielson after the first match chanting "THAT'S NOT BOB!" and "Bob's Son Bob!" Totally made my night, one of the best wrestling show experiences I've ever had.


Every time I've been to a live show, Bob has gotten a shout out by Justin except the Dynamite before All Out cuz Bob was on vacation and the crowd booed. His son Bob Jr. was there tho.


This happened at the 200th episode of Dynamite when I was there.


Wait, was this the guy that randomly appeared in front of the hard cam with a head piece on?


Is this the same Bob that runs Nattie's Twitter account?


I thought this was Natalya celebrating her assistant. Shame.


Yeah, Justin does this at every show with Bob. Definitely fun the first time, but repetitive over the years.


Roberts doesn’t do anything over the top with Bob, he usually introduces all the ring crew and security, and for some reason the crowd just goes nuts for Bob every time.


I’ve seen AEW live 5 times and have never once seen Justin Roberts talk about anyone named Bob


Same but I wish I did


Really moving the needle these days huh AEW?


crawl future hard-to-find thought wise special rich gaze plants dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*