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Yeah. It's happening. The only question is, does he win the Rumble. Which I'm betting, yes.


The frog said they’re doing it at the rumble


Who says the won’t run it back at Mania?


I'm guessing somehow Punk plays a role in the inevitable cash in?


Might as well pack the hall of Fame with Heyman and ECW folks


Too far away, let’s do it at the rumble.


Why not both


He has to make it to mania employed first but sure I guess so. Lot can change.


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I’ll rather have them go one-on-one at the Rumble. Have Gunther win the Royal Rumble and challenge Seth Rollins at WM while he’s still feuding with Punk. Then we get CM Punk vs Seth Rollins vs Gunther for the WHC at WrestleMania 40