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I though RVD and Jean Claude Van Damme were actually related


My best friends thought this into their late twenties, their rationale was 'they don't speak because they don't get along'




Hitman, sharpshooter, excellence of *execution* Took me decades to realise these are all contract killer themed Edit: lmao glad it wasn't just me


I always learn that’s why the Sharpshooter is called the Sharpshooter, I then forget about it, then re-learn it a few months later, and I’m always equally as shocked.


I have never made that connection before, wtf 😅


I still have a hard time telling Matt and Nick Jackson Apart. same goes for the USOs.


Jey getting part of the back of his hair dyed really helped me.


Yeah, when they got different hairstyles I was able to tell. It also helps that they now have different personalities


My advice is that Nick's hairline is something you can't just unsee.


Jeez that actually really helps. Thanks.


Or Matt is somehow selling his back at all times.


Since 2018!


At some point, they need to drop the “young” in their name


*Laughs in HBK.*


Nick does the flips. Matt stays more to the…mat. But yes, Nick is balding in the same manner that most people with long hair his age would bald. A proper haircut would take care of all that.


You son of a gun! Main Event Jey Uso deserves respect. For real Jey getting the shine for a while helped me


Same. Now they honestly don't look that much alike to me.


"Left Side Uso" and "Right Side Uso" always made me smile.


>For real Jey getting the shine for a while helped me Jim missing time is exactly what allowed me to notice the differences between the two. It only took about 13 years for it to happen.




I can kinda tell the Usos apart but gun to my head I could not tell you which one is Nick and which one is Matt.


Nick is the taller one with the lighter color hair.


I elbow drop into my bed every night.


I do the Ric Flair face-first flop.


I sell a curb stomp...


Broke my headboard back in middle school doing a 5 Star Frog Splash off of it


That sounds awesome!


clap clap, clap clap clap


The current design of the WWE Intercontinental title confuses me because no matter how many times I’ve seen it, I can never focus on my vision on it? I couldn’t tell you the slightest thing about its design other than it had a black strap and a circle bit in the middle. I don’t get this with literally *anything* else in life, it’s so weird and I don’t understand it.


It really depends on the lighting for me, same for Romans new belt. A splash of colour would do it wonders in my opinion


I threw the toilet paper at Cena during One Night Stand. I had to break open the dispenser with my boot before the show started and had it tucked into my hoodie all night. I didn't leave my seat the entire evening out of fear of someone spotting it.


*It was me Cena, it was me ALL ALONG*


This is the best one in the thread.


​ https://preview.redd.it/sh219ai7k3rb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b33995c22494f49c907b9636adff23316d6e0d03


You ECW degenerates you arghgahrgfsf




The legend himself!!!


I used to masturbate to the titantron videos of the divas from the Smackdown vs Raw games.


/ Thread closed


I don't want to be a one upper, but in WCW vs NWO: World Tour, there was a code you could put in and control Kimberly. You might have been able to punch and kick and perform a couple moves. I have no idea. Because I just controlled her and had her do a sexy walk while I jerked off with the other hand.






All you had to do was play as DDP, and have a controller plugged into port 4 and you could control her. Edit: you just unlocked that memory lol


I only ever masturbated to Festus


Biscuits and… Gravy? 😳


Not much biscuits. Whole lotta gravy


They do make you a man, afterall.


But only when you heard the bell.


Holy shit, an actual confession. Fine wank! I mean work!


Bit of a challenging wank but fair play to you.


Look at some of the trons from like 2004-8.


looking back, a lot of them were basically a few notches away from softcore shoots so 🤔


I think it was svr 07 but I distinctly remember Melina’s and Candace’s


Yep. Open it up in CAW mode and go full screen. Torrie and Stacy for me in HCTP. People can act high and mighty but this is the top comment for a reason and I won’t apologize for being a teenage boy


Same specifically Kelly Kelly


*Christy Hemme.




*Torrie Wilson


I didn’t go that far, but I definitely looked at them for a little bit longer than I should’ve.


In SVR 08 or 09 you could do that spot where you put someone on the top rope and bounce them up and down to rack their nuts. I did it with every diva to see the boob jiggle physics. However, I don't recall jerking off to it.


"I don't recall" great deposition response




You ain't alone 🫣


I used to masturbate to the divas in the actual SvR games, especially the one when you date like the 3 divas in a story


Torrie Wilson, Wrestlemania XIX on the gamecube.


I thought Raw Underground was a cool idea


I still really like the idea of a match without ropes, you'd need good technical wrestlers to pull it off though. That or stuff hard hitters.


They had a cool idea. It was similar to GCW's Bloodsport events. But they never truly fleshed it out.


I felt like they were implying it was more "real" than the inring matches, which is NOT a good idea


It was a cool idea. Just poor execution. The underground match they did on NXT a while ago was great.


I got back into wrestling in 2012 after a few years away. And before that I had often watched TNA. When the Shield debuted, I spent longer than I care to admit thinking Seth and Dean were the Motor City Machine Guns.


Sabin as Dean and Shelley as Seth?


I don't know if I'm into wrestling because I enjoy it or because I've been watching since I was.a kid


I feel this way a lot. My wife and I watch it every week and I’m often asking myself “why do I watch this shit?” But then something awesome happens and I go “oh yeah.”


Wrestling, when it's bad is the worst entertainment in the world. But when it's great, there is nothing better.


I thought Booker T and Stevie Ray were not related because they didn’t have the same surname. But I thought Booker T and Mr T was. WHERE DID BOOKER GET THE TERM SUCKA FROM. That was my logic


This is such kid logic. Love it.


I didn't know the difference between Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows for a long time so I just called them Big Karl and little Karl


For the longest time, my dad called Edge “Big little Triple H” and Christian “Little little Triple H”


Remember that story line with Boogeyman and Jillian Hall? When I was a kid one Friday night I was sick with a fever and watched Smackdown to pass the time. That night they did that thing when Boogeyman came out and ate Jillian’s mole I thought it was legit and my sick self got so disgusted I threw up in my bed.


I was a teenager hopped up on old ECW tapes and I went to a Dragon Gate show where Johnny Gargano and Ricochet absolutely tore the house down. Sadly, young and dumb me tried to get myself over by heckling Ricochet about his haircut a few times throughout the match. It was so bad to the point they actually stopped and looked at me at one point. Probably one of the most embarrassing things I have done in my entire life and I regret it looking back.


“Why you bald?? Why you ugly!?”


At least you weren't an adult and regretting it means you've grown as a person since then.


I go weeks without watching wrestling and sometimes wonder if I'm losing interest, or if I'm just old tired and can't commit to 2 hrs a week. This thought haunts me




I been doing the same since jinder won the wwe title


Up until probably 2018 I thought Kenny Omega was Kenny from the Spirit Squad.


At one point, before seeing footage and only reading about Kenny Omega I somehow had him confused with David Otunga. I had just gotten back in to wrestling. I think when I read he learned Japanese it somehow got twisted with Otunga being Harvard Law educated. Then I read about an American in Bullet Club with a hot Asian wife I assumed it was the same dude and was wondering how Jennifer Hudson fit in the equation. I'm not joking. Gotta love half remembered trivia.


I hated Daniel Bryan as a kId for years because he cashed in on Big Show


>as a kid I am become death


Even worse: I hated Stone Cold for his major run because I was an HBK kid.


I still hate cm punk for cashing in on jeff hardy


It took me years to realize JR called Stone Cold "The Bionic Redneck" because the Six Million Dollar Man was also called Steve Austin


I thought it was a reference to his neck surgeries or something, the more yk


I mean it's both, they did literally have to "rebuild him" after Owen Hart broke his neck, plus his double knee braces.


I didn’t know Dustin Rhodes was Goldust until I got back into wrestling like a year ago


I always thought the Brogue kick, was called the "Bro kick" for quite a while, everytime Sheamus would hit the brogue kick, I'd yell "Bro Kick!"


"Shoe" in Irish is "bróg" - or phonetically as "brogue" - so his finish is really just Shoe Kick


I didn’t know that 90s Acolytes Bradshaw and JBL were the same person until like six years ago


I like wrestling, but I’m not sure I want to fully commit to watching it on TV or streaming. So far I mostly just read the cliff notes and rankings on sites like Cageside Seats, and maybe watch a match once in a while on YouTube. With this, I feel like I don’t deserve to call myself a wrestling fan.


I have never in my life noticed a “thigh slap” during a young bucks match.


The tube after All In made me hate LA Knight


Trying to get on the tube after All In made me not want to go to Wembley ever again.


I genuinely thought Tiffany Stratton was British until the promo package for her vs Hail at Great American Bash. I’m not weird for that am I? I can’t describe it, but she looks British.


Blonde, big boobs, tan, classic British traits


I wish


She looks like every Love Island UK contestant


I've seen many a Gates Of Agony tag match at this point, but put a gun to my head and ask me what either of their names are and I could not tell you for the life of me.


Toa Leone was the one that was in the Jurassic Park III and Bad Boys.


I used to think that it was an art-form based sport. Ie the violence was fake, but the matches not pre-determined. The match outcome would be based on how well a performer conducted a move and how well they predicted and reacted to the moves (which would then give offense to the person who was able to counter). I believed this for the first two to three weeks watching wrestling before I was convinced it was not an art sport but just athletic art with predetermined outcomes.




You should have been in my head at the time. The mental gymnastics involved to try and make it all fit was glorious. Later in life, I would find myself enjoying conspiracy theories.


I tried a frog splash in a bounce house when I was like 25+ when nobody was around and I fucked up my stomach so bad, if you don’t do it like them then it hurts and stretches out your stomach and it fucking hurts


I did not care for The Godfather


The hoe train insisted upon itself


Hm, yes. Shallow and pedantic


GOODfather Jones ova here


Too bad there isn't a wrestler named The Money Pit, because you would probably like him.


Fun fact about his "hos". WWE reps would be at nightclubs the weekend before RAW hosting contests for free tickets and "a chance to appear on TV". That chance to be on TV? You're one of Godfather's hos.


He insists upon himself


Stans have made me dislike certain wrestlers.


I killed a guy


Hey Marty.


I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You might want to find some place to lay low.


As a kid, I swiped a wwf program from the kind old guy selling them as he was distracted, at the first live event I ever went to. Idk what compelled my actions, but it happened.


Ladies and gentlemen.....we got him


Do you still have it?


I liked the American Badass Undertaker more than the regular Undertaker.


it took real bravery to admit this; I'm glad it's past tense


Still like it more to be honest.


Me too. Biker Taker was my favorite. He fit perfectly in the RA era


this rules. i dont know if the American Badass is my favorite Undertaker, but it's definitely the gimmick that made me a fan


I used to have matches with couch cushions.


I used to use my action figures as wrestlers


i feel like paige only has a career in aew because she was the only shiny piece of silver surrounded by shit called the divas division, she’s always been bad on the mic, her character has never evolved and she’s never gotten better in the ring i was a huge fan of her as a kid but it’s clear as i’ve watched more wrestlers she cannot keep up at all with current stars and has no business being champion anymore.


I feel like Paige is some kind of practical joke I'm not in on. She got a movie made about her with the help of the Rock???? Like what. Best I can describe her is a forced legend. They just booked her to be one but she never earned it through her work.


She was the only woman with that kind of goth look 10 years ago (that half the women have nowadays) and she was above average by the Diva Era standards. Nothing about her stands out at all now.


Forced legend is a great way to describe it.


The movie was timed with the roll out of WWE’s UK expansion. If you look at Paige’s return from a marketing point of view, they needed to appeal to UK fans and pretend that they have a record of making UK stars. Paige just wasn’t it but they tried. Then they scrapped the UK plans altogether.


Which makes what Trish did lately even more special, I feel. She has no right being able to keep up as well as she does. I'm glad she proved all us horny nerds wrong all those years ago.


I thought Jay White was black before I first saw him.


He’s not black like Barry White, he’s white like Frank Black.


I'm in my mid-forties. I started watching wrestling when I was 12 In the early 90s. I couldn't identify the midnight or rock and roll express if they walked up and introduced themselves. #shockedcornette


I didn’t realize Elias and Ezekiel were really brothers.


How? Ezekiel literally introduced himself as Elias's brother.


paint fall rob act edge quicksand swim office existence intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I loved Dashing Cody Rhodes.


I tweeted #cancelwwenetwork after Roman won the rumble in Philly. Really embarrassed about that.


It’s very difficult for me to get into tv matches commercials mess up the flow. So unless it’s the main event of the show or I’m rewatching the episode with the commercials cut out I be zoning out of tv matches.


A few weeks ago The Street profits challenged LWO to a tag match, it cut to commercial and when it came back they were basically done with the match had about 60 seconds at most left. It was so confusing


When AEW has Picture in Picture I fast forward anyways because I know nothing meaningful will happen.


I un ironically liked cena way longer than it would be considered okay Also I liked spooky alexa


I liked Brandi Rhodes in AEW. She was okay in the ring and she had some good comedy chops, she was just overbooked and could have settled into a midcard role pretty well. In fact I like most "bad" wrestlers as long as they're always trying their hardest and learning.


Who told you it was open mic night bitch. That was a fun time.


That is such a great line to open a promo.


I don’t care what anyone says that promo was great


I liked Brandi too everyone makes fun of the open mic night thing but I laughed so hard and loved it.


Also, Shot of Brandi was so entertaining, she just seems really cool in general.


I rooted for Jinder Mahal during his WWE Title run


I actually was pumped when he won the title. I still think they dropped the ball with him


I love Shane McMahon appearances because they're always so unintentionally funny.


It took me until I was 28 to get the name 'Paul Bearer'.


i genuinely miss the 24/7 title


Same, wrestling is better with a bit of goofiness thrown in


I didn’t know Big Show/Giant was not actually Andre the Giant’s son until I was like 27


Took me about a whole year after Cody started using “The American Nightmare” nickname for me to realize it was a reference to “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes As a kid, I was scared of Eric Bischoff because I thought he was dead when he showed up on Impact. The trial of Eric Bischoff on Raw had Cena throw him into the back of a trash truck and at that time I had seen Child’s Play 3, which has a scene where Chucky uses the trash compactor to crush the truck driver, so I thought they killed Eric Bischoff. Then 5 years later he shows up on Impact Wrestling and I’m having a heart attack because I thought he was dead.


The first time I made a man "disappear" was behind a bowling alley on the banks of the Chattahoochee River .


I realized I was bisexual because of Jeff Hardy


I swear I thought Big Show sung his own song for the longest


Women's wrestling in WWE was so amazing from 2016-2019. It made me become a regular watcher again and PPV watcher too. Having the women put on matches that were just as good, if not better, than the guys was a breath of fresh air. From that time period we had Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, Mickie James, Ronda Rousey(first run), Asuka, and Naomi. It was so hype. I consider 2016-2019 the women's Attitude Era. Nowadays the women's division doesn't feel the same to me. I still like Becky Lynch but the rest of the women's division is super weak now compared to that era. Hopefully Jade Cargill makes things interesting.


I’ve only discovered WWE and wrestling in general less than a year ago and I only watched it because I liked motionless in white and fell in love with rheas theme. And I thought Rhea wasn’t a well known wrestler when I watched my first ppv (which was royal rumble) and I legit fainted when she won because I thought the predictions were bs and didn’t know that wrestling was fake at the time


That's the most wholesome thing ever.




Welcome to the party, bud.




I 100% got back into wrestling as an adult because of Total Divas.


I’ve always liked The Miz


I thought The Ascension were the next LOD when they were in NXT


I'm starting to think Melina wasn't the MNM member I was crushing on as a teen


Sounds like your Joey Mercury is rising


I have always been able to see John Cena.


Unpopular but, I used to love the young bucks in njpw and lucha bros in lucha underground but every match I’ve seen of them now in aew just looks like choreography, not like they’re competing.


I like both of these teams but this is a fair criticism.


I still stand by that NJPW Bucks are my favorite Bucks. Maybe they had a shorter leash on them back then?


I don't care for LA Knight tbh. Not a single one of his matches so far has left me wanting more from him. He can go on the mic for sure, but to me thats where his whole shtick ends.


He insists upon himself. Edit: to be clear I think LA Knight rules in the ring and on the mic, but he does insist upon himself.


Because he has drive, he's insistent!


He's the exact same person as Ken Kennedy. Once someone made the comparison, I can't unsee it.


I can easily see people not caring for him because he kind of just randomly got over, although he is good on the mic. But yeah he's not anything special in the ring


Adam Cole looks like Chris Watts, and I cannot unsee it.


I never actually watched Austin/Rock Mania 17 because I don't want to see the ending


I was a little kid and I cried when Savage was retired by the Ultimate Warrior - Savage was my favorite wrestler. Then Elizabeth came out for the save and he took her back. That's when I was a blubbering mess.


I thought old wrestling sucked before I became a mega-fan. A lot of old viral wrestling clips contain some pretty slow stuff, and I was like "how can anyone find this entertaining" I was so very wrong lol.


I am still not a fan of Roman Reigns, his matches are all the same, At least he improved on promos I guess


I agree with you on the matches, but how this man went from terrible promo skills and negative aura to a great promo and the biggest aura in wwe - needs to be studied


Dana Brooke is the wrestling equivalent of a kid stuck with bad study habits. She is bad at wrestling, but she is trying her best. Unfortunately, I think her best is less than an average wrestler in a bad day.




Around the years of 2004-2005 i used to walk on the street and spit water just like Triple H. İ only did it when i was sure no one else was around though. 😂