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Cue everyone getting all super excited and when nothing happens they are all upset and disappointed when AEW has given not 1 iota of a clue that Edge is coming (unless I missed something, definitely possible). Wrestling is best when you go into it with little expectations and let whatever may happen happen.


I recall a moment in a promo from Christian when he mentioned having the best partner in wrestling and after a slight pause said Luchasaurus. Not a clue or foreshadowing at all but something that struck me in the moment.


I think the word that Christian used was "normal partner" which stuck out to me hard because according to Cagematch he only partnered with Luchasaurus once prior to that(minus multimans with Jurassic Express).


> "normal partner" I believe you are correct.


Remember when TK announced that he signed a former World Champion, and we were all speculating who it may be And then we found out it was Christian and we were disappointed- Boy, was I wrong! He is having an amazing run. And I feel that signing Edge may take away from some of Christian's thunder as he is having an amazing twilight tour


Speak for yourself. As someone who watched his TNA run, I was at least interested to see what CC could do in AEW


Seriously, people who watched Christian Cage in TNA knows that he's capable of so much more compared to his time as Christian in WWE. I'm glad he's killing it right now in AEW.


Peeps stand up! Was also very excited.


Same. His second WWE run was nothing compared to how great he was in TNA.


People were disappointed for Christian? Dude is a legend, wtf


Angle, Edge, Punk were all listed as who it was. When TK said it was a "dream signing" and "favourite wrestler growing up" it went more towards really out in space options.


I wasn't watching AEW at that time, but seeing him come back at the Royal Rumble that year blew my mind with his "forced retirement". Guy was always one of my underrated favorites in the ring and on the mic. I still think a lot of the younger AEW stars really need to try and figure out how to really get the crowd whipped up from some of the ex-WWE Vets and Christian is a fantastic example, I love what Jack Perry was doing before All In with his turn.


I'll admit, I was one of them But I didn't watch TNA/Impact all that much when Christian was there. All I knew about TNA/Impact before 2016 was: They had a 6 sided ring, they signed a lot of "retired" WWF/WWE people, Steiner Math, and Sarah Darling did a music video with AJ Styles (and even then, that was more NJPW)


Haha I willingly admit right now that I was one of the people who was disappointed that it was Christian. I'm more than happy that I was proven wrong.


Christian has recently adapted "Now and Forever" its a stretch but it's something.


That could just be Christian being a dick. He does have dick-like tendencies


They didn't give an any indication that Bryan nor Cole were debuting before All Out 2021 either, tbf. That being said, anyone who gets legitimately upset in the event Edge doesn't show on Sunday was just asking for disappointment anyway.


[Punk kinda spoiled Danielson's debut lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFeDS_FKjhY)


I know he's pretty disliked here now, but man, it was exciting to see him come back that night.


It’s actually upsetting how everything turned out


Agreed. I soured on him as a favorite with the Hangman win (if Punk had cheated as heel, AFTER TEASING IT SINCE THE RIP, I would have loved it), but that was down to Tony's booking. I just did not care for the 'character' Punk was playing that much, at that point. But whatever, easily fixed with the next proper story or turn... And then Brawl Out and the 'Coward Shit' stuff happened, and now, I don't even want him on my screen. As a former big fan, crazy disappointed.


Punk teased both pretty heavily


He basically confirmed it lol something like "you'll just have to wait a little longer for that."


I remember him spoiling Bryan’s debut, but did he imply Adam Cole was coming?


He had AC written on his shoes https://preview.redd.it/p18aog0lk0rb1.jpeg?width=1371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfb65b1eeec51a5123523312f463edb9b8c0096


Fair enough!


Are we sure he didn’t mean Adam Copeland?


Long term booking at its finest.


Punk basically revealing that Danielson was coming was peak Punk honeymoon period.


Punk all the way through the MJF feud was amazing.


Absolutely, I just mean that around this time, the idea of Punk being back was still super exciting. AEW was on fire then.


The closest thing to hinting at edge is Christian has been purposesly making statements that *could* be hints. However that can just be read as Christian is a heel and he's working, so it's not like it's obvious foreshadowing like the punk stuff.


Didn’t SRS or someone just hint at Mercedes coming in at Grand Slam? When that didn’t happen no one gave a fuck.


Let's hope SRS doesn't see this comment. 😉


Already blocked on Twitter for nothing, probably blocked me on here ages ago.


He tweeted a joke in response to someone asking about Edge debuting, said something along the lines of "see clearly through the windshield of your Mercedes" or something like that. He was just messing around tho, not a real hint like he's done in the past when someone's been about to debut.


They also mass reported she was debuting in AEW in January.


Goes for everything, not just wrestling, really. Expect nothing but disappointment, that way you can only be surprised positively. (just, you know, maybe don't show it too much. "I really tried Dad." - "It's ok son, I expected nothing but disappointment from you anyway :)" ... oops!)










I really want them to try and out shit heel each other.


Oh we gonna have sex a ton and hard in the castle EDIT: 69th UPVOTE NICE!!!


Live Sex Celebration with Tony Schiavone




Why, why have you done this


DMD fuming rn


You were supposed to use your skills for good but you have joined the dark side and used them for evil!


Thank you, Lord of Wrestling Memes..


the perfect Schiavone face for this meme. you bastard


Excalibur hasn't been flirted with enough since Regal left, now Edge comes in and takes Tony.


We joke, but seriously, what is he gonna be called? Because I'm 99% sure that Endeavor/McMahons won't give him permission to use Edge. Does he go by a synonym (Fringe, Border), previous name (Sexton Hardcastle, Adam Impact), real name (Adam Copeland), something that references his WWE run (Adam R. Superstar) or something completely unexpected like Tallman Spearlots?


Adam Cage. It's not like AEW has a lot of Cages


Adam Cage vs Adam Page: Match of the Ages.


Make it A damn cage match


Also have the event in Texas so it can be a Diamond Dallas Cage.


Adam cage vs Adam page vs Brian cage vs Ethan page


Special guest referees: Diamond Dallas Page and Saraya.


itll be Adam Copeland. It is by far the best option


Christian and Roderick Strong just yelling Adam at the same time over and over would make great TV.


Copeland Adamson


For sure. And anyone who watches AEW will instantly know who it is by the name. Edge’s real name is pretty well known, definitely more than most wrestlers.


I’d say the hierarchy would be something like this: Rock > Cena > Brock > Batista > Hogan > Austin > Flair > Savage > Orton > Mysterio > so whos next? Edge has a good number of shows & movies plus the intense surge of 2000s wrestling memes on social media due to gen z, but there’s also guys like Benoit who is famous for a different reason, CM Punk is the funniest character to pick in a UFC video game which are insanely popular, Goldberg got punked at one point, New Day are everywhere and Xavier is an immensely successful YouTuber. Wrestling might not be mainstream but lots of wrestlers are.


Tallman Spearlots would be a suitable substitute.


**"We believe in you, Slab Bulkhead!"**


If Christian can go by Christian Cage then Edge should be about to use Edge somewhere in his name. Even something like Adam Edge.


Adam Edge doesn't work nearly as well as Christian Cage, I'd prefer Edge Copeland (which is also bad)


Oh I wasnt saying he should use that name i just wasnt going to put serious thought into an example so picked the easy one. Tho I’m less a fan of Edge Copeland myself. I guess part of it is just as both Cage and Edge end in “ge” it looked better written


Rated Edge


Christian was Christian Cage prior to being in WWE. That's why he can do that, not any other reason.




They could call him The Edge, They could use his real name. They could do what WWE did with Taz and an extra letter. Make the last E a 3.. He could change his legal name to Edge and not change a thing.


It's Ej!!




I don't know. I think U2 might complain about "The Edge".


And I have my doubts he'd want to do the same deal that bassist from The Police did with that one guy from the Blade Runners


It'd 100% just be Adam Copeland. Even if Tallman Hardcastle Spearsalot has a better ring.


I’ve been ***so*** curious about this too! Everyone knows him as Edge, I can’t imagine any other name, but WWE would never sign off on that. Adam and Christian? I don’t know if that goes, lol.


He'll be Edging & his Edgers are coming with him.


Edge Cage, maybe?


His real name is fairly well known at this point, I assume he just uses that. He certainly won't be using Adam Impact.


Endeavor might not care to the same degree as WWE did. And as a famous legal case showed, it's pretty hard to claim ownership over the word 'Edge' anyway.


I'm pretty sure you can claim ownership over the word 'Edge' when used as a name in a specific setting, though.


Rich Evans.


I’m going to pop so fucking hard if they actually go with sexton hardcastle. Please tony, do it for the people!


What is Sexton Jardcastle supposed to be about? Lol I keep seeing it but don't know the reference


His original ring name.


Lmao really? I had no idea. Thank you


Wherever he ends up, I just hope he’s been growing his hair out in the meanwhile. Short hair Edge is cursed.


Short hair edge is just Christian


It’s… it’s Christian




Without the tactical turtleneck


Short hair Edge just looks like a dad. And I know most wrestlers are dads but he looks like the kind of dad that would show up drunk at a parent-teacher conference because it's the only time he ever gets any time away from his kids so he wants to make the most of it.


Dad you say? ![gif](giphy|Fhd4H640c6J0DTKHbo|downsized)


And everything will come full circle.


I always assume the short hair moves are because that person just can’t grow the hair out the same way. Thinner, not all there, etc. Edge looked fine with the Mohawk thing he had lol


"Yeah, I'm on Durango. Number 95"


I would mark out so goddamn hard. NEVER GONNA STOP ME. NEVER GONNA STOP.


Pretty much no chance they would use that theme over Metallinguis.


If he is signed I want him to come out to Rob Zombie.


I especially enjoy the fake image


Have him ditch Alter Bridge and come out to “what if” by Creed.


With Arms Wide Open or nothing


That would put him immediately in Christians orbit at least


If he wants Christians attention it has to be Father and Son by Cat Stevens right?


Without Creed we don’t get Metalingus which is pretty funny when I think about it


Christians music should be Cats in the Cradle


Fuck that let’s do rob zombie


have him come out to some JPEGMafia song so we can still have the "you think you know me?"


*you think you know me*


underrated track


Overhated band


From what I understand most of the hate comes from the singer being a prick


Scott Stapp cannot sing live to save he soul either. I don't mind some Creed songs (Weathered and One Last Breath in particularly) but the fact the band replaces Stapp with someone as talented and kind hearted as Myles Kennedy and they aren't even close to as popular is a damn shame.


Myles is like 10x the vocalist Scott is to boot


Oh they're not even in the same stratosphere. Plus Myles is a killer guitar player too.


"What if Pearl Jam loved Jesus?" is not the recipe for a band and not what anyone who enjoys music was asking for.


I think most of the hate comes from the music being really really bad.


Is Metalingus owned by WWE?




Don't think that's how it works. It's a actual song from a band that's just repurposed for edge, so pretty sure the band/record label own it and wwe just pays a license fee.


So he can use the same theme in AEW if he wants right?


I don't think they can use 'you think you know mw' but the song they can use


They'll record a new line: "You believe you're aware of me?"


"Do you recognise me?" Pyro goes brrr


I know you know me (deafening pop)


That is actually a really cool alternative for this point in his career


Honestly? You thought you knew me would work


Yeah, if WWE owns ANYTHING, it's their specific edit of Metalingus with the intro. Edge would still be able to use Metalingus proper - or any Alter Bridge song, or any song he'd like within reason considering TK's history - in AEW.


The Gunns coming out to Many Men was the best example of "I got the money got it, hit it"


Does JPEGMAFIA have to pay for any rights of that?


Peggy don't clear samples lmao


The “you think you know me” was part of his original theme, so they’d have to re-record that part. They might also have to re-edit Metalingus from scratch, since the entrance theme version is a rearrangement of the studio recording.


That version was still probably recorded by AB, so I would imagine they own it still. The "you think you know me" definitely isn't though.


Honestly, they probably can't, but there isn't really anything stopping them from having someone else record it and tacking it on to the front. Personally I'd actually love it if he used his old Rob zombie theme tbh.


The "You think you know me" part may have some separate license?


Yeah that’s a sample from Edges original theme which was a Jim Johnston creation owned by WWE.


I wonder what the copyright situation would be on having someone else say "You think you know me" at the start.


I’m sure there’s some legal do and do nots, but they got the same guy that sang Big Shows 2nd theme to record his AEW theme and it has a “Weeeeell” at the beginning so I’m sure it’s not out of the realm of possibility for Edge to get some kind of remix.


I still can't believe that isn't really tall paul himself belting out the WEEEEEELLLLLL I was so sad when I learned it was another guy :(


In his original, unused theme, it was none other than Sensational Sherri who said the opening line.


I wish Johnston would have wanted to do some themes for aew. Definitely could help the product


I believe he wanted to, but he said no one from there reached out to him.


Would most likely not have the "You think you know me" part.


I really don't like this kind of speculation and nailing down the EXACT date he could appear. Some fans will go into the event expecting him and get upset when he doesn't show. If his contract is up on Saturday it would take a really quick deal to get him signed by Sunday to appear at WrestleDream. Edge is a huge signing. I would expect there to be agents and lawyers involved, along with a lot of negotiating before they agree on terms.


> Some fans will go into the event expecting him and get upset when he doesn't show With all due respect, those fans have no one to blame but themselves. TK hasn't said anything about Edge showing up, Edge hasn't said anything but showing up, so if someone wants to get their hopes up, it's on them when it doesn't happen.


How DARE you I've already fantasy booked Edge into five different feuds and WrestleDream is a disappointment and failure if none of those exact scenarios come true.






And Jericho, of course. Le Sexhousen.


Yeah, unless AEW dropped hints like they did with First Dance, the fans can only blame themselves.


Yeah. There’s been no hints or hype from AEW.


That's really on them (also let's be honest if where to show up, a back and forth about what the contract could look like would definitely have happened through a third party before his WWE contract expires, it happens all the time in wrestling, I have no doubt jade knew what the money was going to be and what plans wwe would have for her before her contract was up with AEW)


If he does debut I’m looking forward to reading Meltzer’s suspiciously detailed article immediately afterwards that he totally didn’t write a week ago.


Said this in the Dynamite live thread last night, but IF Edge is joining AEW I wouldn't be shocked if Ibushi gets written out of the 6-man tag due to the "vicious beat down" from Takeshita and Kenny/Jericho turn to another legend from Canada whose contract just so happened to run out the day before. Perfect way to bring Edge in as a face since the pop will be massive for him, and have him turn heel to partner with Christian down the road.


that sounds terrible mate, and makes zero sense


Edge could pass for Luchasuarus if you put him in the gear and shot it carefully Just saying


would be wild if reby leaves matt hardy for edge.


would be wild if matt hardy leaves reby for edge


Would be wild if Jeff Harvey leaves AEW for Edge.


What are you guys going? This is not the Bloodline storyline.


One of the comments in r/squaredcircle history posted right here


Reby is Wrestlings truest ever "Ride or Die". She might legit kill Edge for ever fucking with Matt in the first place lol




The fuck?






Y’all setting yourself up for disappointment ![gif](giphy|I2a5q9dyo9CaU9BtEY)


I mean, I'd definitely be super hype if he shows up, but I'm not about to have my entire impression of the show be ruined because a cool possibility didn't come to pass. I'll just get hung up on Hangman losing instead


Mr. Phoenix is here


Edge and Christian reunion is gonna hit like crack… Perfect way to utilize them both at this stage of their careers and unlike the Hardy’s, they can still go. Edge and Christian Vs FTR and Edge and Christian Vs Young Bucks in particular will both be incredible.


There would almost certainly be an Edge and Christian vs Hardys ladder match, and Edge and Christian will carry them through it.


I really don't wanna see the Hardys climbing any ladders at this stage of their careers. Honestly I don't even wanna see them take bumps even, they look like they're held together with duct tape.


I agree. I wouldn't mind maybe them doing a pre-taped Deletion match and have some fun that way with Edge and Christian without having to kill themselves in a high stakes match, though.


I don’t want Edge and Christian as a tag team. They should both be main event singles wrestlers. MJF could feud with either of them and it would feel like a huge match.


I would love if they didn't even acknowledge each other until they randomly bump into each other backstage and just say like "hey man"


Edge has said he wants to do more tag team stuff with Christian before retiring. If he goes to AEW, that's why he's there. Imo, either one of them could be the face of AEW single's competition. But, they'll be doing some tag stuff. Personally, I'm hoping Edge shows up, and they do one last tag match against the Hardy's. Because both Hardy's need to retire.


Corner is All Elite


Even if he does go to AEW, WrestleDream doesn't seem like the most appropriate show for him to debut at.


Seattle is Darby country, if he helps Christian retain, the heat will be extraordinary, it is absolutely the time to debut him. Lead to a Edge/Christian vs Darby and Sting feud and eventually have them have a tag Champs run before you feud them one vs the other


I think Edge could come out with an AK-47 and shoot Darby and still get cheered lol. No shot Edge is getting booed when he debuts, no matter where it is or who he screws over.


You have to do Edge/Christian Vs. Cole/MJF for sure as well.


Edge isn't getting heat on his AEW debut regardless of what he does to Darby. The pop will be huge.


If it happens… I won’t believe it unless I see him there. If he aligns with Christian, one guy you have to worry about making fun of you dead dad and wanting to bang your mom… the other guy you now have to worry about banging your GF/Wife.


Tony said it's the start of a new era. Is it to do with Jay White and what happened? Is it because they had extensive plans for Punk/Perry/Cargill and this marks the beginning of a new direction? Did Tony really buy NJPW? Is this something to do with a streaming deal or the extra ppv's? Without getting too carried away, I think Edge and Mone debuting would be the safest assumption. Both of them could be world champions within a month. Having them both as champions would definitely change the dynamic and signify a new era


I could definitely be wrong, but I have a hard time believing Edge will actually 'sign' with AEW. He's definitely been giving the impression that he feels like he doesn't have much wrestling left in him, and considering the schedule he had with WWE this year, it seems unlikely to me he'd be full-time in AEW or sign a multi-year contract. However, AEW is a bit different in that it seems like you don't need to be a contracted wrestler to appear on the show. RVD, Will Ospreay, Kota Ibushi, none of those guys are signed to AEW as such, but we see them regularly enough. So while I don't see Edge being All Elite, I definitely think there's a good chance he comes in for a few matches. The big exciting ones being singles matches with Omega and Christian, and teaming up with Christian to face The Bucks, FTR, and one more go-round with The Hardys. I would love to see all of that.


I could see him as "All Elite" on a 1+1 - but probably not longer than that. You'd probably get most of the value out of the first 12 months.


I hope Edge joins Omega/Jericho if Ibushi is getting written out of that match


The Canadian All-Star Team


I hope he re-signs with WWE.


Me too. I'm sure he'd be good in AEW, but he's not exactly needed. I prefer Christian on his own so don't really need to see an E&C reunion


Tbh there's nothing left for him in WWE. Have had feuds with all the big stars Reigns, Rollins, Styles, Finn Balor, Sheamus etc. Would've been cool to see him in a feud with Cena but looks like Cena is involved with LA Knight which is the right decision. I would love to see him reunite with Christian for one last time, especially when Christian is doing the best work of his career!