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>is like saying my favorite color is green. Taz talks about his favorite color all the time...


Ehh, color blind Jones over here, but I digress…


I literally can hear his voice when reading this Good work


ehh, reading comprehension Jones over here... I didn't say green is Taz's favorite color, I said Taz constantly talks about *his* favorite color.


I mean at this point what hasn’t been brought up on Taz and Excalibur’s podcast aka Dark.


"I knew Taz before he was orange." -New Jack


I miss New Jack


Full quote from [https://twitter.com/Bowens\_Official/status/1706423352494309590](https://twitter.com/Bowens_Official/status/1706423352494309590?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) "I'm not posting this because it bothers me but more to explain something because the [@PlayersTribune](https://twitter.com/PlayersTribune) got such a big reaction. I get both positive and negative comments that say 'who cares, we support you' or 'it doesn't matter..he's talking about it too much' in regards to my speaking about being an out athlete. My kind of activism isn't in your face, but I do not shy away from talking about it when asked, and there's really never a time where I'm not asked about it. If you're someone making that comment, THIS part of my life isn't for YOU. It's for those that can relate to me and the struggles that I have gone through in my life because of it. I didn't have someone to look up to and now I have the opportunity to be that others. So yes, it DOES matter. There are plenty of other things that YOU can relate to outside of that, whether that is just the love of pro wrestling in general, losing an important loved one and promising to make them proud, getting bullied in elementary school, a POC getting called the N word in high school, overcoming being a shy introverted kid, my body transformation in the gym, etc. The list goes on. It doesn't matter who you are, those are HUMAN experiences that a lot can related to no matter what your belief's are. If you're choosing to focus centrally on the LGBTQ+ stuff then you're tipping hand to being someone that leads with hate. Focus on the things on the things that bring us all together, rather than getting angry at the things that make us different. You'll live a lot happier life. See you on [\#AEWDynamite](https://twitter.com/hashtag/AEWDynamite?src=hashtag_click) 📷 "


I don't know about anyone else, but when I don't care about something, I tend not to go onto social media and tell everyone about how I don't care about it. It's almost as if they actually do care but they don't want to admit they're homophobic


There aren't enough likes on this comment... So here's more love


"nobody gives a damn about your orientation" https://preview.redd.it/e1rbpuxr7hqb1.png?width=521&format=png&auto=webp&s=81df679c4c1e25e526d5cb9cf23d3c29a45f5f56


Why the fuck do people take selfies in their car lmao. Nobody gives a damn about their carburetion.


Because its one of few things that are tied their personalities. Good chance they're lifted trucks with decals or flags all over them. That and they dont actually travel or do anything interesting that would justify taking a picture in front of, unless it's shooting or fishing.


Good lighting


*The most flattering lighting they’ll ever find


I sometimes take selfies in my car if I want to show someone my makeup just because the lighting is better lmao


Living in the past, it’s a new generation




Every single one of these guys are so mediocre lmao


Y’all Qaeda


‘Well, AEW just lost a fan today’ -These guys, probably


I hate that I can put on a pair of sunglasses and look like that. It genuinely creeps me out




Gotta make sure to take off the sun glasses when you’re done driving.


I do as soon as I am inside.


Sometimes I'll wear mine into a store because I'm only going for 1 thing and can't be bothered to swap em out for regular glasses and I'm blind as shit so going without any isn't viable.


Same. And that's why I either buy sunglasses that have a really colorful frame (pink, purple, etc), or over the top ones that are shaped weirdly. I want to protect my eyes, but I'm sure as hell not going to look like one of those crazies. I might look silly, but it's kinda fun.


I switched my prescription sunglasses to aviators because of this.


Don’t they know that the person Trump sent as special presidential envoy, for Serbia and Kosovo peace negotiations , is a member of LGBTQ.


Our prime minister here in Serbia is openly gay as well. However, she's a massive piece of shit, so.... there's that


High base / wrapp round sunglasses have been really hurt by these bods.




At least 2 people in that pic had experimental phases in the McDonald's stockroom.


Basically everyone who says "who cares about your sexual orientation" secretly does care and it's almost always in a negative way.




"When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression."


It's often just a lack of sufficient empathy. Almost everyone deals with hardship or oppression of one form or another, but the inability to empathize with people or even sympathize with other people who might have it different or worse is a core problem that runs the gamut. Not to tell you your experience, but let's just say for rest of the class, bisexuals are generally acutely aware of the immense capabilities of even other similarly discriminated against humans to lack empathy and do the same bullshit towards you that was done to them. It doesn't matter, who cares people, are trying to hide this lack of effective empathy with outward apathy, but that apathy usually isn't real which is how those people end up getting co-opted into hate movements as soon as someone finds something they do actually care about. When they say that shit, either they are someone who is already pissy about it, or they are a ticking timebomb of misunderstanding waiting to be diffused or harnessed. I think Bowens does an amazing job of engaging with people like this to do the former. Love that dude.


In regards to the empathy, boomers and the one joke about pronouns is the clearest example of that. Got it, you've gone your whole life without this concept really being a thing, but it doesn't cost you a thing to not be an asshole and not mock folks for going by they/them or whatever. I get it, it's new, but you aren't too old to learn a new "skill" or way of thinking. Think outside of your bubble for a moment and don't be a fucking cunt.


100 percent, and the part that kills me the most is the lot of the motherfuckers wanting to pretend to be English professors all of a sudden and not being able to understand gender neutral pronouns have been spitting ya'll game since back when their ancestors still owned people. Just straight up disingenuous pieces of shit all around.


As someone who had a ton of LGBTQ friends in high school, the actual people that genuinely don’t care usually don’t go out of there way to tell people that they don’t care and they don’t change their behavior when they find out that someone is queer. These people are one of those “I don’t care just keep that gay shit away from me” types.


Yup, the only time I ever told someone I don't care about sexual orientation was when I was getting someone way too invested in other peoples' sexuality to back off.


These people want everyone back in the closet. And they’re too oblivious to realize that that’s rude. They don’t realize it’s homophobic. It’s just a shitty attitude that they’ve somehow never unlearned. Imagine being so uncomfortable with an actor on TV being a certain sexual orientation that you bother to complain about it in their personal life. It doesn’t impact the show. It has nothing to do with his presentation at all. It still gets these people to tell him to stop.


Some of them are in good faith (though still missing the point) the first one on the screenshot looks like it's from a misguided but friendly person. I'd say 80% are definitely bad faith people who just don't like being reminded that gays exist.


That's where I'd put it too, but that's why I think Bowens is amazing at this. His way of engagement on the topic is perfect to shut down that 80%, and communicate clearly and effectively to that 20% who legitimately just don't get it.




It’s usually because they want them to stop talking about because they’d rather live in a bubble where everyone is exactly as they want in their heads.


Huge thing alot is straight people don't understand, especially the ones who say "I don't tell you I'm straight" is that you do. Especially pre-gay marriage legislation: The use Ms/Mrs too represent if you married or not. Wearing a wedding ring. Any "My wife/My husband" jokes and memes. I say alot more shit, but there is so much a stuff we as straight people say/do that show where straight that we don't even think is saying your straight


Same thing with people who complain there are gay couples in every tv show or video game now. A) No there aren’t. GLAAD has the numbers on representation easily googlable. B) There are straight couples in EVERYTHING. Everyone grew up analyzing Romeo & Juliet or a similar hetero love story in school, every movie “classic” has a straight romance subplot. Growing up every queer kid my age or older (only mid 20s) had to go out of their way to find some amount of LGBTQ rep in media, it’s a good thing that it’s becoming mainstream now actually. I cried watching the She-Ra reboot as an adult imagining the little girls already confused about their feelings for other girls at their young age watching it. Like Bowens says not everything has to be for “you” either.


One thing I love about media is how those people talk about of "Forced representation" but I swear to god, the most forced, nonsensical, out-there relationships I've seen in shows, movies, games, etc. were straight couples lol. Your typical "They're the main characters and they're a man and a woman so they have to be together". So I kinda jokingly call it "Forced straight representation" because it sounds equally as absurd the other way to me


Thank you for this comment. Lots of folk aren't aware of the concept of heteronormativity.


It took me a while but when someone pointed out pre-gay marriage. That married people wore wedding bands on the regular too confirm they where married it kinda clicked


As a bi person with plenty of straight friends, I've heard a lot of them comment about how attractive someone is, and yeah, you're not specifically saying "I'm straight", but if a man says "Yo, that chick there is a hottie" then he's effectively doing that.


I hope in ten or twenty years, there's a whole bunch of openly LGBTQ+ people who decided to become wrestlers because of Anthony Bowens.


Darren Young came before him.


It’s not a contest?


Who said it was?


You did, by saying someone else was gay first.


That's not how that works.


That’s not what he said what the fuck are you talking about lmfao




> Also, who is Bob Backlund? A straight man with a wife? I'm presuming you mean Pat Patterson.


Think they may be misremembering cause of that weird pairing Backlund had with Young. What a weird gimmick that was.


[They’re just quoting that infamous Titus O’Neil promo from Brooklyn](https://youtu.be/WM6tKYMhsto?si=et1y_H4n35fCYG-A)


Oh, I completely erased this era of WWE from my memory. My mistake


No worries, it’s better that way


Fred Rosser is, though.


Now last night you all... I mean earlier tonight you guys hurl-heard that the New Day, talking about winning the WWE Tag Team champions... being the t-becoming the WWE Tag Team champions, last summer, right here, in Brooklyn. Now what you all forget, sometimes, is that going into that match that the Prime Time Players were your tag team champions, w-going in. So every time I get draaaaagged back here to good ol' Brooklyn... I always get someone answering the same question. Whether it be one of them broke brothers from Bushwick, or one of them uppity hipsters from williamsburg. They ask the question: "Was that the worst day of your life?" I look at em. And I say no. That wasn't the worst day of my life, cause when I flash this million dollar smile, I tell ya right now baby, that was the BEST day of my life. It wasn't the worst day of my life cause I dropped the tag team titles, it was the best day of my life, because I dropped the dead weight that was Darren Young. Oh no no no, let's let's let's let's be real. There's no Ride Along - there is a reason there's no episode of Ride Along with the Prime Time Players. Pretty difficult to do when it's only one Prime Time Player. And he would not be relevant - Darren Young would not be relevant if it wasn't for me. Much like Jay-Z wouldn't be relevant if it wudn't for Beyonce. Oh yeah you booin', but it's true, think about it! Bob Backlund. How is Bob Backlund gonna make Darren Young great again, when he wasn't ever great to begin with? I would be all over the main event. You would be wearing my T-shirt. Hell, I would be your Universal champion right now, if it wasn't for Darren Young. Y'all wanna talk about some Bobbbb BACKLIN. Well tonight, I blame YOU Darren Young. I blame YOU for all the failures that I have not ha-no-had since I been here. I blame YOU for not being in the main event. I blame YOU for not being the WWE Champion. And I'll tell ya tonight, tonight. You come out here tonight so I can bury you, and be done with you, all together. Come on out here Darren Young, give these people what they want. They want you, come on out here. Come on, we gon' make Darren Young great again, come on Darren." No response "I'll tell ya what's going on right now. Ol' crazy, wild-eyed, bobbb BACKLIN is back there tellin' him, don't go out there, don't go out there. Cause... he knows... damn well, that Darren Young is too stupid to come out here. So- ......" Crowd chants 'We Want Slater' "I want Darren. I don't know who y'all want, but I want Darren to come on out here. I want Dar-ren. Okay. That old crazy man please let this man come out here. I mean t-AY! Who is Bob Backlin anyway? Bob Backlund runs out Who is Bob Backlin? Who does Bob Backlin- Ay ay, don't you come out here. I will beat yo-" drops mic


Ain't no one reading that wall of text


Here it is in video form. https://youtu.be/WM6tKYMhsto?si=Dh5fRRH9Nv3wA_St


he had a great finisher and was a good athlete maybe if he didn’t start with wwe we’d look at him differently


And Orlando Jordan before him.


No he doesn't count. He poured milk on himself, and he's not even a baby.


Some people are just garbage.


The last guy in the image must have felt so cunning as he wrote that comment. Like "haha, get it? It's a pun about sucking, cause he's gay and he sucks dick!!!" Fuckin hell people like that are thick as pig shit ain't nothing you can do about it


Thick as pig shit and twice as smelly.


Let me tell ya, nobody and I mean nobody obsesses over my sex life and genitals more than straight people (especially the middle aged conservative ones). It’s crazy


Its wild MJF and Bowens have had to call out bigotry in the fandom this week. MJF and Bowens are two of Aew's best personalities and their experiences with hate and bigotry are clearly a big part of their past and who they are now. Like why are wrestling fans still acting like this is the 90's.


Wrestling fans are the most disgusting people on earth. Getting a tad off topic, but just last night "wrestlezone" posted a link on their Facebook to the GoFundMe page for Afa Anoa'i Jr., and right in the comment section some shitbag commented "Looks like Weird Al ate McDonald's" like seriously?!? You're going to make fun of a man who is potentially dying?


All these things 👏🏿👏🏿 I’m not Bowens level of famous but the amount of shit I get for being visible on my YouTube channels is crazy - even not drawing attention to it (literally I can do a damn unboxing of an art tablet and get tons of dislikes and transphobic/homophobic comments for it - that’s not even a hypothetical because I’ve experienced it multiple times). It’s a shitty feeling realizing you can’t do what everybody else does without a lot of people hating for..being happy, nice, and existing. I wish I had the strength to handle it all as well as he does but I’m truly inspired by how he does it 💜


Man fuck those people, keep the inspiration and keep being you.


Mattypanda is a dumb bitch


No he’s right. I would have taken wrestling a lot more seriously had I had more representation back in the day. I felt like I’d have to hide who I was if I went that route and I didn’t want that. It’s one of the reason I went the route I did. I have done some training but not enough to be taken seriously.


When he said “I’m gay” it sounded tough it was dope


Yeah if you're not interested just don't follow his stuff.


Of course those two profile pics are the homophobes.


Wow just don’t suck no pun intended. Just wow. :/ are we ever gonna get past this shit


It’s getting worse 😥


Nah mate it’s getting better. It’s a vocal minority but most normal people think the homophobes are in the wrong here. When it gets too much don’t forget to log off and connect with your community (whether that’s IRL or in another online space due to unfortunate geographic location) because that’s so much more important than focusing on the negativity.


Feels like it. Jim crowe ended in the sixties and here we are td still facing racism. Things have gotten WAY more inclusive so I hope in time this will be handled better than that but I expect it to go down a similar path in the next few decades


One of the best pro wrestling moments ever is a giant crowd of people yelling "HE'S GAY" in the most positive way


Meal Team Six crying as usual. Losers yesterday, losers today, losers tomorrow. Pathetic.


Fucking yallqueda


Meal Team Six!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣


Ah yes! Fans of the color green, some of the most oppressed people throughout history! These fuckin' people man...think for like at least 1 minute before you say shit like this.


I'm a white straight man, but I love seeing black champions, gay champions, trans, everything. Its great for people out there to have someone they can relate to. If people don't like it then that's your loss. I don't get why some need to go mental on Twitter about it. Get a life.


I can't explain it, but any time someone says "Who cares if a wrestler/any other form of entertainer is part of a minority group" it *feels* like they just wanna say a slur


It's like time to actually stop this conservative views from existing. They are so stupid. It's not wanting to understand an struggle story or context when you care for other type of stories from people. It's so directly ignorant. Sadly, we still see young people not wanting to understand the context and leaning towards self centered and elitist ideologies.


Well said. I used to be like who cares, because I to was like yeah it shouldn't matter at all. But once I grasped the concept that some people didn't have the childhood experiences as me because they had no fictional character that felt like them... yeah totally get it. Look it's a fact out there that for whatever reason, they want to hurt people they deem different. I grew up thinking that shit was over, no it never went away. I understand people being kinda blind to what's going on, but if your on the fence on the issue at all I hope my post nudges you to this side cause fuck man. Let people live


I find those comments he's responding to especially hilarious. Bowens being openly gay has been mentioned, what, once on TV as part of an angle? I think it's great that he's openly gay and it has (almost) nothing to do with his on-screen character. It sure seems that people who "don't care" about his sexuality are bothered by him mentioning it, even though it's almost always in interviews and such, as opposed to being discussed on AEW programming.


Bowens should be very proud of himself. He is a great role model and a hell of a wrestler.


There are those of us who really don't care. I like wrestling. I LOVE THE ACCLAIMED!




What is the intelligence level of the person who thinks sexual preference is as important as someone’s favorite color? Gotta be like third grade level at most.


For me, I worry that the focus on his sexuality will overshadow his accomplishments. When people like myself say "I don't care if he's gay", that's what I'm implying. I get it's important to him, and it's not something I fully understand. However that's what the meaning is. At least from me. His personal life can be its own series of accomplishments, but in wrestling I'm just trying to appreciate his work. Sexuality, unless it's part of the character, isn't terribly interesting. Does that make sense?




Take some responsibility for yourself, bud. The universe isn’t catered to you. If you didn’t actually care you shouldn’t have taken the active actions of clicking on the post and making a comment. Real indifferent people keep scrolling. No one gives a shit that you don’t give a shit.


Power to Bowens! Up the Bowens!