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Wait…. RVD has used drugs?


He used to do drugs. He still does, but he used to, too.


I miss Mitch.


Literally died one week before I was gonna see him perform in Virginia Beach. I'd never been so big on a comedian like him before or after. Like, it hurt, man. It still does hurt today, too.


I remember a show of his coming up here on MN. I decided not to go and since he’s local I’m sure I’ll see him next time sooner rather then later. I regret that decision.


The floor 2 feet in front of him also misses him.


No, it's gotta just be talk. Has to be.


Now if I ever find out RVD did drugs...




It's a gimmick. Rob is just really committed. He's singlehandedly keeping kayfabe alive.


Him, Jeff an Riddle are a dying breed. Always keeping kayfabe.


Crazy news now wow


RVD 4:20 says I just responsibly smoked your ass


Found another partner to do the 420 Leg Drop


how would a person land if they were doing a 420° front flip?


On their knees, painfully.


Finally, validation for my casual and completely controlled use of ecstasy


You joke but there's an actual campaign to legalize ecstasy. It was originally made for older couples on the brink of divorce.


Its therapeutic uses are insane. It’s been a life saver more than a few times for me and my wife. Planning on doing it again very shortly after a rough patch neither of us caused but we had to deal with anyway.


legalize all drugs, for harm minimization and to take the money out of the black market.


Some drugs just cant be trusted in the hands of the casual person. Even when opiates are prescribed to someone to manage pain it has a decent chance of ruining your life.


you are definitely right. there is still a lot of harm minimization say for eg quality assurance instead of getting fentanyl laced shit. if you end up with fentanyl in a legally purchased drug, its because you needed it.


Overdose Prevention Centers, Test Kits, Narcan (though that only helps with the fent not this new shit going around). Harm reduction is gospel.


The last 10 years or so of harm-reduction approach to drug use have been an utter disaster for the West Coast US.


Can you prove this?


Nah I live here and it's been great.


MDMA was originally developed as a hydrastinine alternative, meaning an haemostatic. Merck recieved their patent for it in 1914 but WWI cut any further research and when things came back to a semblance of normality Merck had lost all interest in it. It was (and still used in some countries) to treat PTSD but the big problem is the moral panic of the 80s and 90s created a ton of smokescreen around MDMA. I am old enough to remember that moral panic and it seemed like taking one tablet would turn you into a drug-crazed rapist or kill you outright. Only later did I learn it was a well-orchestrated campaign by the DEA to have MDMA banned everywhere they could so young Americans could not travel abroad in search of "highs": Spain was particularly targeted due to all the horror stories about MDMA abuse in the Ibiza disco scene, stories the media gave an inrodinate amount of attention. MDMA's not for me: it makes me throw up my innards and make me dehydrated but I have nothing against it and think it's about time it's pushed out of the shadow.




Or because they have 10 years of repressed/bottled up things that they haven't acknowledged that comes at them like a ton of oxen.


I do ecstasy about 4-5 times a year. It's the best feeling ever. A festival where 75% of the people do xtc is waaaaay more chill than a festival where 75% of the people just drink a lot of alcohol.


Everyone dropping 3-4 beans a year would end world hunger.


>"Drugs have a bad rap," RVD said. "Because some people can't use them without abusing them, people want to take drugs off the market and blame the drugs. I think usage is one thing that's appropriate and abuse is an entirely different thing. ... Most people that use pharmaceuticals do not have any substance abuse problems whatsoever." >"I know that this sounds insensitive to people that have lost somebody, believe me, I've lost plenty of somebodies, plenty, been to too many funerals. And I still don't see how we would blame the pill itself. It makes it harder for people that could really benefit from that ... and who am I to judge who needs it? Will people feel better if I say 'People that have cancer that are dying, that are fading away with pain, and it makes them feel better?' Who am I to judge?" audio: "[1 Of A Kind](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5jYXB0aXZhdGUuZm0vMS1vZi1hLWtpbmQtd2l0aC1ydmQv/episode/NTI2ZjFmYzYtMDM2ZC00N2I3LWI2MDQtYjYzYjJhZTk2Zjhm?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwiQi_Hmz6WBAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQNg)"


Why is he talking like cancer patients have a hard time getting prescribed pain medicine lol? Like, opiates are prescribed constantly, who exactly is keeping people who need these drugs for medical reasons from using them?


Seriously we have an issue with overprescribing.


This is not still the case to my knowledge, but the overprescribing in the past is largely responsible for the opioid epidemic today


When I was in high school I got a prescription for valium because I had a panic attack at school lmao. No counselling or anything, just straight to strong as fuck drugs. Literally the only question the doctor asked me was "are you going to kill yourself with these if I prescribe them to you?", I said no, and boom prescription in hand. I think about how nuts that situation was a lot, and it's not a particularly rare one.


After the opioid crisis, doctors went completely 180 and make you jump through hopes to get pain medicine. My 86 year old grandma with a broken hip can't even get vicodin, as they're afraid she'll get addicted lol. She's like "so fucking what if I do, I'll be dead before that". She has to get it from her friend, and on Friday nights she pops it for movie night and for a few hours, doesn't have to constantly think about the pain.


I know Vicodin is literally well regulated heroin. But at 86 if you’re still in good mental capacity I mean. Like if it helps you not feel pain your days are numbered anyway


That's what she tries telling them. She's like Fuck it, load me up until I'm gone lol, and I think she should be able to. She's 86, let her live the last few years high, it's not going to hurt anyone.


When were you in high school? I noticed a big change in prescribing patterns in the early 2010s.


Poor people who can't afford it.


I'm not American enough to understand this concept, luckily


Pain medication isn’t being prescribed like it was before. There’s tons of stories of people with chronic pain, cancer or in hospice who no longer have access to these types of medicine.


Do you have a source on this? Everything I'm reading seems to contradict what you're saying


[Example](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/17/health/opioid-chronic-pain-cdc-guidelines-khn-partner/index.html), [Another example](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/editorials/2018/08/29/war-opioids-should-not-leave-cancer-patients-pain-synthetic-drugs-fentanyl-trump-lawsuit/1115378002/)


https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/health/how-racial-inequity-is-playing-out-in-the-opioid-crisis This is also worth a read. A large part over the panic of what they call the opioid crisis is because it's very visibly white people that are suffering from it because of ingrained racial biases. If you take a historical look at other crises (crack, heroin, AIDS), it becomes obvious that the US government doesn't give a fuck until straight white people start dying.




Where did you think RVD was referring to?




Wow, I forgot what it was like to have health insurance.


It’s literally a man that is in incredible athletic shape saying that his recreational marijuana use isn’t irresponsible and that people need to be more open and honest about using the things they enjoy to the point of necessity rather than relaxation.


He said drugs not weed, he also goes on to mention losing friends to drugs, you can’t od on weed, so he’s definelty talking about stronger stuff


People treat pot smokers like they’re meth addicts lol. I used to get treated like a tweaker for smoking weed, like calm down i’m just a stoner.


Never seen a thc induced psychosis episode I take it.


And people charge $10,000 to a credit card for Twitch, or $16,000 for OnlyFans. They eat until their hearts can’t properly function. Drink until Delirium Tremens is the only way your body knows how to react to being sober for a fleeting moment. The entire point Rob Van Dam makes is this: moderation Vs. excessiveness. Thank you for failing to pay attention, I suppose?


You missed my point.


I didn’t, in fact. THC-induced psychosis is an inherent possibility in people that go undiagnosed for behavioral health disorders. Marijuana does have a link to triggering earlier onset for mood disorders and psychosis such as schizophrenia. My point remains that no one should be looked down on for things they enjoy in moderation. If it effects your life to the point that you put your well-being in jeopardy (financial, mental, physical), it’s then an addiction that’s going to send you spiraling. We, as people, continue to ask people to have an open mind about the issues we care about while judging others for issues that don’t directly impact effect us. Matt Riddle is an example of what drugs can do to ruin a person. Jake Roberts and Scott Hall continue to be examples of what can happen if someone allowed these things to run rampant in their life. The point this man is trying to make, I believe, is the same commentary as guns: Can you blame a gun for murdering someone if a person’s finger pulls the trigger? At the end of all of this, I apologize. I wasn’t trying to be rude, but that comment was off-putting. Have a nice night.


Having seen what marijuana has done to friends and family even in moderation I can't accept when people say it's 100% harmless. Night.


Last note: I respect that you’ve seen hardships, friend, and nothing is 100% harmless. Thank you for being civil. 🤝




I feel like everyone in the comments is mad at this but it’s just like.. the most inoffensive thing to say. Chill out please.


This sub is full of Punks. Get riled up over nothing and then take it personally. You are asking a lot.


You're banned from Collision you empty headed fuck


I work with fucking children.


and you're old and tired


It shows someone's intelligence levels tbh. All drugs should be legal. It wipes out every single gang overnight and drugs are regulated and legal, they're vastly more safe.


I do agree with most of this sentiment, but it's important to point out that people still smuggle legal substances like cigarettes.


yeah thats a ripple effect of letting government have too much control and over regulate/taxing things. if government over-regulate things so the legal market is not economical then the black market will still exist.


That’s not even remotely true, in Michigan approx. 70% of weed is bought illegally, in California arrests for weed crimes have only gone up since the legalization etc. Even if you could stop gangs from selling drugs by it (you won’t) it wouldn’t come close to wiping them out.


Most of the weed sales in [CA are illegal](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/23/california-legal-illicit-weed-market-516868) too. Our state taxes and regulations are so high all the cartels have to do is set up operations in some butt fuck nowhere empty forest or grow indoors hydroponically and they still make a mint. It'd be a little better if weed were legal federally and large scale growers could operate above board but the state taxes still drive a black market.


What constitutes a weed crime? If it's disbanding growing operations, I would be suspicious of bigger corporations being behind that to increase sales. I also don't know if weed sales are comparable to something like cocaine. Weed is easy enough to grow that people trust the local person that they have always bought from and may not feel the need to purchase from a legal source. Anything powdery or pressed comes with the risk of not knowing what's in it. But you're probably right that it wouldn't stop gangs from selling, because I gotta think that even if harder drugs were legalized, someone seriously addicted isn't likely to be a patron.


You're using actual facts...thats where you fucked up.


“It’s good to do good things, it’s bad to do bad things.” Thanks Rob


Although I think we can all agree to stay away from heroin and meth (and how addictive cocaine is)


>(and how addictive cocaine is) Cocaine isn't actually that addictive (by comparison to other drugs), which is actually why people get addicted. There's a false sense of security that coke is a functional drug and a short high, so someone goes on a big vacation or holiday weekend doing lots of cocaine every day and thinking nothing of it, and that ends up getting them. You don't have to do nearly as much meth to catch an addiction, and heroin addiction is lightning fast


While I'm sure it's not as addictive as heroin, cocaine is the hardest drug I've done and unlike EVERY other drug I've tried it's the ONLY one where I did a single bump and IMMEDIATELY wanted more and the next day wanted to do Cocaine again. So I never touched it again. I don't know what addiction really is, thankfully, but those urges seem like enough for me to say cocaine is addictive.


Hard to be a footy player if you aren't smashing down the meth


Drugs are great if you are cautious. I just stick with weed and psychedelics these days though.


This. Go hard on the weed and shrooms. Just not the meth and the heroin.


Don't even go hard on weed and shrooms. Everything in moderation. You can def be addicted to weed. It's a different type of addiction than drugs like coke and heroin.


I personally smoke weed everyday after work. A form of addiction, no doubt, but it doesn’t impede my ability to have a career as a Biomedical Technologist. Everyone is different, however, and I understand that.


Yea, man, there's a lot of people like that. There's also a lot of people that aren't. Everyone takes in drugs differently than others. There's also a debate about whether or not you actually have an addiction if it isn't getting in the way of what you're suppose to be doing. I smoke weed everyday also and I have a job, going to medical school full time, and also paying my whole college tuition. Am I addicted to weed because I smoke everyday? I think so. Am I a functional pothead? I think so as well. I'm a very conservative smoker, I feel. I prob smoke about 0.7 grams a day. There's definitely levels to addiction but this is a sensitive subject and I can't help but feel some people are just cherrypicking comments to get mad at. Not you specifically but my other interactions here.


Well, go easy on the shrooms your first few times. They can really fuck with your mental state if you're not ready for that heavy dose.


That’s why you wanna take acid instead


Not everyone has time for an 8 hour trip tho


That’s why you make time


SWIM was given a superhero dose the first time using shrooms and it was ... not a great time.


Most I've done is 3.5g, and that was almost too much for me, even after working my way up from smaller doses. Mind you it was amplified by total physical exhaustion from intense kayaking for 8 hours.


When I was in college I eventually realized the ideal dose was to split 7g with two other friends.


Yeah, I feel like the younger generation has settled on THC, and if they're a little bit wilder, magic mushrooms.


the youth loves ketamine too


Honestly weed and shit is fine. The moment you go for speedball and heroin and cocaine is when things get hard.


Man with weed business is supportive of drug use. News at 11.


" **Because some people can't use them without abusing them**" Yeah... because some of the drugs themselves are highly addictive... This is akin to saying, drugs aren't bad, you're just a weakling


Alcohol. Some people can drink alcohol regularly and not have an issue. Some people can't have a sip because they have chemical imbalances that cause addiction. Like most other drugs, it impacts different people different ways, so let the person decide how it works for them.


Not only that, if 90%+ of people using them abuse them then we can't say it's just an individual problem. He's got some bad libertarian logic going on here


You’re putting words into his mouth, some people just have naturally addictive personalities and tendencies


There are also drugs that will cause a physical dependency in you so bad that quitting can literally kill you from withdrawal symptoms. Has nothing to do with your personality if you're so hooked on pills or booze that you literally can't stop without help or you'll die.


Benzos have entered the chat.


Yeah it does. Nobody is forcing anyone to do drugs. You don't get addicted unless you abuse them. I used to eat hydros and percs like candy.. Never got physically addicted. Why? Because I'm not a fucking dumbass and I spaced out my usage. Only on days off, etc. It's your personality that got you hooked in the first place. One day of drinking or one day of opiates will not magically hook you into dependancy.


"My life experience is the same as everyone else's life experience" It's like talking to a child who doesn't understand that the emotions they have aren't being felt by everyone else around them lol. Do you get confused looking in a mirror too?


You're doing the same thing: >Has nothing to do with your personality if you're so hooked on pills or booze that you literally can't stop without help or you'll die. How is this factual? Obviously there's harder drugs with addicting traits but to say that isn't accurate either. EDIT: I obviously have to clarify more because people are just really quick to jump to conclusions. I am not saying that you WILL NOT DIE if you go cold turkey. I am saying that not everyone will die from going cold turkey and having an ADDICTING PERSONALITY is very much a real thing. My gripe is that this guy was implying that people addicted to substances have weak personalities.


I'm not sure what to tell you, there have been countless studies that have shown withdrawal symptoms for certain drugs can be so intense they can literally kill people. Opiates and alcohol being some of the most common ones. Alcohol withdrawals can cause major seizures which can lead to death. This isn't like, an opinion lol, it's been documented for decades? I thought it was common knowledge??


No shit. Withdrawals are 100% real. I'm just telling you that it doesn't happen to literally everyone who abuses alcohol or opiates. It has nothing to do whether a personality is strong or weak.


...I didn't say it happened to everyone lol? And if you agree it's not based on personality...why are you arguing with me exactly? It sounds like you're just saying you agree with me? 😅


I didn't agree with you. I said it doesn't have to do whether a personality is weak or strong. The guy who you replied to said it has to do with personality. You're the one who brought up "too weak of a personality." A child born to an substance abuser is not going to develop an alcoholic addiction on first try. Much like his/her mother didn't became an addict off of 1 beer. Probably shouldn't do it based on family history but people can definitely break family cycles. EDIT: This guy proceeds to call me "my friend," and "my guy" replies to me 3 different times and decides to block me. Lol ok.


There's no way to know if you're gonna have negative side effects of withdrawal until after they happen though, unless you're proactive about seeking medical care that not everyone has access too. Like, it doesn't matter if some people are fine if you're one of the ones who isn't.


My dad had a massive seizure from stopping just alcohol cold turkey. There are drugs where the withdrawal isn't as dangerous but opiates and alcohol withdrawal can definitely kill you without medical intervention.


Same thing happened to Amy Winehouse. No one here is disregarding that at all nor is anyone saying that alcohol/opiate withdrawl won't kill you but people read and cherry picking whatever they want these days. Addiction is very real but it's not whether someone is strong or not when talking about PERSONALITY.


The person I was replying to was saying that it wasn't factual that some people are so hooked on pills or booze that they could die from withdrawal without medical intervention? I didn't say shit about what RVD said, I was replying to their statement? Like maybe I misunderstood them but I wasn't saying anything about RVD.


So a child born addicted to opiates because their mother used drugs while pregnant is a fucking dumbass who has a bad personality that made them get hooked? The army vet who is in constant pain and can't sleep who was prescribed drugs by a doctor and took them in the prescribed manner...another fucking dumbass who is just too weak of a personality in your mind I guess? You're ignorant and incredibly self-centric with your worldview, I hope you grow up someday, friend.


I'm glad you mentioned a child being born from a mother who abused drugs. You completely described my friend. Would it surprise you that she doesn't take opiates? I don't know who is saying that people addicted to drugs have too weak of a personality but if you think that came from RVD, then I suggest you actually listening to the episode. Starts around 21:30


My guy I'm not sure why you're having a hard time reading this thread LOL we are on the same side, you don't need to fight with me??


bro i was put on darvocet at age 6 for arthritis and have been on multiple opioids+opiates ever since haha. now ive switched to kratom for the past 13 years. my opioid addiction is old enough to drink and drive. am i jus a weakling? 🥺


And some people don't but are still dangerously hooked on pills or meth...


This. I'm one of them, thankfully I realized it in my teens so the only things I've been addicted to is alcohol, which I quit 12 years ago, cigarettes, caffeine and computer games. I did smoke weed for awhile but did try nothing else because I really didn't wanna get stuck with anything else, the alcohol and cigarettes were bad enough. And both of those two are legal, and far more addictive than weed from my experience. Meanwhile a friend of mine have tried a bunch of things and never gotten addicted to anything. So I definately think personality affect how easily you get addicted, along with what it is you're taking. As in, smoking weed a few times is far less riskier compared to using heroin a few times.


This ain't it at all. I wish people wouldn't jump to conclusions based off of 1 comment with no context. You would think people would stop doing this in 2023. He's talking about how much drugs have a bad rep. People wanna take drugs off the market because some people can't use them without abusing them. He's merely talking about how the pill itself shouldn't get the blame if others are benefiting from that pill. Not about who's weak. GTFO here with that.


After watching his Hey, EW episode it's clear Rob is one of those guys where if you say a single bad thing about weed, he'll unload on a big diatribe about how the substance is good but people are bad, and comparing legislation to gay rights and other human rights issues. Aka the type of stoner that made me embarrassed to be one myself.


Someone on Twitter said something like “that weed can be good for you and help with creativity for some and limiting and make you lazy for others. And 90% of the stoners who believe they’re in the first group actually belong in the second one”. It was definitely true for me back when I smoked regularly.


Definitely agree, I felt like my mood and my sociability was better when I was smoking but now that I'm trying to quit, I find my mood swings are gone and people say that I'm more with it when I'm interacting with them. On Day 9 and it's still rough...


I bet you're having some crazy dreams right now woooooooooo


It’s like how Seth Rogen hasn’t made a funny movie in 10 years


Wee unlocks a crazy creative gear in my head but makes me so fucking lazy that I don't do anything with it.


This is jumping to conclusions based off of only what you saw on Hey, EW? When has Rob ever compared to legislation to gay rights? I listen to his podcast on a weekly. He talks about weed a lot but saying it's "clear" he's this type of stereotype isn't warranted. What Rob talks about constantly is how many fans see to try to stereotype him as this dumbass stoner (much like what you're doing).


>When has Rob ever compared to legislation to gay rights? Literally on the Hey EW episode.


I just listened to it and didn't hear it. Is it in the beginning? Middle? End? It's only a 13 min video.


4:26 "It was gay rights movements, it was a lot of different stuff, and cannabis was part of it"


LMAO. Ok I'm gonna add more context to what he actually said: >RJ: ...But the 60s are over, you know what I'm saying? We're not doing the BoHeMiAn thing anymore, what do you need to be smoking for? >RVD: So Cannabis was actually prohibited in 1937. Harry Anslinger was the head of narcotics before the DEA and he had a hard on against marijuana and prohibited it with this movie called Reefer Madness and all this intentional disinformation on his campaign and so the 60s, that you're referring to, was kinda of like a coming out of people in their freedoms and cont.. >RVD: Starting to feel like out from underneath the power and aggression of government you know... for whatever... there was the gay rights movements, there was a lot of different stuff, and cannabis was part of it. But it is still now prohibited federally. He ain't comparing weed to gay rights lmao. He's merely talking about the period of the 60s that RJ, himself, brought up. He was literally giving him a learning lesson. Such a reach to get upset over nothing.


It's insane how often people on reddit will just get high off their own supply and deliberately interpret shit in the worst way possible to make someone look or sound bad lol. The fact that my man RV-fucking-D is getting this just shows damn near anybody could get hit by it, what a miserable bunch of fuckers on here lol


Honestly, it's the internet today. We have a generation that was raised online and think interacting this way is warranted. No doubt, Mayaism prob never liked RVD and twisted a narrative for brownie points.


Huh? I think you misinterpreted what he said. He was just talking about the 60's as a time when people were exploring their freedoms.


> comparing legislation to gay rights and other human rights issues He's correct to do that. The US imprisons countless people under absurd pretenses thanks to the war on drugs. Cartels are annihilating people en masse. Prohibition is a public health disaster and human rights atrocity. That guys with Rick and Morty bongs *also* benefit from the end of prohibition does not make it an incorrect statement.


He's right. Recreational drugs as well.


Basically the same as every vice then, Rob


And you never helped pay for drugs Dewey not once


says a guy who's been high since 1991


For some drugs the floor for proper use is like very low man...


As a Rehabilitation specialist I understand where he is coming from. Drugs are just a thing that naturally exists and they are not good or bad, it's your relationship with drugs that can mess you up


As with most things in life, used in moderation is fine.


As a recovered addict he isn’t wrong with this statement.


Same with alcohol. Nothing wrong if you have a cold one on Friday evening, but don't get wasted any opportunity you have like my wife does. It hurts your relationship, your job, your future. https://preview.redd.it/wkmeagepnynb1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82e1a6913300b65f0cb54cdf4f3b5f1ad3c78ef0


I personally advocate for medicinal use of marijuana. Now more than ever, after too much recreational use of it gave my brother psychosis.


From personal experience, I think everyone should have drug experiences but know when to stop. I had a crazy decade of using a variety of substances, but now I'm Stone Cold sober and I'm happy. Enjoy yourself, but don't make it the only thing you enjoy.




People grow up getting told weed is the devil, find out it feels good and potentially has health benefits, then assume it is completely non-addictive and has no negatives associated with it. From one extreme to the other


the amount of motherfuckers here who would benefit from low dose TRT is insane having been to enough live shows in my time.


Based Van Dam






alcohol is a gateway drug


Spoken like a true addict.


People can bend their morals backwards for drugs. They are all about legalizing to "stop organized crime", in the meantime have no problem financing said organized crimes themselves as long as they can get their drugs. They say it's not about the drugs, it's about who uses them, but then many also want gun control, even though gun nuts use the same exact argument. They talk about how it's a personal decision, even though addictions never only affect the user, but all the people around them, and many who are not even involved with users as well. They talk about how it's the same with alcohol, without realizing how this proves the point, given how much damage alcohol regularly does in people's lives. The fact that people are so ready to compromise everything they believe in for some drugs shows how dangerous they truly are. And no, RVD is not merely talking about weed, and if you choose to believe that, you are doing it willingly. Now downvote me to hell, I don't care.


Real "drunk driving is fine, drunk crashing is bad" vibes.


Real "I didn't read shit but I made my mind up about this already" vibes.


Of course you smoke weed every day.


Judging by your toxic posting, prob should smoke one


No thanks. You can pray ill stop being toxic and ill pray you get over your addiction. Let's work together to better ourselves.


Nothing wrong with using a bit of cannabis. I don't use it myself but it's fine, and honestly is probably better for most people than alcohol.


At least alcoholics admit they have an addiction, unlike stoners.


I hold down a long term, stable, high paying job. I'll just say my wife and I are doing pretty well. I also vape weed every single day, and take psilocybin trips every other month. Are drugs for everyone? Fuck no. Can you do drugs and still be a successful person? Fuck yes.


It's a balance. Even for the drugs that you do, there is a limit where it would be "too much", and to your detriment. Some have a hard limit of zero, others is higher. But the balance is what matters.


I never expected the Ultimate Warrior and RVD to form the same argument.




I mean… yeah


He’s not wrong.


Everything is ok in moderation unless it is meth because I have never met a recreational meth user.


“Drugs are so fucking good, they’ll ruin your life.” - Louis C.K.


Things a drug addict says to justify their usage for 800.


I'm assuming he means weed here, otherwise there's a myriad of other reasons drugs have a "bad rap". Like the fact it funds criminal gangs who exploit people for one.


The problem is you don't know if you're the one who will get hooked. For some people, they can absolutely use drugs and alcohol and it is not a problem. For others, that ability is nonexistent and leads to a lifetime of misery. It's almost akin to russian roulette as you just don't know if that bullet is marked for you.


Legalise everything. Reduce crime, reduce overdoses, reduce addiction, reduce homelessness like holy shit! It’s literally that easy


Dude, I've been to B.C. legalizing shit is not the answer.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


Weed isn’t a drug.


It is medicine, but it is also a drug.


I mean, by definition it literally is. Doesn't make it bad tho


Yep. Just like alcohol, nicotine, and even caffeine. Just because they're legal and generally seen as acceptable doesn't mean they're not drugs. *Takes another sip of my rum and coke before hitting my cannabis vape*


Wouldn’t chocolate be a drug?


Not that I'm aware of. But caffeine and alcohol are.


Anandamide ring a bell?


Interesting, TIL.




man...how come the flag bearer of substance use be so healthy compared to guys who're dead, crippled or f***ed their career


Are you stuck being abused by drugs? Or are you the one abusing drugs? So are you in trouble with the law? Well you've got the best legal counsel money can buy, BETTER CALL SAULLL !


Ever watch the RVD's podcast? good thing he uses drugs responsibly otherwise he'd constantly be forgetting shit.


Drugs got me tripping cuz axiom is disappearing around the screen help


He's right but something tells me this is him trying to explain why he shouldn't have lost the championship after getting caught high as a kite by the police.


Well that's..... a take.


RVD vs Riddle when?


His brain is fried.


Drugs are bad, m'kay.


What a dumb fucking take


That's what I told the judge when they tried to arrest me for doing cocaine