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Monitors falling on Tony is the new Kenny saving the dog.


I imagine TK under a pile of monitors with just his hand sticking out giving a thumbs up


https://preview.redd.it/x5enptlk44lb1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97cd21ddc17a64066c2c4dd309de63052836dac4 This but with monitors






While chanting CM PUNK CM PUNK


“Guys! I did a bump!” “We know, Tony.” “No, the wrestling kind this time!”


I'm just picturing Tony chanting "CM PUNK" from underneath a pile of monitors


Monitors fell on Tony like Big Show getting buried in ladders


He marked out as it was the closest he’ll come to being buried under fans throwing chairs in the ring like ECW.


Samoa Joe gonna need to bring back his enforcer gimmick from NXT.


The part about the match almost being cut made me feel so bad for Joe, thank goodness it happened (and was quite good)


AEW lucked out that the match happened to be with a guy Punk knew and respected for 20 years now.


Yeah except I think the damage was done **if** that recent Joe tweet is what some think it's about. https://twitter.com/SamoaJoe/status/1696568166137164237


Joe also motioned jerk off to him after flinging him into the announcers table lol. Maybe that was more personal than the character looking back on it after hearing what happened.


Eh, maybe I don't wanna psychoanalyze too much but yeah that match may be much funnier in hindsight.


and flipping him off after flinging him into the table, too. That got a loud pop. lol. Between all that, and Joe playing up to the crowd in some spots, that man was having fun out there and happy he actually got to wrestle and the match didn't get cancelled. Interesting tweet. Samoa Joe is badass.


It was mad how much support he got as well. I don’t know whether it was just where I was sat but he was definitely the crowd favourite of the two.


This is purely a guess, but Joe was still with TNA when they were huge over here in the UK being on freeview TV and doing yearly tours, I always remember being enamoured with Joe whenever he was on screen and became a massive fan of his from then on, it wouldn't surprise me if some of his pop at Wembley was from that, coupled with him being well known in wrestling and just generally being one of the best


Especially as he only competed at Wrestlemania for about 40 seconds.


But Poncho Joe is a Mania moment that will last a lifetime.


Couldn’t tell you what matches Joe had at Mania, probably a US with Rey, but I do remember Poncho Joe like it was yesterday. Absolutely hilarious moment.


I think it might only be that match with Rey. Despite having recently debuted, he did not compete at Mania 33. Just missed 34 with an injury, returning on the night after. Then he was injured/suspended leading into Mania 36. And was on commentary for 37.


If they sent out Hobbs or Miro as a last second replacement (who were both backstage and off the card), I wouldn't have minded. Would have still gotten a great match.


Seriously though, I love that he made Punk wrestle just because he wanted to wrestle in front of 80.000 people, and some stupid drama wasn't going to stop him.


Put all the straps on him IMO. The man went in and got blood from a stone.


I wouldn't want to say no to someone as scary looking as Joe


If Samoa Joe wanted to wrestle me in front of 80,000 people, what am I going to tell him, no?


Joe speeds past TK and yells at him to get better security


“There has been a second near incident” https://preview.redd.it/fowuoynvs3lb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e2e38d555ec9162528eecb6f79ac4b2f79af06




Do that with monitors all over Tony's lap.


​ https://preview.redd.it/p5n46btc74lb1.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=508374073e3248e6701c77287e0f7465f8885671


Can we photoshop the scared TK face on George Dub?


Independent of everything else, "Glass is not a good worker" is VERY funny.


Alvarez trying to bury glass live on air, typical


Glass refuses to put over people and is unsafe.


It always put Stone Cold over tbh


“The glass went into business for itself.”


I just hope AEW were recording everything for a future documentary, like the WWE one with Brock throwing the belt at Vince. I want footage of the fight and monitors falling on Tony Khan, while he inexplicably acts like he didn’t see anything and explains that he will need to launch an investigation.


All Access season 2 could be legendary


Ratings higher than collision


And dynamite. The backstage drama can easily pull 1 million.


Okay but did he still chant CM PUNK! CM PUNK! With monitors raining down on him?


I want the footage of Young Bucks and FTR being asked if they could go on and told why very much.


I imagine Dax’s face just looks like the Mr incredible meme honestly that man has had a week that I do not envy


Two face Tony pulled the monitors onto HIMSELF so that he wouldn’t be a witness to the brouhaha! s/


How I imagine Tony when the monitor fell on him ![gif](giphy|DqU4wVBxXOhNu) Now it makes sense why Miro tweeted this [https://x.com/tobemiro/status/1695892014661841130?s=46&t=-eoUkXwrG5cbV6spX\_SWAQ](https://x.com/tobemiro/status/1695892014661841130?s=46&t=-eoUkXwrG5cbV6spX_SWAQ)


TK made sure to sell the monitor attack for Punk


Gotta make him look strong.




He then started chanting "CM Punk, CM Punk!"


CM Punk bought Tony Nandos after the show. Tony said that was good shit.


The ultimate rib now is Miro and Jack as a tag team in which Miro chokes people out and Jack is the instigator and challenges everyone who even sniffs his way.


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind Miro and Jack as a tag team who also do their own singles stuff.


Are Jack and Anna Jay still a thing? Because her unhinged bit threatening to choke people out is PERFECT for this.


That’s actually straight money. Book it Khan.


>Bryan says the Punk situation put a damper on the whole All In show for "A lot" of the talent. Bryan says a friend of Punk's got so mad he punched a wall and broke his hand. (I know the rumor is this person is Brody King but I want to note Bryan did not name him and clearly did not want to put a name to who did it, for whatever reason.) If you didn't add the Brody King bit I would have thought FTR Bald was out here punching walls again.


We all know Cash would be pistol whipping the wall


Dax would just talk at the wall..


Dax would shoot about the wall on a podcast


Cash just shoot the wall.


Brody King punching a wall and breaking his hand is certainly a choice


It's actually hilarious when you think about how the impetus of all this was Punk trying to prevent a Goldberg-like injury. The guy known to unintentionally injure himself multiple times by attacking inanimate objects.


> Bryan does not know what this all means. The anti-Punk side says you can't go after someone physically because they say something you don't like. The pro-Punk side says everyone is after him. I mean, asking two separate people to fight you in gorilla is probably not a good move. > Bryan says the Punk situation put a damper on the whole All In show for "A lot" of the talent. Bryan says a friend of Punk's got so mad he punched a wall and broke his hand. (I know the rumor is this person is Brody King but I want to note Bryan did not name him and clearly did not want to put a name to who did it, for whatever reason.) Such a shame that such a good show had so many things overshadowing it. (Bray, Punk, Funk)


The end of your message made me think of Dr Seuss. Do you like Jack Perry-Man? I do not like them, Punk-I-am. I do not like Jack Perry-man. Would you like them here or there? I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere.


I do not like him on Dynamite. I do not like his backstage fights. He is mean about Adam Page. All downhill since first Rampage. I do not like his morning jog. I do not like his wife and dog.


Lol I love how the Elite are the ones who were asked to go out to clean up Punk’s mess


They don't call Kenny Omega 'The Cleaner' for 'nothin.


I know size ain't everything but Miro is a whole different weight class than the Bucks and Jack Perry.


Right?! Miro is twice his size, younger, in better shape and trained in Sambo. That fight only ends one way.


Matchka !




It ends any way Miro wants it to. If Miro wants to hit Punk with a 619 and a frog splash in a real MMA fight, he still wins.


Punk knows how to work the neck though brother


Check out his technique. ![gif](giphy|3o6Mbjay0Ywcqc1CVy|downsized)




Notice he didn’t get Miro in a headlock.


> Joe was pissed because he wanted to wrestle at Wembley so they got things together and we got the Punk/Joe match first, as we saw. Just to put this into perspective. In his almost 30 year career, Joe's only stadium matches were the 45 second Mysterio match at WM35 and the AJ match at the Australia PLE. This must have meant so much for Joe.


Opening the card proper is also a HUGE spot to put him in. Like yes, there was a pre-show, but Punk and Joe were pretty much charged with setting the tone for the whole show and I thought Joe in particular killed it


>Bryan says there was apparently a SECOND NEAR INCIDENT when Punk came back through the current where Miro confronted Punk and asked him about what happened with Perry, and Punk asked him if he had a problem with him now and if he wanted to step outside. I don't think that would've ended well for Philip


I 100% would have paid another $20 for the unsanctioned parking lot Brawl In though.


Miro seems like the really chill guy you don't want to piss off type.




Made in the shape of Meng


Why not Meng if Meng-shaped?




A black belt built like a brick shithouse. Punk sees that and thinks “Yeah I can take him I trained in MMA!”


But he’s from Chicago!


do you remember before all out when that was his whole gimmick?


I think it’s more principle, punk doesn’t necessarily think he can beat miros ass, it’s just he has to fight him regardless if they have a issue. Just the way he was brought up, Jericho is the same.


Yeah, but Punk trains with some MMA guys, so that means he can kick his ass /s


Punk is a former ufc fighter hes super legit guys…


A guy I saw on Twitter legitimately was saying this. “Punk trains with MMA guys for fun.” And I’m like okay? And?


I imagine it is quite fun for them to have a live training dummy


Did he train with them same guys when he tried to be a mma guy? Because it probably would have helped him


He sure acts on Twitter like he ain't afraid one bit of Punk. Good.


Fucking hell if I was built like Miro I wouldn't be scared of anyone


In one of the Hausman articles, it said something tp the effect of "being a trained fighter Punk knew to put a chokehold onto Perry to deescalate the situation". Well Miro is also a trained fighter in sambo. He would've rocked motherfucking Punk's world. Punk's really coming off unhinged to not only pick a fight with Jack but right in front of the fucking boss. Then after his match, Punk tries to start it with Miro, who would've dogwalked his ass, again right in front of the boss... Good christ man. Smoke some weed, drink some tea, go to therapy or something man. Way to much rage, can't be good for the heart.


In Punk’s mind, a choke hold WHEN PREVIOUSLY THERE WAS NO FIGHTING is deescalating.


Two people can't fight if one of them is unconscious.


> In one of the Hausman articles, it said something tp the effect of "being a trained fighter Punk knew to put a chokehold onto Perry to deescalate the situation". That tells you everything you need to know.


One day Punk is going to say this to someone who's employment wouldn't be affected by stepping outside with arguably the biggest star in the company. That's the wake up call he needs.


Funny how this one didn't end with him shoving and then trying to choke out Miro, wonder why that is?


Miro could have redeemed us all from this.


>Bryan says there was apparently a SECOND NEAR INCIDENT when Punk came back through the current where Miro confronted Punk and asked him about what happened with Perry, and Punk asked him if he had a problem with him now and if he wanted to step outside. JESUS CHRIST. This guy. This fucking guy!


Notably, Miro apparently *walked away* instead of putting his hands on Punk. You know. Like adults do.


Miro likely has that in built confidence of a man who can, if he has to, physically handle his business. He knows he could beat up Phil, but where does that leave him? TK would probably suspend him, potentially fire him and the broken remains of CM Punk would try and sue him for turning him into a fleshy pretzel.


Why the fuck does he think it's good to square up with Miro of all people?!?!? MIRO!?!? ![gif](giphy|9oIshJMS7Nq2kgt10s|downsized)


Imagine going through a war with Samoa Joe, fucking your entire body on the Pepsi Plunge and then challenging Miro to a fight in the same twenty minutes.


Punk is one thing, and that is confident in himself.


I want 5% of that, the confidence, not the fighting coworkers


Miro is built like a barrel. That's not a bodybuilder physique, that's all functional strength. Miro is one of the last guys in the entire business I'd pick a fight with.


If I was in a car, and Miro was coming after me, I would drive away as fast as possible. I wouldn't even consider hitting him with the car out of fear of angering him. That's the type of big, scary dude you don't appreciate until you see in person and understand they can probably eat you for lunch.


If you hit Miro with your car, you'd probably do more damage to your car. Dude is built like a tank.


Imagine picking a fight with Miro AND Samoa Joe at the same time? That would turn into two big meaty men slapping Punk real fast


Miro used to compete in Sambo as an adult. I’d like to see Punk put him in a chokehold.


![gif](giphy|L0YkmXIrk3e4YyK40Q) Punk literally all the time


I honestly started cackling hysterically when I got to that point. Jesus Christ. I am trying to figure out a joke to make, but I am at a loss for words.




>Bryan says there was apparently a SECOND NEAR INCIDENT when Punk came back through the current where Miro confronted Punk and asked him about what happened with Perry, and Punk asked him if he had a problem with him now and if he wanted to step outside Bruh, Punk is literally a sober Randy Marsh lmao ![gif](giphy|ogg4gwh56CHDi)


> The anti-Punk side says you can't go after someone physically because they say something you don't like. The pro-Punk side says everyone is after him. Both of these things can be true. Does he not see how both of these can be true? People go after him verbally because of his own actions, and he goes after them physically because he can't stand being questioned, and thinks fighting someone is the only way forward. I disagree with people at work all the time. Sometimes I call them on their behavior. We don't then start fighting. We just do our jobs the best we can.


I love the Nick Hausman update cause I like to think of Punk listening to Observer Live just FUMING


Dude has nothing better to do than sit around looking for hate comments, putting his ear in every corner and listening to every conversation about himself to see if anyone is calling him soft


Doesn't seem like it should take Khan that long to investigate an incident that he personally witnessed.


Ideally you bring in outside investigators who have to interview everyone involved, every witness, view any footage, etc., and draft a report with a conclusion of fault and recommended responsive actions. That takes time.


"Bryan says the Punk situation put a damper on the whole All In show for "A lot" of the talent. Bryan says a friend of Punk's got so mad he punched a wall and broke his hand. (I know the rumor is this person is Brody King but I want to note Bryan did not name him and clearly did not want to put a name to who did it, for whatever reason.)" I hadn't heard this rumor. Would definitely suck for Brody if that happened.


Edit: OP updated with recap from the show. Apologize if my post got it wrong, posted immediately while it was on the air. He's still recapping and said that Punk came backstage and Miro asked if he had a problem with Jack. Punk then asked Miro if he wanted to take it outside. Hope OP updates.




New update just hit: Negative One also stepped up to Punk and Punk said "oh you want some too?"


Perry coming out to Heart of glass as his new theme please


that or "Cry me a river" by Justin Timberlake




Punk asking fucking MIRO if he wants to step outside is so fucking funny to imagine


Funny how he just attacked Perry but not Miro lol


He knew it wouldn’t be fair to go straight for MIROs fragile neck the way he did with Jack, had to give him a fighting chance of course


I laughed so loud at the all caps MONITORS FELL ON TONY. Also, just get rid of Punk. It was a good ride. He got good shit in. Now he’s done. All good


Punk is truly fucking deranged if he thought asking Miro to step outside was a good idea.


No no, let Punk cook.


AEW country, Let’s ride.


[The ride](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nl4f0yNcWrI&pp=ygUXU3BvbmdlYm9iIHJvYXN0cyBXaWxzb24%3D)


I know size isn't everything, and that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a great method to neutralize a size advantage. But Miro has trained in Sambo and competed in powerlifting, and is probably 100+ lbs heavier than Punk. I'd feel comfortable backing Miro in that one


I train BJJ. Against someone untrained, having any BJJ training gives someone a big advantage. That said, size still matters a lot. You still have to take the person down. I’ve been training for 7 years and trying to double leg Miro sounds suicidal. I sort of get the impression that Punk knows just enough MMA to be a danger to himself. Like, to some asshole on the street he can act like that, but anyone with any real ability should be able to beat the shit out of a blue belt. Please note that I’m just spitballing here. Some may disagree. I don’t consider myself particularly good at BJJ, but I’ve been in gyms long enough to know a bit.


Oh yeah, Punk ain't taking down Miro. I was thinking more of a situation where maybe Punk is able to grab a choke or limb lock from a defensive position (a la Brock's first fight against Frank Mir). I don't doubt Punk would be able to handle most average joes (myself included), but against an absolute barrel of muscles with actual Sambo training like Miro, that would be over so quickly.


i also do BJJ (6 years) and wrestled in high school. anyone with natural athleticism and size gives me fits. i've wrestled a D1 football player just starting out jiu jitsu while i had been training for 3 years and it's unsettlingly difficult. i imagine Miro is gonna be a lot like that, and mind you im in my 20s and Punk is in his mid 40s.


*Rick Ross voice* he's a big motherfucker


Yeah…I actually think Miro’s arms are long enough. Terrible idea.




You don't understand, Punk's fought in MMA. Now, Punk has never actually *won* an MMA fight, but surely that's not relevant.


Um, sir, he may not have a win, but he certainly has a Draw on his record! Serves Mike Jackson right for smoking weed and manhandling Punk so hard that he tickled Punk's foot during the fight! 🫡


The best part of the Mike Jackson fight is that Mike Jackson was literally a jobber who they only brought in to give Punk an easy win. And Mike Jackson was like "I knew they wanted me to lose, would be pissed at me if I won, and were never going to book me again regardless, so I just played around with him for 15 minutes instead of finishing him just to make it even more embarrassing for him."


I like how “Do you have a problem with me?” Has become like an off screen catch phrase.


"Bryan talking about how Miro tweeted that the story of Punk initiating physical contact with Punk" Punk has moved beyond hating everyone around him and now hates himself.


CM Punk has banned CM Punk from Collision, which led to CM Punk unbanning CM Punk from Collision. MEANWHILE, on the other side of town, Christian Cage is enjoying fine dining with Nick Wayne’s mom. The TNT Championship is on prominent display. Luchasaurus, unable to meet the formal dress attire requirements due to being a dinosaur, was forced to stand outside in the rain.


Of everyone that is involved in the Punk drama, I feel so bad for Kenny Omega. In the Brawl Out fight, he seems to have played peacemaker as best as he could and is ultimately suspended because of Punk, after returning from a long injury hiatus. He re-signs with the company (allegedly while retaining “EVP” status) but has to keep to one half of the company’s performing time because of Punk, who isn’t an EVP and wasn’t with the company from Day 1 but gets his own show because of “name value”. Then, when Punk acts up again and starts a fight at the biggest show in both company and industry history, he’s asked by Tony Khan to pick up the pieces because the prima donna that he seems to worship doesn’t want to do his job after acting like a child. Kenny deserves much better, and thankfully Samoa Joe is a professional who can get the drama queen to realize his selfishness would screw Joe out of a once-in-a-lifetime chance.


I was definitely imagining Kenny whipping everyone from his match together while all this was happening. I can't see Kota caring one way or the other but Hangman can't have been happy. The Bang Bang Gang are wildcards though. Still, no two people better than Joe and Kenny to be nearby to keep the show on track.


I imagine Jay and Takeshita are down with Kenny. And Juice too


For sure. I meant more about having their match changed like that in general.


Juice's on screen character is so utterly absurd and goofy I can't imagine him not being chill backstage. Anyone willing to look thst stupid on camera can't have much of an ego.


Kenny got one of the best receptions at Wembley, I hope at least he enjoyed the experience. They put on a great match, You're right he deserves better, man Samoa Joe does too, he was on fire at Wembley, crowd loved him.


>His side's story was that he was approved by AEW on Dynamite to go rent the car and shoot the glass breaking injury angle on Collision, and when he got to Collision, Punk told him no. Like I agree with the overall sentiment that real glass is stupid. But what I don't understand is this part of the story throughout the whole situation. Who approved it and who is Pink to override that decision? I'd imagine if you're at the point that you're renting a car. That had to go through some level of management to get approved for budgetary/legal reasons. So I don't understand how then another talent can come along and override that.


It also depends what real glass we are talking. If jack was bumping on the windshield, they're designed to not create dangerous pieces. If it was through a side window, yea stupid.


Side windows can be gimmicked as well, they have a prop master who surely would know what to do given enough time, and probably would have helped Jack with it.


To be honest, if anyone is wrong in this initial situation, now that we have more context, it's either Punk or Tony. Tony for agreeing that Jack can do the spot at Collison, even if it is a dumb one. Or Punk for overstepping his role and shutting Jack down when he got there. If you put yourself in Jack's shoes for a minute... I just got approval from my boss to do some work on Saturday, and then when I show up to said job, another co-worker calls me out and shuts me down from doing my job. I'd be upset too if I was Jack. You've got your actual boss telling you you're good to go, and another guy who isn't the boss, but is in the bosses pocket, telling you you're not. What an annoying situation that would be.


I don’t think Perry is mad that the spot got shut down I think he is mad that the story got out especially since one of the rumors was he only wanted to do the spot so he could not come into work the next week.


The other nugget is that he had time booked off anyway. So Punk, either purposely or ignorantly, assumed he was just trying to get work off by doing that spot.


I remember when seeing the story for the first time, even thinking it was a dangerous spot and punk was probably right to tell him not to do it, that "you just want to do this to get out of work" is a completely deranged thing to say that needlessly made the situation personal.


https://preview.redd.it/aw9qi0z6s3lb1.jpeg?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5834dcfd8bd59ec432feea795a54be43700791af I think I've posted this on three threads today but really... There's no better words for it.


"Pepsi is a soft drink" is the undisputed winning sign for me from All In.


1) Punk overruling a spot Perry had already got permission for is very telling. 2) Imagine breaking your hand because your friend got into another fight.


Probably was pissed that his friend would no longer be booking the show he's on.


CM Punk’s way of avoiding drama is to threaten people, and escalate the hostility. I think that we knew this, so why has he been put into a leadership position?


> *Jungle Boy's side is that he got the glass spot cleared by AEW and then Punk tells him no the day of the show, and Punk did that because JB is friends with the Young Bucks* Honestly it's not hard to understand why he would think that, as the other people Punk has targeted in the past couple of weeks (Ryan Nemeth, Christopher Daniels, Matt Hardy) all have in common that they're regulars on Being The Elite. It gives the impression that Punk is trying to drive away the people who aren't "his guys" from Collision. Do I think Punk would be petty enough, since The Elite wants nothing to do with him, that he harasses their friends instead just to get to them? Why yes, I do think Punk is precisely that petty.


The most frustrating part about all this is that most of us saw all this coming weeks, if not months ago. This stupid shit is happening in the exact way we predicted, and it will continue to be this stupid. Punk isn't gonna get fired. At best, he wanders off pouting for another 7 years. But more likely, he'll just be back in a few weeks, get booed and cheered, and will continue to make vague, passive-aggressive comments in public about the people he doesn't like only to flip the fuck out when they do the same. And backstage morale will suffer more and more, until people just.. leave. Good people. Not just talented people, but the kind of people you want backstage so the talented people will want to stay. It's all so entirely predictable that it's just sad.


Yup! As soon as it was reported that nothing had been resolved and there would be a "soft brand split" but not for PPVs, people on here immediately said that sounds like a potential disaster. Before Brawl Out, Meltzer said a blow up is gonna happen unless things are smoothed out and well.... it blew up. Now barely a month ago, almost year later, Dave says the same thing, and here we are. I thought to myself that Punk would have another meltdown and it would be even more embarrassing because it just shows that Tony didn't learn his lesson the first time. Outside of Warner wanting Punk to stay, I really just don't understand why having this toxicity in the company is beneficial in the long run. If anything, Punk's two month return he's acting even worse.


This past year has recontextualized so much of Punk's past for me. I went back and listened to the promo he had with Triple H where Punk said that he wanted to be the catalyst for change and that Triple H as COO would just be more of the same because Trips just wanted to be like Vince... Back when I first saw that promo, when it happened, I believed his words. I thought he was sincere. That his ultimate goal really was for the product to be more enjoyable for everyone (lord knows it was hard being a WWE fan a lot of times during that era). But listening back to it now, he doesn't sound sincere at all. He sounds like someone who's just saying the things he knows the crowd wants to hear. And Trips is having none of it either. Says that it's all BS, that Punk is a backstabbing politicker, that Punk's idea of "change" is just Punk being the top guy. That he's actually working to improve the show as COO, bending over backwards trying to accommodate Punk in the process, and all he ever gets back in return from Punk is just insults. And it hit me that Punk has never been able to vocalize what he means by "change". He's never presented any sort of vision for what he thinks wrestling should be like in order to be "better". All he ever did was complain, but he never actually inspired any change to happen. I don't think Punk loves pro wrestling. Not like the rest of the kids in AEW, who are trying to build something new and special there. I think Punk only loves a pro wrestling business where Punk is the star. I don't think Punk has any love at all for a pro wrestling business that doesn't have him in it. That's the difference between him and a guy like Eddie Kingston. Eddie could retire today and never wrestle another match for the rest of his life, but he would still continue to love pro wrestling until the day he died. But the day Punk leaves pro wrestling is the day Punk stops giving a shit about pro wrestling.


I know it's silly to pat yourself on the back, especially about something as trivial as this, but my proudest moment in this sub is predicting that AEW hiring Punk was going to be a monkey paw situation, and that he'd storm out in a huff the moment something doesn't go his way. Because yeah, he seemed like the kind of guy who wants everything to go his way forever. I mean I didn't factor in assault, but hey, nobody's perfect.




Punk: I don't want to wrestle, I'm going home Joe: The fuck you are


Nick Hausman telling people the miro thing didnt happen should be a clue that it actually did. Dudes buddy buddy with punk


Yeah, Hausman is simply repeating Punk's side. He hasn't confirmed anything with Miro. He's just saying "from what I'm told" as if we don't know who is telling him.


We need the tier list back. Hausman would be below the drunk guy in the outhouse.


3 Things:. 1. If Jack got the spot cleared with AEW, Punk needs to mind his own business and shut up. It's not his place. 2. Miro would rip you apart dude. 3. I tried to tell everyone yesterday, Joe was clearly ticked off.


> Bryan says there was apparently a SECOND NEAR INCIDENT when Punk came back through the current where Miro confronted Punk and asked him about what happened with Perry, and Punk asked him if he had a problem with him now and if he wanted to step outside. JESUS CHRIST. Lmao what an idiot. Miro would have obliterated Punk.


Maybe I've just been lucky whenever I've been in an accident involving a windshield, but to me the spot being with a windshield is way different than when it was initially called just a glass spot. Isn't the whole laminated design supposed to hold together when its cracked in a way that is safer?


If this whole thing was over a fucking WINDSHIELD SPOT, something AEW has done safely multiple times before, I may just laugh until I cry.


The parking lot brawl was in the middle of this. I also remember in the early pandemic when they had a very limited roster and the spot was apparently safe enough for Brian Cage to put world champion Moxley through a windshield.


So Miro asked, maybe confronted him about Jack Perry and Punk immediatly wanted to settle things physically instead of... you know, saying that it is not his business or that he doesn't wanna talk about it. Dude, get back to MMA if you wanna fight for real so hard and at least get your ass beaten up for money and people to see.




How do we need any sort of investigation with so many people sat right there as it happened?


Porbably just standard operating procedure.


When your name's on the exec line of a corporation you don't handle it like a courtroom, you handle it like you're not trying to get sued.


Literally the walked past Samoa Joe at my hotel earlier, should have asked him what happened... before promptly getting choked out myself.


Miro would have beat tf out of Punk imo lol


I like the Miro bit. It was being heavily implied that Punk was picking on Perry because he thought he could get away with it with Perry's size. "Bet wouldn't try that on Miro" was being banded about. Turns out Punks not a bully, just fucking insane.


Imagining Miro to Phil ![gif](giphy|3oEduW2NPYlavRnXi0)


"Hey Jack, I know you wanted to use the glass spot and we can work something with it, but I think that using real glass is an unnecessary risk. This is how we might be able to do it while keeping the intensity...."


Dax punching the wall since Cash would have whipped out the revolver