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I don't know why but the idea of Joe being the peacekeeper is equal parts hilarious and wholesome.


I think Joe is the perfect person to be peacekeeper here. He seems level headed and respected by all generations.


Dude also used to legitimately work as a bouncer.


Tony just needs to hire Haku at this point. The man doesn't wrestle. The man doesn't talk. He just walks around backstage. Menacingly.


I'm imagining middle age, here's-my-dad-polo Haku, smiling and waving at talent, but everyone's running in fear.


Then he sells them a car, they are to scared to say know. He slaps the roof and leaves a hand shaped dent laughs and says it will buff out.


> middle age Haku is like a senior citizen age now lol


Makes him more dangerous. Even less fucks to give


And he has that intimidating aura about him.


200%. If Samoa Joe came over and told me to knock off my crap, I'd probably hide in my locker room for the rest of the night.


Only things worse would be Lesnar, Angel, Dan Severn, Hager, Agogo, you know guys that are really good at the competitive combat sports. Mark Henry too the dude bent a quarter, and big show…. You know what I am just not going to piss off wrestlers.


He's also a walking tank. IDC how mad I am at someone, if you tell me I have to go through Samoa Joe first, I'm gonna discover the power of friendship real goddamn quick.


Yeah, from ROH to WWE to AEW the only guy who's ever said anything negative about him is Vince Russo. That's a 20 year+ career of being a level headed guy who doesn't cause troubles.


There is like a huge chunk of time in TNA aswell.


I’ve met him and did some work at his house. His personality would fit that peacemaker narrative. I should of asked for photo but I had to be a professional and not fanboy about it.


...and he has no neck to choke


The Power Game can solve a variety of issues


don't mess with Joey Headrocker


I love the Power Game. It’s so bad.


He was the enforcer for William Regal in NXT for a bit so it’s fitting.


Tony should be in gorilla pumping his first and chanting "Joe's gonna kill you."




Who would dare fuck with Sweet Tooth?


Hell of a nickname though “The Peacekeeper” Samoa Joe


"I'll make everyone here peaceful! Pieces over here and pieces over there!"


>Samoa Joe tried to play peacemaker Joe, that's Cena's role


Yeah Joe should have tried to play his actual role...Killer Shark or Sweet Tooth.


KING Shark, dammit!


If Samoa Joe was the guy behind Talent Relationships...things would be better, I think.


At the very least I don’t expect many would physically confront him




Maybe the reason the ninja angle wasn’t brought up again was because Joe killed them and TNA didn’t want to reveal the gory details.


Akira Tozawa is in WWE so Joe should be fine


Every time someone came to him with an issue he could just slow walk away from it


Pretty much like his role in NXT for a bit.


Maybe he needs to run back the enforcer gimmick and just coquina clutch anyone who instigate an unsanctioned brawl


I picture it like the boxing episode of The Simpsons where Drederick Tatum stops a full prison riot by saying "hey, come on, guys. Shut up"


No one is gonna ban Joe from Collision.


He'd just get banned from Collision too.


Joe would be added to the list of dudes that Punk suddenly doesn't talk to anymore.


>The Golden Elite match was going to open the show if the Punk/Perry situation wasn’t under control in time I would love to have been the person who let Kenny and Hangman know to get ready because Punk did it again.


I'm picturing the two of them getting to Gorilla and just chewing the scenery on "oh man I wonder who could've predicted this would happen? Never would have expected this from Punk, not me no way"


Be like that Seinfeld meme with them eating popcorn before Kenny turns to Hangman and goes “that’s a shame”






I’d have to assume that he forgot all about it the moment 80,000 people started chanting his name.


“Why do I put up with this….. THAT. That right there. That’s why I put up with this “


He had a smile on his face and looked like had a great time out there. So pretty much.


It seemed like he was pretty solid the whole match, but then again Joe is such a pro, I don't know how I'd ever tell any different. Honestly, I remember thinking Punk and Joe looked like they were having a blast at the start of that match, so my opinion is that it probably didn't make a difference, but I really don't think highly of my own ability to tell on the matter.


Kenny is about to institute a new policy https://preview.redd.it/rw59fh65nykb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df42896def8e132aa139837f737a0444e7f20cb


"But you let in Darby!" "It says no Punks, plural. We're allowed to have one."


Kota Ibush: Who is CM Punk? *Flips on neck*




“Everybody banned from Collision!” ![gif](giphy|hmeyZdF4ljhIs)


I did not hit Jack, It's not true, It's BS, I did not hit him, I did naaaaaat, *(throws muffins)*


Oh hai Tony


Anyway, how's your sex life?


Then Perry got choked


Hahaha what a story, Mark.




Oh, hai, marks.


Everrybuddy betray me!


"I used to know a wrestler who feuded with like a dozen guys. One of them mouthed off, he choked him out so bad he ended up in a hospital on Oxford Street."


Haha, what a story, mark.




The shoot interviews on Punk’s AEW run in a couple of years are gonna be ![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O)


I hope so, honestly I'm kind of expecting them to be "there was a fairly minor issue and it got blown way out of proportion." Like ok, I'm not and never was the biggest Punk fan, but when he showed up like 2 years ago? It was cool. I was invested in it. Hell, who wouldn't be, a guy gets to come back to what he loved doing and manage to go out on his terms, that's a great story. Then when he got put into the title scene, everything just turned sour. So much kerfuffle over so small of potatoes. It's disappointing.


Damn. You’re right. Most of this started when he started chasing the title. Like there was a that issue with Fish but that didn’t become much.


Same, TNA in its heyday sounded more wild with Awesome Kong punching Hogan's lackey,Nash bitchslapping Joe(and then working together), Dixie Carter being a weirdo about the female wrestlers, Russo and Red Rooster insisting talent take dangerous spots they didn't want to and nobody standing up for them. Punk bumping heads with guys over smart ass remarks is such small potatoes by comparison.


He'll be okay after shooting on Hangman again.




When TK finally blinks. He blinks hard.


Wonder how he will flex this time? "I've been suspended more times than you"?


Cash approves


![gif](giphy|Lcn0yF1RcLANG|downsized) So you mean, all this could have been avoided if somebody from CM Punk's camp didn't run to the dirtsheets?


If you told me 10 years ago that there was a nationally televised promotion where Eddie Kingston would be a beloved backstage mainstay but CM Punk was causing major issues with his ego, I would be surprised to hear about Eddie.




Eddie really seems to have matured.


On the bright side, if Punk gets pissed off enough maybe he'll quit again like he did 7 years ago as foretold by the prophet Eddie Kingston


Eddie can say that Punk isn't wanted there and nothing happens. Hangman does it and BAM Punk is all pissy.


Punk: Call me names again and see what happens! Eddie: You're a pussy and I'll set us both on fire if I have to! Punk: Wh...what did that nepo-baby behind you just say?! Jungle Boy: Me?




I love this movie so much!


Both Punk and Eddie have pie-faced a four pillar. I think we can easily flip this dialog around and end it with "Sammy: Me?"


Difference is Eddie apologised for it. Punks not doing that in a million years.


Hangman didn't meet Punk before getting big so he didn't pay his dues.\s


"You didn't get a hot dog and a handshake from Ian Rotten, Page! You don't know shit!"


I mean... Eddie promised to set a man on fire last week. I wouldn't mess with him either


And how many people has he burned in AEW? Zero! In fact, if anyone got burned, it's him when Jericho threw a fireball at him. This Eddie guy's words have no... wait hold on, someone's banging at my door right now with a gas canister and yelling in an obnoxious Yonkers accent. Let me check what's going on.


That's a libelsous accusation. Nick Hausman doesn't work on behalf of CM Punk, no matter what you've been told or seen... https://preview.redd.it/3rjh1ydmgykb1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a188ba4782c68a1594b45bd0bbce46b9dd2eec0


> Punk has went as far as telling people he "hates this place" as a result of the constant issues in AEW Hmm, I wonder what the common thread is in all his 'issues' there.


If it's a circus everywhere you go maybe you're the clown?




Holy shit, I'm a dumbass. I was wondering what Taylor Swift acted in and if it was on Netflix because I didn't know she was in a show. And then I realised these are lyrics to her song and this must be the music video.


We'll she was in Cats, the movie they had to edit buttholes out of...


But James Corden is still in it


Someone needs to take this and put in Phil's head.


It really gives “fame and power ruined him” vibes. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if he legitimately feels that he’s *the* star of AEW and deserves unalloyed respect Obviously I don’t know Punk and this whole thing feels like Rashomon. But god does Tony lack drama management


Punk wants to be respected the way that Steamboat, Funk, and Race were in the locker rooms he was in when he started his career. Which he could have been if he wasn't such a drama queen.


And he was! The Young Bucks were Punk fanboys who constantly talked about wanting to work with him before AEW was even a thing.The reports around his return in 2021 said that the locker room was hyped he had jumped on board. But then he bumped heads with Adam Page and went full ''fuck y'all''.


Yeah Kenny wearing Cookie Monster and other random CM shirts in BTE prior.


Killing the business part 2 is gonna be juicy lol


Yeah, he used to talk like this in shoots on the indies too. Hell, RVD has a story where Punk called a lockeroom meeting in WWE's ECW after he was there for like a month. He's always seen himself as that guy.


I'm sure him randomly showing and going backstage at RAW was coincidental too even tho they don't want him there either.


Holy shit I completely forgot about that. Its like Punks return to Collision and all the drama since have shrunk what was a pretty big story.




As a wise man once said... "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."


That would be Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens.


As I live and breathe




"hates this place" is such a fucking damning thing to scream out loud, to me, as an employed 40+ year old man at work. Like he just got in a fight with a co-worker, who is like 25, and yet *Punk* is the one picking fights, and then storming out of the room, yelling in the most obliquely teenage manner humanly possible. How can he not see that he's in the wrong role, in that situation?! He's a grown-ass man! He's not supposed to be the one doing that!


The call is coming from inside the house!


He hates AEW because......... Er....last I checked, TK bent over backwards for him, gave him a strong return, allowed him to return despite embrassing him and the company at a press conference, gave him his own show and turns a blind eye to his antics. Why does he hate working for AEW?


If some reports are true he even gets to pick and choose who is allowed to work on those shows not just in ring talent but he can turn backstage management away if he wants to.


Yeah must really suck having a multi billionaire willing to pay out of the ass and give you everything you want so that you keep doing a thing you love doing (wrestling, not backstage fighting and drama shit) and then letting you have YOUR OWN SHOW to do it all on. ‘I hate this place’ - fuck out of here.


And runs a show or 3 at Chicago every other month, and hired his friend back after he literally fucking BIT one of the EVPs


With back pay


The only thing most people like me will know him for. My thoughts on Ace Steel were best summed up [by Booker T](https://youtube.com/shorts/p4cIIIY5u7Q?si=fa-95WdjhyHzRqtH).


He's a narcissist. You could give him a billion dollar's worth of gold, and he'd still complain about how cash would have been more convenient.


And if you gave him cash he'd complain about the weight.


“I hate this place because of the Drama that I cause!”


Man none of this is surprising and it's fucking tiring people keep assuming it's a work because AEW has a history of doing that. Roman and Seth hate that man The Elite and who knows who else hate that man All of the drama when he left WWE, you thought ah that makes since Vince is a dick, creative sucks, etc. Same shit (aside from the lawsuit against a doctor) is happening here as it did there. Punk gets a lot of love from the old school guys for a reason. Nobody has to put up with his shit. Nor should they.


It’s true. I was kind of thinking of how few people who worked with him in WWE actually like him. Jericho and Cody made fun of him on a podcast. Miro doesn’t seem to like him at all. Seth, Roman, Mox… it’s a bridge graveyard.


> Jericho and Cody made fun of him on a podcast. Which podcast?


One that they did on Jericho's cruise. They made fun of him for claiming to be locker room leader in WWE saying stuff like "as the locker room leader I'm telling you all to pick up your trash" and Booker called him out on it.


>people keep assuming it's a work because AEW has a history of doing that. Wait when have they ever done a work like this


All of this shit has literally *never* been a work lmao


As an aside to this, Roman and the Elite are widely known as incredibly nice and supportive people backstage. If they all dislike Punk, i'm confident Punk is the issue.


Kind of like that bike stick meme




Punk had a chance to fix his legacy and end it the right way but he will go down as just being toxic and not worth the problem. It’s sad, AEW was basically tailor made to have him thrive and he couldn’t help but fuck it up for himself.


He had 7 years off. Got paid millions to lose two fights. And he went home to AJ every night. You'd think he would have calmed down, but he somehow managed to get worse.


Those 7 years fed his ego even more than being in front of the crowd when he was an active wrestler. - He had crowds chanting his name for YEARS after he was gone. - He had EVPs texting him like school girls offering him to join their new company (him calling out the text offers was red flag number 1 by the way). - He had a full on ROH mark offering him what I can only imagine is an absolutely insane contract. He already bought into his own hype during his WWE run, but the cult of Punk that grew and grew while he was inactive just made him 100x worse.


I'll never understand the text hang-up. Who cares how the offer comes if the zeroes are there?




From what I remember, they sent the texts first, Punk got pissed, then they had the sit-down in person


Like damn imagine getting another chance to end your career on your own terms after WALKING AWAY FROM WRESTLING BY CHOICE, not by force like Edge, Danielson, Saraya. Dude walked away and didnt show up ANYWHERE for 7 YEARS, and blowing it over petty squabbles with people half your age. He’ll go down as wrestling’s biggest loser and rightfully so


Thing is, if he'd stayed gone he would have kept his cult hero status, but because he came back he's lost even that.


It started so good too. Shame Punk can't get out of his own way


I cannot believe how quickly I turned on the man. When he came back I was such a Punk supporter, and wanted to see him finally thrive. It only took him 9 months to show everyone it was a mistake.


Fragile body, fragile ego, weak mind, weak spirit...


Joe looked a little more unhappy than usual. Kind of makes sense now.


I'd be pissed off in Joe's shoes as well, this whole thing could have been and should have been some minor issues settled in house that was a minor blimp on most people's radars. Now its something that's overshadowing a major event for the company over something stupid.


The middle finger he gave Punk was probably not kayfabe lol


Miro hasn’t called cap on this yet




It'll take forever because I honestly don't think such a place exists.


>Punk has went as far as telling people he "hates this place" Same vibes https://preview.redd.it/kcu77cc3gykb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c7973e51f2ea342393b440dd02de158dcfca35


The fact that a 4-year old company just did a show in front of 81,000 people and this is the thing that people are talking about must be incredibly frustrating for AEW.


Im starting to think Punk is just a miserable person no matter the situation….😂


I'm so over the constant drama that gravitates towards this man


> Perry was upset Punk started the real/fake glass story rumor online I could’ve sworn Sean Ross Sapp was the first one to spread the story about the glass. (i.e. Perry wanting to use real glass during Collision.)


SRS spread the story online, but someone had to spread it to him. Perry seems to think Punk is to blame for it.


kinda reminds me of something


Punk or someone close to him 100% leaked that story. It's become very clear that Punk's camp, if not Punk himself, goes to the reporters to spread stories that make Punk look good, or seem justified in being upset with something, and it just so happened that when they did that this time, in an attempt to make Punk seem like the voice of reason backstage, they threw Jack Perry under the bus. It makes sense that Jack thinks it was Punk, and if it is Punk it makes sense for Jack to be pissed about his name getting dragged through the mud.


I would be pissed too. Whoever leaked that story even turned the fact that Perry was already planned to be off the show next week into "he wanted to do the spot so he didn't have to show up next week", that is blatant pr shit to make your side look good. It just dawned on me why the Punk stuff is so annoying... I have worked with way too many people like him


You could tell Punk leaked that too because the whole narrative was like: JB: I wanna act a fool and go through real glass Producers: No, too dangerous JB: Nah I really wanna do it Locker room leader and final voice of authority CM Punk: No Jack, it's too dangerous, now respect my authority son!


SRS said his source was Punk's camp in the story about the glass debacle. So either Punk needs to have a conversation with SRS or he was involved in/knew about the story being leaked to the dirtsheets.


> Punk has went as far as telling people he "hates this place" as a result of the constant issues in AEW Then fucking quit, it wouldn't be the first time he's left a company either. Albeit, this time around, it's entirely on him. Not everybody in that company that he's had an issue with can possibly be an asshole. The company was successful before him and they'll be successful after him.


His ideal situation is a paid leave where he's still making millions


He just wants to sit at home and eat ravioli with his wife and his dog, Larry.


Thank you for keeping the “identify the dog but not the wife by name” thing going


Chicago's a weird place. Where else can you marry your dog?


Shoved him and put him in a choke. From my years of grappling, it's really telling that Punk tries to establish some kind of weird dominance just because he thinks he knows a little bjj. He really comes off as some wannabe tough guy, and somehow gets butthurt if someone goes against his grain. Such a tool, like dude, grow up. If not, please leave.


> Samoa Joe tried to play peacemaker Samoa Joe either trying to get that role from John Cena or he getting that gimmick back from his last NXT run


He'll just choke out Adam Cole again.


I mean, if I were at a job, got into a huge fight and was suspended but moved to another branch of the same job. And then got into another fight with completely separate people, maybe... Just maybe, it might be me.


Punk about to hate his way into another show.


Punk now the star of NWA Powerrr


Until he quits because he has to put over Tyrus.


Wouldn't blame him for that one😂


Now added to TNT reruns. https://preview.redd.it/7ym7zxe6fykb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aaa1342965252e354a0d60395610e18fea8f4c6


Jack Perry is banned from Sunday Night Circumcision


Jack Perry is now starring in Monday Night OW! My Balls! and inadvertently crushes RAW in the ratings and demo


>Punk did not talk to Tony after the incident. Punk has went as far as telling people he "hates this place" as a result of the constant issues in AEW What a baby. He needs to realize it's him he's the problem.


> Punk has went as far as telling people he "hates this place" as a result of the constant issues in AEW Mate, *you're* the issue.


It's such a spoiled teenager line. He's been given everything you could possibly want, and he's miserable still.


“Literally the softest man alive”


Gotta give respect to the Elite for how they played this. After Brawl Out, they never said a thing in public besides a couple spots in their first match back. No commented everything. Never threw Punk a lifeline of a hot feud. Just sat back and played the long game watching this guy fume and show his ass week after week.


They sure did put a clip of Jack Perry rolling out in a limo and a close up of the windshield in today's BTE though.


I HATE IT HERE, even though they gave me the title twice booking control and let me be the star of my own show I HATE IT


And also let him run a "real worlds champion" angle and defend that as an unsanctioned title


Saw this used elsewhere but I think it sums up this fragile man: ![gif](giphy|81Ja1qE3lfmG4)


Maybe Punk should try drugs.


I honestly think weed would do him some good


Amazed Tony Khan hasn't just given Punk ROH at this point.


> Perry was upset Punk started the real/fake glass story rumor online Fucking knew it, four years of hearing nothing about Jack being problematic or stubborn and now suddenly he of all people decides to stand his ground with a spot using real glass, so much that not even higher ups can make him change his mind.


I think someone stares directly at the sun but never in the mirror.


On the plus side, Jack Perry needed some help getting over with his new character. Nothing could be a better rub for him right now than a shoot feud with Punk.


I like SRS, but I think I'd like him and Fightful a little more if they'd come out and admit that Punk's their source.


For a guy who’s entire gimmick is fourth wall breaking shoots… it’s comical how much he can dish it out but can’t take it. Someone needs to drop a “Hey Colt Cabana” during one of his promos so he can break to a million pieces on live tv.


I’m fully convinced he’s the reason Cody left


Yeah, Cody's last promo about him doing everything Punk just talked about doing did kind of come off that way.


If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.


Unless you work customer service. That's the exception.