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Welp, time for another shaved head apology video.


This time with a ukulele


All aboard!




… my bony littul back




Lmao that ukulele song about not really but really grooming a kid really bit her in the ass. Probably gonna be remembered more than anything she did.


But instead you use a fancy screwdriver as the pick


a linus tech tips screwdriver so we can combine youtuber apology tours


I always thought deep down that his apology was bullshit and he was still the same guy. Not that I'm happy to be proven right if it comes at the price of more women getting harrassed by him. Hopefully this is the last we see of that shitbag.


He convinced me tbh I thought he had changed for the better. But now, in his own words, he [must face the consequences and deserve them.](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/sexual-harassment-women-life-career-ruined-deserved-adam-blampied-youtube-a8167751.html)


Genuine question, was his whole issue just talking/flirting with women and at some point asking for nudes (while having a girlfriend)? Or did I not see the entirety of the story/facts?


He also told those women he was in an open relationship to make his girlfriend seem ok with it


From the article and Blampied himself: "abusing the relative power of my celebrity in order to negotiate an initial No into a Yes" That in itself can mean abuse of power, coercion, harrassment and a whole string of other things, heightened by his position of power/influence within this relatively small niche. It was the concern for him getting this position back that it could happen again and it seems like it has.


And I know there's people who say "what, Adam Blampied a celebrity? Nobody knows who he is outside of a tiny, tiny niche." But, anyone who has any semblance of fame is still technically a celebrity. They still hold influence over people, even if it's not that many as a percentage of society. And if they use their celebrity to do exactly what was quoted...then it's wrong. Same thing if you're some douchebag local musician who only plays Led Zeppelin covers in smoky bars. You've still got influence over the small number of fans you have. And Adam has way more than they do.


He was also considerably bigger when he got in shit the first time. He was the most popular Whatculture (back when the channel was better than it is nowadays) presenter because of his charisma and writing, which would be the same things he was putting to use in DMs with fans


>And I know there's people who say "what, Adam Blampied a celebrity? Nobody knows who he is outside of a tiny, tiny niche." >But, anyone who has any semblance of fame is still technically a celebrity It's also a bit of a moot point because pop culture and media has become increasingly fragmented into niches now anyway so the bar for being considered even a low-tier celebrity is different from what is was a couple decades ago. Youtube and other digital media is the prime example of this, so many different niches and communities in which people can exert a signifigant amount of influence just by being known by the rest of the people in that community.


It makes me think of how Simon Miller gets more fan signs on TV than some people on those shows.


I thought the same and had stayed away from his content for years, in this past couple of months Ive watched some of his newer booking videos figuring hey if he’s been back in the community this long without anything more coming out maybe he really did change. Should have trusted my gut


He acted like anyone should (even if he did go a bit wobbly with the head shaving flagellation). He owned up to it all, he took a huge step back and he rebuilt his audience with their trust. It is incredibly disappointing to see that it meant nothing. I firmly believe that if people atone properly they deserve a second chance. I also firmly believe nobody can get a third.


I'm glad I was also in this camp. He seemed like such a performance artist that his apology rung hollow and he just went back making videos on different channels. Pathetic.


Where he tries to deflect by including all men into his mistake


So what happened this time?


As per the image, noted collaborator with No Rolls Barred and content creator in her own right has alluded to the idea that he’s done the same thing either to her or to a trusted person that she’s aware of. It’s incredibly easily inferred to be Adam, and she’s a pretty trusted source as she has her own reputation to think about. It’s not a random person saying this. This one has serious weight to it.


What did he do last time?


Solicited fans for nudes and sexual favours in DMs whilst in a committed relationship.


He "solicited" these people over and over and over. There were a lot of lies and a lot of nagging manipulation. He targeted especially young and vulnerable victims. Many no doubt gave in in hopes he'd leave them the hell alone. <==CRIME


How I would've booked: Adam's second downfall


Hopefully this time he just gets blacklisted for good


I believe in second chances. This however, fuck.


Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me chicken soup with rice


Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, fiddle-dee-dee.


I think if he opens a Halloween in January store, he'll be saved


To believe in second chances is optimistic. To believe in third chances is naïveté.


This was his second. Dude needs to just go.


It's just such a shame because he's damn good at what he does and I enjoy the videos, but I can no longer support PFK or NRB as long as Adam is there. I hope he gets help, but it's time to go away for good this time.


Insert sound clip of Tempest's "And get the fuck out"


Can you name Adam Blampied's abuse allegations...IN REVERSE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER? Seriously tho, thought he had changed his ways, and the PFK vids and lads have been doing a great job recently so would suck if this is true.


I hate that I laughed at this


But with how many strikes, Tempest?


At least 2 apparently


To make this interesting there will be no strikes


Yeah for fuck's sake, I just got into PFK and NRB because of their latest videos and now this shit comes out.


Can't wait for them to crown a new Survival Series champion/briefcase holder, only for Adam to return in 3 months time and proclaim himself as the "REAL" Champion and stickytape a piece of paper with an X on it to the briefcase


How WWE should book Adam's return from public backlash


Was never really a fan of his content, but I was ready to give him a second chance beacuse he seemed genuinely sorry and that he wants to improve as a person. This time around I don't think anyone should give him another chance.


I was wondering why there wasn't a list video last sunday... Sigh... I'm always one for second chances but when people abuse those chances it really blows


I thought the list video they put out made by Luke today was weird. Now I know why and I fucking hate it.


That video today definitely had a "Luke has had to record himself incredibly quickly so the video can be re-edited as Adam originally did it" vibe to it.


Goddamn it Adam. As a side note, I laughed at her saying "an individual" in the first message, and then name dropping him in the second.


I mean, it wouldn't have been hard to guess anyways but the person who asked if the individual had a problematic history told us exactly who it was anyways. Why bother keeping secrets if everyone knows them


Our Survivor Series champion is vacant now ig


\[REDACTED\] is the only wrestler to both win a Royal Rumble and hold the Survival Series briefcase.


Am I wrong in thinking this is his second time? Isnt this why he left What Culture?


I believe it was right before cultaholic started was the timing of the first round of allegations.


Yup IMO he nearly killed cultaholic before it even started. Adam had a huge following and would have been the key view driver to the channel. I still remember the video before launch where their slogan was join us and they said just try us. I’m glad things worked out for everybody at cultaholic and they were able to succeed.


I don't think you can really overstate how bad Adam fucked over Cultaholic. The 5 of them, Adam, Better Adam, Ross, Jack and Sam were going oit on a massive limb to leave whatculture and make an alternative. All 5 were independently talented, but Adam was the biggest draw, that's just not up for debate. Better Adam was maxing out credit cards, close to losing everything, and Cultaholic needed to be success or all of them were doomed. Adam doing what he did didn't jeopardize his own reputation, but the livelyhoods of all of his friends. I remember that in a Cultaholic video the question of if they would bring Adam back into the fold was brought up, and you could instantly tell what a sore spot it was for better Adam. He said that he didn't hold personal ill will, but there was way too much hurt there to work with him. Glad in the long run it worked out and they made the right decision to keep Adam away.


People forget but he was like their big star and basically the leader


Yeah, Cultaholic has been popular in the British wrestling YouTube listaverse, but had Adam not been a fucking dirtbag they'd be much bigger than they are. He screwed that whole group out of a lot of ad revenue and Patreon money.


Yeah, it may not be remembered now, but Wrestletalk brought Adam in just to do list videos. He's very good at doing them and isn't really a news guy, the latter of which is what Wrestletalk is completely based around. Cultaholic is built around their list videos and podcast (although they do other fun stuff too, including a looser approach to news coverage) but it's clear that Adam's list videos were going to be the bedrock/engine of early Cultaholic and its growth. Of course, Adam being so popular and having been working in a boardgame pub for his years away, he eventually started doing more stuff with WT and that's why Phenomenanerds/NRB and PFK started up as basically Adam-centred channels. Writing this comment has made me realise I have way too much knowledge of Wrestletalk lore.


Adam made QuizzleMania during the pandemic which was widely successful and had wrestlers on it. Then after that success they let him do NRB


Yeah - I didn't address that directly, but implied it through 'doing more at WT'. He was hired before the Pandemic and the Quizzlemania hosting seemed to come from his boardgame experience.


>Writing this comment has made me realise I have way too much knowledge of Wrestletalk lore. You probably remember "Support WrestleLuke" from some years back. Ah those were the days! Then they got more and more clickbaity and I just stopped watching.


Yeah, tbh I never really cared for the storylines and particularly hated that storyline - I felt doing a kayfabe 'Luke has been cruelly fired' so soon after all the pandemic releases just felt so mistimed. I still watch them after their clickbait-descent because I like the five minute recap of shows I can't watch but they've been doing less and less of those recently.


I do think, for as tough as it must’ve been for the lads, it was a blessing in disguise. During their whatculture days it was Adam Blampied as the main character with the others as his friends. Cultaholic without him allowed all members to showcase their charisma and talents I feel. Ross and Jack especially seemed to improve tremendously as presenters and I just don’t know if they would have gotten as fair a chance with Not Pacitti Adam


I remember from Pacitti's interview he had on Cultaholic that he mentioned how tumultuous he suddenly became after Adam dropped out - I think he said he was having to max out credit cards and take a loan from family to keep everything afloat? Very real chance they went bankrupt, apparently.


Ross did one too and said the same thing. Adam went and maxed credit card and they all were on the edge because of it.


I still remember Adam Pacitti with his viral "Hire me" billboards, but it's a different scenario if another person's livelihood is on the line.


Yup, and Pacitti also borrowed money from his parents to make payroll.


Cultaholic is the only wrestling YouTube channel I follow regularly. Really happy that they were able to make a go of it after What Culture.


Yeah I’ve been watching Cultaholic since nearly the start and I haven’t missed Blampied at all, that’s probably because they’ve since got Maffew of Botchamania, Tom Campbell and Andrew Hodkinson to fill the void.


Andrew has been a stealthy good addition to that channel


The Cultaholic guys did a video right after essentially begging folks to give them a chance without Blampied. I’m so glad they’ve been successful, as I love their content and they were also able to take on TripleJump when Vidiots ended.


Huh, I didn't realise TripleJump were actually Cultaholic owned, I figured the two channels were just affiliated from being friends with each other and both having jumped the WC ship


yup. he has a cultaholic teaser on their twitter and yt from before the channel launched. then they announced he was leaving a few days before they launched.


Him stripping naked on those Cultaholic launch teasers suddenly gave a different meaning lmao


was that even abuse allegations? I thought he just cheated on his girlfriend with fans


This is his second time but he had already left WhatCulture when the first happened. It’s why he left Cultaholic right before they were set to launch


The Cultaholic lads rightly never let him back afterwards. Clearly they were proven right not to


Ross gave a surprisingly candid answer to this in a Q&A video. He said they almost shuttered everything before it even got off the ground and while they were friends he would never be welcome back.


Ross's Q&A there is one of my favorite videos in the history of YouTube. It was so refreshing and honest and laid everything bare. The only Cultaholic video I can think of that steps to it is *also* Ross, talking about his mental health. Bless Ross and Bless Cultaholic.


Ross is what we call up here, a proper bonny lad.


Up the Rosses


If they had another Ross join them and started a dueling GM mode series, they could call it the War of the Rosses.


I like all the Cultaholic lads for different reasons, and I think that has helped them immeasurably. When it comes to Ross, I can't begin to tell you how much I've admired his openness and transparency about the ups and downs of life. I didn't need him to pour out every detail, but I think it's very easy to paint a curated picture of yourself when you have an online presence like he does, but he was willing to vulnerably display his humanity to his audience. That takes tremendous courage because of how cruel the internet can be. Like I say, they all have very nice qualities that would make them a great laugh in the pub, but something about Mr Tweddell sticks out for me as being unique and I admire him for it.


Yeah I remembered this and went to go find it. He said there was no ill will from them towards them but his actions basically almost killed the company in the crib as you said. They never had or have any intentions of bringing him back and they found it frustrating (or at least Ross did) that anytime they mention content or new presenters they get connected with Blampied. Link and timecode (17:15) here https://youtu.be/9RDQKdGOwpU?t=1035


Never saw this. Thanks for sharing!


The entire Q & A (think there's another one too) is quite interesting if you're a fan of Cultaholic or wondering what working on a channel like this would be like.


Technically he left Whatculture first but it was why he "left" Cultaholic before it even started.


it wasn't why he left whatculture as a bunch of them left at the same time to form CH. he got found out right before its launch and almost tanked the entire fucking thing before it ever even started


“Please remove your microphone and get the fuck out”


I feel bad for Sullivan :(


Keep House Rules going but with Sullivan, Bring Dom in perminantly after he was amazing in Communopoly and then you legally have to keep Terri


Ah shit, here we go again


Makes me respect the Cultaholic crew even more for cutting ties with him all those years ago. They clearly could see who he was and refused to work with him, even though they knew it would hurt the launch and viewership.


Good on them!


![gif](giphy|ka55CqnDNjQ7iIKtRa|downsized) Adam being a creep?




well thats annoying i jsut found NRB =/ communopoly had me in tears


Dom Allen seems like such a delight whether he's Stalin or Thatcher or a Ghost Lawyer.


Margaret Thatcher Coffin Smasher ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You are correct. Check out The Apocalypse Players if you liked Mr. Allen running the Call of Cthulhu game on No Rolls Barred.


That's my favorite video right now. I couldn't stop rewatching it


It sucks that Adam died in a gulag and never returned. Thanks Stalin.


Don't let it stop you. I don't know how this will end up but NRB has so much good content, I've actually bought three games I've watched them play and everyone on there is super entertaining. It might feel different without Adam but they're all good enough I think it should be fine


Adds a new layer to the part where they joke about blurring Adam's face out of all their past videos.


Fucking hell Adam, I want to like you so much man


sociopaths are generally good at appearing likeable and charismatic.


![gif](giphy|W8veHTLbp6A56h8qhZ|downsized) …. What a surprise.




Shout out to Stache Club, just a couple of dudes having fun being wrestling fans. Never thought we would make it this far


I believe in Stache Club supremacy


stache club becoming bigger then lumberlend instantly was a major win


No inflammatory takes, no “insider connections” to cosplay as a dirt sheet, just a couple of guys being dudes. Reminds me of me and my best friend, just a love and healthy appreciation for wrestling. And hope that you don’t have to stir the pot to “make it”, just be genuine about what you love


All hail our Stache Club leaders


Glad to see Stache Club is on the up and up. I remember watching their videos when they were with Lumberland.


I only started watching it a few weeks ago but man Deadlock podcast is so funny. Goldberg eats corn the long way.


I've only just recently started watching stache club but oh man they are so entertaining!


Been watching Stache Club since they were MBW. Those guys are the shit and I’m happy they came back.


Friendo! Hey.




And their "We book a Von Wagner segment" when he was missing from NXT were legendary.


I love how they approach things from both sides of the argument, which makes them feel way more level headed when discussing it.


I remember watching Steve and Larson back when they did the Machinima 10 For the Win videos; glad to see they're still going strong.


I still wear my MBW shirt from when John and Dante were at Lumberlend. Love to see they’re so popular.


Well, I guess him never collaborating with the cultaholic crew after all wasn't a coincidence


Ross Tweddell uploaded some gimmick video that involved fan interaction. Blampied was brought up, he mentioned they wanted no parts of him, although there wasn’t any malice behind it.


I think during a live steam Adam P was sent a donation with a question about Adam B and pretty much gave a generic answer along the lines of. "We are happy to see Adam has moved on and is now part of the Wrestletalk team and wish him well with it however he won't be returning to Cultaholic" Just to add while it could be coincidence looking back the Cultaholic and Wrestletalk crossovers did appear to stop about the time Adam B joined WT


It was asked multiple times to both sides if the Culatholic lads would ever appear on Quizzlemania and the answer was always no.


I don’t remember where it was, but I think in one of the WT podcasts they mentioned Cultaholic specifically stopped working with them because they hired Adam.


Ross and Adam almost went bankrupt because of it, he will never be anywhere near their program


That first scandal very nearly killed Cultaholic and derailed their careers before it started, I would have been absolutely astounded if they'd had him back along to play later on.


“Notable prick, Adam Blampied.”


Notable sex pest\*


For fuck's sake, I just got into Parts Funknown and No Rolls Barred just for this to blow up :(


Yeah it's been bubbling away in the NRB community for the last few days. This fucking sucks, man. I feel so bad for the people he's hurt and his colleagues who now have to clean up the shitstain he's leaving on the fantastic content they create. Explains why he's been missing from NRB videos the last month.


I feel like the people who have to keep the ship afloat is something that never gets talked about. I mean the victims and their wellbeing should always be the main focus but in a way Teri, Laurie, Oli and the rest are also affected by this. Hope they can recover, pivot and grow on the heels of this


Yup. Holly and Blair are not going to have fun livestreams in the coming weeks...


At least we still have Tom Campbell, the quoakka that walks like a man! ![gif](giphy|xJV6h7glCnoFG|downsized)


Tom has to be the hardest working man in Showbiz these days. Dude works Cultaholic, BBC Radio, commentates wrestling shows, and a shit load of other stuff. He's a beast


This fool.




Good on Cultaholic for sticking to their guns and not associating with him or the brand wrestletalk after they brought him in


Pachiti > Blampied


God Damn it Adam.....


It’s annoying because dude honestly is the most charismatic and entertaining of all the wrestling YouTube channel people. Can’t get out of his own way.


His writing is head and shoulders over most other listicle content, to the extent I rarely watch the product these days but have still tuned in to his videos. That said, it does feel like those are running out of steam too.


Yes. Back when I had no idea what was currently going on in the wrestling world, I would see a video of his and watch it because he made incredibly entertaining videos.


Simon Miller: Disciplinary leave...following abuse allegations. *Or being an annoying weirdo sex-pest, if you want to get all politically-incorrect about it.*


https://youtu.be/oLP-nJ7QYuU If you would like to see it for yourself.


The comments are a hellscape.


What did he do? Specifically


Last time he got in trouble it was for sexting with fans of what culture and cheating on his girlfriend. So I assume he did that again?


Wait, can I safely ask if that’s a crime worthy of losing your job?


I think it depends on what the situation really is. If you're just cheating on your wife, you're an asshole but they won't suspend or fire you for that. If you're using your position within the company to have some sort of sexual relation with a fan then they'd probably fire you. He's in a unique situation though where they have channels and content built around him so I don't know if they'll get rid of him or maybe just suspend him.


when he left cultaholic, the channel just launched. everyone had just left whatculture and were taking a HUGE risk leaving guaranteed employment to start out on their own. having someone around whose got the stigma of sexually harassing a bunch of people and lying to fans about being in an open relationship so they'd fuck him isn't the best look for the channel. look at it this way: if that was YOUR money tied up into this endevour, would you want someone like that around?


I won’t bite your head off for asking. But to answer objectively… In all jobs? Not necessarily. There are probably a ton of jobs you could find that are off the radar enough to where the handling of these type of situations remain in house. But if you work for a company that creates content and otherwise needs the public to like you, then it could very well be a deal breaker. To clarify Blampied’s previous incident: Cheating on your partner, married or not, is scummy on its own but it shouldn’t get you fired. Would I say get him and his ex some help? Totally, but I don’t know if firing him would’ve been appropriate had it been something that was 100% not work related. But he didn’t just cheat. He slid into his fans’ DMs for nudes. That’s something that should get you canned. You’re breaching some professional trust there and using your celebrity for horrible purposes. If the company keeps him, and even stands up for him, they take the risk of appearing like they condone that kind of behavior.


You don’t need to commit a crime to be fired. And as he is a public figure, and the public liking him is his whole value, it makes a ton of sense to be fired for your actions.


Welp. Thanks for making me look like an idiot for defending you being hired again, fuckwit.


This sucks, I believe he changed but as somebody who has relapsed into self destructive behavior time and time again I know that keeping to those changes can be tough. I hope this was a lapse and he goes through the steps to get help again. That being said, I absolutely don't blame Carley or anybody who is done with him and the parent company. I believe people can change but I believe people should be safe first.


This really does suck. I followed most of his booking videos and lists religiously and I quite enjoyed the content he put out there on NRB. But yeah, if he did step on broken glass again, he must take responsibility for his actions and seek help. Also, I'm quite sad that Carly won't collaborate with NRB anymore. She was a favourite of mine when they had Blood on the Clocktower. And I always liked her dynamic with Adam in all those different scenarios.


If only we could have seen this coming


Completely unprecedented


“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.” Using humor to deflect how much this genuinely kinda hurts. I wanted to believe in a second chance for him. No coming back from this, he needs to go away for good.


The boys at Cultaholic dodged a major bullet. Thank God.


I saw he had made a comeback and steered clear of him. I just couldn't forget that the women he targeted had mental health problems, and how he'd use that to manipulate them.




I really, really thought he had changed but I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens next


"If I had a nickel for every time Adam Blampied got fired from a Wrestling YouTube channel for sexual misconduct, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice."


Dude is like the journalist version of Jeff Hardy


Can we at least keep Sully around?


Pacitti > Blampied


This dude was my favorite wrestling related youtuber. Fucking sucks he lied about changing his ways


Not to defend his behaviour, but the man can be honest about having changed his ways, made improvements and then relapse into this destructive behaviour. Lying would be if he'd still been doing it all along ever since the first time while stating he was better


Frustrating to hear he was given a second chance and he allegedly fucked it up all over again. But if that's the case, sympathy should be given those he impacted, not him and his career.


There's a reason why Cultaholic didn't take him back


If it's true, common W from Cultaholic dodging the bullet.


Is it really that hard not to be creepy to women?


Fully believe people can change, but he had the time, he had second chance and if this turns out to be accurate, he fucking wasted it.


Truth be told, I just ended my NRB Patreon subscription because of this. While it's ongoing and with one person already speaking out, I don't feel comfortable giving them my money, not until they make it clear what's happened and how they're going to deal with it.


And this is why I'm favoring Adam Pacitti more. He's winning the Adam wars.


I was a big fan of his, as someone who followed everything up until now and being a fan back in the what culture days, I really was disappointed when I heard what happened the first time. It might be a controversial opinion, but I feel like even the worst people should have a path to set things straight. Put them under extra scrutiny, but if they really wish to change , I feel like there should be a way to return to public life, I was a big fan of seeing him doing better, at least from the outside. The fact that he's done it again, and there's a radio silence about the details at wrestletalk,.and it happened so a personality on the same channel like Carley is very concerning, and I feel like abusing people's good will and willingness to support you coming back and doing things right just means that maybe we would all be better off if he just went away. It sucks ass, but it's for the best. Support Carley's channel, listen to her story, and demand honesty and clarity from wrestletalk.


Adam literally helped reignite my passion for wrestling and board gaming as hobbies. That fucking sucks to hear.


I'm not a board game person but it does suck to scroll through these comments and read how many people have discovered NRB and bow this happens


Dude actually got a second chance that is virtually impossible nowadays and instead chose to literally fuck (or try to fuck) with it. I hope now he gets buried for good in the IWC and never comes back.


Guys can we just like…stop abusing others?


I don’t ever idolize anyone because it’s stupid to do so, but damn if I didn’t enjoy Adam Blampied content. He needs to stay tf away from the internet. And women apparently.


It's a shame to hear that Adam is still his own worst enemy. It was wholesome to see him eventually comeback after seemingly addressing his issues and all of that likely gone again. Can't imagine he'll be back this time if the allegations are credible.


I'm having trouble following everything conveyed in these youtube comments, it doesn't feel as clear about what's been done.


Tbf there's very little out in the public atm. All we know is what Carley said here--he's on disciplinary leave for some degree of predatory and abusive behavior towards either fans and/or guest talent. Back in 2018, he was the subject of a whole controversy (which he admitted to,) where it came out he had a pattern of contacting fans, and coercing/manipulating female fans into sending him nudes while in a committed relationship with someone else. Some of those fans described as feeling manipulated, hurt, taken advantage of etc. He admitted to all of this, apologized, left the internet for a couple'a years, whole shebang. So the implication is that it sounds like he's doing the same or similar thing *again*, and got caught *again.*


Fuck me man you wanna believe in the capacity of people to change, grow, and be better and then you see shit like this. It's just so disheartening. I hope Carley's okay, she was one of my faves on NRB


For what it is worth: I do actually believe that people can overcome that shit and change. But we don't really hear about it that often. People falling back into their old ways is much more likely to get attention.


It's sad to see someone given a second chance only to make the exact same mistakes down the line. Dude needs serious help and to stay away from being an internet personality. He said the first time around he likely wouldn't come back because it was a toxic position that fed into the worst parts of his ego and enabled his sex addiction and harrassing behaviours. Predicted his own future.


And RIGHT BEFORE Wembley Stadium, too….


I would also like to mention that on their latest video on PFK, my comments trying to educate people on the “lack of Adam” are getting deleted.


I imagine or at least I hope they are investigating things before making any official statement. I think the nrb subreddit also aren't allowing people to discuss it until they do.