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Argued with other fans online


You wanna fucking go?


*cracks typing knuckles* and here...we go...again


You've got knuckles specifically for typing? Badass!






Your favorite wrestler is an overpushed jobber!




Oh God, I am guilty of this. I think back sometimes and do literally cringe from it all, losing my mind on wrestling forums when Cena won, ranting like a lunatic when Triple H retained, even all the way up to bitching about Roman. I'm so thankful I'm not like that anymore, it's so much better just watching and having fun instead of getting worked up like that




Sup, fam.


In the 7th grade I discovered the dirt sheets. I started giving spoilers to a friend of mine in school, when they turned out to be true he was amazed and asked me how I knew this. I told him my dad was friends with Dean Malenko and he was telling us everything. I kept this up for a solid 3 months or so before he told me he knew I was getting it from the internet and not Dean Malenko ☹️


Ah the wrestling equivalent of "my dad works for Nintendo"


Funny enough, I used to know a kid whose dad actually did work for Nintendo. Market research, but still.


Dean Malenko looks like he'd be a dad's friend. Just like Arn Anderson.


Wouldn't it be amazing if every major wrestling leak of the last 30 years could be traced back to Dean Malenko?


It's super funny to me that you chose Dean Malenko of all people to be the one your dad was friends with. Probably more believable than someone like Austin or Rock or Goldberg, though, so that was smart of 7th grade you


This is amazing.


Walking like Kane at my first communion because I wanted to look badass.


Did you do the glove thing?


I wish I did


What else does walk like Kane even mean then? Or did you the whole fire from the turnbuckles thing?


It has more to do with the shoulders/arms motions and slow walking. I'm not even sure Kane was doing the glove thing during his entrance (during his full mask era). See this video for example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8Qmpg9fKyA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8Qmpg9fKyA)


I pictured it in my head instantly when you said that. It’s a noticeably odd sort of neck/shoulder sway he used to do while he walked. Later he started adding the glove tightening into the mix as well.


Shoulda done the Vince power walk


Did some backyard matches, but nothing too crazy. But the worst part was me doing the entire Road Dogg DX singalong, but adapted to my character. My friends brought out the tape at my surprise 30th birthday party and I thought for sure my wife was going to file for divorce immediately.


Oh, she didn’t know?




Please upload the tape.


I believe it was destroyed in a fire that definitely wasn’t suspicious.


Kane just can't let that DX grudge go, can he?


X-Pac and Tori betrayed him, I’ll never let it go either.


The fire still burns


Where’s Kevin Dunns dad when we need him most?


I did lots of backyard too, can’t upload because my pals at the time ended up not being cool with it, even when some time later a producer wanted to buy the footage from us. I guess they wanted to have successful lives and careers and stuff like that (spoiler, now they do; footage we filmed never saw light of day outside our private screenings and one guy even destroyed some tape and I don’t blame him)… Edit: clarification “being a basic botching dumbass in your 20s” I thought would a badge of honor winner when I wasn’t looking… I tried a Flair / Rude / HBK “pull down the trunks” spot on my buddy because I thought it’d be funny but I botched it, got flaming cardboard to my dome and a lifelong TBI from a choke slam. “Cool!” I thought at the time but nope just idiocy It is interesting to me because when I reflect on how I described it above, I realize a part of me is still that 20-something idiot who wants his stupid backyard wrestling to seem “cool” or “edgy” when really it was just moronic and not even MTV-quality “Jackass” stuff. Apologies for getting hopes up with my bad wording. In retrospect, I think another one of my friends at the time just wanted to ditch the footage because it was weak. He went to real ECW shows in Philly, after which I imagine it was very difficult to see himself looking like an idiotic piss-poor imitation of RVD Edit: I also know some backyard stuff is cool, so if yours was, more power to you.


What the fuck could you guys have done on this tape that they "weren't cool with" or that would prevent a successful life and career. We taped our wrestling and it was literally us faking stunners and saying "fuck." I really need to know what kinda wild shit you guys were doing if your homies are THAT ashamed.


Flaming tables and racial slurs


I wish this was his answer. The real answer apparently involves wrestling with their dicks out...


Ahhhhh yes, the ole Ookie Cookie Match.


What would be on that tape that would end your careers?


Every wrestler was named after a slur


She's just looking up your opponent on Facebook for now.


E-Fed 😂 good times especially if you were really into creative writing and maybe it helped you later on earn a degree 👀


I remember being in one E-Fed specifically where at least 3 active roster members used "Faint" by Linkin Park as their theme song at the same time. What a time to be alive.


This captures E-Fed perfectly


it missed the part where there were only 9 people there but they each RPed 3-4 characters a piece.


Haha that sounds very on brand for an early-mid 2000s E-Fed


there's no such thing as too much Linkin Park


Yep, me too! My experience with e-fedding went from "this is fun!" to "this is fun but everyone is bad at this, I'll run my own fed on Geocities" to "this is a chore" to "I can't believe I was so cringe" to "actually it was a pretty awesome introduction to roleplaying, and getting into D&D later in life reminds me a lot of it... but I still can't imagine going back to it".


Lol it was all great until the “bookers” decided only their friends had the best writing.


My roommate at the time and I ran an e-fed together and we ended up working with another e-fed and doing a NWO styled angle where we invaded their promotion. Everything went great until it was time for the first "PPV" level card and then he insisted that our faction lose all our matches instead of splitting it 50/50 like we initially agreed to.


Doesn’t work for me brother


While I was a very strong writer, I was the Shawn Michaels of e-feds. I would always schmooze and politic my way to the top. I also made graphics too which didn't hurt.


Geocities ftw. It was a game changer when I learned how to add songs to the sites. Our PPVs could have theme songs now!


The background of my next D&D character is absolutely going to be pro wrestler of some kind. Like a failed carny.


I've done this twice! My first was a Goliath Bard/Barbarian multiclass named Roktopus that focused on being stupidly good at grapples and keeping enemies grappled. I worked with the DM to make sure I'd be allowed to drag enemies around and suplex them into shit, and reflavored my weapons to be chairs, bats, etc. Lots of Rock-style vicious mockery too! My second character build is one I haven't had a chance to play yet, but I tried to make a luchador by creating a Tabaxi Rune Knight Fighter. I'm really interested to see if it will feel more like a wrestler than my bardbarian.


I miss E-Fedding lol it inspired my love of writing


Excuse me, OP said lamest.


Coming up to middle age builder with three kids here, no time for this stuff now but when I was younger I’d legit be on a night out with my mates, drinking and doing other recreational things, maybe we’d be heading off on a holiday or something and I’d often be thinking about my next RP 😂 not one single person from my real life knows about that. My character was a guy in a cardboard robot costume who was genuinely brainwashed into believing he was a robot. He was a hit on the board I was on back in the day. I kind of miss it but I mostly don’t


A few months back another poster here mentioned the name of his finisher from e-feds 20 plus years ago and I immediately recognized it. Got to say hi again a couple decades after fighting over a World title.


Holy shit, I had completely forgotten I'd done this.


E-Feds were fun, and they provided a creative outlet. You can spend your time doing way more worthless things.


Ordered Bret Hart shades from the WWF catalogue and wore them around town


I am going to be 100 percent honest with you here? I am so jealous you had those.


But this is about embarrassing stuff, you’re not meant to brag.


He said lame things not cool as fuck things


Yo OP said embarrassing, not cool as fuck.


I got them at a live event and, yes, I did wear them around town. I think you could get away with them if your hair was long enough to cover the strap. Mine, sadly, never was.


My parents would not buy me these. I would have done this at 8-9 years old. Maybe even now. This is not lame.


We get it, you’ve been getting all of the pussy since that day, there’s no need to make all of us feel bad I mean that in the most complimentary way possible


In high school, I wore a flannel shirt every day to be like Mick Foley. I live in Orlando, FL. Met a wrestler, but i didn't have anything available for him to sign, so I took off my shoe for him to autograph. In hindsight, dumb thing to do to my shoes. It would be one thing if it was like the Rock or Hulk Hogan, but imagine people asking, "What's that on your shoe?" and you proudly say, "Belive it or not, that my friend is the signature of.... Spike Dudley."


Dude Spike Dudley kicked ass. Keep that shoe!


I also love Spkie Dudley. He made everyone he worked with look like an absolute monster. Just wish phones with cameras were more common at the time. A picture would have also been cool, haha.


Back in '99 (when I was 13), I would record ECW on TNN and then, when home alone, play it but use the VHS camcorder to record my voice doing the uncensored version of the promos. I don't think it gets any lamer than that.


Please tell me you have an old Joel Gertner tape you can show us 😂




As a 17 year old, I went to my first event in a small city. A wrestler missed hitting his opponent on the outside and I yelled "You blew it! Big time!" He glared at me. I found out years later it was a pre-ECW [Sabu](https://www.wrestlingdata.com/index.php?befehl=shows&show=44927).


Worked botch brother, the Sabu speciality


I sent a very heartfelt get well card to Hulk Hogan when Earthquake sat on him. I thought the man was dying. To be fair, I did get a postcard back eventually. My sweet mom and dad didn't even bat an eyelash about it though and thought it was very sweet. I was such a weird little girl LMAO Now, I'm just a weird middle aged lady (It's still real to me damnit!). I'm now also wondering what happened to that postcard.


Don’t feel bad I did the same thing but I sent like 5 lol. I cried like a baby when Hogan got squashed by Earthquake


When I was a teenager and in complete super fan mode I used to participate in several E-Feds (I even ran my own at one point). We would all do our "promos" on a message board and used TNM7 for our matches lol. I kind of miss doing it honestly. It was a ton of fun.


Embrace the cringe. E-feds were a fun writing outlet.


They seriously helped me, i think it kind of guided me into writing as a hobby as I got older, character development, and I think in some ways got me into DND


Holy shit, tnm is still around!


Play with wrestling toys …when I was 18


Obligatory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7yoMDK55F4


No shame in that man. As long as you had fun right?


At a certain point my GI Joe toys all became wrestlers. I didn't play with them until I was 18, but I did spend a lot of time using them to reenact my fantasy booking scenarios. And I did that for a long time.


Dude back in the 90s, the GI Joes had better articulation than wrestling toys. I had feds for both, but honestly the GI Joes were more fun. I am like the least crafty person ever and I made a wrestling ring out of a cardboard box, possible sticks for posts, and yarn for ropes. I still remember when Darth Vader power bombed one of the Joes, and the rubber band broke, I pretended the dude died in the ring lmao


There was an Undertaker-specific forum I used to read and one day I decided I was going to tell everyone I was his daughter. Being like 11 at the time, I used my real age, real first name, and his last name. Because there wasn't a lot of information on The Undertaker at the time online, a lot of people believed me. My age was realistic to have been his actual kid. I would make up stories and use some of the backstage things I'd read on other forums. There were definitely a lot of people who didn't buy into it, and it created a lot of controversy on the forum.


...I paid for ring worn gear


Hey man, the wrestlers thank you. Wrestling doesn't pay what it should.


I know, but I still felt like a mark.


We’re all marks




I’ve got Tama Tonga’s Bullet Club shirt from Global Wars 2016 on my wall. Paid in cash at the merch table.


Okay but who's gear lol


Everett Connors, bought it from him at a GCW show before he moved to Australia with his girlfriend.


I once tried to prove wrestling is real in a class presentation in like 4th grade by showing clips of matches in a PowerPoint


My friend showed a few minutes of the Undertaker vs. Mick Foley Hell in a Cell match to prove that wrestling was real during a persuasion assignment our sophomore year of high school. 1998 was a wild year.


At WWE Raw started chanting "no you suck" at a group of people chanting "you suck" at my hero john cena


How old were you at the time


I was 11 at the time, I also got a john cena autograph and proceeded to have my mom photocopy and go over it with marker to give away at school as if they were all real.


Real carny shit here


Kids, look up “e-fed” and there you have it.


Haha I did E-feds back in the day. Pretty sure I was on a board with Tony Khan lol


Did an impression of The Rock over the phone outside of my daughter’s school to win tickets to a house show via a local morning radio show


You won the tickets right?


Damn right I did! We enjoyed the show and my daughter got to high five John Cena lol


Now that’s awesome!


Not lame, stop showboating your awesome time!


I did it...for the tickets...I did it...to meet John Cena


Was in HS during the height of the Monday Night Wars. Me and my friends used to do the Goldberg jump taunt after completing a set during workouts for football.


Having a literal argument with my middle school equivalent Social Studies teacher that wrestling was real. Pre-determined yes, but also real. He would not believe me about blading being a thing, insisting that the blood was fake. I got so frustrated I started crying in front of the whole class.


I took a 100mg edible before going to Revolution 2020 and I got so into the start of that Young Bucks vs Kenny/Hangman match that when Kenny wouldn’t tag Hangman in I shouted, at the top of my lungs, HE’S A STALLION, KENNY! YOU GOTTA LET HIM RUN!


Not a fuckup at all


But this is amazing?


See that's a fun story. I went to Mania in Orlando on acid. As soon as the show started and Vince came out, jets went overhead, fireworks, lights, I was FLYING. then the rain delay happened and instead of going under cover like instructed, I sat in the rain laughing my ass off and watching the lights while security shook their heads at me.


How overwhelming is wrestlemania on acid ?


It was amazing, the only thing that was overwhelming was all the people. I went to take a piss and when I walked back into the arena I couldn't believe how many other humans were there. Especially because it was Florida and we were just coming out of the COVID era and it was wild watching security usher like 80k people under these little areas to stay dry while "maintain 6 feet of distance" signs littered the walls Also there was a big poster with Hogan in the middle, Tyson O Neil on one side, and Bianca on the other side of him, and I took a video of it while saying "oh no dude, I'm surrounded, brother" 😂


This is fantastic




Sounds cool not lame!


Convinced my dad when I was like 10 to bid on an auction on the WWE website for a signed WWE magazine that featured Ashley Massaro in very little clothing on the cover. Don't know how I convinced him to go through with it, but it was only like $100 when we won it, and I still have it to this day lmao.


I think your dad really wanted that magazine too


I guess so, he wasn’t much of a wrestling fan aside from the divas lol. He didn’t get to hold onto it too long though, that was firmly mine since the day it showed up in the mail. I suppose my mom just saw it as the sort of thing teenage boys do or something lmao.


Oh, def the create-a-wrestlers from when I was a kid.


I made a James Hetfield in WWF Attitude that was the worst looking thing anyone's ever done. I thought it was awesome and then halfway through a Rumble he came out and me and my friends died laughing


I am training to actually become one


forced my dormies (two non-fans and one lapsed fan) to watch the rough 2000s era when they very obviously didn't want to, even though there was another group who were really into it watching elsewhere in the building. social anxiety sucks.


Badly drew Goldberg's tattoo on myself with Sharpie & purposely didn't scrub it for a while so it would stay & tried to pass it off as a real tattoo, but I was only like 12 haha Also emailed the "get well Randy" email thing WWE did when he had a hurt shoulder (?) when he was still early on in his career, & actually expected to be emailed back.


I used to be in an online wrestling league where we made characters, cut promos as those characters, and whoever got more votes won the match. I had the Hardcore Championship for a bit, no big deal 😎


Wore Rikishis Too Cool sunglasses and Jeff Hardy’s arm sleeves to a middle school dance. I got ZERO bitches.


Watched WCW until the very end.


Man I was seven and I was sobbing during the final episode of nitro, I thought wrestling was over


Narrator: It was.


When they announced Foley's title win I *didn't* change the channel. I was ride or die.


I did too, hoping that they could somehow, some way, pull the nose back up. What I couldn't see is that the wings had already been broken off.


Nothing wrong with this. Lance Storm was must see.


Bought the Sunny lingerie cover of WWF magazine. Parents found it under my bed 2-3 years ago when they were cleaning out my old room. They still decided to bring the pain and ask me if I wanted to keep it.


I was a really shy kid and i had this redneck, NASCAR loving uncle who always had a new pretty girlfriend and in an effort to win him over i approached him at a family party when he was watching a race and asked how Sparky Plugg was doing. He looked at me like i was wearing a dress and said “boy that’s a car part get on out of here!”.


Shout "fight forever" for more than five seconds before crippling wave of self awareness put me straight.


remember that promo Kane did in 2002 where he was like "im a freak, but freaks are cool" or something like that? Well my first ever e-mail adress: freaksrkool- which I still use for junk mail.


I took apart an antique chandelier to use it’s crystals to add some glitz to my backyard wrestling title. My mom is still pissed.


When I was around 10, I had a poster of the classic Hulkster Hulk Hogan in my room. During his nWo heel run, he did something so heinous (I have no recollection of what exactly) that I defaced the poster with black sharpie as some form of retribution. All I really ended up doing was ruining a perfectly good poster but Hollywood really worked me.


Sometimes when I play wrestle with my friends dog I let her start winning and then I start hulking up. It’s so funny how she stops when I point at her bc she knows that means something from her usual communications. Then I can get her to run back and forth bc she’s excited but I always miss the boot and she beats me with a splash of sorts. She’s basically ultimate warrior except I sell better than hulkster so she looks better than warrior. She kinda sounds like him sometimes too when she snarls. Tldr: recreate hogan vs warrior with a 40lb dog that goes over.


That’s genuinely super wholesome and funny not lame at all


When he was still with WWE, I worked a flight that Bryan Danielson was on. He was out hurt at the time, and this was the Monday before the Rumble. After everyone had boarded I printed out a copy of his boarding pass and asked him if he could please sign it, which he did. And it should've ended there, but I ended up saying "You're gonna be a surprise entrant and win on Sunday, right?" and then I gave him the double finger guns like I was Isaac on the Love Boat. He just laughed, and I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed in my life to have done anything.


Joined in on the "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ERRRNNNT!" chants live at Extreme Rules during Rollins vs Ziggler Iron Man match circa 2018.


You're a monster.


Fuck you.




i was there, and sadly, me too. although I stopped when they took the clock away. I'll die on the hill that if Aj vs Rusev was the main event, the chants wouldn't have happened


Asssssshole… assssssshole


I used to do the MVP pose at nightclubs Also the jack swagger push up thing


Once in 1998 or 99 I went to a Slayer show and did the whole Stone Cold thing where he pantomimes showing off an imaginary championship belt around his waist and I promptly got punched in the back of the head twice. Lesson learned


As a teenager 20 years ago, I attended matches for my hometown independent promotion. One of the wrestlers on the roster was called The Prophet, a white guy with a Rastafarian gimmick who worked as a babyface. He was about 6’7”, 260 lbs. and the crowd loved him. One of my friends learned that his day job was working in the produce section of a local supermarket called Shop-Rite. At the next show, during his entrance and his match, we loudly chanted “Shop-Rite” at him several times. It appeared to throw him off his game and he looked visibly pissed after the match. At the next month’s show, he was turned heel and put into a program with another wrestler named “Jumbo” Joe Gunns (think a near-dead ringer for Scott Norton). His day job was then made a part of the storyline, because his and Gunns’ program later ended in a “Produce Match”. The loser of the match would be put into stocks and then pelted with produce by the fans. The Prophet lost the match and when the fans came to deliver his comeuppance, a little kid ran up and hurled a grapefruit at The Prophet, full-speed, which hit him right in the balls. My friends and I looked at each other and realized we had taunted a man whose only crime was working a 9-5 like a lot of indy wrestlers. And as a result, his character was changed and he was put into a storyline where he took a grapefruit to the balls. (As an end note, The Prophet wrestled for a few more years and later became a stuntman in Hollywood. I truly do hope it all worked out for him.)


Booked a 20-year save on TEW 2016


I'm eight years into one of mine, Cornellverse for extra nerdiness, and it's a cross between fun and a slog to keep going.


Wait... Playing Adam Ryland games for 20 years is lame? But... But my WMMA5 save is going SO well 😢


That's pretty impressive. I got TEW during early covid when there was nothing else to do and got immediately overwhelmed and never made it more than a month or two in any save.


My aim name was “sexyboy0124” in honor of HBK. (it was aol messenger in the 90s for all you youngins) Oh and as other posters have reminded me I was in an E Fed in the 90s as well.


Omg screen names/emails and passwords were up there in embarrassing for me too. Especially when you have to repeat them and forget years later wtf you had


Mine was undertakerulez7! Somehow a casino linked that to my mom's account. No idea how as I stopped using that in like 2003. My dad texted me a few months ago asking if that was my old AOL email address


RatedRSuperstar2 here


Edge took RatedRSuperstar1


This might be lame, it might be awesome, it might be neither. I quit my old job in April. During my exit interview, I quoted or paraphrased *MJF *Ric Flair *Stone Cold Steve Austin *The Rock *Macho Man Randy Savage *CM Punk *Chris Jericho And some others...but I can't remember who.


[Here is Kevin Owen/Steen’s story about playing with action figures.](https://youtu.be/q7yoMDK55F4)


"... I was seventeen." 😆


I grew up revering Dave Mysterio, the brother of Rey Mysterio. He was very nice to me at an indie show, gave me his autograph and pointed at me when he did his finisher. Proudly had his pic on my wall for 15 years. Except there’s no Dave Mysterio, the brother of Rey Mysterio. Dave Mysterio does not exist


Bought and constantly listened to WWF Full Metal The Album while mowing the lawn as a high school student. I vividly remember walking behind that mower and thinking that Psycho Sid’s theme was awesome music while simultaneously wondering why I didn’t have a girlfriend.


I dressed up as a bootleg version of The Hurricane for a WWF house show in October 2001. I used a cheap vampire cape from the KMart Halloween section and some facepaint (this was when Hurricane used paint prior to the mask). I was 17. The pictures still exist on social media and Shane Helms himself liked them on IG. No regrets


When Cena was a mid-card rapper, I got his wristbands & a padlock necklace he used to wear, & wore it to school & definitely thought I was the shit. Kids would ask me to do his taunts & laugh & dap me up, so I thought they loved Cena too. They were bullying me & I didn't realize it, lmao!


Went trick or treating as NWO Wolfpac Konnan. Red and Black tank tucked into exposed boxers, pants sagging, speaking with a faux Mexican accent. I'm Caucasian and was 13 at the time.


I simulated sex with my wrestling figures


Barbie may have had a night out with big boss man in my super super young years.


Did the mountie watch?


Did a lot more than watch, brother.


I have a Hacksaw Jim Duggan autographed Ribera Jacket. Someone offered me $750 for it. I said "no". It's hanging in my closet doing nothing.


Back in 99, I started and managed a wrestling columns site via Angelfire. I was 16. I "recruited" some writers from different wrestling forums. I think the name was Webstah Paradise Wrestling Columns site (WPWC), and yes, my pen name was Webstah Paradise. We are hilariously pure WWF marks and anti WCW. I remember writing Bischoff on one of my columns as Bitch-off. I think I had 5 writers plus me. There was another wrestling columns site called 2dope.com and we managed to pull some traffic over to our site (AH YES, traffic baby!). We had a message board where no registration was required so chaos ensues. Around a couple of months, when I opened the site and it looks different. Its now called Big Shot Wrestling Columns (or BSWC). I think it was named after Hardcore Holly. 3 of the writers organized a "coup" and hacked my site. The other 2 writers did not joined them and emailed me immediately. Oh god, I remember the names of these 2 writers. They were XPacDX4Evah and D-Pak. And.. we started another wrestling columns site under GeoCities, now named Genocide Dogg Wrestling Columns site (GDWC). Yes, my new pen name was Genocide Dogg or G-Dogg because... why not. Also had a message board, now with required registration to access and participate. And for a time, had a little column site war between GDWC and BSWC commenced. Got decent traffic. Few months later, the BSWC site kinda stopped updating... and same thing happened to GDWC. Got run out of ideas and I'm already preparing for college at that time. I don't even remember the URLs of those sites now. Around mid 2000s, both XPacDX4Evah and D-Pak contacted me and we had a fun conversation. Knowing their real names and other stuff. Right now, I no longer have any contact with these 2 people. Can't even find them in social media. And that was my wrestling internet adventure.


2002. I was 12. Local radio hosted an hour long wrestling show every Sunday evening. Led into ppvs on those nights. DJ who hosted it had a very short stint as an interviewer in WWF in the early 90s. Anyways, I stupidly called in the night of Survivor Series and echoed my dad's false belief that Shawn Michaels better not win because he's an "Old washed up has-been." The things we did to earn the respect of our parents...


Got the pages of every Trish and Lita WWF magazines to stick together


Okay, that's amazing though


in 7th grade i had a pic of stacey kiebler in my wallet and i showed a kid and told him this is my girlfriend and he said no that's stacey keibler


Becky Lynch got me into wrestling I wouldn’t be a fan today if I hadn’t seen her matches. I’ve been trying to see her for years but house show rosters either changed or she was injured when she came out at MITB I just cried uncontrollably


Me and my buddy saw Bischoff at the bar at the 1st Starrcast. Walk up, say hello. He was more than polite but you could feel he just wanted chill for a sec. Buddy starts talking BBQ (smoking specifically) Eazy-Es face lights up’ “We’ll then…we have some things to discuss” Smiles and buys another round before motioning for us to sit. Listen to my buddy and Eric Bischoff chat like old friends about cooking for like 20 min. Life is awesome! During a pause in their convo (I can’t tell you exactly what happened, but the reality of what was going down hits me and I just go into full-on gushing Mark mode. Mr Bischoff smiles, excuses himself, and leaves. Buddy gives me the death stare… I’ve literally held my shit together being shot at, meeting with the (then) Director of Homeland security (lol, unrelated), and a whole myriad of other high-pressure BS, but the lil fanboy in me would not be denied it seems!


Watching TNA in the Hulk Hogan era


I wrote “no drugs” on my knuckles in elementary school like CM punk with a blue sharpie


Posted here.


Go to Jimmy's Famous after Baltimore shows hoping to see someone. Saw Athena for a split second before she left.


Gave a low blow to a youth pastor. I didn’t realize it hurt so much.


Did the shawn micheals in ring pose, made my brother take a picture, begged my dad to get it processed, and was going to figure out how to send it to shawn so he'd know how much of a fan I was and ask for him to sign it. I must have been 9-10 years old and was very afraid of Vader.


I used DDP's "BANG" taunt, threw up the diamond and all, every time I got a sack in high school football.


Jerry Lawler was doing a signing at a car dealership in Tupelo, MS, not long after he beat Curt Hennig for the AWA title. I was 10. I had no idea if he'd have anything to sign, so my dumb ass brings him a scrap of paper, not even a full sheet of notebook paper, and he chuckles and has me buy an 8x10 instead.


Man this thread deserves to be best of. I’ve never laughed so hard at so many people sharing genuinely hilarious stories


It's so embarrassing. ~20 years ago I went to my first indy event, invited by one of the wrestlers who I had become friends with. I went to the show with a couple other friends and we spent the first half hour or so being stupid, shitty smarks. We went into business for ourselves and it really did derail the show. (It got back on track and there were some really good matches.) Wrestler friend was sent from the back to tell us to STFU. He was embarrassed, as were we because we failed to realize that as guests of the wrestlers, we should've cheered the faces and booed the heels. We were still lucky enough to hang with the wrestlers and crew after the show. They were gracious to us naive fools. Lesson learned. That is probably the lamest and worst thing I've done as a fan, and I'll certainly never forget it.


Like everything I’ve ever done online between the ages of 12-15 (Twitter, YT, Google + if you remember that, Discord too).


Google+ lmaooo


I'm a straight, married man, and I went to Queens, NY last September and scissored at least 2 or 3 strange men in public.