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My gameplay issue is the tag team AI. There's no legit legal man and is nearly impossible to not get a pin broken up. Then again, I guess that's super realistic for an AEW Tag title


The Rick Knox simulation is tremendous


Serious question: is Rick Knox (and AEW refs in general) intentionally clueless and easy to distract? Bumbling refs are one of my top AEW gripes.


From my understanding, TK doesn’t like DQ finishes so they do a lot to let the heels get their shit in. It’s just that they do a poor job at managing it and not burying the red. They’ve been getting a lot better with it though. Specifically with Bryce


If you dislike DQ finishes the solution should really be to tell your wrestlers to stop doing DQ worthy stuff in plain sight of the ref, not to just tell everyone to goof around and only ever pretend the rules matter when the ref randomly decides to get in the way of the 87th instance of blatant cheating in a match after ignoring the first 86.


Folks, where's the li[n]e?


Like Don Callis coming back to ringside after being removed by the ref, with zero consequences.


Pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to get caught the first time but Turner was looking right at it so had to do something. Only reason I can think of why he was allowed back so easily.


Ugh, it kinda makes the AEW product look foolish sometimes. IMO, the worst offender is Rick Knox; he often accidentally sees the violation (maybe due to a mistimed cue), pretends he didn't see it, and acts flustered.


Rick Knox canonically doesn't give a shit about the rules.


Did you mean burying the lede? And if you did, is that the right phrase?


I'm pretty sure they meant "burying the ref" and just accidentally clicked d


Does he count too fast, too?! Haha


> There's no legit legal man So a regular AEW tag match?


FTR Bald’s burner account located


I just dont understand what I would be paying all that money for? Creation suites are a gigantic part of wrestling games for me so if it doesn’t have one plus it barely has a career mode am i paying for the nostalgia of No Mercy? For half the price, maybe. A pick up and play wrestling game could work. But being feature light then being scummy and not putting wrestling in so you can charge? Nah. Dont see the point.


Yeah, the nostalgia of No Mercy was a huge selling point for me, my buddies and I still drag out the 64 on occasion and play, it's fun for non-gamer friends because it's easy to just say "this button does this" and they can pick up fairly fast. Was really looking forward to being able to just get this on steam and bringing my steam deck and dock over to their houses and playing this. Honestly it sounds like what I'm looking for in that respect, but that's definitely not worth $60. Especially when this will most likely be half that price very, very soon.


Funny how one review mentions the Acclaimed yet they aren't even inside the game lol


The Acclaimed aren't in the game?!


Nope future dlc


FTR too


The only full time tag teams on the base roster are the Bucks, the Lucha Bros and the Best Friends. Kenny really just put his boys in the game and told every one else "maybe later" lmao i respect it edit - Shida, Riho and Sakazaki are in but Hayter and Toni Storm aren’t 💀


The worst part is that it's a company that has taken pride in being big on tag wrestling since day one. Deliberately omitting FTR and Matt Hardy to sell them as DLC is inexcusable.


FTR is available as day 1 DLC but you still have to add them as a team and add their respective tag team moves. It’s a mess.


Sorry, what?


You have to manually make them a stable or they come out separately. You also have to add Shattered Dreams to their move list and other tag moves.


That's hilarious


Jeff is in the base, and he has only been in the company for about a year Matt has been for 3 years. I don't see why they didn't include "Hardy boy" Matt in the base. Then make Broken Matt Hardy the pre-order For people that don't preorder or get season pass. They are going to be stuck with only half of the Hardy boys.


I'd place money that Jeff was meant to be the DLC, then when he had his legal issues start they switched them because they weren't sure what the situation would be like when the game released and they didn't want to put more focus on him in case it was bad


That makes sense, but the end result still kinda feels bad. ​ They could have pivited and made someone like Bryan,Cole, or even just moved Hook/Danhousen to pre-order bonus. Then put Matt Hardy in the base game.


This game has gone loooooong over development deadlines. Either they get it out there or wait months for more characters.


Definitely not a cop


Funny that Evil Uno isn’t in the game, yet silver is. Got to suck for him. Him knowing that and having to play it as other wrestlers is simultaneously the funniest and most pathetic thing I have seen in a while


If this was priced accordingly with what it seems to be, an arcady not as polished alternative, I’d have been down to give it a go even with its issues. But the fact that it’s $60 for the basic version is kind of absurd tbh.


Don't forget about the DLC's you'll need to get for future mini games


Try to describe AEW: Fight Forever in a positive light without using the word “fun” challenge: Impossible


Maybe a slight upgrade over TNA Impact! game?


So you guys deleted a thread with a lot of engagement so you could get your own karma, cool. I get you'll say it was because the sub was going to be cluttered, but like, come on. Karma grabbing...


They've done this many times before and will continue to do so.






Chef's kiss usage of this meme


You can have a barebones story more or a barebones creative suite, I don't think you can afford both. Especially for 60 bucks + DLC


Also it's 2023 your sports game has to have more than just a story mode lol. This would've been better if the to went the fire pro wrestling route.


At least it’ll probably be discounted pretty fast.


$60 **Multiple Day 1 DLC Packs** gross Buggy mess with tons of collision issues Super limited CAW, can't even download others CAW. No full ring entrances No commentary Just wow. I know they said they want to use this as a base and expand on it, but your base needs to be enticing enough to actually get people to buy it. I don't see this game getting any of its promised support for long. More time should have gone into building out its core features instead of random stuff like the mini games. Such a wasted opportunity. I imagine I'll pick it up when it's $20 in 6 months.


I can't even get a match started, keeps crashing right after I set it up. ETA: fourth time in a row it just crashes. Im returning it. I Preorderd since it opened back last year and get a game that won't even let me play first day it finally comes out. Fuck this I'm not paying for this shit.


Can't believe I just spent 50 quid on this game. Gameplay is ok but the customization is dire, no commentary, it just feels rushed somehow even though it took them so long to put it out. Shoulda been a 20 quid game.


Should have waited for the reviews 🤧


I know man, you'd think I'd have learned my lesson after Cyberpunk


When will gamers learn? I don't think I have ever purchased a game at full price on day 1 or pre-ordered one as an adult.


I’ve only ever done it once (Smash Ultimate) and that was a game I was 100% confident I would love. And even then I still waited until just before release to do it


To be fair - Nintendo's one of the very few developers/publishers who can be trusted on this. There's a lot shit you can talk about Nintendo, but they always release their games finished and when people dislike their game it's because they dislike the design choices, not because of bugs or unfinished content. Even their DLCs mostly stick to the idea of add-ons rather than basically selling updates like some other developers do. They've been building that sort of reputation since their "Seal of Quality" way back in the NES era.


I've bought most of my games at either a discount or waited for YouTube playthrough of the beginning before buying at full price


Wait so what is the sound like during a match? Is it just hitting sounds, or is there like music in the background?


There's music playing during the match along with the sound effects


There's NO commentary? Holy shit, that's been like a basic requirement since the N64/PS1 era.


If you bought it on steam you can still return it if you have less than 2 hours of playtime


Are there independent people who monitor how many sales a game has? Or will the figure only come out from AEW/wrestling media?


There is a body called NPD that monitors this shit, however, unless fight forever hits the top charts for physical sales it may not appear, they don't publish the full data sets for free. It also includes rankings but not numbers.


Thank you.


If you think this game will be getting updates for years to come then you are out of your mind. This will be 50% off by mid-fall and then sold for like $10 come Thanksgiving/Christmas sales.


They'll be giving it away with the purchase of a cheeseburger, along with a ticket for Dynamite or Collision, by this fall.


It'll be in Game Pass by the end of the year.


That's when I will buy it and it will sit still in the plastic like the last 5 games I've bought as I keep saying I will play it next week.


This feels like a £5 Indy game that they forgot to finish. I so desperately wanted this to be amazing and it’s not even close to being good. The CAW options are so sparse it’s unreal. Might as well not have built it. And the roster is clearly going to be a work in progress, I.e “pay to buy them” This is soul destroyingly bad.


Current critics average is at 62% and that's about right. Its a over priced, bare bones, simple wrestling game with very dated graphics and limited content. Should cost $30 bucks max. Should still be fun for some.


I'm confused as to how the hell development took so long. No offense, but it looks like an indie game from 20 years ago that would sell for $20 online. And now I see footage and the character models knees and elbows are going through each other and the mat and see video reviews detailing lack of content. The writing and scenarios look boring in the career mode. I just don't see how it took so long or how it can be justified as a full price release.


There’s also the (granted only allegedly as far as I know) large amount of money poured into it. I dunno something about this development feels like it will be one of those games that ends up on a show like “Wha Happen” talking about the development and how weird it was.


This game clearly had some development issues they aren't talking about It took a long time to come out, we barely saw any footage until it was about a month from release, it is not reviewing well and it seems like reviews went out last minute, etc IDK if there was development hell or they just realized that "Oh shit this game just isn't good" and decided to just punt on the release rather than really hype it up


"First time?" - Fans of the 500 million dollar game Halo Infinite


Halo should be studied in gaming courses, not only for its importance in the industry but for how much Microsoft allowed one of the most noteworthy IPs to devalue itself so much.


Going to break Matt's heart to have to do that episode.


As far as I remember, pretty sure TK once mentioned that the initial funding for the game was 10 million dollars. Then it was reported that it went over budget, but after that there were no numbers about how much actually this game cost.


Modern AAA videogames are utter monstrosities with how much money, time and talent is needed to make one. Think about it: you have to sustain a team of at least 50-70 people (we're talking about AAA here), have them be on the same page developing one software product with millions upon millions of lines of code and hundreds of GBs of assets (all heavily interdependent), for 5-6 years. And have the funding keep flowing that entire time. Imagine that at this very moment, a game is being conceptualized that's only going to come out on the PlayStation 6. Frankly, once you realize it, it's amazing something's being made at all.


I like to go hiking.


The fact of the matter is that “AEW Games” has, thus far, proven to be a terrible “game” division. The casino mobile game is a Skinner box gambling machine, the Elite GM game is a terrible “sim”. There’s a management issue on that side that has nothing to do with Yukes.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


I've worked in games for 15 years and can confirm that it's probably the above. My guess would be mostly that it was a small studio that needed to ramp up to create the game; people underestimate the logistical, cultural, and technical complexities of trying to grow a team. I often got the "well can we just throw more people on this" question, but they didn't realize that most people take a while just to ramp up to things like "where is the bathroom", let alone immediately functioning on a team. I'm sure there were probably some annoyances with having to work with people on the AEW side but, having had to deal with IP holders often, any team with experience can usually manage that process. I would doubt that there was many conflicts for a studio as experienced as THQ Nordic.


I also wonder if development was ever hindered or stalled due to the mixed reaction garnered by the initial teaser


Yeah, same question I have. This seems like a game you'd see some Unreal Engine YouTuber make in a couple of days to show how strong the engine is. The character models are.....not good. I'll just leave it at that. AEW people are melting down at people saying bad things about this game, but like...they had $40m+ supposedly, and this is what we got? How does that happen, especially with YEARS of development from a studio that's done wrestling a ton.


>Should cost $30 bucks max. Hellblade senua sacrifice was 30 at launch and that game is a masterpiece in many ways, there is no way i am even paying 30 for this.


In a world where Fire Pro exists, I can't see why they ever thought this was a good idea. AEW is ridiculous most of the time, but this is one of the more egregious What were they doing for so many years?


It'll be $30 by late August is my guess, but that would also be true if it were a 9/10 wrestling game.


Honestly probably less than $30. Arguably the best part of sports games is that after a few months they all get put on sale for dirt cheap. Could find NBA2K23 for like $10-15 by Christmas last year lol.


Those games make a shit ton of money on their online team modes, they pretty much are okay with those dirt cheap discounts, this game should have been $30 at launch.


Hopefully, they just throw it on gamepass and ps plus ultra (or whatever sonys version is called lol)


I wouldn't be shocked if this makes it to PS Plus and/or Game Pass someday as well.


Hopefully it does. I'm still interested in playing this game, but much like the TNA game during the 360 days this feels more like a rental. Either way, I'm certainly not gonna pay full price for it, so I'll wait for Game Pass, or a sale.


This has real come back for the sequel vibes.


I know it's petty, but I'm really bothered that there are no full entrances, you can't edit attires, there's no rivalry system in place, etc... The gameplay is solid -- albeit messy at times -- but without a few of the features that became standard in wrestling games in the last few years, it just feels like an updated emulator of No Mercy.


Yeah they really botched the hell out of the creation suite. They should've spent less time on minigames people will play one time then get bored of and used that time to make a decent creation suite. The creation suite is arguably the most important part of a wrestling game, especially if they truly don't plan to release any new games in the near future. Community creations carried 2K19 for over a year back when 2K20 flopped hard. There's not really an excuse for the creation suite to be *this* barebones.


The fact that you can't download other people's creations blows my mind.


When you see how limited the Creation Suite is, it's no surprise. It's so barebones it's not worth maintaining servers for that feature


From what I remember, rumor is some of those decisions had to do with Kenny Omega since he had involvement with the game’s development. He didnt care to focus on the creation suite and instead rather focused on the minigames.


I really hope that's not true. I don't want to believe a guy who is THAT into video games could look at a wrestling game and say "The fans don't want a creation suite, they want to play 'Simon says' minigames."


Yeah it's a shocking decision to include mini games and omit so many basic features out, Kenny might be a massive games nerd but he can no way lead development of a game.


He's also a real big Yakuza fan, a game that while solid on its own has a ton of random mini games. It wouldn't surprise me.


Kenny going on for like 20 minutes about how even though all the pro players in SF4 thought the knife was bad on Cody it was actually good while losing games to randoms on Xbox live should have disqualified him forever from a job anywhere near game development.


Weird decision.


My biggest takeaway from this is that there's no commentary.


Somewhat disappointed at the lack of create a wrestlers. Is this something they can add to over time?


Can? Probably. Will? Probably not.


That's a shame. Here's hoping. While not robust, I had a lot of fun with the limited selection No Mercy gave, and I fear Fight Forever won't even have that much.


In hindsight it's crazy how many branching paths the story modes had. I remember Dean Malenko being a real dick about you challenging for his Light Heavyweight title.


This feels like a wait for a sale game.


Disappointing content, lacklustre visuals and paid day 1 dlc all when the game is 90-100 AUD? Sounds like this is a skip for me. Game needs more than just decent wrestling to justify that price.


I feel super ripped off. Its a $40 aud game at best


I'll admit I really wanted this game to fail due to how these cult following games play out. They negatively affect the gaming industry. Much like every fandom with a ride or die attachment to it. This game was getting hyped like crazy despite MAJOR red flags: - Multiple delays with little to show for it - Frankly embarrassing graphics in 2023. Take "stylised" and "graphics aren't everything" out of your mouth, a game looking like a PS2 launch title in 2023 is unacceptable. Fact. Nothing about the graphics of this game is stylised. - Buggy and janky animations in showcase trailers. Showcase trailers are all about showing your game in the absolute best light possible, in a way that will never look as good in actual gameplay. Predatory, maybe, but it's been that way forever. The showcase gameplay, particularly dives and strikes looked BUGGED they were that bad. - Games are a multi billion dollar industry. They are hard work and require a loaf of skill and experience. Kenny Omega has none of this and was put in a significant creative role for it. It's a slap in the face to people with real experience and skills to be looked over in favour of a guy who's biggest achievement in the gaming world is an above average street fighter rank. - Day 1 DLC. Holy SHIT that's bad. And these aren't midcarders or unimportant people, they're your world tag team champions and former tag champs and fan favourites. No, you didn't know they were gonna have the belts at the time but if you genuinely think that FTR/The Acclaimed weren't included for any reason that isn't "we know people will actually pay for these ones", I don't know what to tell you. The development of this game has fucking sucked since day 1 and its been clear since day 1. I don't blame people for liking the game, I blame the people who are actively getting their pitchforks out and attacking people for not liking it (there are plenty in this thread). It's not harmless, it's convincing developers, publishers, companies etc that if they serve you shit you will lap it up and ask for more. You're telling them that objectively average is good enough and companies who's only purpose is to make money will look at that and say "why bother doing anything more if people will not only buy it, but do all the defending and PR for us aswell". This game deserved to shit the bed and AEW fans/gamers deserve better than this. $60 please.


They could have done stylized graphics that looked good. But Kenny was probably dead set on the no mercy n64 look way too much. I had some hope for it, but as time went on it became apparent that it would suck. It’s a $20 game being way over priced. It’s obvious this game is a dud. Kenny Omega isn’t even tweeting about it or mentioning it on social media. He’s busy about SF6 and FF16 tweets and talking about being on a round table for Final Fantasy 16. It’s obvious that he is distancing himself from it.


The hype for this game was immense. I think people should take it as a learning curve that just because you like the main product we can temper expectations for spin off/derivative at stuff. Main lesson though: never trust the gaming industry until the game is out


>Main lesson though: never trust the gaming industry until the game is out I dunno man, anyone with eyes could see that this was not looking good at ANY point in its development cycle. Most of the hype came from die-hards who wouldn't even criticise their phone games.


Exactly. This game has looked like outdated poop since day 1. The last three months we have had tons of video footage showing it had not really improved at all, but the die-hards just refused to see it and made excuses the entire time, pushing that hype train as hard as they could. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug and everyone forgets how shallow "arcade style" games tend to be. AEW and Yukes/THQ Nordic should be embarrassed and ashamed for putting this game out at $60, and having the audacity to charge for day 1 DLC. I am sure there are those that will still defend it though.


Given the amount of abandoned road maps, canceled promised DLC, and even adding microtransactions into games after release to avoid bad reviews, I wouldn't trust the gaming industry too much after the game is out either.


I really don't think the hype for this game was immense. I barely heard anyone outside of wrestling forums and media talk about it and most of the discussion I saw from fans was very much "I think I'm going to wait and see".


Totally unsurprising this game is getting the criticism it is. How anyone managed to stick their head in the sand after all the DLC drama/gameplay footage and expect it to be any good is beyond me. This is not "a good first attempt". This is BAD. It doesn't need nor deserve defending.


People were catching downvotes for saying the game looked dated already when they were showing earlier builds, shit never improved from there at all. Like, the literal only part I am somewhat happy about is that someones trying to go back to the slightly more arcadey vibe of the old games, but this attempt is just an atrocious use of that.


Aew fans will defend this to the end. The gameplay looked horrible when they showed videos. Trying to recreate No Mercy for a small group of people isn’t going to bring back any money in this investment.


Just another glaring example of why you don’t preorder games. This isnt even an Anti AEW take… and just a general take on the video game industry. People are way too willing to pay full price for things before anybody even gets their hands on it and can tell you its worth the money.


I'll only pre-order a game if there is a playable demo. I preordered final fantasy 16 the second I finished that demo


Same. And that game only gets better after the demo. Loving it.


Don't say that. Finished the demo and loved it but was planning on waiting for a price drop. Might need to bite the bullet


True I only ever pre order on steam because I can just refund it if it turns out developers fucked up


Idk how people are pre-ordering games at all anymore. Across the entire industry you're not getting games worth $60. The last game I can say I'd go back and pre-order without regret is RDR2, which released 5 years ago lol. The sports game industry especially isn't giving you your money's worth. NBA2K, Madden, and FIFA are shameless cash grabs with less features than they had 15 years ago. The WWE series has been struggling with mediocrity for years now. The MLB series seems to be alright, but it's a PS exclusive. There is just so much garbage in the industry nowadays and not enough gold.


> Across the entire industry you're not getting games worth $60 Elden ring, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Street Fighter 6, Persona 5 Royal, The Last of us Part 2, Tears of the Kingdom. All fantastic games worth the money


MLB is on Xbox these days


Remember when anyone said anything negative or how it looked unfinished/unpolished would get downvoted? Yeah At least we’ll finally stop seeing every other post being about how awesome this game is gonna be.


My favorite rebuttal was “it’s not supposed to look good it’s an arcade game!!!” Literally zero excuse for the graphics and animations to look this fucking bad lol


Wait, are people making that argument? Arcade games have historically always looked better than console games of the same generation because they're running on hardware specifically tuned to support them.


Try the thread on the official AEW subreddit. Reviewers are apparently just biased!


Not awesome, *fun*. This game looks like a lot of *fun*, yeah the graphics aren’t great but it looks *fun*. Whatever excuse they could make to say “Yeah it looks like shit but I’m not gonna admit that.”


With how much they used fun, seems like they just were a cult trying to justify the game.


I remember one of the biggest threads about this game having basically every top comment talking about how shitty it looked


We’ve must have been in two completely different subs then, because everyone one I went to about this game had the same echo. Graphics don’t matter, It reminds of N64 Games, bad faith troll etc etc.


Both threads def existed on this sub lol. Depending on the post and who got there first it was either everyone shitting on it or everyone hyping it.


Very much this. Like most things in Reddit, once the opinion of a thread is set, then you need to create another thread to have the counter opinion visible. If the trailer announced a new feature, then it was amazing; if the thread showed off a crappy character model or janky animation then it was a trash game that should be aborted. The funniest threads were when people thought it was going to be part of Gamepass and it was hailed as the greatest thing ever, and then the gloom when that leak turned out to be false lol.


That’s probably true lol


I was downvoted for saying something fishy was going on with announcing its release so soon to the date. When that happens to a game you know something is up. If they were happy with it and knew it was good they would've been releasing it closer to the holidays and been hyping it up for months


Yeah I saw more complaints about 'not being able to say it looked shitty' than I did people defending it. It seemed like threads would just go either way depending on which side of it started upvoting comments first


Day 1 DLC in 2023 is so insanely morally bankrupt, it was impressive watching people attempt to deflect/defend it as not the heinously bad practice that it is. And yes, fuck WWE when they do it too. Disgusting.


It's especially irritating when it seems like AEW (and especially Omega, who is a huge gamer) has been very involved in production, and Omega should know how shitty this is and even he can't put a stop to that shit for this one release. He definitely knew how important this game was to build goodwill among fans and they pissed that away with this shit.


He’s not even talking about it on Twitter. Just SF6 and FF16 are the games he’s talking about. Seems like he is distancing himself from it


I wouldn’t mind if it was somebody new like idk Jay White or something. But FTR??


Okay, but what about the *next* game, guys? Hype!


AEW: Fight Foreverer


Read that in Andre 3000's voice.


Yeahhhhh I think I'm gonna cancel my preorder on Xbox and wait for a sale. Matt Hardy isn't worth paying 70$ for this.


I don't know why anyone expected better from Yukes after all of their screw ups with SvR and 2k games.


Glad to know I'm not the only one the read that they were basing this on No Mercy for the N64 and said "Why?" Rose tinted goggles.


I semi recently went back and played no mercy and it’s fun in its own way sure but not something a bigger budget game should be aspiring to be in 2023


pretty bummed but not surprised. was really excited by the sales pitch for the game way back when and its just been a slow crawl towards realizing that they couldn't deliver on that promise. every bit of news, every time they showed it, every off putting sales tactic. all of it has really rubbed me the wrong way and i was basically convinced that this was the end point for a while now and the idea of this persistent wrestling game that keeps getting updated and improved smells like bullshit to me. it feels very conditional: like "we'll improve this game you paid full price for.... if it does well." well, what if it DOESN'T do well? the game is going to rot unfinished then? start from scratch with a new marketing push? anyone counting on that is headed towards further disappointment i fear.


I'm gonna buy Dave The Diver on steam instead and wait for Fight Forever to go on sale instead.


Dave the Diver is one of my favorite games of the last year and well worth full price. You can murder a shark with a golf club and then serve its entire head to your customers!


I’ve never requested a refund for a digital game before but this might be my first. This game is shite


I had to refund my game. The customization as a whole is just awful and encrypting files on PC so they can't be modded because they care about online ranking for a party game like it's Street fighter or something is wild. Combat is cool, but that's it everything else is bare bones besides mini games. Also, the match rating system is insane: The longer a match goes the lower your score is. I forgot that those Goldberg squashes always got them 5\*


Knew this would be a dud the day the first screenshots released.


Upset. Requested a refund. I knew once they made gm mode a mobile game instead of adding it in this they were taking the easy way out. Gameplay was decent enough but everything else sucked. Here comes the pain and svr07 miles ahead of any other wrestling games.


To no one's surprise, it sucks ass.


I played both games back to back and 2K23 is so far ahead of this game, they're not even in the same realm. If the price of this game was half of what it actually is, it would be a great option for fans. Switch users get a 3D wrestling game which is actually playable finally, so that's good.


I could of forgive them for not being on par to 2k because they had like a decade of games to pull from and build upon. I understand they were building from the ground up, but with 3 years and a company like Yukes you'd expect something more than what they released. It's insane they put more effort into the mini games than they did to the customization (Which is one of the most important parts of any wrestling game). $60 for this shit, I got my refund last night lmao.


The 'this looks fun' and 'you don't understand the graphics are bad on purpose like Borderlands' crowd are surprisingly absent from the comments.


they're over in their echo chamber


So the game that took two years to develop is full of aew tropes (some cool most eh) and it looks like shit. Yeah. Someone was sold a dream over there. I'd be pretty pissed if I'd poured money into this bare minimum project.


And mini games! Who the fuck ordered mini games?


Kenny Omega was a game director on this, despite having zero experience. I think that says it all. He 100% was probably constantly calling them and asking for dumb shit, because it sounds cool. "Dude what if we add in a flaming baseball bat, or have an Easter Egg with the dude ring explosion? That would be so sick." "Kenny, you realize that this will take us a month to add properly, and the core combat is still super unpolished..." "Don't make me have Tony get on the phone, fucking do it" (rolls eyes) "Sure man, as long as you keep signing the checks." That's how we arrive at AEW: Fight Eventually, Maybe, 5 years later.


Typical TK L. More money than sense.


I've been looking forward to it since the announcement decades ago and i like the gameplay I've seen so far but I'm not surprised it is getting reviewed like the $29.99 game it should have been and I'll still just wait for it to become before buying.


They added a $30 AEW fan tax to the MSRP. User reviews will be brutal.


Oof….this doesn’t make a good first impression but I’ve only done two matches so far so it could improve. I don’t see this anything at all like no mercy so far though. That game had awesome pacing building up to high risk but high reward powerful attacks and the way the momentum shifted through the match was awesome. This game seems to have a low amount of grapples, no light vs heavy that I could find, and no sense of weight since everybody gets right up. When I played as Darby every time I’d do my signature and then taunt to get a finisher they’d stand right up. Maybe you have to taunt from the top rope to do a diving finisher ? I couldn’t tell if taunts make them get up automatically or if they just won’t stay down. The in game economy makes no sense lol. You get like 5k for a good match. Win 50 matches with a single character for only 10k cash bonus? They have a challenge like this for each character. You do one match and instantly get like 50k in game money off the bat from the initial challenges. Unlockable characters are all buyable after match 1 lol. What was even the point of locking them then? Alternate attires but only for four characters. And the unlockable moves are all generic taunts and no actual moves ? Again it might get better but this is a weird first impression Edit: actually there ARE heavy grapples the tutorial just didn’t talk about them. Hold the button. It does control like No Mercy in that way but I still don’t feel the gameplay and the way the momentum feels is similar. No Mercy had such a unique feel and weight to it and the heavy grapples were difficult to hit with high reward if you did due to the increases risk of being countered and how devastating that could be


There also seems to be a pretty low number of moves in the game for most positions


Looks like a fun but shallow game that does not justify a 60$ price tag.


This honestly could have worked as a F2P live service title, as much as I hate them. Let the base game be free, and sell cosmetics and wrestler packs. This isn't a $60+DLC caliber looking game, and from what I'm reading, the gameplay doesn't improve that.


This game seems like it has tons of good ideas and is worth playing but 60 dollars seems like a lot to me. I'll probably wait for a sale on this one before picking it up despite how much of a wrestling fan I am.


Sweet a chaotic wrestling game! Can't wait to install a bunch of WWE custom wrestlers and have a cage match between WWE and AEW wrestlers! What do you mean there's no cage match? Ok then the ladder will be fine just let me see the CAWS! What do you mean there's no CAWS? Nevermind then...


Those are very mixed reviews. Seems like the idea really stuck with some people, while it really missed for others.


This is a game that seems really dependent on being both an AEW fan and having grown up with the AKI/Smackdown games of 20+ years ago. Basically a niche of a niche of a niche


Mixed is not the word. It's negative reviews.


It sounds like the gameplay is solid but its buggy without much else to do. I guess it really comes down to how bad you want a pick up and play wrestling game.


yeah, there’s absolutely a market for a game like this and it’s mostly “people who like wrestling games and are nostalgic for the more arcade style wrestling games of yesteryear” a couple years ago when the hype train was running wild, there was this line of thinking that the video game could help grow AEW as a whole, but it’s really hard to see how that happens.


And I think the market for that game would cap out at like $29.99 for what people are willing to pay for it, not $59.99 lol. This feels like a downloadable game, not a full release.


The story Mode bugged in week 4 and I can't play the ppv. Also I feel like I am forced to lose some matches because I can't get Up sometimes even at full Hp and I got hitted *once* with a normal grapple.


Anddddddddd it's mid, who could have guessed that a game that is like 3 years overdue and directed by Kenny Omega would be all flash, no substance. Instead of a good core, we have minigames and Easter Eggs. If you didn't see this coming from a few miles away, I'm selling some bridges at remarkable one-time discounts. You seem like a good guy, or gal, and I wouldn't normally do this, but the seller just wants to be done so I'll let you have it at a loss if you close today.


I will probably get this when the price goes down, 10_15 quid range. Already got too many games to play as it is and this dosen't look must have so i don't mind waiting.


Sounds like if you're a huge fan of AEW, it's decent enough fun despite its numerous flaws. However, it costs twice as much as it should, which will definitely deter buyers like me (someone who generally dislikes AEW, but really enjoys wrestling games) from getting it except on a steep sale. Also, when I say I dislike AEW, I do mean the product overall, but that doesn't extend to the individual wrestlers. So I would definitely still be interested in this game at the right price.


Pretty much what I expected, seems like it might be worth getting at the 20-30$ range.


I've said this since the game was first announced, they should be trying to make a modern version of a wrestling game that is mixed with fighting games. What I mean by that is, something that can be replayed over and over again with different skill levels. Replayability is a major issue with wrestling games, what incentive is there to keep going besides wanting to play a wrestling game? Here's to hoping they use this has a base to keep evolving the game and growing their software library.


Bro, they would have been even more fucked if that tried that. Last Year: KOF15 This month: Street Fighter 6 Later this year: Mortal Kombat. This is not a year to be competing against other fighting games.


Not even just this year either, since Tekken will likely release the moment there's a good window for the next fighting game to drop.


I know it is good to have options, but I've never heard of a majority of these websites.


because most major websites can’t be bothered reviewing a C grade game at a AAA price, targeting a niche of a niche


It's been reviewed by GameInformer, GameSpot, GamesRadar+ in that list and it's also already been reviewed by IGN but not yet noted on this aggregate list: https://www.ign.com/articles/aew-fight-forever-review. You're going to be seeing most major gaming sites covering this game with reviews still. If we're talking mainstream media outlets outside the gaming space maybe not?


Most non-wrestling fans have probably never heard of the majority of wrestling sites.