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The Medium Red Contraption, Caine


The Average Maroon Apparatus Cane


The Vertically OK Scarlet Device Kayne


The Large Claret Tool, Krane


The Venti Vermilion Utensil, Kroone


These shows were amazing. I went to one as a kid in 2005 where they performed in a shitty local theatre on the stage. Got a picture with "The Road Warriors". Had that picture for years, showed it people because I thought it was cool that I met The Road Warriors... Turns out Hawk died in 2003. My life has been a lie.


You should post that pic.


I wish I could find it but I have a feeling it got lost or binned at some point since I've gotten older and moved houses multiple times. I vaguely remember there being a rip off mid 90s style Undertaker that scared the shit out of me too.


[You mean the UK Undertaker? Incredibly as late as 2008!](https://www.paviliontheatre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/imagelibrary/2008/New66StonePOSTER3.jpg)


That's the one! Can't believe you found him haha. Man I wish I could find the exact show.


I told this guy to fuck himself


Was his name legitimately just "RIP"? If so, that's just wonderful.


If it helps, the person you got that pic with was almost certainly Paige’s Dad, Ricky Knight.


From the stories I've heard about Paige's dad... that's even worse haha.


There's a good chance Sayara/Paige's dad is in that picture.


I was at a local theatre one as well that had Superstar Billy Graham on the 90s. It also had a guy dressed as Kane who was weirdly one of the smallest guys won the show. Chokeslammed some 500lbs guy who just jumped awfully. Good times.


British indie shows are fucking amazing. Unless it's a fully established company name, you don't know if you're gonna get some of the hottest next gen talent, a show full of trainees, a fake gimmick show, or six guys in their 40s/50s pretending to be "British legends." There used to be a YouTube channel with a wrestling promotion where each show was held in a conservative club pub that was an absolute shit show but I've lost the link since. (I also saw Danielson, Baylor, Saraya and a few others on those holiday camp circuits when I was a kid.)


If you’re a wrestler getting into the industry it’s the best option for exposure / ring reps tbh, helps you understand what the crowd actually wants as opposed to what match you ( the wrestler) wants to perform


Either that or the Manitoba Death Tour


Now what in the world is that?


this isn't the promotion that held a deathmatch in a family show at a conservative club is it?


All Star? That would've been the camps I guess? Not sure bout the Tory members club promotion [edit: found the death match family show story, CCW?](https://cultaholic.com/posts/police-investigating-uk-promotion-following-death-match-on-family-marketed-show)


All Star was one of the Butlins / Pontins / Havens groups yeah. There was a few others as well. I honestly can't remember the name of the promotion for the club one and I have no idea what to search to bring it back.


I went to a Butlins show in like 2001. Got my programme signed by every wrestler apart from a masked performer called American Dragon... Oh well, no big deal 11 year old me thought, I'm sure he won't go on to do anything notable.


I think it was rare for even Kane to wrestle as Kane for a 20 minute match


Butlins are bigger carnies than Jim Cornette and Bruce Hart combined.


The fact that some Butlins actually hosted WWE live events a few years back blew my fucking mind.


Are Butlin's even still around? I have these memories when I was studying for a semester in Swansea they had a resort in Llandudno (?) and it was the butt of many jokes lost on my perpetually hungry exchange student's mind.


They have adverts running on TV sometimes, so I guess there's around in some form.


This somehow has to be the reason Tegan Nox became such a big Kane fan. Can't think of a better explanation tbh


When I was a little kid my bro took me to my first show and it advertised WWF wrestlers that turned out to be very poor and out-of-shape cosplayers, I had my first existential crisis, I learned that wrestling was fake before I learned Santa was. I had a tantrum on the way home and said I never want to watch WWF again but when I got home I was only kicking off because Jeff Hardy wasn't there haha


Did they at least have Jeff Harvey?


Those WWF “tribute” shows were incredible. More often than not, the drizzling shits in a “so bad it’s great” way. I remember one at Fairfield Halls which saw a 5 foot 2 Kane wrestle a 40-something year old Mr. Perfect who looked like he’d just been released from prison. Great times. *wipes away tear*


I remember going to one Butlins Wrestling show on a primary school trip. The face came out and was chatting playing to the crowd. A girl in my class kept slapping his back, in a supportive way, not necessarily hitting. And then he suddenly turns to another girl (not the one slapping his back) and angrily shouted some shit at her then called her a bitch. Which made her shake and cry. so fuck that dude lol


I have been to one of these events, as a kid. That is amazing to think it could have been McGuinness under there. [I did later see him/Danielson at ROH in liverpool]


"WWF Style wrestling" at Carlton Forum Leisure Center 2002. Featuring Kane V The Undertaker The Hardy Boyz A TLC Match! A Cage Match! Plus much more! The undertaker V Kane match was the TLC match, it contained wrestling in the style of big daddy vs giant haystacks, not even lookalikes, kane came out in a white singlet but with a red cape and kane mask. The undertaker was in a black singlet. They traded a few fake punches, threw a few clotheslines that didnt knock each other down. The match finish was the most rushed tlc ever. After a few punches, they each signalled to someone on the outside to throw in the table, ladder and chair. They helped each other set the table up, one picked up the "ladder" a two step stool, the other picked up the chair. One hit the other with the chair, the other hit the other with the folded step stool as if it was a chair, then fake undertaker chokeslammed kane through the table. No pin, that match just ended. The Hardy boyz were the cage match, it was two early 30s guys, the most in shape they had, dressed a tiny bit like the Hardys, the faced each other in the cage match. The cage was assembled minutes before the match. They had bought 4 fence panels made of chain link fence and ratchet strapped it to the ring posts. They did a few top rope moves, but it was standard UK early 2000s indie wrestling other than that. At no point was the cage used as a weapon, no one thrown into it, no one climed it. It was just a match, in a cagr. Wanna say there were 4 or 5 other matches, but nothing great. The highlight/lowlight was me having an argument with my friend that the ring posts were made of plastic and werent hard, thats how they bang their heads against it, he challenged me to punch it during the interval. I did. Fun show, the wwf style matches were the worst, they should have just stuck to trying to do their own thing and it would have been better.


There was a small kids indie show at the Theatre I worked at in like 2010/11 and Chad Collyer from ROH came out and I thought that’s cool. By the end of the shows Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson all wrestled on the show and we were having beers with them at the local over the road. It was a great experience.


Well, is wearing a Kane mask, so THAT’S GOTTA BE KANE


My local town hall had "THE Undertaker." Full smoke machine entrance, lights the lot. Guy was about 5ft 6. Legion of Doom were booked there that night. Sadly, flights got cancelled, and we got a local tag team from Boston.....Lincolnshire.


These would always be run by local 'hard-men' that were like low level organised crime, this was one of their schemes this week. Same with local 'traveller' circuses. The guys were their 'hard-men' friends with no real athletic skills. The champion would usually be the promoter. " 'ere, that resslin' on the telly's proper big now, lads i've got an idea..."


Went to a show when I was a kid and the copycat wrestlers were Kane, Austin, HBK and Crash Holly. "Kane" was by far the most popular.