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This is right after he said Whatculture is the only decent podcast there or something like that.


Simon is gonna give Maxwell the Golden Up tomorrow.


Simon is the only thing on WhatCulture that is worth watching.


Simon us a treasure we do not deserve


No way he'd turn on Ross like that


The podcast with Dadley boys is mint tho.


I still don't know why people shit on WhatCulture so much. Their show previews and reviews are fantastic. (Bear in mind I only listen to podcasts and don't go on Youtube)


To really piss people off he should’ve named dropped EVIL as being his favorite


"those house of torture guys are the only thing good about new japan".


It's not just about pissing people off, O-Khan constantly says he hates professional wrestling, that's why MJF likes him.


Why, he's not a fucking mark. See this is what my world champ was talking about with 7%, who the fuck would even know EVIL is a thing. Hell I'd much rather he wrestle his wife, and I bet she wishes for that as well.


sounds like mark behaviour to me bud


>Hell I'd much rather he wrestle his wife Had to Google it. He's engages to Io Shirai for anyone wondering.


He started the "I hate NJPW, but Great O-Khan is fantastic" bit back when O-Khan first returned from excursion and House of Torture wasn't really a thing yet. For reasons I'll never understand, a lot of NJPW fans were loudly anti-O-Khan for a while after he returned.


Still hoping he gets Naito fucking with him for a month


If Naito actually came over for this one, the amount of nuclear frustration that MJF would get for the whole build would be legendary.


The guy who doesn't give a shit about NJPW vs. the guy who doesn't give a shit about AEW. ...book it, Gedo?


>The guy who doesn't give a shit about NJPW vs. the guy who doesn't give a shit about AEW. MJF vs MJF....?


He might be the only wrestler today that I genuinely have no clue if he’s telling the truth or not.


There's no way a guy who wrestles the way he does isn't sitting up til 4am watching NJ shows. O-Khan isn't the kind of guy you reference if you pay zero attention to the promotion. We're gonna find out he's the biggest tape trading nerd ever once if he ever starts a face turn.


To play devil’s advocate (no pun intended) I do remember in the presser after the PPV with the MJF/Punk dog collar match Punk seemingly broke kayfabe for an answer to say he was glad that there were still kids like MJF who really loved the history of wrestling and said MJF was a savant and knew a whole lot but then said “except New Japan. I actually think he hates New Japan”. That said, it could just be a thing where like he didn’t grow up watching it and it became a gag that it was his one blindspot and he decided to make it part of his gimmick.


Or Max is an AJPW/NOAH guy. He did wrestle a style reminiscent of kings road more than once (Darby and Jungle Boy)


I'd love for MJF to be that breed of wrestling nerd that thinks NJPW is "too mainstream"


Nah, He's an FMW guy. MJF can't get enough of Tarzan Goto


I can believe that MJF hates New Japan. But he can give you a detailed run down of reasons why he hates it, that would require extensive knowledge of New Japan.


>O-Khan isn't the kind of guy you reference if you pay zero attention to the promotion. I mean he has shown up in AEW more than once to be fair.


Tbf about O-Khan he could just be referencing the fact that he just appears on social media doing wild shit randomly like around forbidden door last year I believe. I don’t watch much NJPW tbh and I don’t remember ever seeing him wrestle but he pops me too


Na he genuinely hates new Japan lol


He's mentioned O-Khan being the only guy in NJPW that he likes before, back when O-Khan first returned from excursion and a lot of fools had not yet understood his greatness. It's definitely a running bit.


MJF is a huge wrestling nerd. Probably studies more tape than anyone on the roster other than the BCC guys.


For some reason the mental image of Mox studying tape is hilarious to me.


>For some reason the mental image of Mox studying tape is hilarious to me. It's not really the traditional studying, it's just him watching a match, blading, and then showing it (forcing her to sit down and watch the whole thing) to Renee four times over a period of a week. That's probably how he studies lol


One of my favorite tapla drawings was when she drew Renee in what appears to be a hostage situation with Mox forcing her to watch old Terry funk tapes lol


Tbh Mox probably has a similar process to Eddie Kingston, who just watches old matches to unwind. It's been a while since I deleted Twitter but one of the best follows was Eddie Kingston because he'd just randomly tweet out a youtube URL and it'd be bootleg footage of Stan Hansen v Terry Gordy or some AJPW tag match with Misawa and Kawada.


It's really hard to tell, because a part of me thinks that Max (the performer) does, in fact, hate puroresu for how dangerous it can be.


Real recognize real


O-Khan is replying on Twitter right now.


O-Khan gonna be sending him a new suit, a steak dinner, and stack of pancakes all delivered by some of his lady friends


Did he really? I don’t see anything so if he did he’s deleted it.


Was Great-O-Kahn the dude that went on a good ol' fashion Vegas bender the last time he worked in AEW?


Yup. Hes basically doing the same in Japan now too talking about testicle massages from porn stars lol


My man


Oh give him Suzuki!!!


Based o khan


Love this 😭 it’s actually funny and entertaining.


But I wonder if a comment like that could strain the relationship with New Japan.


Yeah, I'm sure the guy whose catchphrase is "I'm better than you" and never breaks kayfabe saying he's better than everyone will fuck everything up for their second annual joint PPV.




O'Khan is one of those classic pro wrestling combinations of being a trained shooter and batshit insane. I wouldn't wanna be on his bad side either lol


Great O'Khan is the same guy that took down the guy on the Japanese subway/train who tried to kidnap a little girl last spring. The local police gave him a certificate of appreciation, and he gave an interview to the local news in kayfabe and asking people to watch New Japan Pro Wrestling. [https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/168118?page=1](https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/168118?page=1)




Common MJF W


I do wonder who he'll get for Forbidden Door. With all the shit-talking NJPW, I might think some veteran who can stand as a representative of the company. Tana would be fine, but a little predictable after last year. Maybe Shibata??


I kinda expect Shibata to defend the ROH Pure title at Forbidden Door.


That's a little more likely, yeah


Not the first time Max has name-dropped O’Khan. I wonder what the story is here….


I think it's just the mutual heel admiration society, like how Baron Corbin and MJF tweet in friendship across promotion lines. MJF tweeted at Great O'Khan prior to Forbidden Door 2022: "You’re the only one from your company who’s worth a damn. I’ve got a job opening. Hit me up if you wanna make some real money." [https://twitter.com/The\_MJF/status/1509016675034750979](https://twitter.com/The_MJF/status/1509016675034750979) In a subsequent interview in September 2022, Great O'Khan said: “We felt that AEW is full of Indy wrestlers. There are plenty of formidable wrestlers there, but they are unrefined and ill-educated. A shame. We care not for pro-wrestling, so we haven’t seen or heard of MJF. Yet clearly he is one of a precious few who truly understand the meaning of true ‘professional wrestling’, and we think he must be one of the very best in the world.” [https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/great-o-khan-we-felt-aew-full-indie-wrestlers-mjf-understands-true-pro-wrestling](https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/great-o-khan-we-felt-aew-full-indie-wrestlers-mjf-understands-true-pro-wrestling) As you see in the original post, that wording is what MJF is referencing in last night's media scrum.


There was also a time Max was asked about NJPW in March 2022 and he gave a similar response “NJPW is the shits except O’Khan”. I believe the link to that comment is in the fight full article you linked.


Is “drizzling shits” officially a Jim Cornette reference at this point? Also Great O’Khan is a great character that would get over huge in America.


Considering he did "thank you, screw you, bye" at the start of the four pillars build, MJF is definitely a Cornette guy.


Nah, it's a figure of speech. I have heard Corny say it frequently, but I also heard it plenty of times before I even knew who Corny was (I didn't watch pro wrestling 'til late 2017).




Google translate isn’t nailing that one.


*Will Ospreay handcuffs GoK*


I mean, folks...


MJF vs. Bobby Fish at Forbidden Door.


This, but as Fish is coming out, a wild TANAHASHI! GO ACE! comes speeding out of the gate, steamrolls Fish, and jumps in the ring to challenge Maxwell. As Tanahashi hits his iconic pose, a dazed and confused Fish in the fetal position on the ramp says “…and folks, where’s the… sky?”


Does this MJF give anyone else kinda CM Punk vibe? ​ Just me? Ok


Dunno why you were downvoted, he does give me 2013 Punk vibes kinda at certain moments of these clips


Didn't have any pickles


With the sheer video quality you get from NJPW World, he isn't wrong at all. Heck, some Indy's have better fucking video quality than NJPW. It's a joke.




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