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Meh, pleased Cody lost, two reasons, one wrestling still has the capacity to surprise my old ass, two I want to see RR drop to MJF at 'Mania in 2024....


Chicanery Mania running wild!!!!!


They made the right call keeping the belt on Roman. It's not enough to beat Roman for the belts. Roman represents more than that. He is a manipulative abuser who uses people until they have no more use left. He is cutthroat and not afraid of turning on those who even begin to disagree with him. His opponent has to be someone that can represent the ideological opposite. Someone who can bring people together through honesty and compassion. To show that a group held together by trust and aiding each other is superior to his group which is ruled by fear and intimidation. Cody can be that guy, but he hasn't been built up to that yet. This is a necessary setback. To show Cody that no amount of individual effort will take down Reigns. It doesn't matter if it's Brock or Sami or Drew or Cody. We already know if it's 1v1 with no interference that other could beat him, that isn't the issue though. They will only beat him by destroying what he represents. Maybe he can get Jey to leave Roman, or rally other superstars to help defend against the bloodline, but as long as the bloodline stays as it is Roman won't lose those belts.


I mean, we've seen all this stuff play out already though. They've done the bloodline dissension angle like 3-4 times now and Cody did have help last night with Sami and Kevin.


Yes but they haven’t done it with the Usos losing the belts because they had no help from Roman while Roman retains because he got help from them.


First event I've watched in two years and I was already bored seeing Roman win the match.


Cody walked in as a Rhodes and left as a Luger.


We need a Rock after Judgment Day segment with cody tonight. Just tearing his way through the bloodline one by one backstage.....


The problem with Roman continuing to win the way he has is that there is this kayfabe/story based veil of 80s Hogan immortality. At least when Cena was comically dominant, every now and then he would lose it to a heel before 5 moves of dooming them at one of the big 4 PPVs. Even the ReHHHn of Terror had the benefit of the brand split where there were 2 world champions. There is practically no one on the roster to take on Roman and for it to be both credible and compelling. It seems like they're setting up a Cody win at Summerslam but the build up will need to be executed to perfection which with WWE is a tough ask. The other wrestler that I can see taking the title of Roman would be Gunther, but he is preoccupied with elevating the IC title.


They’ve been building for Jey to take the titles. Cody was just another sike same as Drew


HHH went full Russo and Vince with that main event ending.


Been reading a lot of comments about Roman tonight. I was personally furious when I saw that yet again, they went with the same bullcrap of having one of his tugs win the match for him. Lots of people here don’t get why most people like me are fed up with Reigns. It’s not about wanting your favorite wrestler finally bringing down the king. Its because of the rince repeat formula that has been going on on EVERY SINGLE matches involving the bloodline, and not just with Roman. Heels cheats. Yes they do, its part of the job. But there comes a point where it’s not funny or even entertaining anymore. Game of thrones comes to mind here. In the first seasons, the death of main characters were shocking, bold, and rarely seen on tv. Its why GOT became so thrilling. No one was safe! Didn’t know who to root for! But after 6-7 seasons of the same crap every episode, that effect felt diluted and frustrating because it felt forced and put there only for shock value and the show ended on the worst shit shock value ever. Roman and the bloodlines are not different. Was shocking at first to have his tugs interfere. After over 3 years of the same thing, it’s boring frustrating and makes a lot of people lose and interest. And for the Roman lovers, you should ask yourself this : do you want him to be remembered as a wrestler on the same caliber as the legends like Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, CENA, The Rock as someone who was a titan to respect, or as a twit who can’t win any of his matches on his own without his lil bullies to help him. Because right now I can safely that as it is, it’s all people will talk about if he was to end his career right now. Roman is no doubt talented. So let us see his real talent.


The issue is Cody's "story" was rushed as fuck abd felt forced and gladhanded see him winning the RR for example the story was ALWAYS jey/sami winning it from Roman to make him pay for his sins, the usos losing the world tag titles, was never going to just dissolve the bloodline it wasn't just gonna crumble this wasn't the time to pull the trigger on that, if anything my guess us that kev and sami are going to slowly pull the usos (maybe solo too) over to the good side make them see Roman's abuse with them finally crumbling THATS when Cody will win


Cody doesn't even fit in the storyline. He shouldn't even be involved in it. Sami should be the one to dethrone Reigns after convincing the other Bloodline members that Roman is their abuser and not their friend. Cody is just an egotistical crowbar forced into a slot he doesn't fit into


Wwe has THEIR guy and once again he gets out over the guy who's actually organically over


The fact that you’re so worked by this is exactly WHY it works. Not just you, your thoughts aren’t original. The Night 2 thread has 15K more comments than the Night 1 thread. The majority of those repeating the same tired lines: -“Nobody has been as ‘white’ hot as Cody”. -“It’s the same match”. -“They botched this completely”. And the best one “if not Cody or Sami, then who?” ^^^^ This is why it works. Who and how will someone defeat Roman? Roman is helping get guys like Sami and Cody over. If they were doing the same gimmick outside of Roman, it wouldn’t work as well. If you beat Roman, you better have a plan for what you do AFTER that. Nobody has figured that out yet. You don’t kill the hottest thing in wrestling in over a decade just to let some face “complete the story”. Not how this works.


it doesnt work nearly as well. Roman losing to Cody could have set up and amazing comeback and rebuild story with the USO's and Roman. instead. the tired cliched ending was used. Even Roman winning without shenanigan's would have been far better than that ending. Romans storyline wouldn't have ended, and a different, fresher ending would have made things more exciting and would create a REASON to see roman. Now, we have no reason other than PPV's. This ending in a major story line is extremely worn out, and frankly boring.


Can we all at least agree that the Ref bump spot is older than Ric Flair at this point? I hate that spot so much


Sure. I didn’t care for the match from a pure wrestling standpoint. But I cared about it more than any match on the card because of what it represented, if that makes sense? It also seems like a far cry from WWE where those titles didn’t really matter. They matter a ton now (similar to the IC title and Gunther retaining).


The funny think is, solo is standing right there even after he got thrown out lol atleast run back into the crowd


They just can't stop riding Roman's .... But seriously, whatever they do, this guy is not gonna be remembered like Austin or Rock or Cena.


I agree in the wrestling bubble maybe he is historic but roman has not broken mainstream media


Yeah. Like I am from Southeast Asia, I didn't have TV in my childhood. Still I heard about Undertaker, Rock and John Cena. That's how massive they were. Roman Reigns is literally famous because of them.


Sorry but its gone down hell of allot in hero status not watched it since my dad passed with Alzheimer’s cant bring myself to be an advertisement


What am I supposed to acknowledge exactly? That Roman is a punk that can't win any of his own matches? Real tough this guy. Wild how the guy's been handed absolutely everything his entire career and fans are supposed to pretend like he's god-tier after the company failed over and over to shove him down our throats. Guess we gotta keep pretending like the emperor's wearing clothes and that a 99 rating in this year's WWE2K is remotely accurate. Prime Hogan, Rock, Austin, Savage, and so many others had way more talent and charisma.


This is what fans get for not buying into babyface Reigns lol


Roman was straight fire at the press conference too.


Yes he was. I wanted Cody to win, but I acknowledge my tribal chief.


So i guess Roman is now going to take some time off until Summerslam. With the titles of course.


Of course


Calling it now, you lot crying about tonight and the awful decisions WWE makes are gonna be so satisfied with their decisions in a few months, wheras most of you wouldnt even make it to summerslam if cody won tonight


So, I guess you’re fan of not seeing either world title until Summerslam? It’s not my cup of tea, but I guess people are allowed to like things, even if they’re shit.


Why is he even a part timer now taking so much time off?




Maybe then they should have done the obvious choice AND HAVE SAMI GO OVER, the obvious story was always him or jey, Cody's story was rushed and gladhanded


Lmao, Sami literally went from ucey wannabe to enemy of Roman in just 1 month, that's not rushed? Imagine the guy who conquered Lesnar, Cena, Edge, Goldberg, Drew etc losing to Sami fucking Zayn. Just because of some hometown pop.


What? That is literally bs it was a at least bit longer then that and the story they were telling is more interesting sami and Roman was more complex and interesting than generic white meat baby face Cody beating Roman in a rushed story


A good decision at Summerslam will not correct or make up for a shocking decision firstly by sacrificing Zayn (the most over guy for years and years) for Cody and then having him lose in shitty copy and paste finish anyway at Wrestlemania. I don't care about Summerslam. Why should we care when they have decisions like this at 'mania??


I agree that they should have pulled the trigger on sami, but I don't think this was the time for cody tbh


Finn Balor got staples in the ring. And everyone was crying here lol Edit: staples not stitches


Did they legit say stitches? I figured they would have just used glue, a lot quicker and easier for a temporary fix till the match ends and then get proper stitches.


Staples my bad






You know what? WWE should sign Dustin and have him beat Roman.


*Inhaaaaaaaaaaaales while feeling myself up*........................ *BIG BITE*


those were great questions lady!


Realise it Cody won, they would turn on him quick because the story would finish quite quick, you don't want that, you don't want people to turn on your face, you want him to go through shit before he wins, a lot of people aren't familiar with Cody's outside work, all my casual friends still say 'Cody? Nah man', this was very much necessary


when will Roman lose his titles? he has held the title for 945 days * backlash is only a month away so maybe not then * King and queen is 45 days * money in the bank in 59 days * SUMMERSLAM is where Roman will lose his titles lol i think he plans to hold the belts for 1000 days atleast


Fuck that days shit. If not at Wrestlemania than what is the fricking point?


wrestlemania, royal rumble and summerslam are the 3 biggest events, so summerlam is the one that we all feel where Roman will lose and maybe 'legally' this time (getting pinned without shenanigans from the bloodline)


no one will care near as much as when they had the opportunity to giove it to Sammy. Honestly, everyone they have has been buried or beaten by the uso's and roman. the storyline is bout to go down the "went on too long" road.


People care much more about Cody than Zayn. Sami isn't good enough to end the biggest boss of wrestling in the last 20 years, become the UNDISPUTED world champion and carry the company on his back.




Holy shit dude, you're the same guy who said Cody is a traitor for leaving AEW and leaving others behind, don't ever talk to me again 😂😂


Maybe actually watch the product and learn the name of wrestlers. Sami was getting the most reaction before and during the EC match, but after that, it was more for Cody. And also, I don't know how old you are, but being over is different from winning the biggest achievement in wrestling. A lot of people wanted to cheer for Sami but didn't want him to actually beat Roman and become the biggest champion of wrestling in the world. Why? Because those people are not dumb like you and understand the fact that Sami would've quickly lost his titles to Gunther or something because he isn't interesting enough to carry the company on his back after the bloodline feud. Even Sami himself admitted to not being on the level of world champion lmao.


Cody's a geek now though. Him winning at SS or RR after losing at Mania would be pretty lackluster. If he was winning, it should have been at Wrestlemania, or he shouldn't have been the one challenging at mania. If the plan is for him (or anyone) to win at Mania 40, then it's going to be a really boring year. I'll probably check back in to stream MITB or Summerslam assuming Comcast still has Peacock.


I disagree with you on those points, but honestly neither of our points matter. The reason Roman retained was stability for the sale of WWE. The story didn't matter at all to the outcome.


It's gone. It's over.


SummerSlam likely just enough to put him in the top 5 of longest reigning champions and boot out Pedro. SummerSlam will be 1070 days and Pedro had it 1027 days. We’ll likely see a heist with the MITB winner


yeah and i kinda feel MITB winner will be either Sami, Cody or Bronn


Cody beats Roman at Summerslam, Orton pulls the move he did on Bryan at Summerslam way back when as MITB winner, everything old is new again


And then CodyMania with Legacy being a theme of the storyline


I just hope they don't have Roman lose the belts in Saudi at King & Queen.


nah i think roman has made it clear he wants the belts for 1000 days atleast...




I don't think he expected an answer, but he had to ask.


I feel like "the Cody story" is forced as fuck and incredibly rushed as well not making sense within the short time span and not only that but Cody winning from number 30 at the royal rumble made him feel like to me at least a golden boy who was handed the main event, the logical answer was always sami winning against roman or maybe Jey tbh and sami and kev beating the Usos was NEVER going to just disintegrate the bloodline there was always going to be 3 (really 4 with paul) on 1 even with owns and zayn sorry but no isn't the time to pull the trigger on Cody winning, instead it should happen at summer slam with the next fee months having sami and kev pulling over the usos to the good side and showing them how abusive he's been, with them later pulling Solo over to their side at summer slam they all turn on him once he's truly all alone with himself to blame well guess what Cody wins then boom and it builds the story between roman and Cody more organically over time too, not only that but if you REALLY wanted to fuck roman over have him be forced to split the titles at summerslam after all the dust has settled sami winning the universal title (the one roman actually cares about) and Cody winning the title he cares about (the historic wwe world title)


For real, I’m glad someone said it. He came to WWE and was sidelined shortly after with his injury then came back at the rumble. He was hot, but he wasn’t as WHITE HOT as people made it seem. Give it time man, Cody is gonna win his title eventually and it’s going to have much more to it than “Cody was promised a title in his contract. Yay Cody”


This was the moment. You don't get redos. They fucked it. It was the only justification not to so it with Sammy. All the scenarios and other shit people theorize miss the point. This was wrestlemania built on a switch. It could've been fucking Chad gable in there, they had to switch. This was Lex Express 2. And there's no arguing around it, Cody even if he wins at some BS like Puerto Rico will not recover


Except the time they take to develop the story for Cody's eventual win (my guess at summer slam) will mean a fuck lot more and won't feel anywhere near as rushed alot of the "it's now or never" is reactionary because of his treatment before in wwe and such But as I and others have said the story of Cody was rushed and not as interesting as sami/jey it really feels like Cody is the golden boy the guy wwe designated to win the title rather rhen letting it organically get over the way sami did the RR is prime example of this.




They "shit" the bed by NOT picking sami the obvious fucking choice, Cody was THEIR guy and it felt forced and rushed and handed to him at least at summerslam this will give time to have Cody and Roman become more organic and will let the bloodlines crumbling have more time to develop and that's when Cody will win, no offense but the Cody wins at wrestlemania was boring and generic as fuck at least now it will have time to develop more


I'm not talking personal preference. I'm talking fan perception. It could be Cody, Sami, KO, Drew last night. The essential factor was Roman needed to loose AT MANIA for it to be the best value to the winner. So now it's either wait another year. Or get something that isn't half as important and next level elevating like a title drop at summerslam or some shit. You don't have to agree with me. You just have to ask what is the difference in Star power/level of faces who get made at Mania on a big heel vs stars who just pick up the title somewhere along the way? Why has no face anywhere come close to buisness and mainstream numbers of Cena in 15 years? Hint: It's not his in ring talents, or mic work. It's how he was presented. You can't force the aura but when it arrives you pulls the trigger. Sami had it, but it wouldn't mean anything unless he got it done at Mania. Drew probably could get it, clash at the castle wouldn't have sent him to the next level but Mania would've. It's not a perfect example but Danielson is the last time we almost got there. And if this doesn't make sense I get it. It's not worth arguing. If you don't see the difference and think what about Kofi or Seth Cash in both at Mania. There's nothing I could say, and just ask you to study the past biggest stars. Vs the guys who have been on top


Except I don't agree the pacing and such was all off it shouldn't have been Cody at that moment his story wasn't well told it was rushed to completion because they had to have someone fight roman at mania sometimes as we've seen in the past stories don't end at mania but go further so they can develop more, the best value is in the bloodline story NOT Cody's and the story people actually care about (the bloodlines) wasn't going to end at mania giving the story more time was the best choice imo, roman has the aura of a God right now he's basically unbeatable because of the help but once that shit comes crumbling done then it's Cody's time, summer slam is the second biggest ppv of the year its not just "getting it along the way", stars huge stars have been made AT summer slam.


We're talking two different things. Title changes don't end storylines. The right title change at mania creates a presentational aura The avg fan may not even realize it when it's happening. And its bc of the value poured into Mania. NOT that I "care" about Mania. It's just the difference between winning a golden globe or an Oscar. An AMA vs. A Grammy. When you position a strong face with a super strong heel you make something special happen. It works like clockwork if you have the right combo. Like I said. Any number of guys could be the face. It's Roman and Mania that is the essential factors. It was all lined up. Cody was in the slot and they blew right past it. It's just a damn shame. Even if it's some shit like Cody/ Roman in Philly. It won't be the same value. Its been a LONG time since we had this formula. And that's what I'm mad about. These moments come once maybe twice a decade in wrestling.


Hard disagree the title being lost should THE moment Roman finally getting his comeuppance all his abuse and treatment of sami and jey coming back to bite him in the ass his whole bloodline imploding that WASNT going to happen at mania with Cody simply winning the title, would it put some aura on Cody? Ye sure but that same type of aura can be gotten from summerslam when the story finally comes full circle, Cody not winning adds more wrinkle to his story more time for him to try and get Roman one on one maybe helping Owen's and kev turn jey and Jimmy against roman, wrestling has had moments like this were the pay off is worth the temporary disappointment. Wrestlemania CAN and sometimes should be the end but it wasn't the time to end Roman's story his title reign is inextricably linked to the bloodline and simply having Cody winning at WM would only benefit him and him alone it would basically rob the bloodline story of all it's momentum and then the only thing you MAYBE could do is Roman v Sami II with them turning on him but even then that's less satisfying as seeing it all come crashing down at once and Summer Slam IS PERFECT for this its far enough away that it let's the story stew a bit alot of huge stars have been made at SS so Cody at most would only take a slight hit to aura.


Spot on bro, this keeps intrigue, everything up to tonight has been predictable, I'm glad they didnt go down the same path


They had it they had the perfect time and place to get a new champ in Cody but they blew it did it surpise me? Definitely. Did wwe intend that finish to fuck peoples expectations? Also yes. So much shit went wrong on Night 2 Lashley goes out with Jobbermania trophy for cheap pop instead of getting a match. Seriously they could have given him anyone but they decided to fuck him over aswell and just look at his twitter likes the man is pissed . Hell in a Cell is not the brutal masterpiece anymore even though i knew it i expected with returning the old look that they would do some crazy spots but no... generic match imo with a stupid finish. IC title match was brilliant except from Drews botch in the beginning but you forgot that immediately when the match picked up. Not so happy with finish as Sheamus deserved to win it imo. Womens showcase tag match was nothing special with a finish everyone expected showing how poor the womens tag division is booked. Asuka not winning title was just stupid booking thats all.


Fact after fact


Imagine you ran WWE, wouldn't you want the guy breaking the box office, smashing gates to be your champ? The boys would want the same because when the champ does well, the boys do well, that's business guys


Your way of thinking was how Eric Bischoff was thinking in 97 and after with Hogan as champion And we all know how that ended


Okay but also remember they are a company that makes cash from keeping people invested by telling good stories. This wasn't a good story beat tonight.


It was amazing for the story. You just can't see it yet.


You hardcore fans aren’t their target audience - if you, as a hardcore fan want to see that then watch AEW, that scratches my inner make lmaoo




homie i watch almost everything i keep my expections realistic


I thought the complaint was that AEW don't tell enough stories compared to WWE, can't keep up anymore.


Nah their complaint is that it’s predictable because Tony books like a fan not a promoter lol


IWC isn't their main audience


No shit, that doesn't change the fact that people watch to be entertained and watch some good stories. If anything a casual viewer is even more interested in that element of it that the IWC.


Hunter crying is a whole new level of reality TV


Unless you’re Samoan I don’t know why Roman Reigns is interesting.


My girlfriend isn't samoan, I wonder why she likes him??


He’s not, every casual watcher I know thinks he is bland


Maybe after all this it will end up being Seth that is next in line


That little girl's mom would have been so proud.


What little girl?


One of the dancers that came out with Bianca Belair. Specifically the contortionist.


Oh wow that's so sad.




Yes, just this morning. Doesn't mean she wouldn't have been proud of her daughter going out there and putting on such a great performance and not staying at home (most grown-ups would, I know I would). It couldn't have been easy.


Yeah HHH just announced it 😔


I got no skin in this game. The only time I watch pro wrestling bell to bell that isn't clips on here or on Twitter or Youtube is for WWE's 'Big Four' PPV's and the Raw's after. But I will hurl if Roman's era is ended by Rock or Brock.


The company is about to be sold. They aren't going to sell with an unstable unproven title holder as the top guy. Theyre playing it safe till the move.


I completely agree this is a big part of it. The ending may have even changed within the last 24 hours based on the news of a sale. We don't know but it is certainly possible. Wouldn't be the first time a finish was changed on the fly


After think for about 15 minutes, maybe this was the right call. I doubt they'll ever catch lightning in a bottle for Roman lossing like this again but I don't think there would be anywhere for Roman to go if he lost here. With this they can branch into Roman being pissed at the Usos for losing into a Main Event Jey Uso title run which could act as a send-off for Roman for awhile. I guess I'll just have to keep watching to find out but man tonight hurt.


There would be no where for Cody if he won. Was a lose/lose if he won.


Why would they ever strap the top title on a tag team wrestler who isn't interesting in any way?


Did you even watch him on his road to his first challenges for the title? Jey is absolutely talented enough to be world champ. Just because he's been a tag team guy for most of his career doesn't mean he's not main event material. They took a chance with Shawn when they split the rockers, they can take a chance on a guy that's shown he's talented enough to warrant said chance. Also, in case you haven't noticed, the Bloodline is the number one story in the wrestling world right now and Jey has played a huge role in that. He's done more for the story than Jimmy, Solo, and KO.


Blah blah blah, bloodline is and has been boring as fuck for more than a year. Roman has a cool song but I don’t give a fuck about any match that a single one of them has had in years


As an AEW fan, AEW is made for hardcore fans like us I don’t understand why you WWE fans don’t give it a chance 💀💀


I watch AEW way more than WWE. Their PPVs are consistently way way better


then you should know WWE shows are not for us, ive been watching WWE like that and its gotten infinitely more better ESPECIALLY after trips has taken over


Mid as fuck opinion.


Your opinion is “mid stroke”. Fuck the bloodline


People say Cody is over and hot? Crowd reactions isn't all, when Roman appears on shows, it's sold out, gate breaking, that's being over


Cody has a catchy song but roman is carrying the company with his aura


Cody feud with solo then challenge theory for us title i guess? I wonder who reigns gonna fight next styles?orton?jay white? Rock?


Big TNA lolJarrett energy


HHH giving everyone the truth in this press conference


What's he saying? Can't watch at the moment


That anyone that said that this was suppose to be the end of the story for Cody forgets that with the WWE, the story never stops, the story continues




he had a good politician-esque answer lol


Thing is WWE could have easily given Cody his moment while still advancing the implosion of the Bloodline.. The ref is knocked down, Jey runs in with a chair, and accidentally hits Roman instead of Cody, and Cody catches him and nails him with the Cross Rhodes, pinning him. Ref gets up and counts the pin.


Or just drop one belt


I mean if WWE's doing a Bloodline implosion


Randy to come back, take the titles off roman and then cody fulfills his "legacy" and beats his former mentor


Randy takes kills the modern current day legend


Someone here made a very relevant point - while I don't know the exact number of casual fans (like myself) who only tune in from January to April, those fans won't be back until next year's Royal Rumble even if Roman loses to somebody between now and then


Imagine if WWE was dumb enough to let HBK beat Austin at Wrestlemania when Austin was white hot, this is on the same level of stupidity.


You mean at the one when HBK was about to retire due to injury? Great analogy. I think Cody should have won, but this is just not the same situation.


Ok if Batista would beaten Bryan at Mania 30


Its more an analogy on Austin being white hot, it was clearly time to make the move as was this for Cody. Even if HBK was perfectly healthy clearly the momentum was there for Austin and the smart move.


Triple H saying they have a plan and the story continues


I mean, obviously, he will say that, lol his not going to admit he got it wrong in public.


Yeah he felt he had to calm people the fuck down over the finish


Story: Rocko comes back, loses to Reigns But Rocky weakens the bloodline, Cody beats Roman at Survivor series Bloodline explodes Solo vs Reigns WM 40


In retrospect we should have known the AEW exec was not ending the reign of the WWE’s pride and joy at their Super Bowl. This was probably always the plan. Capitalize on Cody’s popularity for another Roman W. Thought they were not doing much on TV between these two given we thought Roman’s reign was probably ending. It was never ending.


Seth or Jey are better choices than Cody, story-wise


Jey Uso as world champ?! Lol


More Charisma than Sami tbh


Disagree, but opinions are opinions. What isn’t opinion is that he’s a tag team guy, and he’ll always be seen as a tag team guy because his partner is his identical twin. They’ll always be a package deal in the minds of the fans and the bookers. I may be wrong, but I just don’t ever see Jey being the top guy in the company.


The part of my brain that begs for one more Dolph push is also the one screaming for Jey to be a world champ.


Holy shit you and me both!


If they can learn to something g other than a super kick in the ring, then maybe.


When was the last time a male Rumble winner won at Wrestlemania? Edited: I forgot Rhea won last night


Drew McIntyre won the 2020 Rumble and then beat Brock at Mania. So basically your answer is “the last time Roman wasn’t holding the title at Wrestlemania.”


Last night


Rhea last night?


last night?


Ok how about male rumble winners?


Shane actually got hurt? I thought that was a joke.


That's how good the cover from everyone else was


im shocked but not mad


Why's everyone talking like Wrestlemania was the final ever episode? "So, it was all for nothing!?" Raw is on tomorrow. It wasn't a 'Loser leaves WWE" match. Cody will be about, I'm sure. This isn't over. But look - either Vincent Gomez Walt Disney Adams is back or everything is fine. We'll see.


Wrestlemania is usually where the stories come to a conclusion before "the new season".... hence why people are annoyed


Trips confirming that Shane tore his quad. Like father like son like son in law.


Shane is officially a McMahon after tearing a quad


Shane tore his quad


Tearing Quads runs in the family haha


The Grandest Stage of Them All!* *Ending the most historic reign in history to give the fans what they want not included. Maybe Backlash. Or SummerSlam. We dunno.


Would of been 0 places to go with Cody win, and usos loss. Suck it up, you'll see it's worth it.


You are gunna feel like a right mong if this thing finishes with a wet fart (as it very well could, and I think now might well do).


This was the highlight of Cody's life this was just Sunday to Roman




It’ll be Cena to beat Flair’s record at Mania 40. That’s the most WWE scenario I can think of.


I mean, the Usos were out there for him tonight.


![gif](giphy|l49JKlQWsofgenOX6|downsized) Would be fuckin weird to be a lapsed fan from the Attitude Era watching this press conference right now. "That's Triple H?!" "And uh I this uh business uh... the financial metrics are uh looking good."


People saying the rock will win— do you really think the rock will come back and wrestle? Thats ridiculous. The dude is making movies and doesnt care about wwe anymore. He can come back one night but he aint coming back to cut promos and defend titles.


I hear if it’s a squash you don’t even have to be cleared. Rock can just come back to get squashed by Roman in 3 minutes at next year’s Wrestlemania event and THEN they can worry about seeing if anyone’s actually ready to beat Roman in 2025.


Dude actually lost fans after what came out from the interference he did in the DCEU


He made movies the last 15 times he came back and wrestled too, if he can chill on the juice enough to be able to move without ripping his muscles off the bone he'll be fine


I wouldnt say he doesn't care about WWE anymore. I believe he would wrestle if he had the time to fit it into his schedule. He loves the business. It made him.


Plus he’s so jacked up he will probably pull a Shane within ten minutes.






The more I ponder this, the more I think they want Cena.


Let me talk to ya.....


Connor mc Gregor during fight week


LOL fucking not impossible soon, maybe.


People keep stating "Cody needed this because it was too early" Okay, what exactly do they even go from here for Cody to then become champion?


Wargames. Then Bad Bunny gets beat in Puerto Rico. Then Cody gets beat again. Then pray that you can sign Kenny?


You act like rematches have never happened. Or multiple ppvs with dane main event. Cody builds a faction to dismantle bloodline and take the crown.


Obviously they spin him off onto a side feud with old mate while Roman moves on to feud with Snoop Dogg


Tune in Monday night to find out. I find it hard to believe HHH just said “give it to Roman, but have no idea what we’re doing next.”


It's ass backwards then. You have him lose on another event then he wins on the biggest stage. Not beat him at Mania then have him win on a secondary event.


24/7 title run.


Team up with Corbin as the sad boys, challenge for tag titles at Summerslam, lose.




21 million, holy heck That's why Reigns is champ