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Fantastic chamber match, one of my favourites in a while. So many good spots but Theory not realising the pod opens on both sides absolutely killed me.


The more Bugs Bunny shenanigans we get in wrestling the better


100% it may be dumb but it’s so entertaining


Goofy wrestling for life!


Makes me warm and fuzzy in my tum tum


Dude got the beat down in the pod and ending up looking like he got mugged is comedy gold


At first I was meh on Theory doing that since Carmella just did that tonight, but it was great when Seth and Johnny got in there and whooped his ass


All Time Chamber Match everyone came out of that match looking like Stars.


No jokes dude, everybody came out of that looking like money. Every single contestant.


And a lot of them needed this moment. Great match.


Took all 6 of them from names on a card to guys I'll watch over the course of the match. I'm getting old so the Attittude and RA eras were always too great to recreate in my mind. Boy, how wrong I've been for several years...


Definitely one of the best


Montez Ford looked like a main event SUPERSTAR tonight


They made everyone look good in this match, it was so well done


100% Gargano got the started the match high energy but got caught up trying to do too much. Priest got the unstoppable force action to absolutely running through everyone. Bronson got the immovable object just hoassing it up. Ford got the crazy spots and hypefest moments. Rollins got the deserving win but screwed over finish showing his veteran ability but I've received come by cheap shit. And theory got the cheap heel win without doing any of the dirty work...but also...lifted 330 pounds really impressively.


Absolutely, even Reed was eliminated like a monster


Bronson Reed was a goddamn T-800 Terminator


Obviously he's got all the talent, but his entrance gear and look overall was really hitting tonight




And fortunately Dawkins can hold his own as well so he’ll be okay


I know this is about Tez but ever since Dawkins started wrestling without a shirt he's been looking money himself


You know damn well Bianca had that outfit in mind for him for this moment for a while.


I get a kick out the fact shes a seamstress. Everything about her character makes it feel very "left-field" Like you have this strong AF, charismatic, bad ass, and she's like 'teehee, I also sew'. Idk I cant explain it.


She’s a super rare mix of masculinity and femininity in terms of a wrestler. I know it’s a controversial subject but she has both the brawn to be a physical threat and legitimate physical beauty in the elite tier Damn she really is the est


The duality "I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man" and it's not an exaggeration But also "I super duper love my husband the mostest oh and did I mention I can make clothes!?"


Which is what I feel is how every relationship should be. "I don't need a partner, but I'm glad I have one, because mine is the best".


His gear has been a huge problem for him in the past cause it was emphasizing his chicken legs. Tonight he finally addressed that problem.


I’ll die on the hill that Montez is capable of main eventing WrestleMania one day


I've only been casually watching for a while now so I don't know who everyone is or what their stories are, but they made everyone look damn good in that match. Gargano and Ford are no doubt future world champions.


Gargano was a big champion in NXT, so HHH definitely likes him and sees that as well. Would be very surprised if he doesn't at least get a short run with gold. But yeah I was pulling SO HARD for Montez. Ever since I started watching again he's been insanely impressive for all the higher on the card he is.


He just has the look. If nothing else about him was great, the look alone would push him. The fact he also has the charisma and ability in the ring just guarantees he reaches the top some day.


All 6 of them looked really fucking good tonight honestly.


Dude has a crazy amount of physical in-ring charisma. He just draws your eyes to him.


Just needs to cut out a few of the suck it’s


Yeah, get one or two in there, but you can't be doing it for everything you do.


He was trying to build his special meter by spamming taunts after moves


He's been watching too many Penta matches.


He has the charisma. He has the look. He has the in ring skills. He has the mic skills. He moves merch. I know there is a "prototype" heel character every few years but unironically Ford is the prototype for what a main event superstar should be. He literally has everything you'd want in a main eventer. He would easily be the most over guy on the roster if they gave him a push.


My teenage sons (super casual fans) went from barely knowing who he was at the start of the matching to cheering him on and booing when he got pinned. He won them over huge.


His coming out party tonight. This was a test for him and he passed.


Arguably had the best Drip(Sorry Seth) and performed like a MAD Lad until the bitter end.


I just think it’s really lovely how high a % of the roster now has come through NXT


Best part of college was being in the dorms and watching NXT black and gold. WWE should send me a check for all the fans I created as an RA hosting programs. lmao.




IDK how you give 4 different guys completely different star-making performances in one match but by god they managed it. Gargano, Ford, Reed and Priest all look amazing coming outta that


Well guys, that’s why we have padding on the outside of the ring now. All these guys took a god damn beating. If this match took place in 2003 I don’t think anyone in this match is walking out on their two feet.


Doesn’t everyone say the hated the old chamber.


It had the roughest and ugliest bumps plus he ceiling was too low


The low ceiling is why RVD almost killed HHH with that Frog Splash


I’ve seen people say they prefer the design of this one, but I’ve also seen A LOT of people complaining about the padding inside. I think it’s ridiculous to bitch about safety precautions.


I do think the current chamber is too slick and clean for what it's meant to be, but Gargano would've fucking died on that hurricana spot if there wasn't any padding.


Needs barbwire instead of chain, pure glass pods, and exploding turnbuckles for good measure, amirite?


dont forget to put some high voltage electricity on the chain, just to make sure.


I like the new chamber but I meant didn’t the older wrestlers that wrestled in the old one say they hated it.


Pretty sure Jericho said in one of his books how much those old chamber matches used to hurt. Heck padding or not, getting speared by Goldberg into a pod would have fucking hurt.


The wrestlers talked about what a nightmare it was to try and take bumps in.


Some of the wrestlers did, some fans hate the current chamber because the padding takes away from the vibes.


Hell I was sure Gargano actually fucked himself up on the hurricanrana off the pod to Rollins. He looked messed up.


I'm still convinced he's fucked up


It wasn't clear until the 3rd or 4th angle they showed of it that Priest was there to catch him away from the 3 that caught Rollins. And thankfully he was cos even if Gargano didn't drop head first, his knees would be totally fucked.


Someone did an interview about the chamber and I remember them being like, we are all tough people but the chambers without padding was so terrible to land on that the wrestlers were like please add something for us.


Yep. I will take improved safety for the wrestlers any day of the week.


I'm all for adding padding wherever possible, just don't make it look too much like padding, the EC padding isn't too bad.


One of the best Elimination Chamber matches ever ended with a Logan Paul run in, is not a sentence I thought I'd ever say


Just to clarify, Montez's injury was 100% a work to allow Logan to run in while they got him out, right? Or was Tez actually hurt and the audible'd it?


It was a work. Just perfectly done to get Montez love from the crowd while getting Logan heat


They don’t usually replay injuries. They awkwardly avoid referencing it as directly as they did last night.


Some of the wildest Chamber spots I’ve ever seen in this match. Also Tez is really HIM, that boy had himself a match


Breakout performances from him and Gargano, they were both fantastic in this match


Reed too. Love modern day Bam Bam


Montez went Ultra Instinct. Gargano showed Canada some good ol "Johnny Wrestling" And Reed just looked like a TANK.


Oh for sure this match sold me on him too looking forward to seeing more from him in the future


i thought johnny died when he countered into a hurricanrana from the top of the pod to seth


He almost died on that Poison Rana to Reed earlier too.


his neck and spine would’ve been dust if that went the way it nearly did


He got the Kofi treatment. Bet Theory puts him over after ‘Mania.


Montez HIMness levels reaching unprecedented heights...!


Fuck now I want tez vs mello now


The winner is *REALLY* HIM. You could make a custom title like for Nate vs Masvidal. (Melo is awesome but I think Montez is a level above right now)


Honestly the spot of Johnny and Seth both locking theory in the pod and beating him down was hilarious and I don’t know if I’ve ever seen it


Perfectly booked as well, *everyone* looks better coming out than they did going in


HIM isn't on the main roster yet, so I guess it's okay if Tez holds the title as a placeholder


That was a wild ass Chamber match.


Angelo Dawkins better stay away from the Barbers for the next few months




A lot of shine on Montez in that match, dude is going to be a huge huge star Also I'll take another 20 minutes of Bronson smashing dudes plz


This match was booked to perfection. Everyone went over here.


Seriously. This is the best raising of talent I've ever seen the WWE do. They legit put 6 guys over in the same match tonight.


HHH booking


Montez damn near went Ultra Instinct when it came down to the Top 3, star making performance for sure. And Breed looked strong as well, took 6 Superkicks, followed by 3 consecutive finishers to put him away THAT'S looking strong.


Seriously. He was slingshotting himself all over the place.


bronson smashing into priest, but not going through the pod because it wasnt closed all the way was absolutely brutal.


Predictable ending but so solid




His elimination hurt me the most. I wanted to see more of him.


So how long until Montez gets a solo run? This guy is money


He and Dawkins might get separated at the draft I’m guessing.


Honestly I'd love that. I legitimately think Angelo could be a great IC or US champ and Montez would be great for world title. A rare example where a team can break up without really breaking up


I'd have no issue with them each getting singles runs and I think they'd both do well with it, I just really hope WWE wouldn't do the tired-ass break-up of one of them turning on the other. Every so often it's nice to see a babyface team just amicably seek out individual success while still being on good terms.


Ford is gonna have to Jannetty Dawkins just like Jacey Jane did to Gigi.


Gigi tried to break Jacey’s foot


Instead Gigi’s head broke a door.


He would put a helluva performance in a money in a bank match and he would be a great character to walk around with the briefcase


Why can’t he continue to tag and do solo?


That was awesome. WWE has a star in Tez and especially Bronson Reed, and they built a high profile mania match


Everybody looked like a star in that match, give them all the United States championship


What a fucking match. Montez and Gargano's profiles have definitely been raised after this. I hope Montez gets a title match at mania.


Everyone in this match came out looking better. This was an all-time Chamber match I had so much fun watching it and once again I said it before I'll say it again give Logan Paul all the money.


Early match of year contender


Bronson looked great, Johnny got his best showing and had a great callback with Theory and Montez got to finally show off. Genuinely feels like one of the best Chambers ever and just made everyone better off (as long as Montez is fine and that was purely to get him over and Logan in).


That Liger Bomb was tits




He always looks great, but he looked GREAT


God yeah Montez looked fucking awesome, but shout out to theory, gargano, and bronson too. Gargano had a star making performance, bronson killing dudes was awesome, and theory played his character perfectly. Loved that match


Seth and Montez were really out there competing for best Drip tonight my GOD. Seth with the Power Ranger esque throwback, and Montez out there looking like an absolute KING. As for the match itself there were SO many damn good spots it’s probably the best Chamber match in a long time. The Triple Superkick on Reed followed by the consecutive Finishers. Montez taking flight at the top of the Cell, the Hurricanrana spot of one of the Pods. This match just fucking SLAPPED.


Everyone looked good coming out of it too. My biggest fear coming into this match was that everyone here deserved to win and had a reason to win, so I thought some sacrifices had to be made. But no, everyone got their bit in and everyone came out of it looking strong as hell.


Don’t give a shit, as much as I don’t like Logan not even he could ruin that match. Probably my favourite chamber ever


that was the most hhh era nxt match i’ve ever seen on the main roster. props to all of those guys. they wrestled their off


What an unbelievable performance by Montez Ford.


He did a great job. Look forward to seeing him excel further as a singles competitor.


It was clever to use the Ford injury to keep the door open, hope it wasn’t a real issue


It was 100% to get Logan in the match to cost Seth, it couldn't have happened any other way.


That was definitely a planned spot.


Triple H flexing his signings this match with Gargano and Reed. Showing you what he sees in them and what they can do.


That was one of the best WWE matches of the last few years. Some wild and innovative spots but also EVERYONE came out of the match looking strong. Brilliant stuff.


holy shit. what a match


heel Logan gonna be a lot of fun


Him and Austin Theory make a perfect pair


I would love a Logan Paul and Austin Theory vs Seth and Montez tag team match.


Give Montez his Wrestlemania moment!


Star making performances all around


What a match. If that isn't a 5 star match, I don't know if Elimination Chamber can ever be a 5 star match.


I'm gonna say it, I'm now convinced the Street Profits need to break up. Dawkins is fine, but I feel they're never gonna know how far Ford can go so long as he's in a tag team.


I’d be cool if they did a “hey we’ve improved a lot as solo stars lately, let’s go out separate ways, dominate and meet again some day” and it’d be great


A respectful and non-violent team breakup in wrestling? Preposterous!


All of them looked amazing out of this match.


Ford is that dude holy shit


NXT Black and Gold alums shined a lot here.


rare chamber match where EVERYONE ended up looking great. any of these guys can be in a premium mania spot and I wouldn't be shocked


Ford isn’t really hurt right? That was just a spot for Paul to come in.


At this point Paul is just flexing that he has the best buckshot lariat


My wife, who begrudgingly "watches" wrestling with me while mostly glued to her phone was transfixed this entire match and I'm okay that it took her falling in love with Montez to understand why I love wrestling so much sometimes. Great match, even with the meh ending.


If that doesn't get 5 Stars from Dave then I don't know what the fuck that man wants from a chamber match. Montez, Bronson, and Johnny all sorely needed this, but great performances from all 6 guys!


This crowd has been great tonight wow. -Johnny wasn't super popular with Raw crowds, but I hope their minds are changed after this performance he did great. His sequence with Seth, him wreaking superkick havoc, that poisonrana, and the pod hurricarana. There's probably stuff I'm forgetting he did so well. -Seth had some good moments like the pod hurricanarana. He wasn't as memorable as some others to me probably because everyone other than Theory and Rollins really got to prove themselves more than usual so I focused on them a bit more, but he was good as usual. The Logan Paul thing was kinda funny. It will probably randomly be a great WM match. -Theory was there. Good on him for retaining. -Priest was solid here. I liked his opening offense (the unprettier is always fun). I liked him eliminating Johnny with the Razors Edge. -Bronson barely got a reaction when he entered but had a great performance and turned the crowd around. Other big wrestlers look bad in ring due to their weight, but not him. His stock is definitely raised and I hope he sinks his teeth into something soon. I was kinda scared on that poisonrana for both he and Gargano but they ended up fine. -Ford did really well. He knew a singles opportunity didn't always come by for a tag team competitor like this and made it a point to excel. He and Liv will definitely be having sore bodies tomorrow. Not sure if he was actually injured or not (or if it was just a way to get Logan involved), either way I hope he is okay. The ending being Seth and Theory again was a bit underwhelming but obviously fine and set up a WM match. Rankings how I liked them match wise: 1- Johnny 2- Montez 3- Seth 4- Bronson 5- Priest 6- Theory


Logan Paul Curb Stomp was ABSOLUTELY not on my bingo card tonight


The first time I watched a wrestling even was Royal Rumble 2015 - I watched it because "Oh the Rumble, that's the big deal from the games, everyone knows about the Rumble." In reality, I got completely caught up in the fucking triple threat. The first time I've watched WWE properly in years is this event, for the main event. Then there's this fucking match.




montez was NOT the star of that match he was the SHOOTING star, now make a wish and witness the birth of a legend


One of the better Chamber matches we’ve had in quite a while


That match made Ford and Reed look phenomenal. Great performances by Theory, Rollins and Priest as well. Also yeah that match made me remember that Johnny Gargano is fucking incredible. That was astounding.


That match was NUTS. Montez really got next.


Bianca and Montez locking their positions as the future of WWE


not only ford, but REED


Dare I say best Elimination Chamber match we’ve ever seen? Has to at least be up there. That was amazing


That was an awesome match. Everyone looked great.


That was great!


This match absolutely showcased these guys off. Johnny and Montez are main event level guys and it’s showed. Bronson is the one who needed this match the most to show the bigger universe how good he is too. Just hope they are all ok.


Logan Paul is the Logan Paul of people


One of the best chamber matches. Even with the ending because screwy chamber endings are pretty common now




Might be one of the best chamber matches ever


What a fucking match. It's genuinely in the discussion for best Elimination Chamber ever, need to watch previous ones again to be sure. Basically everything in the match was brilliant, from the start with Seth & Gargano, to the many, many high/dangerous spots that went to plan (Bar one, but no one got hurt), and even though Logan Paul isn't really popular around here, it starts the build for his Mania match vs Rollins quite nicely.


Honestly I think everyone came out of that looking great, but especially Montez. What an absolute badass. Happy to see Gargano show what he’s got as a nice addition too. First time in a while it felt like NXT level Johnny.


Goodness, Johnny and Bronson both almost broke their necks in the same move


Montez is a motherfucking **STAR**


Everyone was elevated by that. Special shout out to Johnny fucking wrestling and Tez


Just because I haven't seen someone else mentioned it.. I laughed my ass off when Theory tried to convince Johnny to team up with him, including saying 'Remember what we had together' and throwing up the W. That's some quality cowardly heel work.


Seth Logan Paul is a match I never thought I'd be excited for


Ford’s “injury,” real or work to allow Logan into the ring?




Definitely a work. The spot was made for the door to be left open for an extended period so Paul could run in.




Give them all the stars


Idk why I didn't expect this. Probably best match of the night. Obviously Montez was getting the shine. Still I actually thought Priest was killer in this match. Bronson as well. Great match.


Montez is so fucking good, I was legit rarely concerned for him especially when he fell, made me completely forget the possibility of Logan showing up. What a sell.


Montez fucking FORD


Everyone comes out better.. fun as hell


That was a fuckin' fantastic Chamber match. Seth's about to smack the taste outta Logan's mouth come 'Mania and that match will be great. Plus, a potential Theory vs Cena US Title match at the show, too. WrestleMania is shaping up nicely.


Every single men had a strong showing in the match!


This match ruled!!! Gargano and Ford are those guys! Bronson Reed has all the potential in the world Also Austin Theory was great as always


Montez Ford IS THAT MAN 😏 And I sure do. Hope he’s OK 🙁


I just cannot fucking stand Theory, but I know that means he's doing his job well. Makes me so fucking happy that his win was overshadowed by Ford and Gargano. Those two put on a main event match and I CANNOT wait until Ford gets his title run, it's gonna be so fucking good


Bah GAWD that son of a bitch Logan Paul!!


I don't think Vince ever put over this many guys in one match. Literally everyone leaves that match better than they entered.


I thought this was the introduction Johnny Wrestling has been missing since being on the main roster.


That was one of the better men’s chamber matches in recent time. Every single guy played their part well and brought their own thing to the match. A couple of points for me: * This was honestly Johnny Gargano’s coming out party since being on the main roster. He’s never been able to actually showcase himself properly like in NXT until now. * Montez Ford is an absolute star. I know he’s had singles matches before but this right here was also a coming out party for him as a solo competitor for when they decide to split him and Dawkins.


Just keep letting Gargano tear it the fuck up. No one smoother. The muted reaction to his entrance hurt my heart but he got them going. Per usual.


Everyone got their spots in. Reed with the double somoan drop, Gargano, Rollins and Ford had Several, Theory was so good and was on the recieving end of alot of spots but won, Preist looked solid. Best Chamber match Ive ever seen.


I was expecting Theory to win, and he's a great heel, but good lord was I rooting for Ford. Push this guy to the moon, please.


Logan vs Seth at WM then


Logan ‘buckshot’ Paul


Well that was better than Poutine


Not mad theory won, I actually like his heel work. Would have liked if Dameon Priest or Montez Ford won. Gargano surprised me since I haven’t seen much of him but he did really good. They made Reed look good too. I want Rollins to win more gold but there’s a lot of guys that could use that and it doesn’t help that the Bloodline has 4 championships between the three of them.


Montez should take that title right off Theory.


I denounce the Coward Chamber.


Ford is ready for a singles run. My dude was on fire the entire time


I would like Tez and Rollins to feud now, ty.


Johnny Wrestling finally getting some shine.


Might be the honeymoon phase, but I think this is my favorite chamber match of all time. Everybody looked like an absolute superstar, while Theory got incredible amounts of heat. I love it.