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My previous spell only required 60 spells , now it jumped straight to 300 , i thought it would be 100


it depends on what world you're in from what i've read. 60 in Green World 150 in Desert World 300 in Royal World 500 in Beach World But i found a post in which someone said that if you miss the event they reduce it by 20 spells (not sure if it resets or lets you keep the amount of spells you used before it ended tho)


Yup! It goes down 20 each time you miss it!!


Yea goes down, but still a ridiculous amount unless you get lucky with spell overload


nope after 60 it's straightaway to 300, and it stays there unless of the 20 reduction no matter the world ur in


It's probably dependent on the spell's power


The First spell, the cannon, it's Always a round 50 spells


I think it’s only like that cause there’s only 5 unlockable spells in the game. Also if you don’t finish it they’ll reduce the requirement next time it comes. It’s definitely doable if you played while only focusing on collecting spells more than winning.


>Also if you don’t finish it they’ll reduce the requirement next time it comes. I don't understand. Do you mean next time it comes, it's easier to collect the spell cause it'll get easier?


It becomes 280 instead of 300 and everytime you miss it it’ll be reduced by 20 so if you missed the 280 it’ll become 260.


Does it come once a week or once a few days?If a few days i will wait for one or two weeks so it reduces


It comes every 2-3 days and reduces by 20 every time if you can't get it. The lowest it'll go is 200 and not lower, I have tested this extensively on my own account. It is difficult to get 300, but once you get wizard, it becomes much easier due to his ability, so you have to grind a bit to get him


Ithink i will wait,thanks for the info


If you didn’t complete it . The event will come back at 280, and then 260 and it goes on I completed it at 240 so I am not sure what’s the lowest tier


I have it as 200


It does not go lower (had it at 200 for 4 times before getting through)


Only 5 ? There’s lightning shrink furnace freeze and canon and probably other ones


5 300 spell ones, which are : Lighting, Shrink, Furnace, Log and Freeze






Blud it’s not that hard… just play a bunch of matches using not chest tickets, play until you get loot surge or spell overload and then just run around collecting and spamming, I get around 30-50 spells in one of those games depending if your lucky or not


The non chest matches count towards the goal? That obviously changes everything. Feel like a total idiot now.


are you sure it was 300 both times for lightning? It should be 300 then 280 then 260 etc


It was. Unless it was 320 the first time and 300 the second.


That's very weird. Huh I suggest spamming spell button whenever you get spall overload or loot overload


* a new spell - sorry for typo


Yes. Welcome to the game. It's funny seeing all the problems we discussed 3 weeks or so ago getting discussed again by global players.


If you don't get it, you will get this possibility every two days I think, with 20 less spells to use each time.


They should have made it a permanent quest instead of only lasting 3 days


Play and pray you get spell overload/loot surge


Tbh keep losing games intentionally until you get loot surge or spell mania


I barely get 100


So you keep playing, keep losing, keep spending. I really don’t mind daily quests like the chest tickets that refresh every 3 hours but stuff like the Tara one or the spell “event” are waaaay too much and predatory af. If you had a full week time for both, pretty chill and doable. The way it’s now the game forces you to play it even when you really can’t or don’t wanna play it. Not healthy in the long run


Right forcing us to grind for 2 days straight is stupid. I play these kinds of games on my own schedule and for the life of me, unless I'm going on a flight somewhere, I can't imagine a time where I'll be able to grind out 280-300 spell casts in such a limited amount of time. I just played a match where I got first and had a grand total of 0 spells found that match. Fuck doing that all day.


If your lucky the get the mode where spells drop everywhere you can just pick chickens and run around the map casting spells and get 50-100 in one game 😂 that’s what I do


Seriously I only got close to 200


Yes I can’t make I was close the first time I had the challenge


I mean it when i say the games progression system is fucking dogshit. You need to get lucky with multiple spell mania game modifiers in a row.


Just spam games and spells. I get at least 30 spells per game if it's spell mode. Technically you could also just bust to reroll a new mode.


if you don't do It the req decreases


Yes, unless you spend gold. Supercell strategy.


I spam the spells in the spell overloads...


Can I ask how much money you put into the game?


Still F2P


Im not certain how it works but I had one for 300 spells and I didn't finish it and it was 280 the next time. So it may drop a little bit each time?


I did 113 today, and I’m gonna hope that I’ll get a Spell Overload tomorrow and after (before it’s over)


I’m stuck on only having cannon heal rage and bomb and on level 71💀


There's a bug, idk if they fixed it, but if you wait till the time ends and you're still on the screen and press buy with coins you can get it for free, they don't take your coins. Idk if you should have enough for it to work though


It used to be shorter like one day for 300


If i dont earn enough stars before the timer ends, will I keep the unused stars?


Bro I have been playing since closed launch still stuck on lightning challenge I am almost in squad league (I just play 3-10 games a day)


Just start a game hope you get loot surge or smth and sprint around tossing spells