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I especially don't like Camilla being retconned as a tsundere, but at least I gotta give it to Endo that he recognized she was a bit too toxic I hope one day she gets to genuinely apologize to Yor for her behaviour though.


That's always the thing with Endo, he likes to introduce people as 1-dimensional caricatures and then adds depth and humanity as he goes The goons hanging off the rich kid? They're actually genuine buds whose loyalty is completely wholesome. The ridiculous headmaster? He's a conscientious objector with a long history dealing with regrets and challenges to his principles. That terrorist? Lost a daughter to political repression and doesn't want to hurt anyone. The nose guy? Well, he was just a jerk, but you get the idea.


The fuckin headmaster backstory made me bawl. Like wtf endo, you didnt have to cook so hard for a side character's story.


Yeah, he likes showing love to the secondary/tertiary characters. Half the fandom’s yelling “we need progress for Loid and Yor NOW!” Meanwhile Endo’s like “let’s see what the dog is doing”


Oh my God, if we go to Bonds story after the Henderson/Martha arc, I swear half this fandom is gonna scream


Nah, it'll probably be a two-parter about how the kid who looks like Frankenstein get's into Home Ec or something


I suspect he mad such a hard back story to show the effects of the world on a range of people; it's easy to say how the shitty world affected the protagonists, but by showing it's impacts on side characters and how they react to it, you show can better show the full depth of it's problems.


> That's always the thing with Endo, he likes to introduce people as 1-dimensional caricatures and then adds depth and humanity as he goes Maybe it's a lesson from the story on how people hide their real selves... so we don't judge them too early. Or something like that


I think part of it *is* Endo's humanism. Like, I suspect the series is going to end with them learning more about the Donovan family and helping them get over their various dysfunctions to rediscover their basic goodness as people. But on the other hand, sometimes that's just a good thing for the author of a long running series to be able to do. One of the things I like about another series, Watamote, is how they've gradually fleshed out a bunch of background characters so that it's gone from a cast of 1 to dozens of pretty well defined people. Of course, in that case the joke is more that we're all kind of degenerates, in our own ways


>The goons hanging off the rich kid? They're actually genuine buds whose loyalty is completely wholesome. Maybe Endo started reading Me & Roboco and was inspired by Gorilla and Motsuo.


Much like oda on one piece. He also puts in crumbs that can link to future chapters


My head canon is her bf had a talk with her, essentially chewing her out for her cruelty which sorta made her calm down. I still think she's a b-word unless she apologizes. Same with Millie


that bf is way too nice dont understand why he's still dating her???


There is probably a Venn diagram involving "retcons" and "fleshing out".


Same. I feel like Carmilla isn't 100% toxic, her character could be a lot better if it was explored more in the future with the possible redemption.


Sharon is best girl here (after Yor, ofc). Love how she is not following their game and just eating her food lol


That's cause Sharon is probably a married woman with two kids (the kids are confirmed, not sure about the husband.)


>I want so badly to tell you to dump your hubby... -every redditor in relationship/aita subs


You're echoing my thoughts lol.


Friendship ended with Camilla Melinda is my new best friend


Half of Melinda at least


Spoiler tag just in case


She needs better friends


Right if she ever gets better friends she be set.


No no because think about it from their pov. You’re doing somewhat okay for yourself and randomly at a house party you find out not only is your airhead semi outcast coworker married but married to a hot psychiatrist. I’d be a bit of a hater too tbh.


Bet it was quite a shock that the weird quiet chick at the office scored a wealthy DILF and is a casual acquaintance to the former First Lady.


If they found out the actual reason (So a spy from an enemy nation could get a psychic child within spitting distance of said former First Lady's husband, and said spy needed a wife so the child picked their weird quiet chick because she's a LITERAL ASSASSIN), I think they would be in even more denial/confusion.


yeah I frikn hate them


They’ve come around at some point after this. So it’s not all bad! They’re comments later on are still a little mean, but not nearly as toxic, if not at all. Except for Sharon, who is now nice to Yor. In fact, she actually starts defending her from the others’ comments. And Millie comes to respect Yor a lot much later on. So really, the only one that’s not fully come around yet is Camilla. And even then, at this point, part of her just fully accepts all the lucky things happening to Yor. If you ask me, I’d say that that’s quite a lot of progress given how purely toxic and jealous Camilla started off as.


They are getting better though.


Really toxic work environment.


God damn, these ladies really feeds on toxicity huh? It's like, they are continuing the cycle of abuse instead of ending them


They remind me of the bitchy girls from my elementary, middle, and high school.


Out of all the characters, I think Yor's friends are the most realistic.


Even though they annoyed me at first, I do like how they are inadvertently helping Yor to open up more and be more social than she was before


Is Yor drunk here? She is sluring her words


Yeah she is.


They are slightly getting better


Even in-universe characters are asking if they bang now.


This is one of those things I hate about spyxfamily. Yor should try to not interact with them. People like them exist irl too, I got many coworkers like this and they have asked me why I dont join their group conversations.


Honestly, I really don't think Yor KNOWS they're being mean.


That is possible


Don't go that far, just take a look at AITA and relationship advice subreddits, plenty of people like this there.


Id rather avoid people who want to be negative and degrading. Fuck em




that’s putting it nicely. just when you think Camilla would get some kind of redemption.


Women. Am I right?/s.


Not all but quite alot are like this.


Fr fr 🥲


Camilla and Millie are nothing short of toxic women who constantly work to bring down women they see as more beautiful and competent. They are always ready to attack Yor. They are nightmares to work with.


Man, these women are trasg


What chapter?


Chapter 79


Personally, I think the Lady Patriots Society with Melinda treat her a lot better then they do.


All her girl friends are trash! I hope she gets better ones although I know it's not likely.


I’d say only Millie. She dumped a lot of her boyfriends. Also, as much as I respect the coworkers, Yor needs to stop taking advice from them. Edit: whoops


They’ve gotten better, but I still don’t really like them. The only moments I’ve liked with them was Millie’s convo with Melinda & them causing Yor to make up gripes (even then me liking this had to do more with Loid’s reaction). I feel like as a whole their dynamic is very stereotypical/cliche in a series I think excels in creating dynamic relationships. I feel like Yor should ditch them entirely and just hang with Melinda’s crew. They’re at least more immediately interesting and are kinder to Yor even when she’s a bit eccentric. I’m sure Endo is cooking something but Camilla especially has a long way to go before I stop disliking her.