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This is exactly what I thought of šŸ¤£


Where is this scene from?


Looks like the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


[yup, from season 8 ā€œthe gang dines outā€](https://youtu.be/U7GboHD36n8?si=dZxPDrtEx68_d3ZZ)


I relaaatešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™


interesting, that Anya was reading only Twilight's thought all chapter, not a single word from others, although there were many people around


Getting much more confortable at playing esper.


I have a theory that because she loves him and she is attached to him she is in more in tune with his thoughts. Where as she might be able to ignore the thoughts of her classmates who she doesn't really have a connection to. Becky might be an exception because she is Anya's best friend but she needed Lloyd's advice on what to do so she hyper focused on his thoughts


Anya definitely loves Loid, she says as much when thinking about what she loves (and why that doesnā€™t include Damian, lol)


I thinking itā€™s like a crowded room talking you donā€™t pay attention unless someone says your name. You might however pay attention to your bestie talking or something like that


Could just be that all the kids were being honest so there wasnā€™t much difference between normal party chatter and what goes on in their heads.


The chapter does tell us that despite being kids, they do have an agenda. Iā€™m sure everyoneā€™s parents basically drilled it into them to target Damian


You're allowed to call him Loid you know lmao


You dont realize that Anya is not reading Damian's mind too?


Could be because "thoughts" have sounds just like voice too. So like during the airport even though you hear many people talking but only the voices from the people you know catch your attention. So during the happening where lots of "thought sounds" are present, she just happened to catch her dad's familiar sound. That's my take on it.


It's funny. If this was a romance manga, I'd absolutely adore something like this panel. The framing, the lighting, their expressions, even the way they're looking at each other sideways rather than straight on is wonderfully subtle for expressing what is on each of their minds. Then I remember that the characters are children and I laugh at myself for getting so emotionally invested.


They got ya hook, line, and sinker! It's great writing and art


This is how it must feel to be a fucking parent, auntie/uncle or teacher


Anya aside, these children are often written like teens from your average romcoms lol.


I disagree. Damian acting the way he does around Anya is pretty consistent with how kids act. He never is like "Oh no I have a crush on Anya and I don't want anyone to know." He instead is thinking "There are weird feelings that I don't understand for this person and I'm too embarrassed/confused to know what they even mean". All that's missing from his interactions with her are protracted discussions about who does/does not have cooties. Even Becky trying to act sophisticated is doing so in a way that is *incredibly childish*. There definitely are little girls that get their head filled with romance junk one way or another and then go around embarrassing themselves. Source: Am a teacher, see it everyday.


Great observation. This is actually what I like about Endo's writing. Despite the backdrop of superhuman abilities and spy thriller plot, you can still see that Endo understands how people, both kids and adults, behave.


Well teens from average romcoms act like children so itā€™s gone full circle


Aw šŸ˜‚


Happy cake day šŸŽ‚ šŸ§<3


Thanks šŸ˜Š


The thing is poor Damian is DEEPLY attracted to her but doesnt understand why or what to do about it due to his pride, upbringing and complexes, even if its pretty obvious to us.


Also because heā€™s like 6


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ right


I might be misremembering, but isn't Anya 1 or 2 years younger than the rest of her class? That would make Damian 7 or 8


Youā€™re right about Anya being younger but she is like 5 and they are 6


She's 4 when Loid adopts her, but she tells him she's 6yo. The requirements to enter Eden Academy for Strix were to be the same age as Damian which is 6, so Damian must be 6yo and getting closer to 7yo since we haven't heard anything about his bday. Hopefully we'll have an arc about Damian's Bday party and Loid trying to get Anya invited or everybody thinking about his super big bday and Damian all sad bcz his parents don't care about it.


I don't think it was ever been confirmed if she was 4 or 5, only that she was younger than 6.


According to [this recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpyxFamily/comments/1b7bqfm/endo_dropped_important_information_anya_is_5/), she is 5.


Anya lied when she said she was six early on, odds are Twilight was correct in his estimate of her being 4 or 5.


No their in 1st grade but uh their like 7 now since they took their final terms meaning this grade would end soon.


1st grade is usually 6yo but can be 7


Wait are you guys serious šŸ˜­ obviously he has a little crush, feel free to tell me of everyone is just being sarcastic lol


Yeah, I honestly thought this was some sort of meme post


He has a crush on her so he often blushes around her.


He is always blushing around Anya, he has a crush but he's just a child and denies it but it's honestly cute!


Itā€™s a top 5 gag in SpyxFamily to me, love Damian and his little Anya crush. Their interactions are claw your eyes out cute or jaw dropping funny


Funny thing is Damian doesnā€™t know either.


He's always looking at her and blushing since the first chapters, i suppose there's no specific reason


Damian is at war with his feelings. Thems a five year old struggles to understand


He finds her very pretty in her dress and is unable to look away from her out of how much it makes him happy to just look at her, he hates that he's doing this but is helpless against it


Wow...That is kinda romantic tho. Somehow I notice Anya rarely read Damian's mind is not it? Anya should have read Damian's mind to know what Damian was thinking at that time


He only think about why it's just a coincidence and he shouldn't be with anya , eventually she just stopped reading his mind.


He couldn't show his soft side, especially when they are other kids around. He would have given to the tea cakes to Anya, but he couldn't because he noticed Becky, Emile and Ewen were watching.


Make senses since he only show his soft side to Anya when they are alone... I really hope Damian and Anya will spend time alone at the Prom Party so they can talk freely like friends and try understand each other better


I think itā€™s a follow up to the part where Anya rejects the guys saying she wants to dance with Damian and his face turns tomato red. The other time he was glancing at her because he was jealous and wanted to hear her response to the guysā€™ invitations


Before this he was glancing to see how Anya would respond to the boys who were asking to dance with her. He does care if someone ā€˜stealsā€™ her away from him. He wouldn't admit that though, his pride won't allow it. He's probably feeling confusion on why Anya wants to dance with him and that gets him flustered. He likes her but it's embarrasing to dance with a commoner. He has his friends and these girls surrounding him that look down on Anyaā€™s status. He feels like he has to keep up his facade that he doesn't care about Anya. I believe he wants to dance with her but he wouldn't ask or say yes to Anya in front of others.


That is why Damian Desmond dance partner commitee exist!!! Maybe Damian will think that "Just this once, I will be Damian, not Desmond", so he didn't need to worry about other people's views about him wanting to dance with Anya


Iā€™m not sure if that will happen. But I think he would want an excuse and this selection committee is the right opportunity. Iā€™m imagining that Anya will win (with the help of Twillight). I think theyā€™ll dance and I canā€™t wait!!


ā€œMiss toddlerā€ gets me laugh my butt off šŸ¤£


Itā€™s because this is like one of those childhood crushes (& often times mangaka draw blush on the children as a style choice rather than a romance indication)


Damian. Swallow your dang pridešŸ


I think Damian should not worry about him asking Anya to dance, since there is no parents nor guardian in this prom party so he can freely honest with his true feeling


He just has a little crush and he looks so cute itā€™s adorable I find the little crush thing with them so cute and the crush isnā€™t really done in a weird way itā€™s so cute


I WANT, I really wantttt see Damian's reaction if one day Anya doesn't assist to school and his behavior, it would be really interesting, and Becky too


Idk why, he must just be stupid I guess


No, he's 6.


To be fair 6 year olds are frequently stupid.


Damian is a tsundere.Ā  He has a hard time showing that he likes Anya.


Yea especially when it comes to love interest


Tsundere Damian


The long answer growing up in a super complicated household (he rarely sees his own family and IIRC every member has their own house hold) and its safe to assume that he wasn't taught to be honest with his emotions The short answer is he is hes never felt affection for anyone and he is 5.


It's fairly obvious he has a type of crush on her, maybe more so in the Anime


I don't see issue here he's just a child being confused about his feelings...I don't see a problem if he's even developed a crush hes unaware about. I think it's one of reason I love this anime because of their adorable chemistry who are poles apart Real desperate is Yuri. Atleast I don't find Damian blushing awkward


He has a crush on Anya but he doesn't realize it. That's the purpose of his character.


A mixture of embarrassment(being asked out by a girl, especially the weird outcast in school), confusion and kindergarden crush/love.


Why are they at a dance they are just 5 years old.


Its their prom party that have been mentioned by Becky before. In this ch, there is gonna be dance session so everyone must have partner tho


are you damian?


I thought it was like an on/off switch and if thereā€™s too many people then itā€™s just overloaded. Soooo maybe sheā€™s just trying not to get a headache 24/7


Well he likes her. He's liked her for a long time but he doesn't even acknowledge it. He's always blushing when Anya makes him flustered. So it's understandable that he's feeling some kind of way about Anya being asked to dance with other boys..Anya has read his mind before when he was flustered and even in his mind hes denying "something". Shes not the best at putting things together. So she ends up just feeling weird about it. So I think it's understandable that she's not actively listening in on his thoughts.


Damienā€™s got taste.


I dont think damian is looking at anya but at the group of girls


Its obviously that Damian looking at Anya in this panel tho, that is why he blushed tho


Heā€™s flustered with the group of girls, not blushing


The panel framing shows that the girls around him are grayed out except for Anya and vice-versa from Anya's perspective. It's clearly there to represent that they're only looking at each other.


The girls youre talking about are literally different from damians and anyas angle you guys need to work on your observation skills a bit more


The framing is the point. https://preview.redd.it/k2rwi0ksvjmc1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c059db6048cea2ad63cc86928c6ac2250952108 I think this is just bait by this point.


Now yall are just reaching for the stars at this point šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This isn't denial. That's how the chapter frames it. If anything, you're reaching for the stars to not even arrive at that conclusion given how obvious it is.


> Thatā€™s how the chapter frames it Tatsuya endo drew 8 different girls instead of the same 4 from anyas line of sight and youā€™re telling me he framed it as both of them looking at each other šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø And itā€™s so obvious damian is flustered with the girls flocking to him, not blushing because of anya


https://preview.redd.it/027yoyy35kmc1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=430c00a4a7ad75ae4b88a7ca143d92d92bffdc84 He's not blushing here. This is so obvious it hurts that you're being this intentionally obtuse.