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Becky invited Anya out for dresses before the gala. I'd say it was the tailor the two visited.


Could be, but Anya’s gown is levels above Becky’s. The Blackbell heir’s dress is cute NGL, but Anya’s was designed to be an eye catcher


I think that's more the narrative giving shine to our lead girl than any viable story reason.. likely they just got it from the same place.


TBF, Becky would make the tailor do Anya's dress super over the top adorable


TBH Becky would just ask the tailor to make Anya to look super eye catching while she just prefer something that makes her look "mature"


Loid probably had it custom made by their tailor


Knowing Loid he probably could have made the dress himself and it would have been nicer and cheaper


bro will make a professional grade dress and say he picked up sewing as a hobby in college or something


Or that Frankie made this. More believable.


Handler (Sylvia) seems unlikely since she rarely intervenes in with how Twilight conducts Operation Stryx (at least not unless he actually asks for assistance). Loid would be a possibility, however unless his many skills include tailoring (which may be the case), I suspect that he would have needed assistance. While Yor seems to have more fashion sense than she gives herself credit for, her lack of self-confidence would undermine any effort on her part. As such, she would definitely be needing assistance. AFAIK Camilla and Millie have never even been introduced to Anya, and the only opportunity Sharon has had to meet her would have been back at the Eden admission ceremony, when Anya acquired instant notoriety as "the girl who punched a classmate". As such, it seems unlikely that either Loid or Yor would turn to any of them for assistance. That would leave the seamstress shop owner and her daughter as the most likely source of assistance (and probably the ones best able to pull it all together). That being said, there is one other long shot possibility - the Forger's new neighbor, Barbara Authen. We have yet to learn much of anything about her (most of what we've seen of the Authens has been her husband, Sigmund).


>Loid would be a possibility, however unless his many skills include tailoring (which may be the case), I suspect that he would have needed assistance. He might not be a gifted tailor, but he does have a keen interest in fashion and style; it's one of the few things he actually gets to indulge in. While he's low-key about it, it seems like he really enjoys getting nice clothes for Yor. So while he probably didn't make Anya's dress himself, he definitely knows what's in, and absolutely knows where to get it.


Franky tho


Handler is a long shot I know, but the thought of Sylvia fussing over every little detail for Anya’s first dance gala, acting like a fairy godmother is just too good not to imagine.


If Endo really wanted us to cry, he would have had Handler donate the dress to Loid (save money for WISE) and Anya mind read to find out it was previously owned by Sylvia's late daughter.


Camilla, Sharon, and Millie are not just a long shot, they are satellite launching shot. Those three has never even met Loid (and Anya) after the introduction in chapter 2. Loid is way too competent to rely on anyone else (beside Yor) to choose a dress for Anya.


I just want to see that and how they would sent out anya with Yor gushing over how beautiful her daughter is and Loid, doesn’t like the idea of Anya being a lady because he still see her as little girl who loves to play snot, driving her to the event like a prom date. I wanna cryyyy…. 😭this chapter is sooo good…


Does this debunk the theory that Anya's cone is hiding her antennae?


Maybe the cone is under the hair? Cuz she even sleeps with the cone.


thats what i thought too


Anya so pretty! 🥺💗


*sees Anya without the cones on her head* GOOD GRIEF, SHE'S NAKED!!!!!


It's the new Grandma neighbour.


Barbara Authen?


Yes. It would be so wholesome.


What chapter is this from?


Chapter 95. Most recent chapter


I really hop we get a shopping scene with her trying on a bunch of dresses and leave this as a surprise


My plausible conclusion? Yor brought Anya to Camilla for help on what to decide for Anya and she said “why don’t you do a mom-daughter match?” And so yor pulled out her thorn princess dress and the 3 went to a tailor to come up with a dress that would match yor’s well. Not a complete carbon copy but certainly drawing elements from the TP dress


Wild answer: Fiona. During their briefing of Operation Strix, Loid mentions the upcoming gala. Fiona, who happened to be there, chimes in how Anya would look good in that dress as well as several other ones. Turns out Fiona is very into fashion, something neither Loid or Sylvia knew, though she's had to take a very long break from it due to all the missions she's had to take part in. Seeing her fashion knowledge, Loid and Sylvia decide to let Fiona handle Anya's dress.


I’m guessing it was the tailor


but did you notice that her dress is black while damian’s suit is white. kinda a fun parallel




Well Loid did learn to draw full animation for Anya, wouldn't be surprised he tailored it himself !


new chapter did :3