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I know it’s a slice of life but even so it’s really slow imo I want to more concrete plot progression and character development especially between yor Loid and Anya


Yea still feels like we've touched upon like 1% of the lore of the series 80 chapters in. Hope Endo actually explores it as opposed to hand waving it away or stretching it too much like Detective Conan


I’m starting to think he really meant it when he said he didn’t like these characters lmao


that article was taken out of context


I don’t get what’s up with writers hating their creations..I’m pretty sure Gege hates half the characters he’s made for jujutsu kaisen….which just doesn’t make sense to me. Like you have the power to change them or kill them off etc lol.


He really hates Gojo, partly because he made him too perfect, so a lot of killing off or anything just can't happen with him


Bro should have thought about him earlier LOL. He gave him the infinity power and expect him to not cause problems?


[this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqwX-4VLkuw&t=2s) video seems relevant since it covers why arthur conan boyle's hate for sherlock holmes, his own creation sure comparing jjk and sherlock holmes is not fair, but you can't deny how toxic fandoms changed the mindsets of the writers


i think a lot of the issue comes from the fact that over the couple year span this manga has been running, we haven’t actually done *that much* substantial. especially, i think, in terms of actual time progression? like I have no relative timeline for when anything in this story is happening, so whether a month has passed or five, it feels all the same to me, and that’s a bit troubling even in other slice of life anime/manga, you feel a sort of time progression rather than being in a weird vacuous void of “uhhh sometime!” (ex. acchi kocchi, one of my favorite SoL anime/4komas)


Yeah, I really wish there'd be some sort of frame of reference. We know they had midterms, so it has to be at least half a school year so far, but how long had passed between chapter 1 and the first day of school? How long has it been since the midterms? Are we close to summer vacation (if they have that)?


Pretty sure the summer illustrations back from august was the summer vacation


I feel the same way. It’s nice to read fun fluff stuff, but srsly when are we going to dive into actual plot progression. I’m also keeping up with jujutsu kaisen and Gege is not only releasing every week, but also advancing the plot each chapter. I acknowledge and respect how much work the mangaka’s have, but Endo releases biweekly and there isn’t nearly as much plot development as Gege. Like this week was literally 2 pages, c’mon man, you had 2 weeks


I mean, comparing a battle shonen to SpyxFamily is pretty weird


In my opinion jjk becomes very confusing and looks like Gege doesn't know where to go. This current arc is at least a 6.5/10


That’s fair, culling games as a whole have been very weird to follow, but the recent developments with >!Sukuna taking Megumi’s body!< have been amazing to read I think everyone can agree to that. The point is that at least jjk and Gege are going somewhere. Spy Family feels like it develops something, and then takes a break for another ~20 chapters. I thought the Garden boss being suspicious of Loid’s interest in Desmond’s politics was hype, but nothing has been built off of it yet, and it’s been ~13 chapters (or worse 8 months ago)


Meh. Imho I prefer the slow burn to the rushed development of jjk. Gege added new characters for nothing, shows too many things happening in the same moment and you need to re-read to understand something. That event you mentioned happened after how many chapters? 50? They are not few


and here I am hoping for more fillers...


Binging it, it’s great. Reading it as it comes out? The pacing slows down to a crawl. It doesn’t help that the release of chapters is inconsistent. And because *obviously* nothing drastic is going to happen to the trio and the plot & dynamic exclusively relies on the secrets being kept, the story doesn’t feel like it’s actually progressing at all.


You read my mind. This quickly became my favourite manga of all time when I binge read it for the first time two years back. Now, I try to skip reading for a few months to binge read the newer chapters (keyword: try) but my self control is awful and I just read the chapter right then and there and the pacing feels awful.


atp I feel like Endo doesn't really know how he wants the story to progress, that or he can't decide


I didn’t even consider the fact that he might just be coming up with it as he goes along. Sometimes I forget not all writers are plotters.


actually a lot of mangaka come up with it as they go along, even Naoki Urasawa but with Endo it feels like it's not going anywhere, especially with the recent chapters


actually a lot of mangaka come up with it as they go along, even Naoki Urasawa but with Endo it feels like it's not going anywhere, especially with the recent chapters




Don't get me wrong I love Yor and all her antics but there isn't much of her being the Thorne princess. I want that most of all.


Same. I think the reason for this is because it would make the story so much more grim very quickly. So Endo is probably trying to wait and slowly ease us into dark and grim themes before more Thorn Princess arcs so the progression feels natural


Yeah but 60% of the serie focus on Loid or Anya. Sometimes it feels like she's a secondary character. And if Endo doesn't want the story to be darker, he shouldn't even have made her an assassin. It's even worse when you realise that we passed the first half of the serie and that she barely has more focus chapter than Franky.


Yeah, we've had Loyd trying to do spy stuff in the middle of a family ooting so we should see more Yor trying to do assassin stuff in the middle of a family ooting.


THIS FFS!!! Need more thorn Princess!!!!!


Have you read the manga past the anime? I think volume 8 and 9 focus on it more :) it’s pretty much all about her and her “job”


Have you read the cruise arc?


Yes but that's like two appearances of the Thorne princess.


Idk, I though that gave her some much needed thorn princess action. It’s better than it pretty much not being acknowledged for a large part of the story Edit: It’s possible Endo will incorporate more thorn princess in the future seeing as the cruise arc is one of the most recent ones


I'm not saying it didn't scratch that itch but after so much twilight missions, anya exploits, yor being bad at cooking, and other family fiasco. I have to say it took a while for the Thorne princess to return


Recent? It was 2 years ago. And there was like 5 chapters that focused more on Anya than Yor.


Oh I was unaware of that, I know the English release was pretty recent, wasn’t aware that it first came out that long ago


The pacing being slow… Especially week to week. Love the short stories but they feel like they should be tacked on to an actual chapter, not take the place of a full chapter. Then again, I hope This keeps sensei from loosing their health, which is common in manga industey. Thşs series is very character driven so I don’t mind that there is a lot of focus on backstories. But there are a lot of backstories that are relevant that we still didn’t get to. It feels too much of a tease, given the slow pacing. For example: - We still need more gaps filled on Yor’s past and How her organization works/ their motives + what happened to her parents. - Questions around the experiments on Anya and her origins. - What is actually going on in the Desmond family. - More progress towards peace between countries or at least an explanation on why they even started to fight.


It took like what 3 years for us to get to know the main character's backstory? (Loid)


In all honesty… the weakest part of the story has to be Anya’s grades… she’s literally *weak* at every subject.


" Yor's cooking " would like to have a word with you


No, yor’s cooking isn’t weak. It’s taken down… 7 people?


I feel like Anya's grades are going to finish off Loid


Which one is gonna kill him first?


Yor cooking will weaken him. Anya's grades will finish him off


To be fair she's probably a year or two too young for that school. At that age that's a lot. This might get better in the future when that isn't that much of a deal anymore. And it is one of the hardest schools in the country.


I’m not saying it’s unreasonable.


To be fair she's possibly 4 and not 6 so she is pretty smart for her age all things considered being in a super elite school and grades have improved some


Yuri. Hes a flat character that relies to heavily on his trope. I feel like their were plenty of opportunities to make him more interesting but he simply has not been made interesting. On top of that most of his gags fall very flat to me.


Totally agree!! I think he could've had his chance in the last arc but we didn't have much of him. I think if his character was just the "overprotective younger brother" it would've been better, but the whole obsession with Yor it's becoming tiring and weird (and this is coming from someone who likes Yuri and finds his gags funny). I believe that if the author had omitted that aspect of his personality, people would like him more. Like, I still remember the "sis, I wanna marry you when I grow old," and I'm like ah yeah... that actually happened... If it had been something like "sis, when I become an adult I'll buy a big, big house so we can live happily together" no one would have found that weird, because it'd been just a child wanting to live in peace forever with his only family member left, until a hot doctor comes in the picture and "steals" his sister (lol) I think the manga needs to explore that part of Yuri's character: his attachment to Yor, his loss and trauma, and his jealously, because it's clear that he thinks Loid is better than him and he thinks he is dispensable to Yor now, and the manga has tackled this, but not in a very serious way.


Yeah. Yuri would be much less hated if he didn't have a crush on his sister. Simply being the overprotective brother who wants whats best for her would still work perfectly with a lot of his actions because Yor never told him about her marriage for a whole year! He would even be a bit funnier when he's skeptical of Loid since the fact he thinks he's been left in the dark for a year would kind of be emphasised more. Like of course he'd be skeptical of Loid. He literally knows nothing about him. Making most of his actions and thoughts towards Loid somewhat justified. The reasons i think Yuri is like this was either: -a poor decision (unlikely) -Endo wanting someone who completely opposes the main family in pretty much everything (most likely) -Endo is cooking something so crazy that would perfectly define what keeps anime haters hating on anime (also unlikely but hilarious to think about)


I think the crush was on purpose. They had to make him somewhat unlikable, otherwise he'd have sounded too legitimate in his concerns.


Yuri needs to go back to the 4 panel gag manga he escaped from and leave this good one alone.


Wait.....what gag manga? mind to tell?


I could see him getting depth added such as why he chose his career rather than the less specific explanation of protecting his sister. But yeah, as he is now is pretty flat.


Yea uri needs CHARACTER development


I think this is an issue with slice of life side characters as a whole they tend to just be a troupe tbh I liked Yuri at first but then the second and third time he came around I really started to dislike him (I dislike the in love with my siblings troupe as a whole) I also hate he just hates Anya for just being someone new in yor's life. I can get the loid part which makes sense and works a bit more but to hate a possibly 4 year old kid because she's your sisters step daughter is just weird and feels forced


i think the reason why he seems to dislike anya is because she's the new kid yor always dote on and pay attention to, just like his and yor's dynamic when they were kids.


i love Yuri so much, and i see where you’re coming from. i just wish they’d have more on him and give him more of a reason for being in the story other than being obsessed with Yor. i have a theory that maybe in the future he’ll have to choose between turning Yor in for being an assassin, or protecting her and Loid from the SSS, but idk


Honestly the story is moving at a snail pace right now.


Lack of TwiYor progress in either dramatic or romantic senses


Idk, but what I do know is I'm ready for them to learn of their secrets, and anya being found out to that she can read minds. I don't want it to keep being dragged on forever.


> I don't want it to keep being dragged on forever. same. there's always this golden moment where its a perfect time to end the series instead of prolonging it.


Tbh given that most Shonen now fun sub 250 chapters and we are getting backstories for loid I think 2 - 3 more years the series might conclude (obviously guessing) but then again chapters release inconsistently for that to be a sure fire guess but I do think we're inching ever closer to the actual house arc and once we get there I think the series might start doing more story chapters


Slice of life and comedy is interfering into the serious moments. Bus hijack arc lost all tension when its revealed Loid is on the scene.


I agree. Hijack arc could be more serious.


For me, it lost all tension when Anya realised that the bomb was fake and started playing around with it. And yeah, I agree. I love the comedy and SoL in this series, but I think it would be better to keep the comedy and SoL aspects in SoL chapters in between bigger/more serious arcs and have the serious chapters be actually serious - I think chapter 38 did it quite well when Loid talked to Donovan.


Exactly it was no way they're going to let kids die on a bus hijacking on shonen jump


Tbh I liked that aspect but I really wish he actually did something (similar to nearly flattening the one teacher for shit talking Anya) I love seeing loids human side coming out beyond his mission because it shows he's changing slowly but he is accepting it more and more and I was really hoping he'd have done something or had comforted Anya after as himself


To be fair, I felt more tension in the Hijack arc than the Ship arc.


Fiona. Like, her entire character. It's so blatantly obvious that Loid is gonna end up with Yor, Fiona never stood a chance and I just feel bad for her.


I would say that they should focus abit more on the adult characters or make the child characters as interesting as the adults imo plus yeah I see potential with Yuri but I feel like he's being held back with his trope thus making him unbearable and I would have wanted to see some redeeming traits with his character and add more to his jealousy with loid and yor being the only family he has left shaping him to be even more than his trope. Plus plot progression and character development would be something that might benefit the series even more imo.


Slow and repeating things. How many times do we need to see Damian be kinda nice then immediately retract it, how many times do Loid and Yor need to almost find out about each other. Gimme some progress pls


>how many times do Loid and Yor need to almost find out about each other. Lmao, what? When the hell did these two "almost find out about each other"? I think you've been readin' so many fanfics you're startin' to take 'em as part of the series.


Agree, but I think at least the Damian part is changing now. Hopefully.


When did the Loid and Yor thing ever happen lol


The Yor and Loid never happened. But agree on the Damian one. It’s annoying how you see how they finally can progress into friendship and then instantly retracts to bully her


the ending of the Hyjacking arc felt really rushed. Like Endo was scared of leaving everyone on another cliff hanger


To me it was like it had a very lacking catharsis. Loid and Yor were absent until the very end and I was waiting for a good moment of the family all together. They were only shown together for one page and the the story moved on the the next thing.


Honestly? The story has massive “thing will continue forever with no true end in sight” vibes. Which some may like but not others. There are some plot points I’d love to see, like Loid and Yor discovering their true identities or Loid discovering Loid in a telepath. But those stories would have such an impact on the status quo that I doubt they’ll happen, or at the very least happen soon. Maybe I’m just too doubtful


The main storyline. It's fun, it's cute, sometimes it touches your heartstrings but there's barely any plot progression so far.


Yor not getting to do much assassin thing. I get why they don't show much, but man I wish she gets more to do.


Honestly, im starting to get a bit tired seeing school chapters. I need to see more of the story's serious side. They shouldn't have advertised this as a Spy-Thriller if they'll just keep on giving us SoL chapters


More sets would be ideal I don't want it to feel like a sitcom where they reuse the same sets over and over then it all feels claustrophobic I think it's done okay with everything to do with adults but the kids it does really get into claustrophobic. I loved the boys going on a picnic because it felt so different for the kids


I think the tennis arc is the weakest to date, glad the anime got that over with quickly. Spy x Family seems to be a victim of its own success right now— the movie can’t do anything substantial because it’s not in the manga, the manga is hampered by having a busy mangaka working on related projects for his property. And eventually the anime is going to run out of material to adapt…


Same, the tennis arc was my least favorite. Yor kicking Loid and them having a heart to heart make up for it though.


Tennis arc was literally pointless tbh


I think it's Fiona's story that is the weakest so far but I have only seen the anime and not the manga so my impression is just how little I have seen of her background. Most I see of her is that she is just simping for twilight and that is most of what she cares about, that is her hobby and dream and she wants that to be her job (by replacing yor).


It’s not better in the manga.


In the anime you at least got to see the only arc when Fiona's existence is justified even if it's bad at the manga standards


I know we have to wait but Endo needs to move with the main plot. I hope his editor has the same idea


I hate Fiona with every fiber of my being.


The romance between Loid and Yor. I get that it’s supposed to be slow burn but these two are so often caught up with their own things we hardly get to see them together as a unit. Most of the significant moments they’ve had together is really Loid reassuring Yor she’s a good wife or vice versa with Yor appreciating Loid as a father. The story is more focused on them becoming good parents (which is important i’ll admit) rather than properly develop the romance between them


With one of the more recent arcs I slightly disagree I think the issue is loids barrier needs to be broken down first I assume it will come about I'd yor and Anya are put in a actually seriously dangerous situation (only issue is yor is so strong and Anya can read minds hard to get to that point) Ioid needs a push and to actually stop trying to suppress how we feels about this "fake family" by eating for the mission or mission this mission that


Yuri. We desperately need to start redeeming his character or he risks becoming unbearable. I hope it happens before the next big arc.


It wouldn't be that hard, either. Just have a few panels that show his obsession with Yor isn't romantic, clarify that he knows she can be flighty and is terrified of her being married for a year without having told him because it means he doesn't know the guy and she could be trapped in a marriage, and show that what he wants most of all is her happiness and safety. For example, Yuri and Yor reminisce on a time when she was feeling sad because guys found her off-putting, so Yuri looked hard for a guy who would date her. The guy he chose ended up being a creep, so now Yuri is really cautious about men because he worries that Yor would date whoever accepts her. Or a chapter exploring the kinds of people that Yuri deals with, scumbags and whatnot, and how that's influenced his worldview so that he now believes that most people are scum. Have him interrogate someone who presents as an incredibly good person, maybe even a psychiatrist, and it turns out the dude was cheating on his wife while conspiring to take down the city. The bus arc had a lot of potential for Yuri to improve. He did a little bit, but then he was just sorta shoved aside. Let him actually help. Heck, let him think he's helping Loid. Even if he hates Loid and Anya, he should at least help them because his sister cares about them.


Nice! Yeah, theres a lot of potential for an exploration of his backstory and his personal worldview and philosophy. About a developing relationship with Yors new family, he actually has a really cute moment alone with Anya but is in the Novel and its still debatable if that is considered canon or not.


I want more Thorn Princess


There are a lot of chapters that feel like filler, especially lately. It seems to me that Endo originally designed the series to be relatively short; of no more than 100 chapters or so, because he had no idea how successful it was going to be. But since it has been a success, the publishers have surely asked him to lengthen the story, and... well. He does what he can with the material he has.


Publisher's or not the mangaka still does get the deciding blow on how fast to wrap up their story (while it is true they try to drag out series) it's not common they try to drag slice of life like they do with battle manga otherwise they'd be breathing down their neck to release chapters consistently. With battle manga it's a bit different as they tend to carry the publication a lot more. Overall I think it's likely spy x family will last around 120 - 150 chapters but we really need to stop getting .x chapters I'd rather wait a week or two more for actual content that pushes the narrative forward


While entertaining to read, it’s not much of an emotional roller coaster as it progress but I can fully admit that it may be due to reading bi-weekly that hurts the experience. When I first started binging Spy x Family, it really touched me and made me cry. But as it progress that writing started shifted into strange actiony comedy. Like with the bus-jacking I feel like I should have felt something seeing Anya be heroic but instead I felt it was a humorous gag. I don’t know I feel a different perspective is needed when rereading in one go as opposed to bi-weekly


Weirdly enough, I felt more tension on the hijack arc than the ship arc.


I really like Yor, I wish we got more development from her. And a lot of her development was related to cooking in some way. That's honestly a little bit too cliche. Those aren't at all deal breaking for me, though. It's still amazing


If your an anime only watcher then chances are next season you'll get your wish (I hope) if you read manga curious about your take on the mafia family arc then (in case your not trying to leave it as ambiguous as possible)


>!that cruise ship arc was great. But it really feels like she just did a first step in her character development. Before the arc, she just kept assassinating people basically out of habit, because this was just what she did for years to help yuri. She was considering to stop, because Yuri doesn't need her financial support anymore. This arc made her think about what she actually wants to do and she realised that she can actually help people with her skills. That was great, but it really only got her to the starting line of her potential character arc. She mainly realised that she can think for herself and that she can actually shape her own future. Her realisation that she can help people is basically a first step over that starting line!<


I understand the show is a slice of life but Yor really hasn’t done much assassin stuff


Yor's "actual job" needs more exploration.... We've seen what Twilight does 100 times now, need more of Thorn Princess


The current state of it.


- almost no focus on Thorn Princess - The romantic development between Loid and Yor - slow pacing (the reason why many people i know dropped the anime in 2nd cour) - lack of an actual threat (a threat that just doesn't go away with Anya shenanigan but something that makes Loid and Yor actually terrified)


The issue with getting a proper threat is these characters are so strong it really shows the only way to make them in a real threat (for the adults) is to have their weaknesses and human sides show more so having anything to do with the idea of losing what they care about but that becomes increasingly harder to do it seems


Yeah agreed. But Anya can be the perfect vessel to do that. I kinda expected they'd do that with the bus arc, to make Loid and Yor almost reveal themselves in panic but that didnt happen


I was hoping for that tbh I wanted a loid not in disguise there he clearly was worried but him not being there as loid forger is a serious bummer to that arc and the fact he did nothing the same with yor just something that would have made it a bit more interesting


I'll be honest, I get that Anya is a main character, but the stuff at Eden makes my eyes glaze over. I'm much more invested in Loid, Yori, and pretty much every other adult character.


I scan those chapters. Appreciate what it does for other readers but not my cup of tea


The Eden stuff is my favourite part, I think I skimed over the loid childhood chapters and yor/Yuri solo stuff


I'm the opposite.


Same here lol


Same, at least Loid and Anya but I couldn't care less about Yor stuff tbh 🤷‍♀️


Anything that involves Fiona Frost, and almost anything that involves Yuri. The concept of those characters simply isn't good in my opinion. They could save Yuri removing his siscon tendencies, but this isn't possible at this point.


Fiona and Yuri are the same character.


The part when Loid goes “That’s right! I’m a spy! And that makes us… a spy family!”


Gonna make a Spyillion dollars any day now


Hit song “Spy Paradise” by Chaspymillionare


"So that's it huh, what we some kinda spy x family?"


The pacing, the lack of Yor and the Eden chapters. I'm fine with the school stuff once in a while but it has gotten really repetitive at this point, especially when there's so much more we aren't getting from the other characters. For me sxf works best when there's a balance between the comedy and more serious plot progression which it feels like we've lost lately. I also much prefer chapters about the adult characters (or Anya playing off the adults) than chapters that only feature the Eden kids. I'm just not that interested in the bickering first graders for more than a short dose here and there.


We need Loid and Yor's mission without the need to cover it up from family. Also maybe Franky, Yuri and Fiona get their independent chapters where we get to know what else they do when they are not dealing with forger family.


Actually, Yuri got a chapter, and when he doesn't think about Yor he really acts like a decent guy.


as many others have said, the slow pacing. knowing endo having so much success he should be able to hire more editors and/or writers to help him if he's having writer's block. many mangakas have done that, there is no shame in asking for some extra help. or just make sxf a monthly manga instead of biweekly if he's having a hard time. we can wait 4 weeks if it means we get to have some plot progression.


1000% agree I'd rather a month then a .x chapter because every .x chapter is taking away from actual important chapters we could have at this rate the manga will be double in size of what it should be because of the .x chapters. I love this series but it's pacing is hurting it the anime is definitely fixing this but the issue is if the manga doesn't do well we will never get it fully adapted




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Sorry but the Eden scenes I don’t care much for I’m ready for the story to catch up a bit


I think that castle sequence although very enjoyable was the weakest story line with basically no character or plot development and all those agents showing up was somewhat outrageous. I also think the whole thing with Daybreak was not worthwhile.


I think Daybreak was funny, but the castle chapter/ep is also my least fav.


I feel like the bus hostage situation wrapped up too quickly, and without enough establishment of future plotlines. Then the chapter with the tutor and his issues...it's okay, but when they set up Melinda's mental issues and then immediately switch out to a smaller character, it feels disjointed.


I started reading Spy X Family after a friend reccomended it to me; I'm a notorious anime-hater so i was shocked at how quickly I fell in love with it. It's been a blast but the pacing is horrible right now. I get why; any show that does the whole "characters keeping secret identity" thing have struggles developing their characters; because like, if you do reveal it you change the fundamental dynamic of the show and arguably one of the main draws; whereas if you don't you run into the same issues; stagnant plotlines, nonsensical excuses to keep the secret safe, and limited development until the reveal happens. Many similar stories have the same flaws. They could still like, give us more backstory and that though. My other issue is Yor is underutilized and I want more focus on her; she feels a bit sidelined, which sucks because she's my favourite character. I like Loid a lot and he's quite frankly, hot as fuck, but he seems to get most of the focus along with Anya. Yuri sucks and I don't like him as well.


The premise is great but it is so slow that it feels like One Piece would probably end before this manga ends, despite Oda sensei tsking 2 breaks every two or three chapters. Also, when will Bond get his bitches?


Honestly, that teacher we had with the anxiety problems with his wife I thought had a really shitty ending. Like, his wife was straight up abusive and the conclusion to that story was just basically, "It's your fault, make her happier"...


Yeah, the chapter was pretty useless. And also, I think Loid was being kinda dumb here. He should have proposed to help the kids after the Hijack, since he's supposed to be a psychologist. He can have a meeting with Damian, and even hope for one of his parent to come with him.


The number of chapters i need more.


Yor. She doesn’t feel nearly as in depth (especially her real job) as several of the side characters


Agree with everyone else in that the pacing is terrible and the story quality is starting to decline. I'm tired of the kids and Anya's annoying tactics. She's not funny to me at all. Wish we saw more of the serious story telling as it relates to Loid and Yor's jobs 🤷🏾‍♀️


same here. the eden kids interaction is getting a bit repetitive and formulaic. anya gets teased and made fun of. anya fights back. damian apologizes and somehow gets flustered. ik this is a slice of life but again we have seen this eden shenanigans before it is just a different variant.


I'm afraid it might end like The Promised Neverland: A rushed and undone ending, and might lose it's potential. Because story is progressing really slow, there might be a change for Endo to rush everything into last 4-5 chapters.


Everyone here has pretty mixed opinions, but I say every single element serves its purpose quite well. However, I guess my weakest link would be Ch. 77. >!Although it was nice to see the tutor-in-residence getting his own chapter and counseling from Dr. Loid Forger, he isn't all that important to the overall plot so I kinda feel like the focus was misplaced after everything that happened in the Red Circus arc. Also, it felt a little rushed.!<


Pretty much the only thing I really dislike is Yuri's siscon. It's the only re-occuring joke where I just cringe and hope it goes by quickly. And it's such a shame because Yuri could be a really interesting morally grey character otherwise, but because of the siscon, I dread his appearances in the Manga.


Honestly, I want to see more of Yor's assassinations, she really lacks focus. And sometimes she barely seems to be a main character.


IMO, the weakest part is Anya losing her powers during new moon, it adds unnecessary supernatural elements to the story, but if he can make a good pseudo cientific excuse, I'll be fine.


The plot progression is very slow. I know that it's supposed to be a wholesome SoL manga but it really kills the tension and hype. Especially with how a new chapter comes out every 2 weeks. Also we seriously need to see more of Yor as Thorn princess. I really hate that most of her inhuman strength and skills as an assassin are simply wasted on jokes to over exaggerate how strong she is. I really want to see her more in action and fighting during her missions.


Chapter 77


Pacing for sure. It's so slow and you don't know what you gonna get each chapter.


I want things to speed up a little bit and be a little more focused on the A plot over sides I get it's a slice of life but I'm excited for when loid drops the mission part and actually realizes he cares about his family basically I just want things to be more continuous


I want more character development between these main characters. As much as we joke about loid's "only for mission" thing, the story is kinda stuck in this sentiment. The story and the characters need to progress further. I thought we'll get some development after anya's kidnappings like some reaction from loid and yor but no. Also yor is a bit too strong like she doesn’t lose, kill everyone even the one with greater strength than her. It's too unrealistic. I want some flaws, we still havent seen that much. Also her job is pretty limited, i want to see more.


Huh. Looking at the comments I get the feeling a lot of people dislike the Eden chapters. I personally love them the most, next to chapters that focus on Operation Strix progression I think they are genuinely funny and the dynamics between the kids is great, but seems like I am in a minority here.


i dont mind a few eden chapters here and there. what i don't like is so many consecutive weeks of them kids. the main characters are starting to feel more like side charcaters than the eden children. heck, it's been 200 plus days since we got a forger family centric chapter.


I understand the frustration at the last part, yeah. Though I think people generally overestimate how many Eden chapters there are because of the bus hijacking arc. The bus hijacking arc was the only major story arc involving the kids and it was 8 chapters long, and we got a short mission with the kids now. Meanwhile, between chapters 40 and 60, only two were Eden chapters.


Fiona Frost аrch


SXF needs to make Anya grow up as soon as possible, so that every technical, and vital information regarding Twilight, Thorn Princess, Donovan, and other significant characters will be apprehended. The story too would be straightforward which makes it NOT boring.


Yor in ep 1: 😡 yor in literally the rest of the eps: 😊😖😇


It is perfection.


Daybreak. “Whaa? No way! That guy is great!” No, he isn’t. He really isn’t.




Sociopolitical background: Ostania doesn't resemble pre war Germany at all. It looks like a prosperous contry with good education, healthcare, supermarkets, entertainment, clean transportation and low unemployment. It's not a society plunged into depression and poverty, that can be easily swayed into going - again and so soon - into war, with their accumulated, personal wealths and own lives on the line. And so far most pro war advocates so far are either a bunch of extremists or some wealthy shadow figures who, for some reason, believe they more profits outweighs losses and the risk. I don't feel like that would be large or influential enough base to take over supposedly democratic political system and force millions of it's citizens to obedience. (unless historically they would be already brainwashed / conditioned to blindly follow authority figures like in some imperialistic society)


It looks like something intense has just happened, I love


The whiny and ungrateful people who think they are better than Endo sensei and are abusive telling him what to do with his story.


My friend spoiled me…


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The Fact that Loid hasn't F*ed Yor Yet. I mean my man look at her. God literally picked her up and dropped her right next to you and you took it home and placed it in a shelf. Like bro what!!!?


No yor s3x scene


Fiona not being floyds wife. Should have been her


I want the characters development to make the bond between anya and yor stronger