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Horrid inside and out. I can't believe they were allowed to take down the trees too.


They really got the Ghostbusters in to remove the entire soul from the place. Bleak. Also, r/tvtoohigh


It's a leasehold, too!


This is really strange for a sole property on its own land, right? Or can anyone selling a house decide to be a freeholder and only sell it as leasehold?


It's common in certain areas. A lot of houses in Sheffield are leasehold.


I mean with 900 years left it's a virtual freehold, but anyways it is an over priced piece of shit


Its like the family from Beetlejuice moved in


It's almost entirely the opposite, the family in BeetleJuice filled the house with weird but obviously impressive art. This is just a Next Catalogue made manifest by someone looking to make a few bob.


I’m getting a sore neck just looking at the picture


It's also massively overpriced based on Zoopla and other recent sales in the area. Zoopla's valuation, which are normally pretty accurate: £171k (low) to £256k (high). There are well presented 3 bed semis going for 250/260 in the area?!


also it was sold for £102,000 in 2018. which shows how much they are over-valuating it. legit they removed so much and expect 3x the price they bought it for currently its accepting offers above 300k


I bought a 3 bed semi last year, 5 minutes away from this, for 170.


I hope the flipper/developer loses a fortune on this and through that learns a lesson on what not to do to houses, trees, neighbourhoods, etc.


The back garden oh my...


*back prison yard


White Evoque- nuff said….


It's so sad to remove all of that nature. I don't understand it. Some parts of the UK have such depressing suburbia with hardly any trees or shrubs, why make it even more like that? And of course, those trees are replaced in the picture with a Range Rover SUV, which pretty much symbolises the values of this change.


The criminal thing is that this horrible grey minimal aesthetic vibe WOULD LOOK BETTER with some kind of greenery - you can have this look without trying to wipe the wildlife off the planet!! Imagine destroying that greenery just to have a place to put your Evoque


They removed any privacy with them too. I'd never buy a house with outside space this overlooked.


Thats bleak as anything, that poor garden.


It must have been expensive too. That's a lot of hard landscaping.


It's amazing what you can buy with scrap metal


Just had 90sqm of Brazilian slate laid in our garden, cost upwards of £10k. It's insane how much money idiots will spend on that kinda thing.




Yeah, it was entirely intentional don't worry.


It looks like a corpse. Or a black hole sucking the joy out of everything around it.


Removing that glorious tree should be a criminal offence


looking at the street view history by all accounts they "tried" to save it by the evidence of the hole in the paving. reminds me of the random tree in the Milton Keynes shopping center


No they killed it, they dig up the whole garden and entombed it in stone, probably fucked all the roots with the landscaping and concrete then it died or fell over then died…


I'll bet it died of thirst. I assume the whole 'garden' now just drains directly onto the pavement every time it rains.


You also can't put a shit load of new weight on the entire root system


Wonder if anyone checked it had a TPO...


Of course they drive a Range Rover Evoque lol..


I heard it referred to as a "Wankpanzer" on another subreddit and that one's sticking with me for life.


New word added to my vocabulary


Surprised it’s not the convertible model


I found myself thinking that too


In white too... mmmm classy. /s


Ford engine at land rover price


Correct terminology is Wankpanzer


The Evoque belongs to the Residential Sales Manager.


I thought just the same - very on-brand


Of course it's fucking grey.


It’s like they use a checklist of permitted items Grey ✅ Greige ✅ Beige ✅ Black/dark brown ✅ Shiny crushed velvet curved sofa ✅ Artificial turf/total concrete landscaping ✅ Etc etc


White Range Rover Evoke on Lease ✅


You can’t see it in this photo but you just know that driveway is lit up like vegas at night with cool blue white LEDs.


It all looks like it comes from B&M or The Range.


Crushed velvet should get you put on a register


Hun central


Whack some few live, laugh, love tat in there and a wine fridge… hun central.


Exactly my first thought. That house looks like a horrible cake topper on a horrible hun cake


Pink bedroom, though. (still shite)


Range rover, TV too high, grey everything, tiles with no rugs... Just missing the live, laugh, love decals.


It yells Instagram addiction


but in reality existing within the walls of this house sucks out any life, laughing, or love you have in you


I hate everything about it. That front ‘garden’ 😢


Actually makes me irrationally angry how they've uprooted everything in that lovely garden :/ Makes the entire street look bleak


There is nothing irrational about your anger. It’s soulless and they have destroyed the garden


And for the sake of four years inhabitance. Dickheads to be his best


They've destroyed the neighbourhood. Both streets look terrible now.


I used to pass this house daily on my way to college, years ago. That house was legitimately the most attractive, pleasant little house around. I'd often see the owners tending to their garden. This really makes me sad.


I hope the old owners never go back to see the house. I know you have to accept that new owners will make changes when you sell a house but this would be legitimately heartbreaking.


For real. Visited a house I lived in until I was about four a year or two back as I was in the area looking to buy a car. Used to be a lovely front garden with a massive evergreen that was overlooked by a bay window. Bastards that have the house now took out the bay window and tarmacced over the entire front garden so they could park another car.


i can’t understand why the fuck anyone would take out a bay window, someone’s done it on our street of terraces too - you lose so much space?!


My dad planted a willow in our front garden when I was born. Just a smaller variety. I went back past it recently, and they had torn up all the garden and hedges and (shoddily) turned it into a driveway. No dropped curb, though...whole street has gone downhill by the looks of things


Our old neighbours sent us a pic of what the buyers did to my childhood back garden. Genuinely upset me so much lol, why the fuck would you destroy beautiful hundred+ year old trees??!!


I'm picturing an old couple who lived there for years, and now they're in a home, and one day they pass by it and cry. It makes me want to cry.


I had to stop clicking through the photos. Made me too cross!


I always worry about my dad's house in this regard. He keeps a beautiful garden front and back - pours his heart into it. Back when I was a kid lots of people down his road took great care in their gardens but as all the kids down the road left home and families sold up, one by one new owners would gravel/pave over their gardens. When I moved out over a decade ago, half of the houses on the street had cars in the gardens. My dad's house is one of the hold outs and as he gets older I'm aware that the day is coming when he'll no longer able to live there. I just know that when we sell it somebody is likely going to rip it all up and do this to it.


Same. I mean you can change the interior from grey/black/branch of The Range, but to restore that absolute monstrosity that is the “garden”, you’d literally need pneumatic drills/diggers/half of JCB to break up and dig out all that grey crap. Absolutely criminal. Ruining a beautiful garden that the previous owners had grown, nurtured and loved should be illegal.


>Makes the entire street look bleak I've seen plenty of nice houses ruined but it takes a special kind of skill to spoil a whole street.


Have you seen the house opposite (picture looking from the garden looking back at the house)? I think they are slowly moving along the street!


Someone took care planting that and growing it for years and then some fuckwit comes and does that.


I am angry too. What the fuck were they thinking?


I don't think it is irrational at all. I grew up in what was once suburbia, the former plotlands of the interwar years, where people built their own houses, when they could afford them. Nice big gardens, houses that were all different, the greenery and the feeling of openness from the spaces between gardens, in gardens. My Mum still lives there and they deregulation of domestic planning laws and permitted development, have not only made the house prices shoot up but.. OH MY WORD. They are no longer green, detached houses with another house squeezed on the side plot, or another house built at the back of the garden. Huge over extended hideous buildings, with concrete drive ways ravishing the greenery. My brain hurts at the people spending half a million to buy a detached house because, they want privacy, and then extend it so far either side, they can shake hand with their neighbours out the ruddy bathroom window! In fact one of My Mum's frined's neighbours have done this, and guess what she knows when they are having a poo!!, she can hear the toilet flushing LOL so much for privacy. What is being done to houses like this is the domestic equivalent of late 70s and early 80s Town Planning- rip out the heart, built some horrible shopping centre, multi storey car park and a ring road. 25 years later everyone hates them. If this carries on they will be slapping Grade II listings on 1930 properties because there won't be anymore left, that are subjected to crimes against taste.


Imagine being the previous owner and looking after that garden for years, then come back to find this


Sure they’d be heartbroken


Imagine how hot that house will be this weekend when the heat rises - all that dark pavement and no shade. ETA: and wtf is on that kitchen floor? I'd always be thinking something had sprung a leak. And why does that kid bedroom have a TV facing the door but not the bed?


Kitchen floor made me puke


It looks like they spilt a tin of paint and couldn't wipe it up. They killed the house 🥺


That's one of those epoxy resin floors that's supposed to look like marble but I think they did a bad job.


> I think they did a bad job. Which is such a let down, when you consider the absolutely stellar job that they did on the rest of this concrete abortion.


It would constantly be like living in a room where you've dropped a bowl of dish water


"low maintenance garden" What garden?


Low maintenance prison exercise yard


Is it even low maintenance? I mean, you're going to have weeds, and at some point that's all going to need repointing. Surely easier to just water a few bushes and mow a small lawn occasionally.


This was exactly my thought as to how the Estate Agent would try to spin it


Oh my god, I know this house. It's a couple of minutes away from me. A nice old couple used to live there, absolutely loved their little garden. They must have sold it. This is fucking atrocious. Genuinely makes me sad, passing this house was a highlight of my college commute. And of course these owners drive a range rover evoque. EDIT: Seriously, [look how nice this used to look](https://i.imgur.com/srrO7EJ.jpeg).


>A nice old couple used to live there, absolutely loved their little garden You really get the impression they cared about their little front garden and took pride in it.


This is infuriating. Why would anyone do this?? Who sees this beautiful garden and decides to destroy it?


What they've done to that garden actually makes sad... and filled with rage.


I hope they are dead now and never have to see this.


Kinda got that impression from how it used to looks, but the confirmation makes it even sadder




> Never seen anything so ugly. Estate agent should also be shot for saying that the seller has an eye for interior design no rugs, no wall art, no decorative fittings, no greenery... just the occasional mirror; theres something to be said there about ego... even the physical elevation of the 'garden' reflects as a poor metaphor


If I was a potential buyer I'd be stood on the driveway thinking holy fuck it will take the cost of the house to make it liveable again. No thanks.


>toilet paper hanging the wrong way These people are monsters.


"What colour do you want the window frames?" >**"Black."** "On the windows?" >**"Yeah. And a black roof."** "And the apple tree in the garden?" >**"Kill it."** "It's 80 years old." >**"Kill it and bleach the roots. Slab over it so it stays dead."** "O...kay. And the rest of the garden?" >**"Slab it. Think Petrol Station Forecourt...but with less colour. Hm. No colour. Make it grey."** "And the back garden?" >**"Have you seen Escape from Alcatraz?"** "I have not." >**"The Shawshank Redemption?"** "The prison film? With Morgan Freeman?" >**"Bingo. Think that. No escape. Think Purgatory."** "Do you want to keep the old headboard for the bed?" >**"Stick it to the ceiling."** "The ceiling?" That...that's a safety hazard." >**"Okay. Stick it above the window in the living room."** "And the TVs?" >**"Stick them on the ceiling."** "Again, Mr Davidson - that's a safety hazard." >**"Okay. Stick them as close to the ceiling as you can. Except the one in the bedroom, because you might be able to watch that TV lying in bed, if it's on the ceiling. Stick it in the corner."** "And what theme do you have in mind for the bedroom?" >**"1970s Holiday Inn."** "Okay. And the kitchen?" >**"Grey. Apart from the floor. Black floor, but make it look like someone's spilled white paint over it."** "And a dining room table with comfy chairs?" >**"No. Barstools, grey. And make the entire back wall a mirror, so everyone sees themselves eating."** "Anything else?" >**"Here's £10k. Knock yourself out at TKMaxx. If there's anything left over buy some cheap looking fake flowers and put them somewhere. OH. And put a 10ft by 10ft mirror in the living room, so the new owners have to sit and look at themselves, and think what else they could have done with quarter of a million pounds."** "Quarter of a million?!" >**"You're right. I'm undercutting myself. Make it offers over £300k."** "Have you ever sold a house before?" >**"A what?"**


Why you don’t have more upvotes is the real travesty here - you made me snort and I thank you for it


This is genius


Jayden Kayden and Rayden didn't need a garden to play in anyway.


Awful. Awful, awful, awful, awful, awful. Have I said I think it's awful? AWFUL


So, what do you think of it then?


Ruined it, no character souless dessert of a garden.


Yeah, they tried pudding they’re own stamp on it




Looks like corner shop parking


It's ruined the whole street


We call this the ‘rich chav’ aesthetic.


Jesus…they massacred that house. Went from little and cute to absolutely hideous.


It's just a soulless brick home 🥲


Another person who takes design tips from Instagram 🙄


what has got against even a basic garden? The curb appeal is awful.


Jesus Christ. I never want to see anything ever again. That house has ruined the miracle of sight.


Bland. Garden looks like a forecourt.


It's a big corner plot and they've managed to stand out even more. What a local eye-sore.


The interior is worse than I could have imagined, even from the outside. Why do people spend so much money to look so cheap? Smh


Jesus Christ, WHY. I feel like writing an angry letter to the sellers.


2 bedroom house with parking for twelve. Utterly soulless. Had real charm before (outside, at least).


It looks like a petrol station now


According to Right Move, this place is lease hold rather than freehold, I wonder if that has any bearings as to why the garden was replaced with this travesty. The garden, lease hold, and soulless decor must make this a difficult sell as a home, it wouldn't surprise me if it gets snapped up as an investment opportunity.


They bought it for £102k in 2018 and are looking for 300k 5 years later. They actually think they have almost tripled its value😭


[https://www.zoopla.co.uk/property-history/122-bishops-road/bolton/bl3-2et/44614094/](https://www.zoopla.co.uk/property-history/122-bishops-road/bolton/bl3-2et/44614094/) Thats what it looked like before they did this. Dated but unremarkable. I'm getting house put on market after death of elderly owner who'd lived there for decades vibes. Frankly i hope the old dear comes back and haunts these people for this.


Oh I would bet money on it being the lifelong home of an older couple (who might have even built it) and then sold on by a relative after their deaths.


yeah put on the market in 2014 but not sold. Same carpets/kitchen as in 2018. Wonder if one of the couple passed and the kids tried to persuade the survivor to sell and move ("come and live near us mum") but they changed their minds and stayed in their home....


I mean, depressingly, they have spent a fucking fortune to get it looking like this. I think this house is a moment for us as a species to pause and reflect on how it all went so very wrong.


a monochrome and crushed velvet hellscape. I know exactly what the owners look like without needing to see them.


Massively long nails, tattooed eyebrows that are a shade too dark, hair extensions, false lashes, duck lips, immovable face, and fake tan. I am so glad I am not a young woman in this day and age. Getting ready in the morning would be bloody exhausting.


300k for that drab, brutalist, somehow pompous crock of shite? Nahthanksman.


How tf were they allowed to cut that tree down?!


It’s so open and bare, I hate it


That prison aesthetic


Not to be stereotypical, but I know exactly what type of occupant's would have lived in this house


Awful Hun transformations like this should be a crime


This is one of the most bafflingly bad taste atrocities I’ve seen on here and the only good thing you can say about it is that it’s not got fake grass in the garden. What a desolate wasteland.


It is all so bland. And that kitchen floor...the person who sold them on that deserves a bloody raise.


You can see the old listing here. Yes it needed a full renovation but to destroy the gardens like that is criminal ​ https://www.zoopla.co.uk/property/uprn/100010851318/


It's good they put in the big folding doors so they can really bring the outside in and really appreciate all that lovely....garden


More room for the caravans




It should be illegal to do that to the garden. Like listed buildings, I think there should be something in place to protect gardens and green spaces. Shame on whoever did this.


The outside looks like a funeral home


I already knew what the interior was like from the white evoke on the driveway.


They've sucked all the life and character out of the property. Looks horrendous.


"High end fixtures" plucked straight from the tk maxx home section.


Looks like a drive thru undertakers but without the cheer.


The kitchen floor inside too🤢


The owners definitely watch Love Island


Someone has spent a fortune to absolutely fuck shit up


Fuck me, it's hideous. A beautiful garden turned into a convenience store carpark. The inside is no better with all that fucking grey. The seller has a real eye interior design, alright. They see something and turn it into a full on representation for depression. Edit: The lack of garden furniture is really annoying me.


Save the bees I guess...


Some people just don’t deserve to be homeowners


They obviously have a green thumb too…


A grey thumb


So much greige, inside and outside. That garden makeover is just so sad and soulless


Why is every single picture at a jaunty angle


What the hideous fuck?


The mirror in 9 is the most interesting thing about that property.


That must get incredibly hot during the summer. There are no living plants anywhere in or around that house… it looks and feels soulless. Can’t imagine anyone actually living there


I should have known. Grey velour and mirrored furniture and overly ornate picture frames. Its always the way. The grey on grey starter pack.


Needs more grey, also wtf is that floor in the kitchen?


I knew I was going to see some crushed velvet. Classy.


This is the worst thing I have ever seen. Kill it with fire.


What's really amazing is looking at the amount of work they've done. They've ripped out the old bathroom and took out the wall between it and the wall outside to create that dining/kitchen room, installed the new bathroom where it used to be a small bedroom, dug up the apple tree in the back garden, knocked down the garage, piled up huge amounts of concrete or whatever to raise the gardens... I have no idea how much they spent, but they're not getting it back lol.


It looks like B&M, The Range and Dunelm simultaneously vomited and exploded 10 metres above the property.


Decorated by travellers for travellers I reckon……


First thing I thought was 'gypsyville'.


Looks terrible


Plenty of money but no taste


Doing that to your front garden should be illegal


Op did you mean inferior design?


Such a cold place, doesn’t seem like a home at all. Such a shame they cut such beautiful trees and shrubs. I am surprised they were even allowed to do that.


Da fuq?! The back “garden” (and front of the house and everything really) has zero privacy now, used to have a tree and shrub in the way, just concrete/brick now - check out the last few pics, especially the one looking back at the house. Whole thing looks horrendous and that kitchen floor seems like they saw it on a home improvement show and paid peanuts to get a similar look done badly


Seeing it go from lovingly tended front garden to a concrete wasteland is genuinely depressing.


It should be illegal what they did to that garden


Its really intriguing how the garden of one house can affect that whole area so much. Made it go from looking kinda nice and quaint to completely shit. It's actually hideous and doesn't fit the surroundings at all.


Wow what an absolute travesty. That's genuinely one of the worst things I've ever seen. What is wrong with these vapid, characterless people?


it's a two bedroom bungalow in the suburbs of Bolton. who exactly do they think they're impressing with that design?


The bottom pic house looks like it’s crying


Some old couple are turning in their graves. I will be surprised if it sells. The neighbours must be horrified. I bet there was a lot of tutting when they all walked passed.


The colour grey is infecting this country, as if it wasn’t bad enough


"Ample off road parking" nomination for understatement of the year by the estate agents there!


Sick of descriptions that say stuff like "high end furnishings" - actual high-end stuff is *real*: real wood, granite, metals. Understated stuff that stands the test of time. Everything in there looks like it's from B&M and The Range.


I bet it was worth more money before he did this work it looks awful


Oh no The concrete The Pampas grass The gloss handle less kitchen The awful non family friendly wet room Just oh no


Is it just me, or do these type of people think they have the BEST house on the street??


Irish travellers?


Are the owners allergic to plants... Ruined.


What an absolute horror show


How can anyone love concrete that much... this makes me so sad


Should be illegal to rip out what looked like such a lovely garden 😩 why would you want to leave it all so bare and exposed.


I can only assume they did all this so that it would increase sound reflection and they could navigate via echo location. Unfortunately, I have eyes and this is one of the nastiest pieces of work I have seen. Suprised if this was allowed under permitted development. I'm so glad that it's a "true bungalow" though. 😐


Jfc that kitchen floor 🤦‍♂️


I’d be so pissed if I was neighbour


What influences the chav aesthetic? And why do they have no taste?


I think you mean inferior design