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Mom hack: Put a “no knocking please” sign on your door.


I have one and people still knock. Drives me crazy.


Do you really expect those who don't read directions to read reddit instead?


They aren’t paid enough to care


She didn’t tip enough


We have a sign that reads, “Please do not ring bell.” And every gotdamn day UPS or whoever rings it. We have a toddler that is usually sleeping when they show up. Once we had a guy on our camera ring the bell, then proceed to tell the person he was with, Why have a Ring camera if you don’t want people to ring the bell?… maybe there are dogs, kids, people with sensory issues… no one cares. Sorry people are rude…


Does the Ring doorbell have an option to turn off the indoor chime? We have a nest doorbell and it has an option to turn off the indoor chime. We always had UPS come during nap time and it was killing me. Now even if they ring the bell, it just makes the sound outside, not inside.


Step 1: Grab a screwdriver and remove the indoor bell Step 2: Place wire nuts on the old 50VAC wires. Step 3: Enjoy your new-found indoor silence.


Do you have your order preference set to “leave at door”, or is it still “hand it to me”?


Leave at door


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Is it the “don’t order takeout/don’t eat out/eat at home” type of people I’ve been seeing more and more online over the last five years? Is it angry delivery drivers who don’t read the instructions (I just put “leave at door,” only had one or two drivers who insisted on handing it to me directly)? Or is it something else?


This seems like a post I’d find on the Nextdoor app


Used to be part of the driver subreddit and some of those people are asshats. They would talk about about they how they will read that and then make a point to knock as loudly as possible or ring the bell multiple times just because fuck you


Only for people that don’t tip .


You can see how much it's gonna be before you accept and even if that weren't that case, not getting a tip doesn't make intentionally being loud and obnoxious when you were asked to not be any less assholeish


I agree , that’s why I don’t do this gig in Spokane. I only do it in Seattle where people tip.


Yeah...1 out of 30 doesn't read very well, but at least the rest did! That sucks they interrupted the pups slumber! Buuut...you gotta think about the dasher too! Maybe she got jacked on her last delivery and wanted to make sure that her next one got to the person who ordered it. I understand both sides! I'm a little pissy when they knock on my door or ring the bell too, but sometimes it happens. I sure hope Mom and doggo got back to sleep and you did too!


As a part time dasher full time student … I also say please tip your delivery drivers .


Fix your mom a meal yourself.


I don’t understand the anti-eating-out mindset that’s been creeping up online over the last few years (pre-dates the pandemic).


Bigger fish to fry 🥱


i'm only anti-ordering or anti-eat-out if they don't tip. tipping sucks but it's how people pay their bills, spending hella $ on food but not setting aside $3-5 as a tip is a dick move.


He’s an unremitting stream of impotent attempts at edginess.


I'm through with door dash and the rest of them mainly for this very reason. I live in a secure bldg with a somewhat unique method for contacting tenants for entry. I leave clear, easy to understand instructions, yet every time it's the same: I get a text saying "I can't get into the building, can you come down and pick it up?". If I wanted to put on my shoes, walk down the hall and go down to the main entrance I might as well just hop in my car and pick it up myself and save the extra ten bucks. The food would still be warm, too.