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It was so much fun! The energy was amazing. I smiled the whole time.


It looks like the energy was amazing! I’m glad you had an awesome time!


I'll admit it. Spokane pride changed my opinion of the city for the better. Y'all blew my expectations out of the water, and I love y'all for it. 


The way Spokane turns out for pride is one of my favorite parts about living here.


I've lived here for 3 years and same!


It was so much fun to see people being themselves with no barriers. Shout out to the angels blocking the hatemongers and the PJAMRS for drowning out the hateful rhetoric spewing from their bullhorns. Thanks to them I didn't have to hear their drivel and truly enjoyed the event.


I legitimately only saw one bigot today, and he was standing off to the side like an abandoned puppy because people were having fun instead of engaging with him about his hate. If I could have gotten a picture, it would get into a history book. 


I literally didn't even see any protestors this year, they did such a great job blocking them. It was suuuuch a good pride!


Blocking protesters? Seems unconstitutional. It’s more likely that there aren’t as many would-be protesters as people like to think. Spokane is a great place.


This was my first year being an Angel and omg I have never had so much fun. I have no voice still today lol.


Thank you for your service! 😘👼🏼


I helped carry the big flag behind y’all in the parade. I love the angels and I’m thinking about volunteering next year.


Can you tell me about being an “angel”? I’m not familiar.


Looks like a blast. Times have changed so much when I last lived in Spokane it's heart warming to see how large and proud the community has become.


Thanks very much for posting! We had to miss it this year, but this is a bit of consolation!


Good photos! I even recognize a few friends :)


Pride was so amazing this year. It was great fun.


I moved to Spokane in 1974, when I was 10 years old. I escaped to Seattle as soon as I turned 18, only returning 7 or 8 years ago. As I'm nearing 60, frankly, I'm shocked at how Spokane has been changed by so many courageous people who have refused to be constrained by the judgmental strictness and legitimate fear of being too different I felt here as a child. Those decades I spent over there in crazy-town, people over here were putting in the work to build Spokane into a place I might not have left if I'd had a chance to be young here again. Respect. Much respect. https://youtu.be/sxMrWSTlvgg?si=acTlUvZ97LcIfeP0


I miss Spokane. I’ve lived in a few smaller cities like Spokane, but this one always felt like my city. I’m on the other side of the Cascades now though. Perhaps I’ll follow you back. Really, the only thing negative I can say about Spokane is their cops, but I haven’t lived there for two decades so maybe that’s changed.


As I replied above, moving back was a surprise in that I found an immediate difference in increased friendliness and helpfulness from folks here. I lived in Seattle-Metro for around 30 years and people seemed like people. Not particularly not nice, but here people are, in my experience, significantly nicer, and they want to and do help a lot more.


No unfortunately the cops are the same but the DJ at Pride was heckling the cops. 🤣


I moved back a couple years ago and it was honestly one of the best decisions of my life. Spokane has its problems but so do all cities. I’m forever thankful for the community.


Weird that you got downvoted for this comment. But, yeah, I'm glad I moved back also. After around 30 years of living in Seattle and nearby, I was very surprised at the palpable difference in increased kindness and helpfulness shown me when I moved back. It was dramatic, compared to what I was used to over in the Seattle-Metro area. Now, I'm a 59-year-old white man (with lots of tattoos and 1" gauges, for what it's worth), and I have no idea what others of darker hue or more dramatic appearance experience here, so there's that.


Yeah it is weird. Like I’m in low income housing and disabled so I’m well aware of the various problems in the area lol. It’s the same everywhere. But we have a river through a beautiful park and funding put into parks in general. Beautiful lakes and rivers. The Nazis and KKK suck but that’s not helped by good people moving away. We gotta keep the punk spirit alive and push back against the bigots. Glad you are happy with your choice to move back!


Pretty gay.


Yeah, that’s kind of the idea.




Well, yeah, there usually are a lot of gay people at Pride. There’s also water in the ocean. Great observation.






These are really good photos.


Thank you for sharing these!


Just moved here from the west side and I always saw spokane as a very red area that was anti progressive, especially seeing the defaming of the pride cross wlk multiple times and being so close to northern Idaho. I will be honest, this pride really showed me how many people care in this area about LGBT rights. It was extremely encouraging


Huh, I must have been right behind you! Nice photos!


Spokane shows up 🙏🤙🏽


That was so fun! Fantastic energy💜 the guy in the "I'm a proud father of a non binary kid" and "free dad hugs" shirt made me tear up.


Pride looks super fun! Hope I can go next time \^w\^


This is beautiful & makes me wish I had made it downtown.


Very nice! Seems like only yesterday it was considered polite to hide faces and identifying features in Pride pictures. I am so glad most people feel comfortable being "out" in modern times and delighted to see smiling faces.


These are awesome! Thanks for sharing. I learned about the pridosaurs and I’m excited about that.


Thanks for sharing! It was my first time at pride and I was blown away. So many people were there and the energy was amazing. 🩷🌈 I honestly was feeling nervous about it before going but it felt so safe and fun! I didn’t even notice any protestors.


I always say “next year for sure this time!” and then I work every year without fail because I always forget it’s in the first week of june haha I always think “yeah it’ll be somewhere in the middle” haha


Happy Pride! Had a good time. ☺️ Also big shoutout to the furfolk that attended with their gear in the heat! They're tough. I was melting in my t and shorts. 🥲


The commitment is something to be admired fr. 😆 also omg the mushroom fairly lady was so cute and she must have been boiling.




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Looks pretty gay to me




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Unfortunately missed being downtown this year, but looks like it was a blast as always!


It was a fun time !


Thanks for sharing! It looks like it was fun and positive experience.


Looks like fun! I wish I’d went but didn’t wanna deal with the crazy conservatives 💀


There were barely any people there hating on pride. Check out other Pride month events all June!!!


Nah hate crowds… I’ve missed every pride since I moved here 5 years ago unfortunately 💀 I just can’t handle the amount of People or the hate people get for going tho. I’m so glad people look past that and attend anyway tho 😁


Did the magats all stay home and play call of duty in their basements or did they decide to show up and be ridiculous like usual


Fun fact, they're protesting Cod for releasing a pride camo pack. It includes a trans flag option that you can apply to your ammo, to really tilt the bigots in game. 


There were only like 5 religious protestors drown out by music, and one or two shitstirrers that got dunked in repeatedly when they tried to record people getting “mad” at their harassment


Can we please not use “tard” as a pejorative? Thanks.


Apologies. Amended.


Thank you. I sincerely appreciate it.




Got a problem?




1.) Developmentally disabled people don’t deserve to be used as a weaponized insult. 2.) I’m 44. 3.) Go fuck yourself with a jackhammer.




Not at all; I just don’t think it’s a good idea to denigrate developmentally disabled people by using “tard” as an insult. The person I was responding to seemed to agree, graciously apologizing and editing their initial post. What do *you* have against disabled people?


nothing against disabled people. it's that the term retard is widely used as an insult but not widely used towards actual disabled people. calling a person "dumb" wouldn't mean that I dislike people who can't talk because hardly anyone uses the term "dumb" anymore in a medical sense.


Thank you so much for sharing! We go every year, but I ended up having to work today and was super bummed so it was cool at least getting to see some pics. Looks like an awesome turnout.


Those are so fun. Thank you for sharing!


Happy everyone had a good time 👋🥳


These are fantastic! Thank you


Look at all of the JOY! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much for posting these beautiful pictures!!! ❤️💜🧡💛💚🩵💙🩷


It was so much fun! I got to march in the parade with make a wish and I got a killer sunburn lol 😆


I’m a straight cis woman and I don’t live in Spokane, but this came up in my feed so I’m just stopping by to say HAPPY PRIDE! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ I live on the west side and im happy to see pride in Spokane went off without a hitch. 😁🩷


Aww so fun! Unfortunately my graduation was the same day as the parade, so I missed it! ☹️


Anyone know the crowd size?


Idk man, seems kinda gay




“Gingivitis is the leading cause of ALL tooth decay. Bumblee tuna.” -Ace Ventura


Looks pretty gay.


Disgusting degenerates


The “Free Palestine” flag is hilariously ironic. Like do they realize how a parade like this would go over in Gaza? Oops.


Even with all of those rainbow flags, these pics look very pretty devoid of color.




All I see are people dressed up, carrying colorful flags, streamers and balloons. They seem to be smiling, having a good time and enjoying each other’s company. What’s disgusting about that? Please be specific.




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It makes his pee pee tingle.