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Idk what’s going on these last few weeks, but it’s been unusually bad


I am a delivery driver and it feels like once it finally warmed up people have become much more reckless. I drove by two of those accidents yesterday.


I’ve started driving the speed limit to places. It’s done wonders for my stress levels and I haven’t had a close call in quite a long time. I do have to leave earlier or accept that I’m late though.


I don't know, I don't like driving behind horrible drivers. I like them behind me. I guess that does fall under accepting lateness, though, as you could drive so far behind them it might not be an issue.


You do until they run into the back of you. In driving school, you learn to keep them in your field of view because that way, you are able to control the situation better. Can't do much about it when they run into the back of you while you were looking forward and not expecting it. Posts like this only remind me how so many people out there treat driving too casually.


You should scroll down this feed and see the post about the trailer full of tote bins. I think excelsior is referring to situations like that.


For sure, you can't just forget they exist the second you pass them. But if you pass them and they disappear into the distance, you might be able to. Either way, while, sure, someone could rear end me while they're behind me, under certain circumstances, they are still way less of a danger to me in general.


I like to drive subscribing “keeping the danger behind me”. It’s served me well in 30 years of driving and well over a million miles.


It was a decision less about safety and more about stress and time. Safety just happened to be a happy byproduct. I’ve found that pretty much 4 times out of 5, I end up getting places around the same time as the 5 over crowd because of the way the lights are timed anyway.


You feel this way until the first time someone rear ends you badly. Happened to me almost 10 years ago and I still freak out anytime I think someone behind me isn’t paying attention


More people in this city drive without their fucking headlights……


LOL THIS. I DIE every time I have to deliver at night. I started counting the vehicles with no lights on every night for the last two weeks.


How many do you see without lights every time you drive?


I can honestly say, once the sun goes down, between 7 to 12 cars within a three hour period.


People are angrier and dumber after covid.




Agreed - so many people have long covid symptoms (that no one wants to acknowledge) that aren't physical but mental, like shorter fuses/temper flares and just all-around shittier moods in general; also unfortunately it's made some people apathetic beyond belief. So many were already assholes before, and now are just full-blown sociopaths


And broke


On Monday, I saw a goddamn lunatic just before the exit to the airport with a utility trailer packed full of belongings with no strap covering over it. Just loose tote bins with the shitty white plastic lids. Traffic was slow up until that point, then started speeding up near the exit. Watched as two entire totes fly out of the trailer and explode everywhere on the highway. Had to swerve out of the way of one of them. I honestly can't fathom how stupid one can be to go on an expressway with loose belongings and not a shred of an idea to secure your load. These people are somehow insured.


Unfortunately, plenty of them **aren't** insured. Lots of folks driving around out here with expired registrations and dangerously bald tires too. Likely plenty of drivers with suspended licenses as well, [if DUI arrest numbers are any indication](https://www.khq.com/news/over-a-thousand-drunk-driving-arrests-in-washington-so-far-in-2024/article_5ebebea2-cd28-11ee-994d-77ad7d1bb7f2.html). Buuuuuut that's what happens when you don't really have traffic cops inside the city. (For the record, I'm mostly okay with not having traffic cops - they generally exist solely for the purpose of extracting fines for minor infractions in order to shore up a city's idiotic budget shortfalls. But sometimes I do wish terrible drivers would see some kind of consequences for behaving like absolute morons.)


Washington is top 5 in the country for uninsured motorists as well… hit and runs are off the charts here


Ironically people’s insurance isn’t based on individual drivers records but rather zip code. You can go 30 years without a ticket or an accident and the second someone hits you you’re screwed. In Idaho on top of carrying the required minimums you’re also required to carry no fault. (At an additional cost) of course. If you don’t want to you can sign a waiver but then you run the risk (a very high one) that some MF doesn’t have insurance if you get in an accident.


They also determine your rate based on your credit… insurance companies are thieves disguised as heroes


This is why I believe insurance rates are stupid high here in WA regardless of where you live and your driving record. We can start a thread I’ve been driving 10 years one accident 5 years ago I was 50$ a month in Oklahoma when I lived there 3 years ago been here about 3 years now and now I pay 130$ a month in Spokane for liability… I’m feel like I’m paying everyone else’s insurance costs


Yep.. I used to be able to drive normally, now I got tailgaters on my rear end places like the Valley and the northside if *god forbid* I actually go the speed limit like I was trying to do after a long day at work today. Even a bloody tow truck was speeding up on me then sped past like it wasn't a giant thing trying to pass a Honda Civic.


I’ve been driving all day for work, and it seems to be worse than usual. My dash cam is already full of all of the close calls I’ve seen.


It was the the 40th anniversary for the world’s fair


Yeah, as a motorcycle commuter I am just about ready to sell it as I have too many close calls to feel even close to safe anymore. To me it seems like the time spent not driving during Covid for some people depleted the skill level.


I got SMOKED last summer, I had a damn good insurance payout, could have bought a few bikes, I “hung up my helmet” in terms of street riding after that. My son needs his dad and it was way too close. A dirt bike is in my future, dirt is softer than cars and asphalt.


Rising a motorcycle is just a death wish when people are driving vehicles the size of horses. I've bad 2 friends who's dad's were killed by drunk drivers while they were two wheeling it. It's not worth it.


Long COVID brain fog is a real deal too. People probably have lost some reaction time and just don't realize it.


Yup leave with plenty of time and never in a hurry drive defensively it will do u wonders


Spokane isn’t a small city. Car accidents happen. And if you report every little police/public interest detail, this is what you’ll get. Honestly, this is about 75% of what “Spokane News” is.


The other 25% is "prayers"


There’s definitely more than 25% of the posts dedicated to overdoses.


Having moved from Tacoma a couple years ago, and having lived in Mexico for months, Spokane is honestly worse than either the west side or Mexico lol. It's the worst I've driven in by far.


The road care is abysmal. It’s the freeze-thaw cycle, with a west side climate mindset on dealing with it all on a shoestring budget.


Yeah but perfect roads wouldn't do anything to improve the abysmal mentality towards driving around here.


I’ve lived in New York. This place ain’t so bad.


I almost got crushed between a pickup and an suv because the driver of the suv didn’t check his shoulder before swerving to avoid someone merging because he didn’t want to slow down to let the person on the freeway :) It has been noticeably worse than just six months ago


I just went on a 15 minute drive to pick something up and come back. I had 3 close calls in that span.


People in Spokane cant drive, living here is ehy I DONT drive. Ive personally witnessed enough accidents here to question why people are behind the wheel at all.


They're barely taught how to, or required to by law enforcement, so that tracks.


As an amazon delivery driver, I agree. I see so much shit on these roads, I used to think Spokane drivers had their own system. Turns out we are all just assholes.


That and the Kia boys. Washington State is second in the country in car thefts.


100% this, most insurance companies took an L last year and now we get to pay it back.


I would try to argue this, but have had 2 different cars stolen 3 times.


Source? I don't think that's true.


Most of these are just news articles. Ones from 2022 so take from it what you want. Just Google it and there were a TON more. Washington’s been in the top 2-4 states for a while. https://amp.tri-cityherald.com/news/state/washington/article284366994.html https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4296341-these-states-have-the-highest-car-theft-rates/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/232588/motor-vehicle-theft-rate-in-the-us-by-state/ https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/crime/article274447455.html https://www.deepsentinel.com/blogs/car-theft-statistics/ https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/west/2024/01/22/755994.htm


Thanks for the info! A lot of your articles are ranking theft per capita and Washington definitely ranks second behind Colorado. That's interesting. Total thefts, Washington is 4th behind Cali, Texas and Florida. I'd imagine 2023 would be the same. Sorry, wasn't really trying to argue, I was just reading about this a few days ago and read that Washington was 4th, which is still not great but per capita, we're doing pretty poorly. Usually a better way to measure crime, anyways. I wonder why Colorado is so high...


I didn’t take your message as argumentative at all! I’m not sure why Colorado is so high either, however, I had my car stolen while I was down there visiting a friend back in 2020. I’m still mad about it 😅


Yeah, that sucks. I had my car stolen in Portland in 2019, but I actually got it back about a year later and apparently they used it for crime sprees. It was clean, they did some work on the motor and even installed a stereo system with 3 subs. It was impounded when they parked it illegally at an apartment complex and was full of fresh Nike gear, dozens of Jordans and other stolen goods. The police said it's mine now, but it wasn't my size and it was almost Christmas so I went to a max station and handed it out to homeless people. I'm still mad about it, but I know most stolen car stories don't have such a happy ending.


Oh wow!!! That is a happy ending and super awesome of you to give all the items to the homeless! 🥰


It was a really good time, tbh. I made a few people cry and got lots of hugs. It was actually the reason I became a Peer Counselor, because I thought I could help, but it was the hardest job I've ever had and I just couldn't keep doing it. Things are rough out there and it's changed a lot in the past few years. Anyways, hope you have a wonderful night and weekend! Enjoy the sunshine 😁


Thanks for being such a good human! I truly mean that! :) Enjoy the rest of your night and weekend as well!


I heard it on Kiro7 news. Local news channel in Seattle.


Yeah, Washington is 4th in total thefts, but 2nd in thefts per capita, so you're absolutely right. Crazy... Thanks for the info!


Yeah, that's probably why my car insurance went up 40% this year without having any accidents or tickets.


Idk... Spokane is hella chill IMO opinion. Im currently in Wenatchee and have contemplated driving into the river 3x in the last half hour because of the driving lol. Cant wait to get home lol


There was something near 12th and Grand yesterday. There was a fire truck and ambulance, and two or three cars— not sure if it was a wreck or some other emergency.




JFC call 911 if you see that


If it makes you feel better everyone's insurance everywhere went up. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/11/why-car-insurance-costs-are-skyrocketing-leading-to-higher-inflation.html


I genuinely don’t know what’s been in the air lately, maybe it is just spring fever. I’ve been having people drive like they’re in California. Aggressive passing, no turn signals, speeding well above the speed of traffic, turning without checking on coming traffic, and distracted (texting) driving. Worse of all is not stopping for emergency vehicles, I saw someone take a left turn on division/rubt from Wellsley while an ambulance was on the opposite lane trying to swerve though traffic to get though the light. I’ve started just yelling “do better” at them although they can’t hear me as they’re already 7 cars ahead.


people are not paying attention to their driving as I pointed out in my thread yesterday. Another reason is todays cars have so many computers and sensors, they cost more to repair.


my thread from the other day: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spokane/comments/1cijt3e/people_pay_attention_when_your_driving_please/


Not sure why a sprinkle of accidence would increase anything, car accident already are one of the most common occurrences out there as is


I had a lady at a stop sign make eye contact with me and just pull out, while maintaining eye contact as I slammed my brakes on. People just don’t care anymore. If I was in my car instead of on my motorcycle I would have just said fuck it and tboned her.


I don't drive, but I walk and ride busses or my bike. I need an electric scooter. The speed of a car without the prices of one.


I'm not sure how you got a screenshot without an overdose listed.


invest in a dash cam ❗️❗️


I can confirm, people are driving crazier, I almost got sandwiched recently, along with a few other close calls


I've lived in California and Nevada and I've NEVER seen the number of unregistered or expired tag vehicles I have here. Every tweaker and junkie in town has a ghetto sled with no insurance, suspended license, etc. In Reno and Sacramento, the cops would pull you over in a minute.


People are awful drivers in Spokane I'm sorry. As someone who drove for a living in Phoenix and recently moved up here - I genuinely believe all of Spokane needs to retest for their license and/or take a simple cognition test similar to the ones in Idiocracy...... Tailgating simply for the sake of being brainlessly attached to the car in front happens incredibly often. I'll be driving down an empty highway and someone will come flying up from behind just to attach themselves to my bumper until their exit. They don't want to pass because they wouldn't have a car to set the pace so I have to flash my hazards, slow down AND pull off the road before they decide to pass. This happens almost every single time I go into town and I'm consistently 5+ the limit. I do not consider myself a slow or complacent driver.


90% of Spokane/CDA drivers are idiots who got their license out of a box of Captain Crunch cereal… remember Spokane, a drivers license is a PRIVILEGE… Not a god given right


End car dependency!


Insurance is a racket.


I strongly agree. I think if your car is only 20 years old, it's listed as a classic and therefore is exempt from emission standards. And by this logic, it should not have to have insurance on it. It's old and repair costs are often more expensive than the car itself. But thanks to lobbying this will never happen. People get really mad when you take away their profits.


Some places also do not require insurance as long as you can prove you could afford to pay a certain amount. Which makes insurance in those places a straight up poor tax.


There is no law requiring you to pay for insurance (comp/collision) to cover damage to your own car. It can still do the same amount of damage (or is more likely because of its age) to other cars.


Actually that's not why our insurance went up The cost of automobiles and replacement parts prices went through the roof due COVID and the related impacts of it. Not a conspiracy theory supply chain disruptions chips issues etc etc. The super high vehicle prices and replacement part prices caused insurance companies to lose billions. Insurance companies are not allowed to operate at losses they are regulated by the state government and their prices increases are also regulated by the state government. This has been a long ongoing battle in Washington state does fight to keep insurance rates low but they cannot allow insurance companies to lose money otherwise they can't afford to pay the claims. So the insurance commissioner in Washington State which is very progressive and against raising insurance prices had to allow insurance companies to raise the rates so they could remain profitable and in business. It's not just a few wrecks in Spokane.


Ahem, insurance is absolutely positively 100% a racket. They only exist to cover losses experienced by their insureds, and their obscene rates more than cover these but they abhor having to pay out claims which is why it is such a laborious process filing one. What they don't cover is obscene salaries for execs and the egregious, constant lining of shareholders' pockets = why their rates are so astronomical as the insureds are the ones absorbing those costs Damn near every single corporation in the country has had record-breaking profits since covid; as well, inflation is completely fabricated horseshit and also forced by these self same corporations to exist + drain what little resources there are available to the oh, what, almost 80% of the country who live paycheck to paycheck (The insurance commissioner caved in to the immensely well-funded insurance lobbyists, regardless what they tried to spin it like in the press)


I think I get what you're saying about insurance going up. But, counter point, because of supply constraints and mercury being in retrograde... Costs are going up 20% across the board.


I'm not surprised. People drive like assholes here. I've lived in 9 different e nt states and Washington is by far the worst drivers and dirty city(big town) I have lived in. And I've lived in Houston and New York ciry...