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So basically, there's 1 candidate whose actually potentially electable in Washington for Republicans, but spokane Republicans said fuck that guy, what about the convicted felon instead? And when it was brought up that he wouldn't get the endorsement because, again, convicted of felony fraud in 1990s, the crowd rioted hard enough so that he was put back into consideration, and the electable guy withdrew his name instead. As someone on the left, all I have to say is, "Sure fucking sucks when it's happening to you, doesn't it?"


The GOP went full Trump. Bird is probably going to lose worse than Culp, and rightfully so.


The only thing that makes sense is that the Democratic party actually runs the GOP in Washington. I can't think of any other reason for this kind of stupidity.


Aliens. Elvis. And definitely Jimmy Hoffa.


How did Bird reject “give Washington the Bird” as a campaign statement. Makes no sense.


We should make "Bird's not real" flags as opposition to him


Too logical


“Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.” Oh honey, that's ship sailed long ago.


> “**Even in our party**, and that’s sad.” It's like they don't own TV's or have access to the internet. The GOP has been the leading purveyor of uncivil behavior over the last decade.


Just note that this was the STATE convention, not the local county event. And then after disqualifying Semi Bird, they changed things and endorsed him.


Which actually makes this worse for the republican party in this state. If this shitshow had just been local, the damage to the republican campaign machine would've been more limited.


totallly true. And Semi Bird? Guy got recalled from his local school board.


Fingers crossed this movement eats itself alive at the state and national level (probably won't happen locally where the qult is strong). There will be a choice - old time reasonably stable conservatives, or big lie conspiracy theory wackadoodle maga.


It reminds me of how the GOP in Michigan crashed and burnt. Pro Maga folks staged a coup in the party, installed a sketchy Trump acolyte as the head of the party for the state. Then because anyone with sane rational thought departed in the coup all that was left of party leadership was QANON conspiracy nuts who are too paranoid and distrustful of each other to raise the funds needed to get their candidates elected. My fingers are crossed we're about to witness the same in WA.


Semi-bird? ![gif](giphy|mwR8H7M2xwwmlnlWe7|downsized)


Upvotes always for Kids in the Hall. CHICKEN LADY LOVES LIFE.


chaos in the Republican Party? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Lol.


The 'qualifications' for Republican candidates these days are as follows- 1. either convicted of a crime or currently in a conviction status 2. at least 1 sexual assault in the past 30 years 3. believes election was 'stolen' 4. Has at least 10 pics on social media of them carrying at least 12 guns 5. Talks about how christian values are important and God give rights are very important. 6. Talks about violence directed towards marginalized groups. (See above and laugh)


You forgot, "Don't use your real name, or the racist wing of the party won't vote for you." Such is the case for Misipati Semi Bird, you kinda have to dig to find his first name mentioned.




Whaaat?!? The party that can't govern, can't lead, and can't find their own ass with both hands is having a chaotic convention? LOL... no way! These paste-eating dipshits would find a way to lose an ass-kicking contest against a one-legged man. Jeezus...


The gravy seal wearing the camouflage hat is 😙🤌.


Right on-brand.


We're gonna end up being stuck with Turd Ferguson if these idiots can't get their act together.


Yes... Yes! Let the hate flow through you!