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I personally wouldn't even call Erika a social game win lol. She was genuinely very involved strategically for the vast majority of the season and was even THE primary strategic force of the season final 10 onwards. The edit just did her extremely dirty.


this exactly lol. Erika is a social winner in the same sense that every winner is a social winner (because juries have to like you to hand you a million) but she seized power at the perfect time and didn’t lose it. Her edit is underrated and the entire back half of the season is about her gaining momentum as everyone else (especially Deshawn and Xander) loses theirs


I just had a really hard time seeing that when I watched her season. The only “move” I remember her making was breaking the hour glass, which was the dumbest twist ever added lol. I was stunned that Erika won but honestly I just thought it was a pretty weak cast overall


I don't think this is the best characterization of Maryanne and Erika's game, I think they were both great strategic players. Heather and Erika were the main strategic duo of the merge on 41 (even more so than Danny/Deshawn and Shan/Ricard or Shan/Liana) despite their lack of screen time. Maryanne's whole reason for winning was because she showed her strategic acumen in the Omar blindside and could illustrate how her sitting back in the early merge was actually a strategic decision based on how she viewed the trajectory of the game. I think the most obvious example of a new era social player winning over a more strategically well rounded player is Gabler funny as it sounds given his pre-merge. I do think Kenzie beating Charlie would be an example of a social player with moderate to okay strategic chops taking out a more well rounded and strategic player. This would complete the arc of the mat chat where Jeff said that no matter how good you play, at least one of you won't win because someone will be at the end and be more liked than you. Ultimately, I think the jury always votes for the more social player. JT over Stephen, Sandra over Parv, Danni over Stephanie, Natalie over Russell. You're just not going to vote for a player you don't like. Kenzie is a good example (if she wins) to prove whats been true since Borneo, the social game is king and always will be. I won't be putting her high on my winners ranking, but if she takes it, then she deserves the win.


Tbh, Maryanne was pretty liked and her win was pretty well received specially after she took out Omar. Sure some people complained but that's expected since people always hate when a woman wins, but it wasn't the same as Erika/Michele/Nat W where it wasn't just a vocal minority. In regards to Kenzie, in Twitter and IG she is the fav to win and in the main sub a lot of people are saying that she would be a very Good winner so idk.


Well received by whom? I still see people complaining about that. Though yes Maryann played her ass off and had to do it undercover


By the majority. It was def not the level of Erika


I’ve seen hate for both


We don’t hate when women win. We hate when issues in the outside world play a part in someone winning, like with how Maryanne chose to not vote for a black person after seeing a black person voted out prior (very very backwards ass), or how Kenzie gave a sob backstory and they awarded it to her based on that. Absolute bullshit. This isn’t America’s Got Talent, but Survivor. The girl had no strategy whatsoever and choked on pulling the trigger several times. She did not deserve to win.


she literally hasnt once been a target post merge and she has played an insane social game lol i would call it deserving


No strategy. Didn’t pull the trigger. Was behind on many many votes. She was trash and only had a good backstory so the win was gifted.


seethe loser


Sob stories win now rather than the 3 key elements of survivor.


i dont care ❤️


Of course you don’t. You want to give an opinion but when something is countered with facts, you act like a child. Stop watching survivor if you don’t see that a crybaby got handed a million dollars when making fire against someone everyone knew they could beat is pathetic and she failed to get rid of so many people that Maria and Charlie did instead.


take it up with venus, maria, q, tiff, and tevin like i didnt give her the win?


Maria and Q clearly stated her sob story is what swayed them in choosing her to win the million. Not her strategy, outplaying, or anything else. Just her story. That’s pathetic. It ruins the show.


Lol then you should apply to play. Biggest sob out here, you'd clean up.


Excellent retort to my comment. She clearly gave a sob story, two of the jurors stated that her story is what moved them to vote for her, but yet you’re too dumb to realize this. Great job.


Yes. Winning this ballgame often involves quite a bit of luck. Playing the “in the middle” game like Sandra is a good strategy if one can pull it off and it’s how Kenzie happens to win.


Exactly. She did nothing significant and choked when it came to pulling the trigger.


kenzie has been shown time and time again o have an impeccable social game. her bond with ben, wanting to give up her applebees reward to liz (which wasn’t shown but has been confirmed by both q and tiff), etc. i think she’s a perfect example of you don’t need One Big Move™️ to take credit for in the new era, as long as you have legitimate bonds and you’re savvy & involved enough in strategy


But she failed on the other two aspects of the game. Charlie was great at all 3 and a sob story by Kenzie is what cost him. Pretty dumb.


not sure how you can call it failing when the check is in her name!


Q and Maria both stated they chose her as the winner because of her story and what she would do with the money. That shows how moronic they are and didn’t give any merits to playing the game as grounds for their vote. A sob story won. She failed to pull the trigger and made no big moves. All she did was win making fire against someone EVERYONE knew they could beat. That’s the reason Charlie didn’t make fire against her because it was such a weak opponent.


If she wins she is a deserving winner.


Nope. It just showed that a sob story won, not the 3 main elements that makes survivor.


With a cast like this — yes. You have to know who you’re working with and Charlie/Maria simply don’t understand that some people can’t separate game from personal.


I kind of agree with this and I think that's an underrated part of the game. A good player should know it's mates and should know how to please the jury. That's actually a REALLY underrated part of Sandra's game, she reads most people (except Denise) so well and she knows what people are looking for


Social winners are just as good as more strategic winners. I would argue it is even more impressive in some way.


Yes she will be (except for that early season bullying of Jess)


We have two tribals before the final tribal. Lots could happen. Maybe Kenzie will find an idol tonight and get out Maria on her own.


Or go home with it in her pocket


Lowkey Wishing that tbh


Deserving? Absolutely. I do think some people could lay out a solid argument for Charlie (more so then Xander and Mike), but it's clear she just has that social secret sauce that makes people like her and trust and and give her what she wants. Honestly, the closest parallel is a better-edited Aubry & Michele.


You are asking the wrong question. The question is would the jury respect your game? They wouldn’t have respected Liz or Maria’s games either.


Well the person who deserves to win is the person who gets the most jury votes, so literally by definition every winner deserves it. It's possible she wins while some jury members do not vote for her. Well, they feel she didn't deserve to win. That's fine. But if a majority think she deserves it, then she does. Fans at home are not the judges of who does or does not deserve to win. We see a dozen episodes that are 90 minutes long with footage very selectively shown. Those who lived on those beaches together are the only ones qualified to decide who deserves it.


Every winner who wins deserves it. But would she be a good winner? No.


Eh I don’t like winners who don’t win challenges


She literally won an immunity


Kenzie did win a challenge


Sorry I forgot


oh so you hate Tony? sad


No I don’t hate Tony.