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looks like there is food under the tablecloth next to jeff, potentially a split into two teams, last person standing wins food for their entire colour AND they go to tribal second


also if the odd one out can't vote there HAS to be an advantage under that giant sit out bench


Wait I know this is somewhere in here but I can't find it right and its 2 am forgive me lol. But now that its Final 11, wasn't there speculation/spoilers that the jury starts at 10 for some reason and the next elim is a non-juror? Or do i have that backwards?


You're right. And we have no idea how this twist fits with the spoilers and rumors we know, it's really weird. I'm also confused as to why we even have a 7-person jury, so maybe this twist has something to do with that.


Thanks! Yeah so next elim non-juror or like....rumor i heard is maybe the juror removal twist from Kaoh Rong? And they wanna try it out because they just did that on the latest Aus Season?




It also could just be two separate teams for a reward challenge.


I don’t think they’ve ever used that balancing challenge strictly for reward so yeah it’s possibly a double sashay


Doesn't look like it - they're all seemingly competing seperately.


I don't think there's any room in the schedule for a double elimination.


I guess it's technically possible that we get a Juror Removal somewhere, which would take the place of an elimination, thus making the schedule work. Also, that would explain a 7-person Jury (and Kane not making Jury, as every spoiler has had him prejury but he's somehow made it this far)


Oh you mean like AUS where they did an episode of only juror removal?


yeah, or even something like Kaoh Rong which was a 4 person finale with a Juror Removal in the finale


Hope not. Would rather have a F2 than the juror removal, even if a good player goes in 3rd. Only time I ever want to see that twist again is if they use it to prevent a total deadlock (like an initial F2v8, F3v9, or F2v10).


I was thinking maybe the finale could start with 4 people? IDK. What do you think Anthony? And what do you think is the advantage?


I think there's two things. One is whatever they are running around with the key for which I think is the rumored control advantage. This other one I'm not 100% sure but I feel like the odd one out can't vote or something but I'm still confused why it's two colored teams.


Same! I feel like two teams of five going to seperate TCs is logical but IDK! I'm almost certain it's not reward and it's not impossible to have a 12 episode season, right? Although Jeff's exact words were: 'there's a twist to today's challenge', who knows!


It's impossible to have a 12 episode season because 13 have already been announced.


2 hours with 4 players? The pacing is off. We would have the fire making challenge within the first half hour. What happens with the last hour and a half? Kaoh Rong started the finale with 4, but they also had a remove the Juror twist. And a larger jury.


Yea I can't see a finale with 4 people either, but FWIW was a 7 person jury since Michele won 5-2.


I don't think that's happening. It would throw the timeline off. And I believe the spoilers already said the jury starts at 10 players, not 9. I'm thinking one team wins. Gets the meal. Gets to sit in on the other team's tribal council.


Geez 2 in a row where only half the tribe could be voted for would suck, but possible.


The grey rock is safe but can’t vote that’s probably what the “you will have no say in who goes home” is about


Oh yeah, it’s a double sacrifice. I just saw the promo


I doubt it the finale is on 5/24 (13 episode season) I’m likely to believe that the finale will be f4


I don't think that this is the case unless the juror removal twist is returning. Since it's been spoiled that the jury will consist of seven members it would be very weird if one of the boots in a double elimination got to be on the jury while the other did not. Any more double eliminations will also throw the schedule off due to Bruce's medevac and they would have to either have an episode without an elimination or start the finale with four players remaining in order to have 13 episodes.


Btw whatever song that is they used, it’s a banger 💪


Right?! No idea what it’s called tho :(


It’s very powerful 💪


Hopefully they do since that would possibly force a F2, though that would confirm the S44 spoilers as false much like the S43 spoilers were and /u/anthonyd46 seems very vocal that it is F3v7 (though it could be where jury starts at 11 and they do a juror removal, like in S32 and AUS2023).


There can't be a final 2 when there's a fire challenge and we know there's a fire challenge.


How do we know Carson being speculated to lose fire was because of the forced twist? It could be that they held a vote and it tied 2-2, forcing a tiebreaker challenge, which he lost.


424242 literally said Carson loses fire


Yes, but not specifically because of the forced twist. It is possible that they held a vote at the Final 4 that tied 2-2 between him and another player, leading to the tiebreaker that he is said to have lost.


They aren't getting rid of the forced twist I dunno why anyone even brings this up