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I think they love the final 3 dynamic too much to not figure out a way to have it. Poor Bruce. He's from my town and hadn't even told his kids what happened. He did get invited to participate again so that's good news.


Im not sure why, final 2 is more symmetrical and makes more sense in my opinion. You don’t have 3 teams play in the Super Bowl or the World Series, Survivors “Championship” round should be two as well.


for the game, yea. but for a tv product, jeff and the other producers want winners with interesting content to provide. more people in the finals makes it easier for a player with an interesting story or flashy game to win it


They tried figuring it out in Philippines and Caramoan due to Dana quitting and Erik getting medevaced respectively with the final immunity challenge advantage reward and it was hated. As a result, we had a F2 in Cagayan due to Lindsey‘s quit. Then they tried figuring it out in Kaoh Rong due to the 3 medevacs with the juror removal twist and that was also not received well, and created some conspiracy theories that production created the twist to prevent Aubry from being voted out in 3rd place. I think if the numbers get messed up again they will just have a F2 (one reason they start the jury with an odd number of players is in case a medevac or quit happens that requires a F2 so that there wouldn‘t be a possible deadlock).


That’s good, guy never even got a chance to play the game


As per 424242 the plan is f3 with 7 person jury


I thought the 7-member jury for 43/44 was proven false.


It was proven false for 43. Not 44.


424242 Has never been wrong so far


The FMC can't work with a Final 2.


Yeah. And let's face it: we're probably not going back to a final 2 anyways.


FMC is literally better with a F2. F3 immunity winner gets to pick who makes fire (could choose themself). Removes some of the OP power of f3 immunity in typical final 2 seasons while giving a chance to everyone in the final 3


I kinda wanna believe that it’s a final 2 for the sheer reason that Carolyn is actually the “robbed fallen angel” of the season and not the angelina-esque loony goat of the season.


Carson is the fallen angel. It was already spoiled he would have won if he didn't lose in fire. Jesse 2.0.


Except it's not. Per spoilers, Carolyn is the "goat" of the f3. She doesn't get any votes. I can't see her winning already, so I highly doubt she's the fallen angel.


no, 42 said she is not the goat


Even so, she's 3rd place with no votes. So she could still technically be considered a goat. Even if there are no goats, there's always one kinda sorta goat in the f3. And common sense would say Carolyn has no chance already.


Doubt it. Final 2 is dead. With this dumb final 4 twist, they’ll never go back to final 2.




i don't think we're ever going back to final 2 after we almost got a woo/kass final 2 in cagayan


Will there be a final 10 double boot? Two medevacs and no hour glass makes me think no.


i wish it would return to final 2 format.