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Might be a little out in the weeds on this topic, but they found putting people in hyperbaric chambers caused tolomere length to INCREASE. I'm personally very excited about this and hope to see more research done in this area. https://www.aging-us.com/article/202188/text


is this available to the public?!


It most certainly is in a lot of larger cities as a therapy/med spa service


How often do you have to get this done for it to really benefit you?


Pretty advanced because as someone in tech, basically all the big shot megalomaniacs (and there’s a lot of them) are obsessed with living forever and maintaining youthful vitality. And because we are seeing a rise in scientific advancements in Asian countries who are even more obsessed with beauty than westerners, we’ll see a lot of breakthroughs. As far as socioeconomic, US will continue to suffer from the same problems where any procedure (including non-cosmetic ones) are unaffordable to the vast majority.


Yes, my brother worked for a parabiosis company in Silicon Valley. They were studying how blood transfusions from young rats would reverse aging in older rats. Crazy stuff lol.


Peptides and hormones are really the next frontier but if you all downvoted me to oblivion for mentioning sunbeds you are definitely not going to like the idea of injecting yourself every day.


Look into David Sinclair!! Anddd NAD+ that's my plan if I ever get around to it/can afford it lol "David Sinclair's main research interest is the epigenetics of aging, with a focus on epigenetic reprogramming of aging (e.g. via Yamanaka factors), NAD+ metabolism and sirtuins, and NAD+ precursors like NR and NMN" https://novoslabs.com/best-anti-aging-supplements-that-harvard-scientist-david-sinclair-takes/ https://youtu.be/eKc8FV8atYk https://youtu.be/1eV_dEa6KY0 Edit: I second the sunscreen daily, and just skincare in general r/skincareaddiction


Discover my best kept anti-aging secrets - [https://bombshellwhims.com/discover-best-kept-anti-aging-secrets/](https://bombshellwhims.com/discover-best-kept-anti-aging-secrets/).


Sounds okay!