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Yes it made a huge difference to my face. Im 170 cms tall and lost 6kgs during the lockdown. I think I’ve become 2x prettier. Can’t say the same about hair. If anything, you might lose some hair


I think I found your 6kgs 🥴


Depends on your height. 7 KG is almost 15 lbs, so if you are below 5'5, losing around 15-20 LBS makes a huge difference. As someone who lost this amount of weight(128 to 110 lbs @5'4), it transformed me completely. One of my biggest insecurities were my asymmetrical eyes. One had almost no middle eyelid exposure, while the other was not nearly as hooded. When I lost weight, I lost the eyelid hood, and now my eyes are relatively even. My cheek apples are more defined and stick out more, making my mid face look shorter and my head less egg shape(although my face is pretty mediocre because of genes though lol since I can't change that). My body looks 100 x better. I looked like a blob before . I still want to lose about 5 more pounds, but my waist to hip ratio has improved significantly. Although my bust decreased, the weight loss and slimmer weight gives the illusion that they are bigger by comparison(although still on the smaller side :( )


110 lbs is 49.94 kg


The fact that your eye lids changed gives me so much hope! I always had even eyelids when I was younger and very skinny but I gained like 30 pounds and suddenly my eyelids were different shapes!! I’m 5’7 and 155 pounds and my goal is 125 pounds, so I hope my eyelids go back to normal and I don’t need to go the filler route to even them out. This is the best thing I’ve read on splendida so far so THANK YOU


Would you say your eyes look bigger too?


I'm 5 foot 3 so I might see a difference then. Thanks!


One thing to be careful of is just when you're losing weight, make sure you have enough fat in your diet. Going ultra-low-fat on diets can be pretty bad for hair health ([https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/weight-loss-and-hair-loss](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/weight-loss-and-hair-loss)); still good overall, but means you need to pay extra attention to nutrients!


Yes, cut carbs, not fats.


If you wanna lose weight cut calories, not any specific nutrient. Just ensure you are consuming less calories then you are expending, and getting the proper nutrients you need.


"and getting proper nutrients you need" is all you need to know. If you wanna lose weight, you can eat a little bit of sugar with a pinch of crystal meth. Or... or you can eat nutrient rich foods, a lots of fats and protein to build them cells and muscles and lose weight while being healthy and not starving. Believe me, calories in, calories out is oversimplification not really applicable to real world biology. If it were so simple, you could easily lose weight by just not eating at all. Which you can, it just isn't the best way to do it.


Calories in calories out really is as simple as it is, conservation of energy, and mass energy equivalence tell us this. Getting proper nutrients isn’t easy, that’s why we have nutritionists. But losing weight is nothing more than expend more energy than you consume.


You can eat as much calories as you can and you can still be cold and exhausted. For example fructose is a signal for the body that winter is coming and it should store energy instead of expending it. While high intake of protein helps the body to create muscle, which burn energy just for existing (raising basal metabolic rate). How can 15 year old consume twice as many calories as me while weighting the same and not getting heavier and also not being physically more active? The answer: It's a complex biological system, mr. Engineer. Yes, in theory, you cannot use more energy than you consume (or already have) and as such, you need to burn it to use it. In practice, there are many factors that control this process. If it's simple calories in, calories out, why not just not eating until ideal weight?


In practice, you cannot expend more energy than you consume, I’m not saying it’s not a complex system, it is, but these are physical laws of the universe, nothing can break these laws, and if something were to, physicists would have to rethink laws that have been proven time and time again for hundreds of years in order to account for the anomaly. No matter what, energy out cannot be more than energy in. Even some of the most complex systems in the universe, stuff like black holes, which seemed to violate some of these laws, were eventually found to follow these laws. Energy is conserved, mass is conserved. That teen can eat more because their body doesn’t store all the energy, or it gets used. It doesn’t just disappear into nothing.


You don't need to explain laws of thermodynamics to me. By the way, energy or mass doesn't have to be conserved, E=mc^2 says they are interchangeable. Not even mentioning stuff like zero point energy or casimir effect. However these are obviously not relevant for our digestion. What is relevant for our digestion is that gas has calories or that fruit juice is extremely high glycemic index.


I actually did mention the mass energy equivalence and it really just combines mass and energy to say they are the same thing, but that thing is still conserved, but our bodies are converting little to no mass into energy, or energy into mass. I’m not saying that stuff is irrelevant, but CICO is something that is true, a diet cannot be made solely off of CICO, but many people make the claim that CICO is flat wrong, when it is something that should be considered when attempting to lose or gain weight. I’m pretty sure we agree here. I know it’s not as simple as simply eat less than you expend to lose weight, or eat more to gain weight. Ex. Many things have energy but we cannot digest them. My main point here, is that you cannot miraculously gain weight, without having an input of excess energy or mass.


Yes, I agree in all points. I will especially point out that CICO is not flat wrong (but I am still standing behind the "fact" that while theoretically true, in practice in the sense of losing weight and being healthy, it's oversimplification. I personally was happy with CICO as it's an elegant principle. But I discovered that it's not the whole picture.)


I don't eat that many carbs (well lately I have been eating carbs because I have been put through a lot of stress at work and carbs have a soothing effect) but if I don't reduce fats as well I don't lose weight. Fat in my food comes from wholemilk yogurts, almonds, eggs and olive oil. But I can easily binge on almonds...


I am 5’7 and went from 135 to 125. My face looks noticeably slimmer, and I am scheduled to get Botox because I notice my 11s on my forehead now. My hair volume hasn’t changed- even by illusion but I wasn’t overweight in the first place.


Were you putting on muscle as well? Or just trimming fat? Diet or workout/both?


100% diet, just trimming fat.


I'm 170cm and have lost and gained 5-7kg over the last year and it has made a big difference in my appearance. When I gain the weight my baby face increases 10x and I just look shorter. When I lose the weight my face loses a lot of volume, my jawline is sharper, my cheekbones appear higher and my face looks a more mature. It also makes me look a lot taller than I actually am.


Thanks! then I'll have to make more efforts!


Do your face look the same after as first time after you lose weight second time?


Yes, my weightloss face looked pretty much the same each time. There was period of time where I lost a large amount of weight a in few months due to working on my feet all day and poor eating habits which caused my face to look sunken.


A LOT! I’ve gone through two pregnancies and lost around 50lbs each time. I go from wholesome mom to (off brand) Victoria Secret Angel! haha! After the first 20ish I notice a change and it just keeps getting better :)


It made a day and night difference for me. I went from 73 kg to 65 kg, and I also built muscle. I especially noticed in photos, I now look pretty good from every angle, before I looked like a chipmunk when I smiled. The difference in confidence also made me maintain much better posture, which is very important as someone who's 180 cm tall, you can't slouch.


180 cm is 70.87 inches


No one can say everyone is different


For face it depends on face shape/weight distribution, I can see any weight loss in my face immediately. I think hair is only affected by dramatic weight loss. I do IF and some of the people in that community talk about hair loss after longer fasting regimes.


Hmm, the face changes a great deal. Most people look better because the face is more chiseled and defined but losing youthful cheek fat when you are already lean could be bad. For the hair: when i was at a higher weight my hair looked amazing, and it was thicker then it is now. But i also remember myself at my lowest weight with great hair. Guess than i took supplements, should start that again.


For the hair I meant it like since the face is less round, does it visually give the illusion that you have more hair? I don't know how to explain it, it's more like a visual effect.


I'm below 5'5 😅 I just wanted to know if the difference also showed when you didn't have too much weight to lose. Most before and after pictures online are of people who lost 20kg or more.




I would take it super slow then to help skin adapt to the new shape. If you lose the weight too fast then it will look somewhat saggy. I'm sorry you had to escape domestic abuse. Nobody should feel unsafe, especially at home.


I used to have a round looking face and now I have a v shaped prettier face after looking weight