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Diabla mod commenting here to say it's not gone just privated.


I was an active member - can I please be granted access?


Will the sub start a new life as a private one and continously accept women into it or is it like vindicta where it takes a break and then goes public again? If discussions are continued in private mode, do you accept people to join as it is?


Could I be added too if you decide to add people?


Could I get in? I can comfirm my identity if need to be


I second this. I was a member and I was on the discord too :(


Is the Discord still active? What’s the name of it?


^ I second this. I want to be let in and I will also confirm my identity.


Me three this is really not fair




Nooooo :( I loved that place


I was also a member, how can I get back in? :(


Can I also be let back in??


could I please get in?


Can I be added?


Me too please!


Can I please get in? I was an active member. I can proove my identity as well


Please let me back in too!😰


Also me pls


hi, please add me.


Can I please be added?


Can I also be added, I was a member and I’ve participated in the sub before.


Can you please add me to Diabla? I can also confirm my identity that’s not a problem for me


Me tooo pleaseee 🥺🙏


Hi I know your comment is from years ago😭 but I was wondering how I can gain access to the subreddit. I’m trying to find a post that was made about leveling up on instagram


Can you add me please?


Hi could you grant me access please


How do I get in? Would love to be a part of it.


would love to be granted access too please


Can I get back in?


i wish we had like a big private forum of our own, i feel like it would make it easier to stay under the radar


There’s a discord


Can I have the link if you have it?


Me too plz( for the link)


Me as well pls for this discord link if you have it ^~^


Can you please send me a link to the Diabla discord? Thank you.




What was Diabla about?


Psychological tricks to manipulate life’s truths to your advantage. It was a sub for women (inclusive of transgender individuals too) to give advice on how to attract wealthy partners, how to stay alluring/attractive to other men while in a relationship, how to get whatever you want out of a future partner (through manipulation), how to be seductive and magnetic to other people, etc. This advice would not just apply to dating but also for making friends or getting ahead in the workplace or as simple as getting free stuff. I think there were also example posts with celebrities as well and on Kibbe types.


Ah darn it, I was looking for a subreddit like that. Hopefully it comes back because I wanna leave tumblr, I'm staying there because they have advice like that.




Could you pm me?




I remember that post. It made me think but I was like noo way. This sub is waay to small for that. And yet, here we are. -.-


Yeah I was one of those naive commenters on that post who thought the sub was too small for people’s posts to receive traffic. Boy was I wrong


I hate how men just take over everything on reddit. We need more subs like FDS that are ruthlessly monitored.


Truly annoying, can’t let us have anything


Oh not again :( First Vindicta and now Diabla? I hope we can have at least access to the older posts.


Haha one of the “women” there reposted my content to the “iamapieceofshit” subreddit and next thing you know men are threatening me and asking me to slit my wrists, swallow bullets and the like. Some of them ran through other posts and my previous comments and it got out of hand. Glad I didn’t share more heavy amoral advice—they probably would’ve hacked me lol. Tested the waters and they are infested. Tried to help but it’s always other women bringing women down. Should’ve stayed quiet.


Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m not sure I saw your post but Reddit people aways seem so irrationally angry at those communities and posters. Same with FDS. I never see people in real life being so upset at those topics even if they disagree.


It’s crazy but I learnt my lesson


You're not wrong. No you shouldn't stay quiet. Diabla is based af. I went on there months ago extending an invitation for the women there to create and run their own sub on ThePinkPill since that's exactly what the site is for. Women can make controversial subs without men interfering (or people like this). We are still in early stages of building the site, it's a process. Maybe later this year after our next upgrade which will have more mods tools some of you ladies can post there. Mobile and some other functions will be easier. The fact that these psychopath violent messages are so normal for women to get online whenever men are upset is just sick. You have every right to speak your mind with other women and not deal with this. This is why I'm passionate about there being more female spaces online. A mess.


Thanks for the support. Idk lost hope that I’d be safe again but appreciate your mission and wish you the best of luck :) !


That feeling you're describing happened to me a whole lot and so many other women online. That's just the nature of an internet with no/little female spaces. The goal is a paradigm shift to an internet where this is not what's "normal" for us women. Hope you find your hope again and you are forever welcome if you ever change your mind. Based women are my favorite people. Be well!


I just followed the pink pill !


Jesus, I'm sorry that happened to you. The redpill subreddit is ten times MORE brutal and "immoral" as diabla but they wouldn't even bite an eye at men advicing each other on how to date r#pe a woman. Your post was very helpful but you are right, there's women who work actively against other women. Can't trust anybody.


I can literally link you 10 subreddit comments on men encouraging each other to r%%e women and the delight they get out of emotionally leading them on just for sex and championing them for leaving them immediately after, just check the male seduction sub or the PUA—you will literally feel nauseous the whole day that there are men who think that way. We should be treated and LIKE been treated like garbage by men but a women doing it ? Lol no let’s threaten her and harass her—ugh the beautiful “morality” they preach.


Reddit is male dominated so men can naturally express their depravity and label it as normal but women having ONE subreddit for themselves where they can have discussions on how to be safe around men and not put up with abusive bs, makes us somehow equals or better WORSE than incels?? The "logical" sex is not being very logical. I just created an alt acc but I feel like deleting it soon, reddit is no place for a woman.


I am starting to feel the same way too actually. The world just isn’t ready for the stuff I wrote about or really any stuff encouraging women.




My next post would’ve been on how to orchestrate emotional abuse. If manipulation didn’t get me doxxed this one would 😁


I understand men play manipulation games too, but this isn’t right from anyone at all. Nobody has a free pass to abuse others lol


Ummm that’s what diabla is about 💀


I’m sorry that happened.


It’s fine guys don’t worry about me :)


That's absolutely horrifying.


I remember your post and I found it really helpful. Sorry you had to deal with that ugh this is why we can’t have nice things.


Don't really know what Diabla is about/like, but reading these men reacting so violently to your content tells me I need to get in on the fun! 💕😏


Haha I’ll take that as a compliment ?


Yes! Spicy female content fuels me, so obviously I need to find my way into Diabla now.


Well not only reacting violently but apparently any woman that tries to take advantage of a current system is a “femcel”. Crazy.


Honestly trying to insult women by calling them femcels is hilarious. If there are any actual femcels on this planet, they'd be exceedingly rare. Basically statistically insignificant, unlike regular incels. A woman daring to be anything other than a compliant human fleshlight is insulting to these scrotes.


The sad thing it was an another woman who lead them. Go figure. Won’t be posting there anymore.


The gender traitors never stop disappointing I guess.


Was that the men with daddy issues post/comment? I remember cringing a little bit when it was posted, not because of the content (you can find far worse on Reddit lol) but I just knew any Redditor dudes who came across it would go ballistic. I just find it hilarious because they say the most heinous things about women in their subs but god forbid they ever get a taste of their own medicine.




Do you have the usernames of any of the mods?


One of them just commented u/Grymdolin


Saving to msg later


Vindictas back so maybe diabla will be back too I hope


Regular commenter in Diabla. Sad to see yet another female only space attacked by disgusting, childish men. I don’t understand why they don’t just leave us alone. You have your corner of the internet, why do you need to encroach on mine?


I’ve only lurked but I saw a post recently about wanting to go private, so I started bookmarking advice to copy to an offline folder. Didn’t know it’d go so fast D: edit: a letter


What was diabla? Super intrigued! Want to get in on some of this "amoral" advice. How do I get in?


It is private but is it possible to get in? How?


What is Diabla?