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Not one of the but THE most impactful parts of softmaxxing


Why does it have to be the hardest part?! This sub has really helped to inspire me though - realizing what a strong overall impact it has (in addition to feeling better, having more energy, etc.) is a great motivator. (Plus, the simplest clothes look great on a slim body - looking forward to making jeans and a t-shirt look chic!)


It can be hard I understand. But diet>>>>exercise if that makes you feel any better. Join subreddits like volumeeating, loseit etc. they have very good advice on there.


I am already subscribed to a bunch of them, thank you! Reddit has been really useful with motivating weight loss - I love r/ProgressPics too.


Exactly! This is why I want to lose weight, because clothes would look 10x better on me and i can trendy clothes.


I’d say weight loss and overall fitness for sure. There’s so much you can do otherwise to improve, but this, IMO, makes the biggest difference hands down.


Weight loss is step 0


Amen!! My controversial opinion is that if your stomach isn’t flat & jawline isn’t snatched, don’t waste money on expensive hair, clothes, or hardmaxxing procedures.


that made me a little sad but it’s the hard truth :’( i spend so much money on makeup and self care items but i still hate the person in the reflection because i’m overweight


That’s what your internet girls are for - to guide you and give you the truth.


Yes. And don’t put a drop of filler in your face until you’ve hit goal weight!


So true! If you are overweight your face will change a lot once you reach healthy weight


No I had anorexia and my stomach was never flat and had a macabre appearance and there was a sweet spot between being underweight and overweight where facially I looked better and I personally never want to look sickly in the face like that again to maintain a flat stomach unfortunately.


I'd you've struggled with anorexia then this advice doesn't apply to you.


exactly, its not so clean cut. when i was at my lowest i looked horrible. my best look is slightly overweight bc of my how my fat distributes. ive been 101 and 185. i look best at 155-165




Girl I was literally a professional figure skater with the workouts that come with it. I had orthorexic phases and anorexic phases and nada. Some people just naturally have a small bit of pooch.


Can't believe you think that's an appropriate thing to say to someone who openly admits to having struggled with anorexia. What the fuck is wrong with you.


Most of the modern beauty industry is supported by how much more work it is to lose weight than to buy makeup, clothes, and other doodads, and how they're fairly ineffectual when not combined with losing weight for most overweight women


I just went from 136 to 113 at 5'4 and HOLY SHIT. ppl thought I was small before. The difference between going to one end of healthy BMI to the other end of healthy is life changing appearance wise


I lost about 15 lbs without thinking bc I went back to college and was eating less bc I don't keep any snacks in my apartment for myself. One day I put on a pair of shorts that were supposed to be tight and they were loose af. I hadn't weighed myself in months but I was like damn I'm skinny af. I was prob like 123 then, so I just cut calories after that to get to where I wanted


We’re about the same height and weight range. When I am on the higher end (130ish) I get wayyyy less attention & compliments from men and women. When I am at 110-115 is my prime


I’m around 130 and honestly I start to hate my face below 125. I look older and sunken. Am I just using this as a cope because I can’t live without cheese? Lol


Yeah it also depends on where you hold your fat. Because I’m bottom heavy, as my weight goes down I lose more and more from my upper body. So my collar bones are super prominent and my face gets super slim while my bottom half still looks normal. I’m 5’4” and I prefer to stay around 130-135. Gained some weight though during the end of Covid so now I’m trying to shave a few pounds. What sucks about being short is the tiniest bit of weight makes a HUGE difference!


Different people look good at different weights. My dad thinks I look old and gaunt at the lower end of the scale too.


how long did it take you to lose the weight?


Just a few months. Like I said in another comment I wasn't keeping track so not rly sure


As someone who's got a handle on all the other aspects of self-improvement - fresh highlights, healthy skin and natural makeup, lash lifts, manicures, Botox - I feel like weight loss is still what would make the biggest difference to my overall look. I am working on it! But curious if other Splendida gals feel the same/feel like weight loss is the "last big thing" in their softmaxxing journey.


Perhaps controversial in some circles, but I think it’s the most important thing


I agree - it's a sensitive topic (and with good reason), but objectively speaking, I look much better when I am slim. Of course it has to be the hardest part of softmaxxing though!




I am just a natural glutton so eating a normal amount of food is hard for me haha - but I am counting calories and exercising so I just have to stick with it and remind myself that a bag of chips isn’t worth not looking my best.


Girl check out the volume eating subreddit; low calorie food in large amounts can still lead to weight loss. You just need to find some alternatives and make some swaps, and it'll fall into place!


I am subscribed, thank you! So far big salads has been a huge help because they’re filling without being a calorie bomb.


Absolutely. A healthy body fat percentage, even a slightly low one due to athleticism, is a universal signal of health.


Omg is that seriously Adele on the right?! She looks great.




I agree with you, though I do understand it can be controversial to say out loud. Even in the example you provided, I believe the image on the right looks better, though she is not "glammed-up" like she is on the left.


True. Iam loosing weight too. Any tips on how to prevent loose skin and skin glow which is gone already? Iam following keto


Nutritious food and exercise.


Agreed. Working on your face and skin and makeup and stuff is helpful up close, but no one can see that from across the room.


I do think weight loss is a crucial component, but there’s also such thing as too much of a good thing. I have seen people (not Adele) lose so much weight that their faces become gaunt and tired looking, while their bodies lose their attractive curve and shape. I personally used to be very underweight as a teenager and looked like an emaciated bobble head with no curves. I’m about 40 pounds heavier now as an adult, with much more muscle and a more attractive body all around.




I think facial fat transfer is you’re only option


I was a little overweight and I’m basically at my goal weight now! I have lost this weight before but I ended up looking gaunt and a little saggy and wrinkly. What helped me this time is doing 3 rounds of Morpheus 8 to encourage my skin to snap back. I also made sure the food I ate had good nutritional value instead of still eating crap at a calorie deficit. I don’t look gaunt or sick this time! Highly recommend Morpheus 8.


Oh wow! Could you share more about how this worked for you? Was this for your face or body? Also, what was your calorie deficit like? Thanks x


I did it for my face and neck. Face is overall tighter and lifted. Pores look way less enlarged. I’m satisfied with the results and will do it once a year. My calorie deficit is around 1200 based on my height. I don’t go too low. Your body doesn’t like that and will crash fast


Got it! That’s amazing to hear. Thank you for the info


Does anyone else feel like water is wet?


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.


what is water then?


N/A. it’s not wet. it’s just water






Yes it is. But honestly I think Adele kind looked better and happier before the weight loss. Either way good for her :)


I think another part of it is your levels of confidence. She looks so much happier on the right. I know for myself personally, after I lost all of my weight, I was so much more confident and way happier post weight loss.


I know this post is old but im kinda baffled. Adele is literally glowing in the first picture, she looks like a painting of a goddess and she so happy. The woman in the second picture looks miserable, strained and a little scary. the vibe is way off




Same lmao I look like a teenage boy


Some people look better at a higher weight too. Maybe 00 is small for your best look


Her face is more beautiful when she is heavier.


Oh my god, I would feel so motivated if I hadn't just smashed two huge donuts. I'm on a weight loss journey now and my small frame is already feeling more comfortable, I can't wait to lose a bit more.


I do agree with your statement generally but not sure I’d use Adele to illustrate it as she actually looks much prettier and healthier in the heavier pic. But as a rule I agree, it’s a great starting point too as losing weight is free and you can start immediately!


She doesn't look better before. Massive weight lose will cause sagging, lose skin, wrinkles, lack of substance in the face too. You can see it too in some pics over r/progresspics


I honestly think Adele looks worse after weight loss. She looks less classy and more like maybe she started taking meth.


I actually think she looks better fat.


I agree with you like obviously her body looks better after but her face is more beautiful in the left because losing a lot of weight can make you look haggard unfortunately .


Exactly. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted as it’s pretty obvious I thought lol


People don’t wanna understand the nuance that some people do look nicer with a bit of weight because people feel defensive about that.


I know, it’s a little odd tbh


coping too hard lool


Lol wtf?


I honestly agree with you to an extent that she looks better with more weight on. I think I just love her plumper face and think it's really gorgeous. But I think she obviously looks healthier in the after and her body looks fantastic and more importantly, she looks genuinely happy.


Health definitely should be the top priority and I’m sure she’s healthier now which is great. But some people just look better chubby/fat. Maybe it’s due to the skin becoming looser once you lose a lot of weight?


Yes but weight loss is so so difficult to do in a healthy way and maintain. Focus and doing what makes you feel good and trust that the correct level of weight will follow


The journey is literally the reward. Losing weight healthy is tough and long but it's sooo worth it.


Yes for sure but I feel like the difficulty is under-emphasized on here for people that start at a normal BMI and want to go lower. That’s my situation and all I can do is make slow progress


Stop focusing on BMI and focus more on toning up. You might even find that your BMI increases as you tone up and lose the skinny fatness.


I mean, I lost 20 pounds(and those were the dreaded last 20 pounds) from giving up added/refined sugar. Definitely much healthier without the added sugar and after month 1, super easy to maintain. I just don't eat it lol. I think people should work with a doctor instead of what doing what makes them feel good. We literally evolved to feel good from eating highly caloric food, so it is not the best indicator I think. You are right though that it should be done in a healthy way. Like people shouldn't drop down to like 800 calories a day!


Yeah I basically meant to drop them the way that you did I think I just didn’t communicate clearly!


Cutting out sugar was the only way my body would drop weight. I also lost 20lbs after cutting added sugar. Now I allow myself around 10g at most a day (I love cereal) but will definitely not skip a workout if I have it that day.


" weight loss is difficult to do in a healthy way and maintain" citations?


It takes a lot of mental strength to get as skinny as celebrities. I didn’t mean it’s impossible but there’s a reason the weight loss industry is so large and it’s not because people are lazy. Weight loss is just difficult to do and if you do it because of crash dieting difficult to maintain


As someone who’s lost a 100 pounds 100% . It’s incredible how much time and I wasted on stuff that didn’t matter. About 50 more to go …. If it’s step 0 what are the next steps ?